Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (2024)

Oct 26, 2013
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (1)
The Game
Do you like Mount & Blade? Of course you do! Have you ever thought to yourself, "Mount and Blade is great, but I wish the full game was multiplayer, not just the match-based stuff"? Good news - you can, thanks to some questionable Russian devs likely decompiling the entire codebase and converting the whole game impressively seamlessly into an MMO. This is genu-ine Bannerlord, but online. It's been out about six months. They spent the last month or two adding a wildlands area where you can fight world bosses and PvP anyone. They also just released a full clan system allowing for long-term wars between clans and alliances to play out anywhere on the map. More on that later. The next update after this one will introduce sieges and clan-ownable castles (only 62 on the map so they will be in-demand). Battle caps just got upped to 200vs200 with a max of 5 players per side with up to 120 troops each, fought in waves. They're quite fun.

The Community
It's terrible. What did you expect from a game like this? The good news is we get to kill most of them and Glorious Leader Burlington (citiation needed) spent long hours sorting through the various pubby clans, separating the wheat from the chaff, selecting only the finest non-neo-nazi/groomer/ebushido clans to ally with. Right now we live in Battania with the coolest of them, Fenn Mormagil, who generally vibe with our Gooniness. There are plenty of targets and we typically go on one pvp roam a night. The decent clans we give a fair 5v5, the sh*tlers we just gank and take their gear (yes, players will sometimes drop gear in value including their super special weapon, armor, ect.)

The Team
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (2)

Mod link:

Discord link:

We have about 6-8 active players on any given day, with about 10 more semi-active. Almost all goons or goon friends. I think our clan can hold a max of 15 (soon to be 18) so we have space for about a few more goons to pile in, and then we could do an allied splinter clan if we get more than that. We're on the Sandcastle Kickers server and if you've played survival games with goons in the last 5 years you've likely played with one or more of us. We have plenty of gold, gear and troops to donate to newcomers, so don't worry if you're feeling apprehensive about being able to commit a lot of time to this. Much like EVE, even the newest players can be crucial in PvP. Lower sized armies move faster on the world map, which makes them very good at tackling larger player armies.

We also have our very own clan hall, which can be decorated and where you can store your loot/hang out with your fellow goons.

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (3)


The majority of the units you see here are actual players with 100 stack armies each. Battles are 5v5 armies, but engagements can can go on for hours and wars for weeks.

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (4)

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (5)

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (6)

Bonus image: We hit one of the clans so hard in war, they came to our city, paid us 1.5 million denars, and kneeled at our feet for peace (The horse being returned was being held as collateral):

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (7)

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (8)

This game is ripe for salt harvesting, and the new prisoner update is just around the corner, where you will be able to take enemy players prisoners and lock them in your dungeon. If that doesn't entice you, I don't know what will. Come play, my lords:

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (9)

Turkina_Prime f*cked around with this message at 18:14 on Nov 22, 2021

#?Nov 22, 2021 16:44
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Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (12)#?Aug 14, 2024 15:48
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Lorem ipsum
Sep 25, 2007
I own bannerlord but haven't played it a lot. Will I be able to flex my thousands of hours of degenerate Crpg experience or will I be totally outclassed by gear and larger armies? Does this mod add new gear and stuff?

Also, do you have a link to the mod?

#?Nov 22, 2021 18:10
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Oct 26, 2013
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (16)

Lorem ipsum posted:

I own bannerlord but haven't played it a lot. Will I be able to flex my thousands of hours of degenerate Crpg experience or will I be totally outclassed by gear and larger armies? Does this mod add new gear and stuff?

Also, do you have a link to the mod?

Updated the OP with the mod link.

While there isn't any new gear in the game, you will absolutely be able to use your experience from other mount and blade games to win fights in the arenas. Player combat skill starts to matter less when you're fighting an army of 200 AI that's commanded by one player. That being said, if you can take out that enemy player, it will cause all of his troops to charge directly at your troops, which can be very costly for them.

We can also provide you with gear/gold and have a clan storage full of gear for newcomers to help themselves to. The only thing you need to do is to keep levelling up leadership by winning battles against looters etc.

