VinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Gangleader Vin x Idol stylist Zack Chapter Text Chapter 2: Mother nature Zack x Dragon's successor Vin Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Game streamer Zack x Vin Chapter Text Chapter 4: Dragon shapeshifter Vin x Zack Chapter Text Chapter 5: Vin gets isekaid x Werewolf Zack Chapter Text Chapter 6: Content creator Zack x Content creator Vin Chapter Text Chapter 7: Trained by Gun Zack x Trained by Mujin Vin Chapter Text Chapter 8: Vinzack and lost girl Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Vinzack Cakeverse Chapter Text Chapter 10: Parent Zack x Single parent Vin Chapter Text Chapter 11: Monster King Vin x Human Prince Zack Chapter Text Chapter 12: Vinzack and ghosts Chapter Text Chapter 13: Bayoenetta is Zack's mom au aka witch Zack x human Vin Chapter Text Chapter 14: Crossdressing Vin x Chief Zack Korean Joseon dynasty au Chapter Text Chapter 15: Vin has high spice tolerance x zack who does not have Chapter Text Chapter 16: "Muscle Femboy" scammer Zack x Content creator Vin Chapter Text Chapter 17: Zack x Vin loses his memory for a bit Chapter Text Chapter 18: Rabbit successor Zack x Dragon successor Vin Chapter Text Chapter 19: Psychic Zack x Vin Chapter Text Chapter 20: Game system Vinzack Chapter Text Chapter 21: Zombie Vin x Survivor Zack Chapter Text Chapter 22: Gamers Vinzack Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Idol Bodyguard Zack x Vin Chapter Text Chapter 24: Human prince Zack x dragon shapeshifter Vin Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Vin x Divorced dad Zack Chapter Text Chapter 26: Fake dating to get out of arranged marriage Chapter Text Chapter 27: Stuntman Vin x Movie director Zack Chapter Text Chapter 28: Werewolf vin x human zack Chapter Text Chapter 29: Single Dad Zack x Vin Chapter Text Chapter 30: Ice powers Zack x Plant manipulation Vin Chapter Text Chapter 31: Vin x Divorced dad Zack Chapter Text Chapter 32: Vinzack Car Racing au Chapter Text Chapter 33: Knight Vin x Massive bird shapeshifter Zack Chapter Text Chapter 34: Vinzack kinda like jessie and james from the rocket team Chapter Text Chapter 35: Vinzack being silly in a wedding dress store Chapter Text Chapter 36: Drunk Zack x vin Chapter Text Chapter 37: Rally driver Vin x Zack Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Exhuma inspired Au Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Human prince Zack x dragon shapeshifter Vin who is a farmer lol Chapter Text Chapter 40: Runaway Prince Zack x werewolf knight Vin Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Cowboy hat rule Vinzack Chapter Text Chapter 42: Vin x Opera singer Zack Chapter Text Chapter 43: Vinzack Parasyte Au Chapter Text Chapter 44: Eclipsa Zack x Monster Vin Chapter Text Chapter 45: Drag queen Vin x fashion designer Zack Chapter Text Chapter 46: Gang leader Vin x Designer Zack Chapter Text Chapter 47: Writer vin x rich rich man Zack Chapter Text Chapter 48: Ssireum teach Vin x designer Zack Chapter Text Chapter 49: Batarou but Vinzack Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 50: Alpha Vin x Beta Zack Chapter Text Chapter 51: Youtuber Zack x cencored cc Vin Chapter Text Chapter 52: Roommates Vinzack au Chapter Text Chapter 53: Zack gets kicked out cuz hom*ophobic dad lol Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 54: Explorer Zack x magical Blacksmith Vin Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55: Zack loses memory after fight with gun Chapter Text Chapter 56: Prince Zack x Knight Vin Chapter Text Chapter 57: Sacrifice Vin x Knight Zack Chapter Text Chapter 58: Barista Zack x Vin Chapter Text Chapter 59: Variety show actor Zack x Gangster Vin Chapter Text Chapter 60: Fake marriage au for a tv show Chapter Text Chapter 61: Fake marriage au for a tv show Chapter Text Chapter 62: Rich Zack x thug Vin Chapter Text Chapter 63: Divorced Dad Zack x time traveled sorcerer Vin Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Gangleader Vin x Idol stylist Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok slideshow

vinzack, zack loves zombies but fears ghosts and vin is the opposite, also imagine this comic au of them gangster vin and zack going out in pyjama's and realizing how much vin reminds him of himself when he was in high school and begged to go with mira all the time and zack always thinks "is this what mira felt?" and vin is like a gangster but like doesn't wear suits to work😭😭 he just borrow's jichang's suits because he want to leave impression that he like works as a bodyguard for idols and isn't a gangster but zack knows vin is a gangster because yohan pointed out when the two of them were walking dogs and vin had gotten out of the car after having dinner with jichang discussing about seoul and cheonliang and their affairs and vin borrowing clothes from jichang and jichang just saying he will just buy vin and give one of his people to vin to maintain Vin's suits😭😭 this was like after their first meeting when jichang had taken vin out for suit testing cuz they needed to look fancy for Taesoo's and seokdu's wedding and there was a dress code and vin needed help. and they went to this suit place where he had pumped into a lost dog. Zack's mini dog that had been left alone in the bag and vin played with it and called the number on the tag and then saw tired zack with his eyeliner ruined like he had cried (zack works as a stylist for idols) and zack thanks vin and takes the dog and leaves as he curses why did he become a idol stylist. this lead to vin asking pics of the dog because she was so sweet and vin misses him. zack took this as an opportunity if vin could babysit his dog because the dog was a rescue and feared to be alone and would act out if left alone and the new

and there was like a new policy that zack could no longer take the dog with him to work. but then again zack wasn't sure if he could leave the dog with vin who didn't know but zack has send pics of the dog to vin and zack was getting desperate as he couldn't get hold on anyone and zack asked if stranger vin could look after her and explained the dog's situation. vin gladly took her and came to pick her up and vin was like really overly dressed and zack was like explaining everything and then vin asked "does she enjoy clothes?" and zack said "yeah, i have some in the closet if you wbat to dress her up, i gotta go, take good care of her" and zack zoomed past.

vin looked for the closet and then packed a bag of dog stuff and then dressed up the pup for seokdu and taesoo's wedding. so vin takes a pic and sends it zack and then vin takes a pic of them both and sends that too. then vin takes her and himself to the wedding and takes a lot of pictures as they show so much love to the dog who is really really happy. vin sends a lot of pictures. and then vin returns back with some wedding cake and food he got with him and told some of the cheonliang fam to help him carry all the bags and stuff to Zack's place. vin opend the door and tolds everyone to be quiet as he sees sleeping zack. vin undresses the dog and every food gets put to the fridge. vin picks up zack and carries him to the bed. they all leave and vin leaves a text explaining about the food and everything.

this lead to zack feeling obligated to accept Vin's dates while bot wanting to hurt vin cuz vin was a life savior when it came to babysitting his dog. so yeah zack tried to make vin fall less for zack by not putting energy for the dates but it made vin fall more cuz it made him realize tat zack is a tired hardworking man and feels comfortable around vin to dress in comfy home clothes.

in the end zack soon realizes he actually likes vin when vin suddenly doesn't answer his texts and doesn't show up. (vin got into a bit car accident) and zack feels so stressed that he realized he actually cares for vin and his stupid humor and jokes. so zack is desperately calling nonstop until unfamiliar voice picks up and zack is like "hello?? helloo?? is this vin??? vin???? vin jin???? HEYS ASSHOLE???? WHY HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED MY TESMXTX IM WORRIED!! WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR 2 MONTGS!! WHY ARE YOU GHOSTING?!?!? ARE YOU THERE?!??!? VIN!!! YAAAAAAAA!!!" zack continued to pour his heart out in that call for hours until he heard distant vin yell "WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING HIM WHAT HOSPITAL I AM IN?!?!? HE IS MY BOYFRIEND FOR f*ckSAKES!!" and there was silence and vin again "I'VE BEEN IN COME FOR 5 DAYS!?!?WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM?!?!?" and zack yells what hospital vin is at and vin asks and gets an answer and yells. zack runs there with his dog in his arms and zack arrives there and sees the state vin is in. just a broken arm but he hit his head. zack yells that he was worried abd vin smiles and then says "your screaming, i heard everything that was said but i couldn't track the time and didn't know it had been days and it made me force awake" and zack pouted and felt bit flustered and vin giggled at how adorable zack was. soon zack accepted that he was dating a gangster lmao

Chapter 2: Mother nature Zack x Dragon's successor Vin


due to character limits on both discord and tiktok the raw ideas are really silly and lol enjoy these ideas i've had that i never put into full blown fics cuz it would take too much time and dedication so i hope these are enjoyable crumbs

Chapter Text

imagine an au where the world turns into sh*t and you get to pick your class, knight, necromancer etc. but there was an option. to gamble what to get for legendary cards that weren't available in the picking the cards slots in the 3 minutes time range of everything. Zack of course picked the gamblin and got a rare card that was amongst the player card searches. Zack stared at the card and realized he might have gambled badly but also it could be a good card. he had gotten the card, the way of the cows. Zack now had cow horns, ears and tail. the reason why the card wasn't available for zack (it got explained on the card of the class) was because of zack's bio gender. but the more zack read it, he soon learned that he could run 40km per hour, 4 times more than humans and zack had the insticts of the cow, zack's fighting boxing style was benefitting from the buffs and the pros of the card but the name and that zack now had the ability to lactate due to the card's speciality. there was a note (in the time where milk is now not easily to obtain, cows are now part humans!) and zack f*cking flipped at that note. Everything else in the card was a plus for zack, except for the lactating part. luckily zack was alone and didn't see what card he had picked, and now zack could lie that he picked a card about having bull powers but zack soon realized that if he met someone who had bull card, they could totally tell zack was lying. but for now zack had been luck and disregarding his milk during fights and coat himself in blood so it wouldn't seem so suspicious. but one day zack had to find those bottles that gather milk and tell the truth to his party one day because zack couldn't keep up always coating himself in blood when he felt the milk want out. no longer wanting to be stored.

then came the day when it was second time picking the class, zack thought about the gambling since he had gotten a card that wasn't for him because it clashed with his bio gender. so zack said f*ck it and gambled the second card and he got a text "first discovery!" and zack stared at the card that hadn't been labeled at what rarity it was. Zack stared at it and screamed and yelled. "HOW IN THE HELL IS MOTHER NATURE A CARD!?" zack stared at the card and tried to understand what the hell of a joke this was. it was another card that hadn't been seen by anyone due to gender and it just being made up. a card that was made for zack's existing card. zack read through all the powers he now had as there was so much to read, but the one he wasn't excited about was that now he produced healing milk. if he worked the skill to it's fullest he could cure anything and even restore lost limbs and give buffs which sounded op but it would mean zack would probably become a target for other people to capture him to obtain this op milk. zack had to keep this secret. there was this plust tho, if zack worked this skill, it also meant zack would get immune himself too, healing himself when getting injured and get immunity to different levels of poison. zack would be invincible if he put time and energy on putting his skill points to this ability and not the other amazing skills like plant manipulation and controlling animals and humans. the more zack read about his new skills he soon realized he was op as hell if he worked on these new skills and played his skill stats safe, only thing that zack wasn't so happy about was getting revealed. revealed that he can create healing potions easily and is a walking healing potion himself. zack was going to keep this new card as a secret and lie to people that he picked plant manipulation as his second card so zack had both close and range cards for his survival

but then zack got into an argument with his party because of zack's huge appetite and also getting into the argument of there suddenly forming giant dungeons in the middle of each city. dungeons that go down and the party wanted to go down but zack wanted to stay on the surface because he wanted find mira and see if she was okay. soon the party's leader kicked zack out and now zack was alone. Zack tried to find a new party to join on for his surivival but each tried to attack zack or not trusting him because of his classes being bull and noob plant manipulation. zack sighed as he was getting tired of being alone and he couldn't find mira anywhere until on a community note on his phone had a post up, which cost money and it said "I'm fine, Zack Lee, our team is trying to figure out something in the dungeon. The dungeon gives people to revive your body for exchange of blood. so if you die in the dungeon you can come back to life but the healing is different outside dungeons. if you die outside, your missing leg is gone forever but inside the dungeon the legs is back as normal in exchange of the missing ingridients. - mira" zack soon noticed that his powers were sliglty allinging with the dungeon's system but zack stayed quiet about it, but at least he knew mira was safe. zack now wondered if he should form his own party or try to help people out or lunge himself inside the dungeon. before zack could choose anything he noticed vin getting slaughtered by other players. zack jumped in on saving vin and killed every player that were about to execute vin. the other players screamed at zack to stop because he didn't know anything about the situation and how dangerous vin was but zack didn't listen and killed them all, zack leveled up and got points to update his skills. zack turned to face vin who was missing his arms and zack hurriedly put every skill point he had on the healing milk and zack rushed to rip off his own shirt and smashed his chest on vin's face. zack yelled

"DRINK BEFORE YOU DIE, I'LL TRY TO HEAL YOU SO YOU CAN DRINK MY HEALING MILK!!" zack had small healing powers but they weren't op like the milk. the healing powers were for small wounds etc but the milk was the big game

vin tiredly drank and then he started to devour it as he was no longer tired. his arms started to form back and zack had created a root barrier before all this mess so only vin would know about this healing milk. Zack switches to other breast because vin's hands weren't fully there yet. vin drank and drank as the milk was feeding his hunger.

then vin passed as he had fully gotten healed and revived by zack. zack took closer look at vin's hands and arms to see if they all got healed. then zack was suprised to see how well it worked. zack took closer looks at the hands and then noticed sharp strong nails. zack wondered what classes vin had, but it hit zack that he needed to be truthful to vin once he woke up, truthful about his class. zack wasn't excited about that, but ont he mean time zack used his plat powers to create roots to drag the bodies of the people he killed. to see what loot they had on them. some of the items were good until he hit a jacket for himself. a item to help collect mana. it was perfect for his plant powers and animal manipulation and the low healing since those requered mana. zack put the item around his neck. zack then hoped no one had heard him scream about the healing milk or he would have built a target on his back. zack then heard monster wolves, giant wolves appear near the root protection, they were there to eat the coprses of the humans. Zack decided to put the mana item to use and control the wolves to protect the root nest because zack wanted to take a nap himself. zack laid down as it was cold but he tried to ignore it and fall asleep. during the sleep zack trembled because it was cold and vin had unconsiously turned into half dragon in his sleep and wrapped his tail around zack for him so stay warm form the conrete below them. the two of them cuddling as vin's tail was keeping them warm.

Then vin was the first one to wake up. He was confused why he was alive and why at his last moments it tasted so good. The creamy and the sweet, it tasted like he had eaten a desert before he had passed out hoping to die. Then vin opened his eyes and noticed he was hugging a person by their waist and resting his head against their chests. Vin stretched his arms out and soon noticed he had his arms back that had been cut off when he fought his party. The party who kept him because Vin's first class was chef. Vin could prepare meals with buffs and even cook skill points to upgrade skills and level up. In a sense Vin's card was great because it broke the system of not needing to fight to level up and get skill points. The reason why vin had been kept in the party and vin didn't need to fight monsters and vin was kept protected so he could make his meals. Vin had chosen this card on his own but when the second card picking hit. Vin decided to gamble and he got a rare legendary. "Only one person" class, dragon's successor. Vin got all the dragon abilities but vin kept it quiet. Quiet from other people, because the party he was with was pretty anti monster and vin was already having hard time hiding his eyes and the party didn't want to give vin free will to change parties so vin was stuck with the players. Vin had lied to the party members that vin had picked fire bender card to set camps easily and cook meals more efficient with vin being able to control the heat

He knew if the party found out vin was now half monster they would flip out and kill him. So vin hid while also upgrading his skills and soon vin found out he can also control water too and vin got curious about that but kept upgrading his cook and fire skills. But then his secret got out. They were in the middle of fighting when another player from another party had a skill to see everyone's cards. Then they backed away screaming "DRAGON!!! TEHIR TEAM HAS A LEGENDARY DRAGON'S SUCCESSOR CARD!! WE NEED TO RUN OR WE ARE DEAD!!!" The karty vin was in was confused by this and during vin making them food they discussed who was lying about their cards because they needed to kick out the monster from their team. Vin stayed quiet and someone pointed out vin was quiet but vin said "im always quiet when i cook. I need to focus on what buffs your body needs rught now" and the team then left vin alone. Time passed more and more and then it hit the leader of the party. A sword had cut off Vin's other arm and vin yelled in pain. He didn't have time to react and the leader yelled " you are no fire bender! It's you!! You are the monster!!" Vin then revealed his full form and tried to fight back but die to his lack of experience fighting other players vin was losing. Even with the buffs and gifts he got from the dragon spirits he kept losing and lost his other arm. He thought he was dying until he was alive for some reason and cuddling a stranger. Vin just stayed in place not knowing waht to do and then he felt the other man move and then groan and then say "f*ck im so hungry"and vin recognized that voice but wasn't sure who it belonged to. Vin closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Zack moved to sit up and soon noticed he wa on a warm scaly hairy bed. Then zack realized he was on a really long dragon tail wrapped around. Zack looked at the tail and realized it belonged to vin. Zack lifted Vin's hands a bit to see if his arms were healed "thank god i spammed all the skill points to

That skill and had enough to heal body parts back to normal"

Then zack saw Vin's face and noticed his antlers but said "oh, you also have horns" zack touched the antlers as they were bigger that Zack's horns. Then zack woke up vin by saying "wake up vin. We need to move and I'm really hungry after healing you" vin woke up and sat right up as he came to the conclusion the person who saved him didn't mean no harm. Vin faced zack and he was shocked and said "how the hell are you still alive?" And zack got offended "if i wasn't alive you woulf be dead!! Stop trying to start a fight so early!! Gosh I'm so hungry!!" and vin was confused by Zack's such angry behavior. He had seen Zack's angry behavior but it never was this bad. Then vin said "i can cook, these roots seem nice for a meal i have some scraps... oh yeah they got destroyed." And zack then said "i can try to make some veggies with my powers if these roots are not enough?" Amd vin said "that would sound nice. Now where is my cooking pan?" And zack asked "cooking pan?" Amd vin said "oh, my class is a cook and this whole dragon's successor class came out of gamblin. f*cked me over since the strong party i was part of hated monsters but refused me to leave since i had a cook class. Bunch of assholes" and zack said "they are all dead so now u are all free" and vin raised his eyebrow at zack "you defeated them with your plant powers?!" And zack said "well, they looked tired so that was easy and my class the way of the cows gives me a skill of berserk. So i was able to defeat them with pure fighting. The plant powers are from another class and im really bad at it still" and vin turned to stare at zack while he had been cutting pieces from the roots.

"You have a card that is for bio women?!" And zack said "yeah, i got it from the gambling. When you gamble you can get anything regarding the anything. My second card was literally made just for me. "New discovery" type of legendary, which has put me in a tough spot. I could go and try to find that pan of yours" and vin said

"If you find my packback, i have an item that lets me carry anything, there are multiple pans in there and other cooking tools. The item looks like those medivial gold coin pouches." Zack left the root home and let vin do his thing of collecting roots. Vin soon walked oustide and noticed wolves outside. Before vin had time to freak out zack said "they are under my command thanks to this item. No need to worry about them. Also i found your item. Is there anything else i could help?" Vin thanked zack and then asked if zack could make these specific veggies and zack then put his skills to test meanwhile vin was making food. As vin was cutting the veggies vin sighed "i just had a recipe come in mind but it would need milk. I used last of it on the last food. What a bummer" and zack then said "i've never thought about drinking my own milk" and vin turned towards zack utterly shocked and said "why would you suddenly say that!?" And zack said "did you forget? I can lactate??? I saved your life??? You drank from my breasts?? Wait, i could've hidden this from you?!??! f*ck, NOW YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE FUN-" "so that creamy dessert like sweetness was your breast milk?? Wait, you healed me with your milk? Restored my limbs with your milk?" And zack then revealed his second card explaining that his first card had the lactation feature but it was pretty much useless back then just a fetish like thing in Zack's mind but ever sense he got his second card the milk now became an op healing potion. Like zack was now a wlaking healing potion and since zack now leveled up this skill to save vin zack is now immune to certain poisons and can regrow his own limbs too. Vin stared with his eyes open and then said "can you milk yourself on the pan?" And Zack's face got red and then told vin not to look and the wolves also not to look. Zack felt relieved that his milk got out since it would get painful if he didn't let it run out and with the other party zack was in so much pain at times

Because of not monsters being nearby so zack could soak the milk with blood on himself. Vin saw the buffs and everything with his skill stats when he was cooking and he said "zack, your cards might be embarrassing but jesus f*ck you are op as hell, for that, im turning those buffs into skill points so you can put em in good use and i can too" and Zack's eye widened open and said "wait you can cook skill points!??!" And vin nodded and zack offered his hand "Let's be a team. You milk me and turn them into skill points and we get stronger together" and vin laughed a bit and agreed. Due to Vin's cook class and milk being a food ingredient. Vin can turn the milk's effects into something else too which made them too pretty op together.