#?Nov 22, 2021 18:17
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Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (19)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (20)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (21)

Lorem ipsum posted:

I own bannerlord but haven't played it a lot. Will I be able to flex my thousands of hours of degenerate Crpg experience or will I be totally outclassed by gear and larger armies? Does this mod add new gear and stuff?

Also, do you have a link to the mod?

Honestly gear and individual skill for pvp is mostly just for looking pretty, if you try any heroics you'll likely just die quickly and all your dudes will go absolutely buckwild and charge to their deaths. It's best to sit on a horse and babysit your troops and worry about positioning and stuff. Your own skill comes into play more for farming looters to train your army, it can be helpful to kite enemies and tank damage so your own recruits are less likely to die (this is more of a time and money saver though, since statistically not all your recruits will survive to be tier 4-5 so it's just trying to maximize their odds). As Burt said, there's lots of decent gear in clan storage, so we can get you set up pretty quick.

I brought a bunch of horse archers over from Khuzait lands when I joined and ganked my first dude yesterday solo! He was autowalking with a company of low-level Sturgian recruits and I just ran around shooting him with arrows.
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (22)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (23)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (24)

Justin Tyme f*cked around with this message at 18:59 on Nov 22, 2021

#?Nov 22, 2021 18:55
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S w a y z e
Mar 19, 2007
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (27)
f l a p

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (28)

Been playing this too and having a blast. Anyone who has sunk 100's of hours into any of the M&B titles is gonna have fun with this one. Combat skill definitely matters in PvP - until the enemy commanders are dead they're pretty much your #1 priority since one dude is capable of soloing a large number of guys/swinging the tide of a close battle. The clan system is cool too and shifts the game firmly into "good mmo" territory.

Looking forward to being able to lock people in our dungeon Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (29)

#?Nov 22, 2021 21:05
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The Source
Jul 11, 2021
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (32)
yeah games awsome lots of tactics involved and the devs are very responsive to what the players are asking for in reguards to improvements... plus tons of pubby tears!#?Nov 22, 2021 21:50
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Lorem ipsum
Sep 25, 2007
Well, I tried but i'm still having the same menu bug I was having months ago with bannerlord where the menus are super unresponsive and then they totally stop working after like 5 minutes.#?Nov 23, 2021 00:47
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Sep 7, 2006
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (37)
Legit the best mmo styled game I have ever played and I don't understand why the gameplay loop is so addictive.

The Bannerlord gameplay in fights is complex enough to reward a little thought but slow enough that my lovely Aussie internet and huuuuuge ping doesn't seem to be a hindrance.

#?Nov 23, 2021 02:18
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Jan 29, 2008
The drama in this game is top tier. Almost Last Oasis or Dual Universe levels of salt, tears, and overall care bear crying. They help you gear up and murder people so they can complain about how our big mean clan is so bad and toxic and just really big meanies. lol#?Nov 28, 2021 19:10
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S w a y z e
Mar 19, 2007
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (42)
f l a p

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (43)

The pubbies in this game are so unbelievably ripe for the picking. There are multiple alliances that seem like they don't even really enjoy pvp, just staged battles and duels with some sort of ebushido honor system. It's like we're the bad guy in Demolition Man and everyone in the future are these colossal softies. All we really need are numbers at this point.#?Nov 28, 2021 21:50
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Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (46)
This peaks my interest, going to buy bannerlord just for this.

can I run around with a full horse archer army and be a rear end in a top hat to everyone? or is that too easily countered? what do people roll around with in this?

#?Nov 29, 2021 01:39
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Sep 7, 2006
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (49)
Did anyone pick up the fine steel menavlion?#?Nov 29, 2021 16:04
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Communist Q
Jul 13, 2009
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (52)

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

This peaks my interest, going to buy bannerlord just for this.

can I run around with a full horse archer army and be a rear end in a top hat to everyone? or is that too easily countered? what do people roll around with in this?