The two of them now ate the food and zack ate most of it since he needed food to produce lots of milk which zack hated but vin didn't mind cooking for zack. Bith vin and zack told each other their fake card identities in case a player walked up to them and wanted to know because vin agreed Zack's milk skill was op to the point if people knew about it zack would eb the biggest target to get, so without leveling up to show up on the scoreboard of top 5 players in south korean server, they obtained their skill points and stat points by eating without leveling up to gain them. And when they found an item shop vin went to the mother's section and bought zack an asier tool for getting milked without making it so messy that vin licked zack clean. Because wasting the thing made vin mad. Vin bought some more bottles to storage them inside the infity pouch where the time also stops, so nothing rots in there. Meanwhil zack was just looking at better fighting gear. They continued their journey as vin was disguised as just a cook who had elemental powers and zack who was just a bull with plant manipulation. Together they mastered their skills more and more. Then the two decided they should enter the dungeon and level up finally or people would get

Suspicious why low level players were so op and also both of their cards told them to go explore the dungeon to get past the maximazation on the skills they had now on the surface. The dungeon had a lot of levels but the first level was full of people. So many that the two almost lost each other and zack too Vin's hand so they wouldn't get seperated. It seemed like the 1st floor was free fro monsters and was a safe heaven from the monsters on the surface and from the 2nd floor. Like a safe point. No wonder so many low level people set up their communities and homes on that level, to get back to the feeling of normality.

Finally the two of them made to the level 2 and zack wanted to gather information about the levels and the dungeon and he found a traveler group that was gladly to change their info for food. Vin cooked and they soonngot info that people only has managed to get 8 levels down na mo matter how many times they try to clear the seco d floor to expand the firts level people fron getting overcrowded, the monsters would still appear unknowingly from somewhere. They also have info that they don't know how many levels there are in the dungeon but they have discovered 8. They soon said goodbyes and then it hit why their cards told them to come here. Zack's was to learn and witness different monster plants so he could create his own and Vin's definitely was to see other dragon species to turn into different dragons and probably to master his elements too and then their cards revealed that zcak was correct because now they unlocked more skills to get more and more better and then the two of them got eager to discover the bottom of the dungeon

The deeper they got and vin had a new personal task set by the dragon. To consume 10 different monster meat. Vin stared at it confused and the rewards. Vin turned to ask zack and zack said he had the same task but named as the way of the ecosystem, then vin said he will try his best to make the monster meat not taste bad and said "well i do drink your milk, how bad would monster meat taste like" time passed and they had consumed 3 monsters so far. Theh were in the middle of skinning a kelpt, horse meat on level 4 when Zack's old party ran into them. They looked concerned and offered to give their food for the two but vinzack had to delicline to get their personal mission completed. Then the party asked "sense you are here on the dungeon would you like to a party together, like old times? We've been stuck on level 4 for ages" zack was bit skeptical but vin said they should take the offer to reach the bottom because it seems like the dungeon is calling out for them and more people meant they could reach their goal. Then zack agreed with the only condition that vin and zack eat their own and can share but won't eat the others food. The leader agreed after bit of hesitation but they needed Zack's bull powers and he was great to the party back at the surface. So the party continued and vin made delicious food out of the horse meat and the ingredients zack created out of the veggies. The other party stared at the food but ate their own food as they didn't wabt to eat monsters. Then one of the party member asked about Vin's eye and zack said "like people are born with diffirent coloured eyes. people can be born with polycoria. I'm going to go take a leak" zack said as he took Vin's item pouch with him. Vin knew this meant zack needed to empty his chest from milk, so vin tried his best for the party members to not go after zack. Zack soon returned and threw the pouch at vin and vin caught it. Zack started to clean up the plates with water and vin packed the leftovers inside

His pouch and someone asked about it and vin explained it was a bottomless pouch and works for storing food since time stops inside the pouch.

For now they made to level 5 while mapping the whole place in the process and so far they haven't been caught. And this was now vinzack's last monster meal to see what the rewards was for them. They leveled up past the party members and got items that showed their monster side. Zack got a cowbell that is suppose to increase Zack's mana storing and capturing other people's mana, but also enhance Zack's animal control into now controlling monsters to be more friendly and Zack's face was in a shock about the bell because only zack was able to use it. Zack then said to vin that his bell can calm down and put off any animal and monster guards who is shorter than one meter. The oarty heard what zack said and asked how in the hell zack got the item and zack explained it was his own personal mission assigned to him as the name of the way of the ecosystem and zack was told to eat 10 monster meat. Zack put the cowbell around his neck with the ribbon and vin was still staring at his own item. It was jewel too, now vin could airbend and soulbend. Vin said he can now airbend and didn't say anything about the soulbend, vin and zack looked through where to throw their skill points and vin soon learned that he can now bloodbend and zack can now along with plant manipulation also now earthbend a bit but his direction was nore towards minerals and iron.

They all ate and vin and zack got a new personal task, it was with the same name but this time they had to eat 15 monster meat meals. The mission was changed from 10 different monsters to just monster meat meals. Soon the party with vinzack wondered if they also would get activated with this missionnif they eat monster meat. They still didn't know vinzack's true cards so they assumed based on vin that this was their theory when in reality the monster in the two gave them this mission. So vin cooked a monster meal for all of them and they got boosts and buffs cuz of Vin's cook class. The party was disappointed at not getting what

They wanted and zack reminded that zcak and vin let this happen once but they would still like to eat the monster meat just between the two of them. The party agreed. That night vin and zack had private convo and vin told zack about the soul bending and blood bending and zack told vin about the earth bending he left out earlier. Just a heads up for each other. They slept the night and continued their explorings. they successfully made it level 6. sh*t started to geta real and they defeated a small dragon. Vin went to collect the meat as usual and then one of the party members pulled their phone out to say that the 5th most leveled person just got announced but the name was odd vin didn't care but zack was bit curious and the member said the name out loud "Mother nature Lee and Dragon's successor Jin" and then they wondered if it was a shared spot, this was hard, because the top 5 was what they feared. Because the ranking gave away the most rarest card the person had out of 2 or 1. Both vinzack had the most rarest cards. But it seemed like the party didn't notice that vin and zack were the one on 5th place. Soon teh party members wondered what mother nature class meant and dragon's successor because those sounded really unique. They wondered what powers they would have and how did they share the same spot. Vin and zcak ate in silence and when vin consumed the small dragon's meat, vin soon got a new skill "chameleon of dragons" a skill to shapeshift into another dragon but vin had to eat their flesh before vin could transform into that dragon species. Zack was excited about it. Then suddenly there was screaming. One of the party members had gotten severaly poisoned. Zack told vin to hand the milk and zack fed the milk from the bottle. The person stopped coughing blood and shot wide awake. He drank more and handed rest to zack. Then the person asked what potion was that and zack said "milk" and everyone stared in confusion and zack came up with a lie that it was

Monster milk from a cow with 3 heads on level 3 and the cow was immune to poisonus plants and frogs, so they figured to milk the cow just in case if one of them got poisoned in the dungeon. The party bought the lie and vin wanted to laugh a bit because they got fed Zack's milk. The party continued in the floor and vinzack accosmpl3d their task and moved top ranks to rank 4 and got new skills to put their skill points towards to. Now their new mission was to eat 50 monster meat meals.

they soon enter the level 7 and the team reads at the community notes and everyone wondering who these two people are since no one has any idea since they don't seem to show themselves on the media. then suddenly vin heard a baby crying in the distance. only vin could hear it, vin told everyone he is hearing a baby crying and told to follow him. ht party didn't listen but zack listened and followed after vin. soon the party had to follow the two because they were the strongest fighter and cook. they walked and finally everyone else also heard the baby cries. then they entered a room full of blood and some ancient text and a corpse of a giant dragon, the bones decorating the room. the vin sensed something in the kid and picked it up withouth any hesitation. zack soon followed after and vin handed the bloody baby to zack to take the milk out of the pouch but zack just plopped his tit out because he had been leaking a bit already. the baby drank as it was hungry. their backs were towards the party who were scared that the whole thing was a trap. vinzack suddenly got a another personal mission "raise the daughter of the dungeon" and both vin and zack stared at each other about to say soemthing until a party member yelled "SO I DRANK YOUR MILK!?!? BACK THEN?!!?" zack turned to face the party as the baby was drinking milk from zack. the party members were in shock as the milk they've been seen used in cooking and one person drank to prevent death from poison, was milk from zack. the party member tried to run up to zack to try and shake him but he suddenly was stopped by an invisible barrier. now vin and zack were confused. the other members tried to also go through it but couldn't, then one pointed at the ancient text that circled the two and said the invisible barrier has always been there and it seemed to only let vin and zack through. then there was a theory going on that the dungeon thinks it's one of them due to them eating the monsters, which was a theory

the one party member did not care as he wanted to get in and strangle zack for lying and making him drink his milk. suddenly the party member couldn't move and vin said "if you lay your hands on him. I'll kill you" the party member pissed their pants and passed out while standing because they couldn't move. vin soon let go of them and then said "those who want to hurt us, we shall not protect you from the dungeon, you may return back to the surface. for us, we need to continue to go deeper. Will return back to the surface and not cause harm to us by being in the way or will you help us, the mother nature Lee and Dragon's successor Jin?" and vin got hit on the shoulder by zack and said "dumbass, you gave us away" and vin said "they need to know now, we are already at the leadboard and we are getting closer to level 8, how long until we get past that and that? our personal guests make it seem we are meant to travel deeper and deeper. also the dungeon gave us this personal mission to raise this daughter of the dungeon. it seems like out classes are meant to solve this dungeon" zack let out a sigh and burped the child and it bruped with a fire on vin's face. frying vin's face. zack moved his shirt to free his other titty and vin latched on it to heal his face. and zack commented "like father like daughter, def your child" vin's face was fully healed and then vin pulled cloth out of his pouch and did this contraption on himself and told zack to give the baby and zack gave vin the baby and put it in the cloth and now the baby was sleeping against vin's chest. soon the two of them stared at the doorway and only found one of the party member standing there. it was the new kid the party member had gotten after parting ways with zack. their weakest mage. he sat there waiting for vin and zack to step out. vin and zack stepped out and they explained the plan to the mage, we shall call him hmmmmm wonshik. they told wonshik about the plan of not revealing to strangers that

vin and zack are the mother nature and dragon's successor since they have a child and they should play it safe and zack glared at vin when he said that and vin apologized.

wonshik agreed to keep it secret and he was excited because he actually liked their company over the others because the two seemed to take good care of him, even though wonshik was older than them, it felt nice to be noticed even though he wasn't a great fighter. they traveled more and more trying to find their way to level 8, the fartest people have been to and wonshik explained that he had heard from the party that level 8 is like a safe zone too but getting there is though due to the dragons on level 7. but they easily beat the dragons due to zack's skills and vin's. vin got so many dragons he could shapeshift to and wonshik got to see vin shapeshift into a dragon to defeat a big dragon but vin was larger with his korean style dragon. the 3 of them got to know each other more and wonshik made a comment that he was like an uncle to the baby and vinzack were the parents. that made both vin and zack realize that they acted like an couple withouth realziing they never made it official. but both of them didn't say anything in the fear of making it more awkward. as they were on their camp, they heard the screams of another party, they all 3 got up and the baby was on vin's chest. they got to the scene and there was a small dragon who was fast and causing trouble. zack rung the cowbell and the dragon became slow and saw no prey. zack grabbed the fast rascal by the neck and slammed it multiple times on the ground. the dragon died and zack got the rewards and zack swung the dragon around his shoulder imagining what they could cook out of it. then the other party asked for healing potions because one of their party member was seriously injured. and zack was truthful and said "i have healing milk, my milk. is she willing to drink that?" and everyone looked disgusted and zack said he was a healing cow, not a bull. they stared each other and the injured tried to stand up to walk towards zack but stumbled and then zack told to give the bottle. vin got the milk out of his pouch

and handed it to the injured woman. the party stared at the baby and then it clicked them, vin was carrying the baby everyone on the 7th floor had tried to save but failed multiple times. the woman was healed and the baby started cry. vin handed the baby to zack and vin took the dragon thingking how to cook it. wonshik helped to put the cloth on zack so he could carry the baby once zack was done feeding her. the other party still stared in confusion until someone spelled the beans and wonshik explained that the two were able to get inside the circle because he had a personal mission which involved eating monsters. wonshik asked how the third monster eating was and zack said after 2 meals they've eaten 50. the other party stared terrified and then zack warned wonshik about the burp and the baby burped but didn't burp fire, instead it burbed flowers. zack stared at the child and wonshik commented "i think since you two were able to get inside the circle the baby also has your powers" and zack said "so she truly is our daughter" and there was a huge smile on zack and he said "oh, vin is going to love to hear this. oh, are you guys hungry? we are cooking the dragon next. don't worry, we've eaten monster for a month on this level and wonshik hasn't gotten any personal missions or side effects. it's okay to eat dragons" and then one of them said "why would we eat monster when we could eat stock animal meat on level 8. we resurfed from there to get a 30th try on rescuing the baby but it seems like the baby was waiting for you two" and zack stared in confusion. zack explained they have a camp set up and if the guys wouldn't mind drawing them a map how to get to the 8 level. zack explained they would join after their personal mission was fulfilled. so the party drew a map for wonshik and zack and they bowed in thank you. the party said they'll let the community know that the baby is in safe hands.

little did vinzack's party know that the community now thought vinzack were the chosen one to get through the gates seperating the 8 and the 9. since no one was actually able to get access to level 9 because of this invisible barrier. as vinzack where camping and eating, suddenly wonshik got a personal mission. "eat dragon meat" this happened right before they were eating and wonshik had eaten dragon meat before, it seemed odd and vinzack agreed. wonshik ate the and his mission granted this weak one card mage the card of necromancer. wonshik was so confused and his new personal mission was to serve and protect the mother nature lee, dragon successor jin and the daughter of the dungeon. the mission was labeled as "duty of the godfather" and wonshik started to cry and vinzack were confused thinking wonshik got a punishment but soon wonshik explained what he had gotten and vinzack were both happy. soon they all 4 continued with hunting more monster meat and then vinzack reached their mission of eating 50 monster meat meals. zack was gifted with a ring and so was vin. there was nothing on the discription of the rings, no details what it did. but vinzack also got level boosts which made them skip straight to 2nd most levels in whole south korea. wonshik happily clapped hands as vinzack tried to figure out what the rings were sinde it did have a name, zack had the name "mother nature's treasure" and the ring was decorated and carved like leaves and flowers. vin's was named as "dragon's blessing" and decorated like a dragon wrapping it'sself around. both of them put it in their own pockets and they stared to make their way to level 8. they no longer got a personal mission which made them more and more reach level 8. once they reached level 8, it looked like a kingdom, the magic macking ti seem like there was a sky when there actually wasn't. normal village houses and crop fields. the monsters were in harmony with the humansa and the players. a symbiosis between all of them

so they step in and they are immedeatly greeted by so many faces. suddenly the rings vibrate in their pockets and vinzack take it out of their pockets, then they get a mission "make vows and slid the rings to each other's hands" vinzack started to blush until vin got courage and got on his knee and zack got on one knee too and they both giggled and laughed as they realized they were finally making it official for the both of them. they said what they wanted to say to each other and vin slid the ring to zack's and zack did to vins and they kissed. vin let his dragon out tail our and antlers and wonshik was happily clapping and soon the townpeople joined. and now thier personal mission was to concuer the dungeon, a huge step from everything else. but they've got this

they beat the dungeon and become the kings of the dungeon in seoul and their daughter grows into to strongest player in whole world the end idk brian now dead

lactating zack

all this world building to justify zack lactating

Chapter 3: Game streamer Zack x Vin

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imagine streamer zack au and he plays a scary game called Don't scream and is bluffing that he doesn't get easily scared and that it's easy to beat. but as zack keeps playing the game he seems to fail over and over again because at first he screamed so loud at the jumpscares and got scared at the random women in white in the middle of the forest thinking they are ghosts and he thought this scary game did not have any ghosts. Zack thought this game was just about not screaming and surviving. so zack started to get more scared but this time he didn't scream but accidentally keeps hitting his mic because he goes in now into fight mode and curses at himself for all of this. then there is banging on zack's window but zack thinks its coming from the game until there is a jumpscare were zack throws his headphones at the mic and hears the banging on the window, as chat also gets very concerned. then zack looks towards the window and find vin hanging and banging on it for zack to open it. zack curses and keeps screaming at vin to go to the balcony to get in. the chat is spammin ????? as zack is no longer in the room and there is muffled yelling coming from the next room. people on social media start to question the f*ck is going on and then vin comes to the frame and people spam more ???? in it and zack picks a stool and sits next to vin and vin turns to look towards zack and goes "you are goign to f*ck up my first attempt" and zack goes "i am not, i'm keeping chat in place, also you need to stop climbing up f*cking apartment building to get in here" "the grind never stops, now lets play this game" and then vin's first run got ruined by zack towards the last 4 minutes. vin did get scared but he didn't scream, he went silent play dead mode aka just flinched and didn't scream and didn't move. Vin then told zack to go to the other room for 18 minutes and then vin beat the game with ease and vin shouted zack to come back

zack then wanted to try beating it on his own and vin came up with the idea that vin is going to hold zack's wrists down on the table so zack doesn't punch/tap on the mic by accident and this worked until zack screamed but on the second time zack finally beat the game and zack was so happy until there was a jumpscare at the ending of the game and zack shrieked as vin flinched. then zack finally turned to look towards vin and asked how the f*ck did vin know zack was f*cking playing a videogame and was the f*cker watching his stream or was vin crashing at his place to shower again and vin said "you didn't f*cking notice the grocery bag i had with me and shoved it in your fridge? dude, you really need to fill your fridge with food on your own" and zack goes "oh" and vin then goes out of the room and picks up a blanket to throw on zack and leaves the room again to put the groceries in right places. brain died

Chapter 4: Dragon shapeshifter Vin x Zack

Chapter Text

uuuuuu imagine an au where vin i put up as a sacrifice because of his eyes and his lizard scales and people see him as a freak and the whole cheonliang arc happens and when vin runs away to seoul he soon realizes he is a dragon shapeshifter and that he could do so much more than turn his human flesh into lizard flesh and viseversa because one morning in seoul when winter was getting closer vin had antlers and had to witness his antlers to shed for the first time. no matter vin did he couldn't transform to make the antlers dissappear at first until he shed them and he could get rid of them. now vin's bathroom was covered in red and his horns were on the bath tub. vin was f*cking confused until he connected the dots that he was not just cabable of turning his skin into a lizard. the whole day vin mastered him turning into a dragon in his apartment and was able to get his tail and etc but not fully turn or halfway turn. mary got worried why vin skipped the whole day at school but put it into maybe vin couldn't control his lizard skin. the next day vin was excited to explain to mary and then vin pulled out of his backpack one of his horns he got took with him. "This is my bones" and mary took it in the her hand as she was freaking out on the inside. "I could make some money selling reindeer antlers!" and then mary told not to cut off vin's horns and then vin got nerdy and explained that antlers are made out of bones and reindeers shed them and then horns are made out of same material as nails and hair but animals don't shed horns. and then vin started to explain that male reindeers shed antlers in late fall and in early winter so, if she thinks vin is not in school it might be because vin is making a bloody mess in the bathroom. mary then threw the antler at vin and took it as mary walked away and vin was smirking. the antler was pretty small but vin read that the antlers get bigger and bigger easch time it regrows so vin was excited for more money.