The meta build of shock troops with cav archers counters it, but you'll be able to candidly stomp any npc armies with just horse archers as it's one of the best farming builds. It still has it's place in PVP, but it's not without it's answers.#?Nov 30, 2021 01:34
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Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (55)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (56)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (57)
Strangely enough, the pvp meta comp is Battanian Veteran Falxmen which you mount on horses by telling (typically Aserai) cavaliers to dismount and telling the falxmen to mount. They're like OG Khan's Guard minus a bow but with a loooooooong swinging bladed weapon. Their counter is.... veteran falxman, but dismounted (which you can counter.... by not telling your Aserai cav to dismount and just shoot them with their bows, as the falx have no shields). It's quite silly atm. All horse archer armies are good all-rounders, maybe not *the best* in pvp but still good, and great at farming npcs.#?Nov 30, 2021 02:56
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S w a y z e
Mar 19, 2007
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (60)
f l a p

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (61)

The ability to take players prisoner comes out tomorrow. We have no idea how the devs are gonna tune it, but there may be the potential to deny other people the ability to play the game for hours if not longer. Depending on how this plays out, this could lead to gaming-historical levels of soft sweet buttery boys being tortured by hardcore pvp mechanics. I'm giddy#?Dec 2, 2021 18:33
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Jun 30, 2005
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (64)

Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (65)

S w a y z e posted:

The ability to take players prisoner comes out tomorrow. We have no idea how the devs are gonna tune it, but there may be the potential to deny other people the ability to play the game for hours if not longer. Depending on how this plays out, this could lead to gaming-historical levels of soft sweet buttery boys being tortured by hardcore pvp mechanics. I'm giddy

As someone about to give this a shot, thanks for this post. this sounds like balls...#?Dec 2, 2021 23:04
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Jul 22, 2008
The prisoner thing sounds hilarious but also like such an obviously bad idea for the game I can’t believe they are actually putting it in. Didn’t slam whales in atlas keep some streamer alive as a prisoner for several days?#?Dec 3, 2021 13:04
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Sep 29, 2007
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (70)
Hair Elf

Comrayn posted:

The prisoner thing sounds hilarious but also like such an obviously bad idea for the game I can’t believe they are actually putting it in. Didn’t slam whales in atlas keep some streamer alive as a prisoner for several days?

It was a follower from the streamer's clan and it was a lot more than a couple days.#?Dec 3, 2021 15:31
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Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (73)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (74)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (75)

Comrayn posted:

The prisoner thing sounds hilarious but also like such an obviously bad idea for the game I can’t believe they are actually putting it in. Didn’t slam whales in atlas keep some streamer alive as a prisoner for several days?

At least its only an hour max, and less if you heal and pick the lock. They dropped the ball though and made it gated behind a TERRIBLE resource grind. We hooted n hollared about it in the BO discord and confirmed Storm was reading so hopefully they'll tune it down. He's reduced grind before after backlash so we'll see.

I was the first one to capture someone! Ahotkarl was committing WOOD FRAUD by resetting the wood market order while we were cutting wood, and we set up an ambush as he was leaving town. I had him in my party but we didn't have a dungeon, so I tried giving him a free taxi ride deeper into enemy territory. He automatically released after ten minutes, but unfortunately instead of going to the nearest town, you go back to the clan hall. This actually is probably better, since enemies will get sent far away from the frontline at least.

Justin Tyme f*cked around with this message at 18:58 on Dec 5, 2021

#?Dec 5, 2021 18:55
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Aug 9, 2010
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (78)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (79)
Bannerlord is 20% off for the next week, did the prisoner update break the game? Still worth a shot?#?Dec 16, 2021 20:09
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Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (82)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (83)
Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (84)
Honestly the prisoner update was a massive wet fart and they force peaced the entire server, the population took a massive dive and nobody really fights openworld anymore (nobody wants to be the first to wardec). We're all waiting for the castle update and/or this new Frostlands update coming on the 24th. The update looks interesting but is basically just the same as wildlands but no horses allowed, the game really needs player owned castles to really start the fun.#?Dec 19, 2021 02:58
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Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (87)#?Aug 14, 2024 15:48
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May 23, 2008

Comrayn posted:

The prisoner thing sounds hilarious but also like such an obviously bad idea for the game I can’t believe they are actually putting it in. Didn’t slam whales in atlas keep some streamer alive as a prisoner for several days?


EDIT: Atlas used steamID for everything which meant it was really easy to write a discord hook that let us know when a prisoner logged into atlas. Then we could rush him with clubs and force feed/water him so he wouldn't die.

#?Dec 19, 2021 08:33
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Bannerlord Online: Tales of Bog Beth (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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