then time passed and vin got curious in the mountains if he could do centaur dragon mode since doing the full dragon would be risky ass hell. vin was able to do it but when he did that zack had been jogging and got scared when a giant claw appeared in front of him. Zack decided to follow the body of the leg and saw it was shrinking. zack grab onto the dissapearing body as zack was flying in the air as he was getting to the source of the body and crashed into vin. they grunted and zack opened his to see antlers on vin's head. zack was confused and then saw them dissappear and zack got even more confused as he was sitting on top of vin. vin was slightly panicking and then he heard zack whine. and vin said "the f*ck you whining about?" and zack said "I WASN'T WHINING, YOU ARE HEARING THINGS" and then zack continued "i know that giant claw was yours and that long red lizard body was yours. are you a dragon shapeshifter? can you fly?" and vin let out a sigh and revealed his antlers and tail and nails and zack got excited that he almost grabbed onto the antlers when vin's tail got under zack and it made zack shreak when he was lifted up in the air and put away from vin. and when zack was put down the only thought in zack's head was "that was hot" and he didn't even notice he had said it out loud. lol

Chapter 5: Vin gets isekaid x Werewolf Zack

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Twitter video for more context

imagine an au where vin gets isekaid to world like this and his powers are that he can buy stuff from his other world, vin is doing fine on his own but the magic world is so confusing to him. he did not understood it much but he was still winning his fights with his own fighting skills and he started to get the title of warrior even thought his class was a warlock but vin did not understand anything to do with magic and was happy to use his fists and then use his magic to buy stuff "online" as in he uses his magic to create a screen and buy stuff that get teleported to him. so one time vin was cooking all alone and the wimp lone werewolf zack caught the scent of the food and he was hungry that he half way his transformation to human he passed out in front of vin. vin ignored him until he heard the yells of other adventurers yelling "WHERE DID THAT BEAST GO!?!?" "THAT WOLF IS WORTH OF SO MUCH MONEY!!!" "I DON'T CARE IF IT CAN TALK OUR LANGUAGE IT'S STILL A MONSTER!!" and then vin decided to use his powers to buy a blanket to hide the werewolf while he moved the other to sleep on his lap. the group of adventurers saw vin and asked "have you seen an injured wol... are you a monster? what's up with your eyes?" and vin then said "Well that's rude to say to someone who has a disability. Leave me and my partner be, I have not seen anything you are looking. Both me and my partner are exhausted and would like to have our moment in peace" the adventurers stared and then asked "did you cook this? this smells so good. Do you min-" "I said we would like to have our moment in peace. We are on our honeymoon exploration trip" and then soon the adventurers left holf o n

now vin was eating in peace not knowing the adventurers were watching in the corner because they saw the bloody footprints but the adventurers were also exhausted witht he fight with the werewolf. the werewolf could smell them and due to that didn't come out from the hiding until he groaned when his head hit the ground because vin went to get some more food, vin said sorry and zack wrapped the blanket around himself to hide his ears because he couldn't fully transform to human because he was really exhausted. then vin spawned another bowl and zack stared and was about to get up when his ankle gave up and vin said "just stay put I have both of our food" Vin soon walked up to zack who was near the fire and vin handed the food and zack saw vin's eyes. zack stared and vin asked "do you find me that handsome?" and zack slipped "yes" and then they both froze and then zack yelled "I MEAN EWWWWWW YOU UGLY ASS HELL!!" and then zack started to eat the food as vin felt so freaking happy but returned it with a small smile. zack was quick to finish as he suddenly vin gave his own rest since it was vin's second bowl. as zack was eating more vin decided to take a look at zack's injuries and lowered the blanket revealing the ears. the adventurers came from the bushes. vin got up and threw his cooking pan at the adventures and one of them said "is that all you got?" and then vin got to his karate stance and all of them looked a bit causious thinking he was going to bend an elemental. they attacked and vin disarmed everyone while landing his hits and flips then he someone trying to attack the injured person, vin flipped them and put them in a lock hold and dislocated their arm. vin then proceeded to dislocate another arm as the soldier cried in pain as their arms were dislocated the others started to get scared but continued to attack because they soon realized that Vin couldn't kill. but in the end vin dislocated everyone's arms and fingers. soon they left crying and scared as vin

had traumatized the sh*t out of them when he was playing around with them not killing them. then vin turned back to zack and continued to treat zack's wounds, after vin was done he went to sleep and quickly fell asleep. zack was so confused why vin was so comfortable falling asleep so easily zack soon joined him. the next morning zack's ankle had healed and he could walk but he was still really exhausted to turn fully human, he tried to but then vin said "don't exhaust yourself to change" then vin cleaned up the place and walked off. zack followed after him as he was bit of loner himself. they didn't talk just got to know each others names as both of them continued to walk in silence. well they did talk at some point when vin got zack some clothes. (vin had to buy a hanbok as it seemed like the only option that wouldn't look so out of the place since all the clothes were too modern in the store and vin knew he could get caught with this power and get locked up(reasons why he wanted to get a name for himself so people would fear him and not lock him up)) when they reached a town zack got defensive because he smelled the adventurers scents. vin noticed zack's uneasyness and then said "this town knows me and are kind to me for all the favors i have done for them. It's going to be okay" zack soon got closer to vin as people stared at them. until a kid walked up to them and got so happy to see vin. she showed a toy she got and then she turned to look at zack and then said "mister, your princess looks so pretty!!" vin got all flustered as so did zack as his tail started to wag. the kid noticed and said "YOUR PRINCESS IS A PUPPY!??! YOU ARE SO COOL MISTER!! I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU!!" soon the kid's mom walked up and picked her up and looked at vin and asked "is he your princess?" and vin said "He is my partner. i think my gifts may make him look like a princess. he is a great fighter", and zack's talk wagging got so violent that vin started to feel it his ass

"good, we had 3 adventurers that came here all injured yelling about an eyeball monster and how we were all going to be in danger. we all knew they were talking about you because no one fights like you. was very easy to tell, the adventurers are in the cell because they caused some other commotion. It's good to have you back Vin" and now vin was walking towards something and zack followed him and then they reached a house and vin said "welcome to my place" and then vin got himself comfortable as one of his magic animals greeted vin. Zack got bit startled by the starry owl due to its size but soon zack got used to it as he became friends with the owl. and finally vinzack talked as they got to know each other better.

Chapter 6: Content creator Zack x Content creator Vin

Chapter Text

Imagine an au where vin keeps calling zack babe in japanese and zack thinks it's an insult but then one day he hears someone on stream call him babe jn japanese in the push notifications and zack asks what does that word mean because a person he hates keeps saying that and then the chat goes wild and zack is confused why people keep calling him baby until zack realizes "wait, i thought he has been cursing me this whole time" and during this vin uploads last to leave vc with the cheonliang group that allied have no idea off. And vin all sleepy gets a dare even though he is a host and the gang laughs at that vin is so sleepy and a host doing a dare but then vin realizes it and switches to a truth and says "f*ck it, for this round teh host joins in for sh*t and giggles" and then he gets asked a question and vin answers honestly what was the last thing he said in another language that isn't English or korean. And vin answers honestly in japenese "babe" and the Cheonliang fam goes crazy and scream "dating scandal?!?!?"

So the timing is now perfect and people start to wonder if this is somehow connected and then come up with the plan that xack should react to this last to leave vc content on stream. So zack is in the middle of chattting with his chat and then finally does watch the last leave to vc but pauses soon as he hears Vin's voice and goes "wait" then zack skips the intro to the real deal and sees vin doesn't have his face cam on and zack looks annoyed. Then zack looks at his chat and goes "this video is 2 hours long i only have 15 minutes before i need to leave. What timestamp should i watch?" Zack actually didn't want to watch vin because he was an annoying brick. Then zack gets the timestamp and gets the part where vin says the babe part and then zack hears vin explaining "Guys!! Guys!!! I'm not dating anyone!! I'm just manifesting!" And then zack hears "in japanese to a korean person! Dude just confess already!!" And vin goes "but that baddie is scary" and

Then there is laughter as zack stares at the screen eye wide open as he tries to process in the info and goes back and then zack gets up and ends the stream to find where the f*ck vin is

brain died

Chapter 7: Trained by Gun Zack x Trained by Mujin Vin

Chapter Text

if zack lee was trained by gun au and vin was trained by his dad but still got influenced with so much sh*t au imagine the powerduo of zack being known as a lonewolf who just beats up people to get a meaning and vin just kills people for money to fill up the void with money and they cross paths one day and zack doesn't know anything about gen 0 stuff so he acts all normal with vin asking for a fight until zack steps on glass and he curses and vin shouldn't be so bothered by it but he saw long hair and went "yeah, i wonder if he can fill up that void" and starts treating zack in the hotel he is staying at the moment and zack stays for the night cuz he has no place to sleep cuz he is homeless and zack is back on the streets, then zack gets a small word of the gen 0's jin mujin's son being a total menace in seoul and they wonder if he will be the person to take over seoul but then people talk about that he is a lone wolf who kills for money or anyone that pisses him off and he has no soft spot. then zack wonders who this person is until he hears the word "that cheonliang scar on his chest truly is something and that long hair reminds me of zack kinda" and zack's eyes shot wide open as he realizes the big guy who was all gentle with zack was jin mujin's son, the ruthless hitman and brain died

Chapter 8: Vinzack and lost girl


I honestly have forgotten about most of these au ideas I've send to Ez

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imagine an au where vin finds a lost girl who is a crying mess and sees no one is helping her and then vin gets close and asks the kid where her parent are but the kid says to leave her alone and "You'll just make fun of my eyes too and not help me" and vin then took off his dark shaded sunglasses and gave them to the little girl and then vin asked again where her parents were and she said she doesn't know where his parents are. and the kid can't see well behind the sunglasses, vin then asked if it was okay for him to pick her up or would they walk together to the nearest police station. the little girl took the second option and vin took her hand as vin started to guide towards a police station. people stared at vin's eyes. then the girl heard someone whisper "look at those eyes" she soon became insecure and held in her tears. then she heard "his eyes, did you see? I didn't know you could have that" then she looked up at vin's hand and then vin thinking if vin also had crossed eyes like her. then she tripped and almost fell on the cement if it wasn't for vin's quick reflexes to prevent that from happening. the girl then asked for vin to carry her excusing she was tired. vin picked her up and they continued to walk. then vin heard her stomach growling. There was a store nearby and she said she wanted to eat something. they went inside the store. vin walked to the pastries isle and the girl took off the sunglasses to see what she wanted to eat. she took this opportunity to look at vin's eyes, but she only saw vin's right eye and she was confused. she put on the sunglasses and vin turned around and saw a kid staring at him. the kid screamed "MONSTER! EYE FREAK!" and ran away. vin just mumbled some curses in japanese and then the mom came into the picture and vin said "teach your kid some manners!" and vin walked past them to the register. the mom was about to go all karen mode until zack walked past her and said "can't you teach your kid not to insult strangers?"

the karen got all worked up with zack and then vin heard zack's voice arguing with the karen and vin was just waiting in the line to pay for the food and then vin heard zack say "He isn't a monster! I don't even think he is a bad person at all! He has really beautiful eyes and f*ck you!" vin stepped out of the line and walked up to worked up zack. zack was too heated with the karen to notice vin until vin picked up zack to his other shoulder and said to the karen "he is a professional boxer, I'm taking him with me before he does anything stupid because i'm the only one who can stop-" "I CAN WIN AGAINST YOU IN A FIGHT YOU BR- oh, vin, i didn't know you had a sister" zack paused before he started cursing and the kid waved at zack as she was looking over vin's shoulder, zack was stuck on vin's shoulder ass facing the world aka close to vin's face and the karen. Vin started to walk away and, wait it would be so much funnier if vin picked zack up in the air like he did with seokdu's student and zack was yelling at vin to put him down and vin said "airjail, you are coming with me before you do anything stupid" and then vin takes him with them to the line to pay for the food the girl was holding onto, and on their way to the line she asked if she could also get some soda and then vin put zack down to free his hand pick up some soda, zack also picked up some for himself as he continued to follow vin

Then they both take the lost kid to the police station where the kid gets to find her parents and vinzack walk outside the station and vin ask about zack defending vin like that. Zack just says he was just honest and hates people who judge based on looks and vin ruffled zack's hair and walked away. Zack was left confused as his heart felt bit weird, in a good way

Chapter 9: Vinzack Cakeverse

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Twitter post for more context

imagine vin is a fork and zack is a cake

like vin knows he is a fork and taejin for so long thought vin might be a cake to his fork(crazy level extra of taejin as in he is the most psychopathic crazy person ever)

but vin doesn't want to find a cake because he knows he doesn't want to be like taejin

vin does anything to ignore any cakes he is fine with not tasting anything because he has started to enjoy textures of food and drinks

but then one time when vin and zack were arguing zack's sweat landed in vin's mouth and vin's worst fear came true but vin's first thought was to tell zack to be careful and zack was confused and thought vin was threatening him and vin then asked "do you know you are a cake?" and zack froze. but there wasn't fear in zack's eyes and zack said "no" and vin then said "be careful, not every fork is like me" and vin got up and left.

but zack couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he was a cake, he went to search more info about this and learned vin could not taste anything. so one day out of curiosity zack walked up to vin and pointed at his own neck and said "wanna lick it?" and vin was so confused and said "are taking a piss at me?" and zack said "well i searched more about it and i wanted to know what i like taste like as a cake" and zack got all shy and vin then licks zack's cheek and zack yells at vin for licking his face and not his neck. "you trust me too much, what if i start get obsessed by your taste and start chopping you like a cannibal?" and zack pouted and said "you wouldn't do that, I know it. What do i taste like?" and vin stared at him and said "that is the most stupidiest question because i can't taste anything so how am i supposed to tell you what fruit or spice you taste like? all I can say now is that you taste really good" and zack continued to pout. he put a toffee candy in his mouth and asked "wanna experiment more?" and vin nodded and zack kissed vin and vin got 2 tastes in his mouth. the toffee tasted so different to zack's taste and when zack pulled away. zack asked again "so did i taste like a toffee or not? I searched more that some cakes find their taste through doing this but like you said it might never be correct dep-" "Why do you trust me that much?" vin cut off vin and zack said "Well you are a reliable guy, so why would i not?" and vin just couldn't wrap his heard around it and then he said "you tasted different" and zack then said "hmmmm, wanna go out on a date?" and vin goes "are you seriously asking me out? a fork and a cake has never ended good" and zack said "oh, don't be silly. you think so bad of yourself, btw, i like how you taste too" and vin went "what?" and zack started to blush and stutter on his words and brain died

Chapter 10: Parent Zack x Single parent Vin

Chapter Text

so like, an au of zack getting baby trapped and doesn't notice he is getting emotionally manipulated to be with his wife and their son dohyun soon notices that his father is miserable on his own. Always clinging to his wife or making sure not to make the wife angry. Dohyun soon turned 14 and missed most of his nice childhood and looked down on his dad for not stepping up even though he was in great shape and still went to boxing time to time and the gym, but it was always so weak in front of his wife. Dohyun started to rebel against zack

So dohyun the bookworm and the smartest in class because of the mother's expectation for dohyun to become a lawyer. Dohyun started to not return home to study and studied in a library instead. Staying late as possible and ignoring the mother's calls to return to home to study in that closeted room and force his father also to be there to work on his clothing designs. If they talked it would mean no dinner from the mom. While dohyun was at the public library, he was kinda excited and sat down to study. He wondered why he hasn't thought about coming here before. So as he was deep in his thoughts he didn't notice that his classmates who saw him as this weak nerd approached him and were trying to interupt dohyun constantly.

Meanwhile twins enter the library because "dad, said to wait and read here until his work ends". The kids explore as this wasn't their first rodeo to pick a book and read while waiting for dad or do homework while waiting for dad. So the kids notice dohyun and he looks really uncomfortable. One of the bullies take dohyun's notebook up for dohyun to reach but he can't reach and tells them it's not nice and he needs to study. And then dohyun remembers his dad's boxing but ends up hurting himself when punching the bully and the bully threw a punch in dohyun's tummy

dohyun folded as the bullies continued to laugh and ask for money, the twins noticed the loser in need and remembered their dad's words "i used to get so heavily bullies that i became a bully. I never want you two grow into bullies or victims, stand up for yourself and help those in need" and the twins charged at the double the size bullies and bit their ankles and actually beat the sh*t out of the 6 bullies at ease because their dad likes wrestiling with them and the kids love taking mary's judo classes and doing some karate on the side. The bullies screamed "monster!! eye freaks!!" and the kids giggled as the bullies ran away. The twins soon got to dohyun and asked how he was doing. dohyun lifted up his eyes to see the twins and the eyes, one having polycoria on left and one on the right, fem and masc. Dohyun was so mesmerized by the eyes and said he was all fine and thanked the twins. the twins asked questions as they sat next to dohyun on the table and took out their own homework. dohyun got back to doing his own homework and was stuck at some questions, one of the twins noticed and looked over and told the answer to dohyun and dohyun found it so odd that he knew and the masc twin said "i like biology too much" and dohyun nodded. dohyun ended up asking questions regarding to biology when he didn't know and helped the twins with math. Time passed and the twins got a phone call from their father. Dohyun didn't want them to leave, they were his friends he ever felt like they weren't judging him by his rich kid status. The kids started to pack dohyun's stuff as dohyun was confused and the kids said "we are going to introduce our first friend to our dad! He is going to be so happy!!" and dohyun goes "huh?? do you think it's a good idea? I am 14 and you two are 8, wouldn't it seem suspicious? what would your mother think?!" the twins say in unison "We don't have a mom, but our dad isn't that scary!" and dohyun put on his backpack as he got dragged by both of his hands

they walk to the entrance of the library and the kids are all excited and stuff. Vin is there and is all curious about the new friend but seems pretty relaxed because of how awkward dohyun is and how excited the kids are. Dohyun noticed the big bulky man, dohyun had small plan, "Could you walk me to home?" and vin raised his eyebrow as dohun could see his own refleaction on the sunglasses. "I could drive you there, my car isn't parked far from here" and dohyun panicked, because he wanted the giant beast walk to him to his door, hoping his mom would get intimidated not to starve them or destroy the living room. "Could you walk to my door? I don't feel safe wal-" "sure" Vin said fast as the kids were hanging on dohyun's legs. Dohyun finally realized that he had done something really rebelious and he was scared sh*tless as he got into the car and sat at the passenger seat. Vin asked for the address and dohyun's hand tremblin tried to type the adress. Vin took notes as dohyun was now scared sh*tless.

VinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (1)VinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (2)

imagining dohyun as lee dohyun lmao

so like when vin finally gets there, it's a giant lot of land with gates and everything. Vin parks next to the big fence and tells the twins to stay in the car as he locks it and starts walking dohyun home. dohyun was scared as vin was on his phone, texting jihan if he knew any cops that was in charge of this area and stuff. Jihan asked questions as vin texted back saying he has a hunch that a kid is getting abused at home. Jihan send a phone number to the patrolling officer and the chief/captain of that area. dohyun opened the gate and vin followed behind. They walked tthough the yard and vin heard a loud crash. Vin saw dohyun flinch. Vin placed his hand on dohyun's shoulder and said "unlock the car, get inside, lock the doors, call these numbers if you think i am in danger or I haven't returned in five minutes" vin handed his car keys and his phone to dohyun. Dohyun froze as he stared at the items in his hands. He watched vin to leave inside the building. Dohyun soon ran outside and into the car and immideatly called the numbers calling he doesn't want to go home and his mom is really mean and he doesn't want to starve and kept apologizing for being mean to his dad for being a weak person and letting get hurt by mom. The police soon picked up on it because connections and the twins calmed down dohyun as dohyun kept sobbing on the phone telling them to save his dad. dohyun then asked the twins dad's name to tell the cops that he went inside the building and dohyun finally says "Vin Jin went inside the house and the police officers go in panic mode yelling to drive faster before he kills someone" dohyun froze. what did the cops mean by that?

Meanwhile at vin, Vin was knocking on the door for quite a while until a sweet looking lady opened the door asking what did vin need and how did he get through the gate. Vin then said "I heard the neighbours complain about the noise" the woman then apologized about the noise and tried to close the door on vin but vin kept the door open until the door came off their hinges. Vin apologized and then asked "is it okay if i take a look around? just to make things sure" and the woman tried to protest but vin kept pressing her about it until the woman finally let vin through. little did she know, Vin was using his voice recorder in his pocket to voice record the whole converstation incase she accused him of faking being a cop, when vin had never said he was a cop or impresionating one. Vin then go along the hallway and walked around the living room and the kitchen and the first floor. Vin chatted trying to lighten the mood and stuff FOOD

vin then asks "do you mind if i take a look upstairs" and vin noticed she got really defensive. then the cops arrived and vin's bubbly personality swithced real quick as he said "I¨m checking upstairs!!" and ran upstairs. vin searched every room as the woman tried to run after vin but the cops asked if she was the "name dohyun gave" and the woman was a raging mess. Vin soon found room that was fully trashed. in the middle of it all there was a naked man in bruises hugging something Vin got closer and notices some cuts too. Vin then noticed the man was holding a metal box and then vin stepped on something and vin realized it was a broken expensive phone. vin noticed the man was really buff and tall, then vin saw the blue tattoo line. Vin yelled to call an ambulance as the cops got close and vin was checking if zack was breathing. and he thankfully was, zack soon opened his eyes and held the metal box even closer to him. Vin noticed that zack wasn't full naked and that he had his clothes be ripped off of him. the police took quick pictures off him as they waited for the ambulance. zack was too deep into protacting the box full of hidden money for dohyun's own apartment when he gets old enough to move out and cut ties with them. and also money for law school so he could just cut ties with them to escape the hell. vin took off his grey hoodie and placed it on top of zack as they waited for the paramedics to get there. Even with all that muscle zack was so easily manipulated to be weak. well, vin had went through that too, but he could expace easier with the mother dying in a car crash.

meanwhile at dohyun, he was freaking out as he was getting dragged to the station to get a statement out of dohyun. He was really scared and the fem twin took his hand and said she'll come with him to the station since jihan is a cop and cops aren't that scary. the two get dragged as the masc twin is waiting at the car with a cop. the ambulance arrives and zack is taken to the hospital and vin goes back to the car and the officer with the masc twin explains that dohyun is at the station and one of the twins went with him. Vin then asked for the station's adress so he could drive there and go pick them up once dohyun is done so he could go see his dad. the officer warns vin that it might take hours before dohyun gets released from there and vin also needs to go there to talk about his point of view about the situation. Vin and masc twin arrive to the station and dohyun is getting talked as fem twin tries her best to calm down dohyun. vin soon notices that across the hall, there is dohyun's mom yelling and her voice can be slightly heard. Vin walks in and shows his voice recorder and shows evidence that he did not fake being a cop to get in and that she let him in the house. vin then got ask more questions as the twins sat on dohyun's lapand it made dohyun feel a bit better. the cop that asked vin questions then asked "Don't you feel bad for your children's eyes? Aren't you goi-" vin took off his glasses and brushed his hair back and said, "don't you need an identiy check while doing this questioning? also how much longer? His dad is still at the hospital" and the cop shut up about the eyes and got back to work. vin got dismissed but they continued to ask questions from dohyun and asked what ice creams the 3 wanted. Dohyun didn't know what to answer because he had never tried it and vin then said "for you dohyun, I'll get you what your dad liked back in high school" and vin was off to buy ice cream. Dohyun then realized that vin knew his dad and also saw the eyes.

dohyun started to wonder if his dad knew about the eyes, time passed more and the police got a phone call from the hospital, regarding zack's hospital visit list. and they soon connected the dots and noticed dohyun got a record back in when dohyun was 6 "Broken a bone in the arm while falling down the stairs with the father" dohyun didn't remember that at all, but the record had been viewed as suscicious case but soon didn't get ruled as abuse case because the wife paid a lot of money. vin returned with ice cream and dohyun didn't know how to eat it until vin helped him and said "your father also struggled with the wrap back in high school" dohyun watched the kids eat first and then followed how to eat his own. dohyun loved the taste as the cop asked few more questions and dohyun was free to go for now. Vin took dohyun to the hospital. it was really silent in the car as the radio was the only background noise as the twins got eepy and fell asleep,

VinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (3)

dohyun tried not to cry but he was failing

then vin said "let it all out, I'm going to take care of both of you" silence then vin continued his words "I do not have a place, but it's the least i can do as an apology for leaving your dad back in the day, he might be pissed off if he sees me again"

VinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (4)

dohyun had a full breakdown

lmao having too much fun with these gifs


they get to the hospital and dohyun sees that zack is sleeping as there is a box on the nightstand. vin said he'll call the school that dohyun will be skipping school and that he is outside the room if dohyun needs him. the twins are with vin as the twins understand that dohyun needs his own space. dohyun's first thought was to look at the hoodie and the metal box. dohyun did feel little chilly and put the hoodie on and then sat down to look at the metal box he opened it and it had a note, a photo of young happy dohyun and a lot of cash. dohyun picked up the picture and on the back it had the names of people he had no idea off congratulating him of his 4th birthday. then dohyun picked up the note and read it, all about the money being dohyun's so he can cut off ties with the parents and study law school or any school in peace. dohyun stared at the note as he closed the lid and felt nothing. he had cried his tears before and he tried to remember some happy memories with his dad, and he only got the memories of zack doodling some silly creatures to his notebook to try and cheer him up, and sneak some snacks to his room at night. dohyun put the box back down on the nightstand and climbed on the bed to lay close to his sleeping dad and fell asleep like a small child next to zack.

vin was taking care of stuff and the kids got hungry so vin asked mary to come and babysit the kids for a while, mary was about to say no until vin said that he is in hospital and needs to keep his eye on a kid and the twins need to sleep and get ready for school tomorrow. mary then agreed to babysit for now and vin was very delighted by this. time passed and now it was vin standing outside the door waiting if dohyun needed him.

time passed and zack woke up and dohyun soon got up and got off from the bed. Zack's first instict was to panic but dohyun calmed him down. then zack's eyes landed on the dark grey hoodie saying "ppp" and zack froze. why was his son wearing that brand hoodie? wasn't that an old model? why is there blood on the hoodie? zack then asked asked "why is there blood on you?" and dohyun soon noticed the hoodie had some blood stains and dohyun said "it's your own, i'm not physically hurt thanks to him" and zack then noticed he was all sticthed up and worked up. and zack let out a "oh" like it was nothing to him. dohyun didn't like that "dad, are you mad about vin jin leaving you?" and zack raised his eyebrow all confused "why would i be mad about him leaving? I think he would be mad for me leaving him" and dohyun gave a confused look at zack and then dohyun said "I'm going to grab some water, do you want some?" and zack then said "yeah". Dohyun got up and left the room to tell vin that zack thinks vin is mad at for leaving vin. Vin let out a chuckle as dohyun walked down the halls to go buy some food. Zack was confused why would his son know who vin jin is and so on but then he saw vin himself walk in the room. vin sat down as zack was on the edge and vin said "I thought you were mad at me for leaving you" and zack said the same thing and soon they both chuckled and then zack asked where his wife is and vin told him straight what happened and zack's heart sank. with zack's mixed feelings battling over and over, soon the fear won over and vin tried his best to tell him he is safe. zack then explained that it's not only just the wife, it's the wife's family too and vin then assured zack "I'm still the master of cheonliang, i can pull some strings to keep you safe, okay? dohyun will be staying at my place for a while since he needs friends to keep him upfloat" and then zack looked at vin dead in the eyes "he has... friends?" and vin nodded and zack smiled as tears ran down his

cheeks. and then vin explained how the twins had found dohyun at the library and so on yada yada. they talked normally as then a nurse walked in, telling that zack has to stay there for 3 days to see if he is doing well and for investigating reasons. then dohyun walked in as he was happy that his dad was getting along with vin. they talked some more and vin gave his number to zack until he realized zack's phone is all busted. dohyun gave his phone to zack to use since he doesn't use it for anything else than calls and texts anyway. vin put his phone number on it for zack and soon vin and dohyun left the hospital. Vin had made some phone calls for a sudden dayoff this night because emergency with his family and the other guards understood because vin was the only gurad in that nightclub with kids. as they got in the car dohyun asked what was his dad like when vin hang out with him. then vin explained the details of how they hated each other when they first met in high school. how vin thought zack was a spoiled brat and they basically had their own competition on who was the biggest topp dog in the school. and dohyun was so surprised to hear all this. and vin explained that they never actually hit each other but provoked the sh*t out of each other. it was freaking funny memory to vin. then vin explained how zack was really easy to provoke and get all riled up but he never got physical with vin and vin never got physical with zack. dohyun thought about all of this and vin told about the eyes, how zack didn't thought much of it and thought him the same way (did not say anything about the murder) then they finally got into vin's small place. vin drove the car inside the small yard after opening the gate and the place was so small, mary soon saw the car and was at the porch smoking. she explained the kids are sleeping and in the middle of explaining mary noticed the kid and asked about him and vin told her "i'll explain another time, it's been a rough day for all of us"

mary then walked out of there and vin showed the way in for dohyun. vin showed his room for dohyun to use and that vin can sleep on the couch and id dohyun needs anything he is in the living room. they all slept and vin let dohyun to sleep for hours and hours, not waking him up until it was 6 pm when vin went to pick up the twins and the twins went to wake up dohyun to get ready to visit zack in the hospital. dohyun was so confused about the time and vin explained he let him sleep because he looked like he needed it, dohyun was in tears again as the twins left the room to give dohyun a turtle plushie and dohyun was so confused until the masc twin said "you look like a turtle" and dohyun held onto the turtle as they were on their way to visit zack.

then dohyun first enters the room and talks with zack and zack then asks about the plushie and dohyun explains about the twins and dohyun then says that vin is single and that zack should date him instead and before zack could say anything the twins stormed in the room and vinzack apologized for the twins behaviour. Zack saw vin's decorated hair with hairpins and face covered in stickers. the twins spawned to smack dohyun's face with stickers and zack was so frozen to see vin so carefree, he felt little jealous that he couldn't give the same to dohyun. then there was a flash "the other kings are going to love this" and zack saw gongseob holding his phone. Vin screamed "the f*ck are you doing here!?" and gongseob said "i got bored and jihan told me to come here. Oh, the master of cheonliang has twins! my student has a kid! how is he going to become a strong boxer li-" "stop talking fraud monk" vin cut off gongseob as gonsgeoc said "okay, i was not going to send that picture to the other kings but now im gonna" and vin let out a loud sigh. dohyun stared at the scene as he was confused and so were the twins, but the twins were too focused on decorating dohyun to make him look really cute. gongseob then took a picture of the kids all confused and vin was about to tackle gongseob as gongseob was putting the kids as his wallpaper. then zack's mother in law entered in the room and said "monk ji?" and they all turned to look and zack had fear in his eyes and so had dohyun. vin then deadpanned and said "you mean this fraud mo-" and gongseob smacked vin on the back of the head and said "i'm gonna start swearing if you talk like that in front of-" "your money ba-" "you little-" "IS MASTER OF CHEONLIANG STILL HERE LOOKING RIDICULOUS AS HELL!?" and both vin and gongseob froze as they knew who that voice belonged to. the incheon king. the incheon king pushed zack's mother in law out of the way making her fall on the floor. jaegyeon looked at vin and then started laughing into

vin's face and vin had jaegyeon's spit all over his face and his sunglasses. Vin took off his sunglasses to clean his sunglasses. before the incheon king could get excited about the kids zack's mother in law started to yell at zack and zack flinched a little and so did dohyun. before anyone could say anything jaegyeon got an attidute with the mil and the mil asked who the f*ck jaegyeon was and jaegyoen got even more attitude with the mil. then one of the twins crawled on zack's bed and started to decorate zack's face with stickers but zack said he can't have stickers on his face but she could draw on his cast on his left hand and she got more excited to go and get her markers. then the mil noticed the twins and their eyes "what are those monsters doing with my grandson!" and the twins didn't seem to be bothered by it, the mil got more frustrated and was about to grab the fem twin until jaegyeon did his thing and said "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, SHE IS GOING TO GET IT!!" and vin screamed "YOU ARE THE KING OF INCHEON CALM DOWN!!" jaegyoen scremed "I HAVE SUCCESSOR TAKING CARE OF IT!! IM RETIRED!!! I'LL GO TO JAIL FOR YOUT KIDS!!" and vin screamed "YOU'VE ONLY KNOWN THEM FOR FEW MINUTES!!!" and jaegyeon scremed "WELL, I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU AN DYOUR BOYFR-" and vin screamed "I'M NOT DATING GONGSEOB'S STUDENT!!!" and jaegyoen said "well, you two would look cute together, i do remember one time when you two would wrestle in the mud in the daegu's mountains-" and vin screamed "OH MY f*ckING GOD WE WERE LOST AND WE WERE ROLLING DOWN THE HILL!!" and jaegyeon said "still cute" and vin then said "now hold an minute, why were you there?" and jaegyoen said "didn't you curse in front of your kids?" and vin was about to say more until the mil screamed "LET GO OFF ME YOU FREAK!!" and jaegyoen looked at vin and then at the kids and then he picked up the mil and said "im taking her out and banning her from here" and then vin was about to say something until he realized they were

pretty close to incheon so jaegyeon had some connections around these fields

gongseob then put his shoulder on vin's and said "you can have my blessing on marryin za-" "oh my god! i don't think dating is the right thing at the moment!! now scram!!! let zack rest jesus!!" vin spoke as he pushed gongseob out of the room. now it was back to normal and vin then asked who the angry lady was anf zack said "my mother in law" and vin's face f*cking dropped because jaegyeon could end up killing her and making things far worse. "i'm going to be right back" vin said before running after jaegyeon before he does anything more stupid. the kids were left with zack as dohyon wondered who the f*ck the monk was and asked about it and zack explained he learned how to become a better boxer since the monk used to be south korea's best boxer until he lost his leg. then he asked about the blondie and zack had no idea who that was(not wanting to explain zack's thug life and vin's mafia boss background and the literal gangs and gangwarsVinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (5) ) soon a nurse walked in telling the visitor time was over and they needed to let the patient rest.

Then time passes and dohyun and vin pick up some stuff from their old place and they also took the metal box with them and other stuff too, to make dohyun all comfortable at Vin's place, since the building dohyun and zack lived in was in the wife's name, the wife had called lawyers to kick out zack and dohyun out and she had destroyed the place until she got arrested again becaue ethe neighbors had seen her trashing all over the place so dohyun had hard time picking up clothes that were not harmed and his own hygiene stuff that were not harmed. Vin was so sad that there weren't a lot of personal stuff so they made a trip to a big store to buy stuff and dohyun didn't know how to spoil himself so he picked up a turtle a rwally big plushie and hugged it, and then vin noted and said "i'll pay for it" and dohyun hugged it a lot in the car as he had the smaller one in his hands.

brain died about this au

they lived happily as a new family or sum

Chapter 11: Monster King Vin x Human Prince Zack

Chapter Text

Imagine an au where vin is a monster king and even the other monster kingdoms don't want their children to be married to this your king of cheonliang because they are so afraid of him. But then Zack a prince falls so head over heels for vin when vin visits a part in seoul that Zack's dad was in charge. Vin was there just to visit and discuss about business deals. Vin his eyes with his bangs but he was covered in bones of the monsters that wanted to harm the whole world and vin had the horns of the dragon since he was half dragon. Zack just had the most hornie*st thoughs ever when he accidentally walked in the room and didn't realize there was a meeting going on with the rest of the kingdom's in seoul. Zack was about to leave until his dad told zack to join him since zack's older sibling wasn't here atm and zack would also have to do something like this one day. Zack sat next to his dad on a stool as his eyes were so glued on the sexy monster across the room. Zack took out his journal full of doodles and started to draw vin in a wedding suit with flowers and then his dad asked him something and zack shrieked and fell off from his stool. Zack soon hid his journal and asked his dad "what?" And his dad pointed at the daughter of incheon's king "they are proposing a deal that if you marry her we get a great deal of-" "sorry, no can do. I ain't marrying someone i barely know even if it benefits the kingdom. Also, she's ugly" everyone looked at zack like he had murdered someone because incheon's daughter was the south korean's most beautiful woman on earth with the blessing from the gods. "Have you lost your mind?" His father said as the daughter of incheon couldn't believe her long crush was rejecting her even though she tried so hard to get the blessing of the gods to make her the most prettiest. But she did not know, zack liked men and no amout of pretty would not change that. "I have not lost my mind? Why would it be so hard to reject her? I just don't find her

Attractive in my eyes" and the whole room was silent as zavk was done speaking. Vin started to laugh a bit because he found the daughter really f*cking attractive because of the blessing but he soon connected the dots why zack didn't like her and zack was so confused why vin was the only one laughing as the rest were dead silent. Zack made some awkward laughs and vin stopped laughing and was smiling "cute" and Zack's whole face got red as he excused himself out of there. Everyone was utterly shocked that the blessing did not work for zack and that incheon's daughter was left so heartbroken. Zack on the other hand was yelling at himself over and over again how stupid he was in that situation and pulled his notebook out to calm himself and saw the king of cheonliang and zack soon got even more red when he remembered vin calling him cute but them zack started to get upset if vin was making fun of him and not actually finding him cute.

Vin returned back to cheonliang as zack was getting grilled by his whole family. Zack then decided he was gonna go and ask why vin had said cute in that meeting. So zack left a note at his room and started to ride his way to cheonliang.

Once at cheonliang's gate. Zack was screaming to let him in and that he needed to talk to the king in private. At first zack was not letting in since they didn't recognize zack as royalty but soon vin had flown to the gates because of all the loud ruckus. Vin let zack inside and wondered why teh son of the lee kingdom was here and zack opened his mouth to say "remember last week? Were you maiing fun of me for calling me cute?" And vin snorted and said "are you serious?" And zack started to sulk "so you were making fun of me" and vin said "gosh you are so adorable" and zack said "so u r still making fun of me?" And vin said "I'm just making fun of you for falling for a monster like me" and zack said "i don't think you are a monster." And vin said "you don't know me" and zack said "i do not but! You do look a lot like human who could f*ck me u- AAAAAAAAAAAAAA f*ck YOU!" and zack started to get on his horse to leave but as he turned around and started to run, he almost fell on the ground if vin didn't catch him with his tail. Vin wrapped his tail around zack and moved zack close to Vin's face. "I know why the blessing of the gods on incheon's daughter didn't work on you" vin said and zack shrieked "SHE HAD THE BLESSING FROM GODS TO LOOK THAT UGLY?!" "I think you like men and that's why it didn't work you" vin said and zack said "oh" "WAIT, NU UH! I CAN'T LIKE MEN!! THAT IS AGAINST-" "against your kingdom? Against the most of the kingdoms? Are you terrified?" "Most of the kingdoms? Wait are there kingdoms that accept same sex love? Do you know any??!" Zack said all excited and then zack grunted when Vin's tail around Zack's waist tightened. "And why should i tell you?" And zack grunted some more. But zack decided he would play the

Game of weirding out the king of cheonliang to free him. So zack placed his hands on Vin's shoulders and and whimpered as a joke "cuz I'm a good boy? f*ckING GOD THAT IS SO CRINGE" zack had laugh screamed the rest and he was now having a huge ass laughing fit. Then vin said "are you not terrified of me?" And zack said "people are terrified of you? I think you are hot- YOU HEARD NOTHING!!" vin told everyone around him to look away. Vin put his hand on his bangs and pulled them up and said "are you still not afraid?" And zack stared at the eyes and turned so red because those eyes looked really pretty and zack imagined those eyes always staring at only him. Zack didn't even notice he had put his hands on Vin's cheeks and was staring a lot. "You are so f*cking pretty DAMN!! PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF THIS!? YOU LOOK SO f*ckING- ahem But back to the same sex relationship kingdoms. So like can you like tell me so liek-" "you are at the right place. Hey, mr.kwon! From now on, this kingdom shall allow same sex relationships and marriage and shall have the same rights at the opposite sex marriages and relationships!" Vin announced. "But sir, that is going to cause a big rucku-" "I can handle it, they all fear me anyway. Except this cutie" vin said as he booped Zack's nose. Zack felt so happy and didn't even know he blurted out "wanna see a drawing i did of you?" And vin looked at zack a long while before answering "damn, I'm so confused why anyone would fall for me to begin with" and zack quickly said "i would say the same for you. Why are you changing your kingdom for me? Did i leave a great impression on you? Am i know yours? Can we cuddle? Uuu can we-" "can we take it slow? I am not good with all this" and zack got even more determined. "Of course! I am no experience in dating so I'm gonna go slow because i wanna know you better, also, you really have cool eyes. Reminds me of eclipse." And vin said "do you want to stay here the night? It's pretty dark and-" "i wanna cuddle so

Yes. How big is your bed?" And vin said "big enough i can sleep on it in my dragon form too" and zacl got excited "YOU CAN TURN INTO A DRAGON!? MY HUSBAND IS SO COOL!!" and vin got a little red "we aren't married" and zack forgot "oh yeah sorry, i meant boyfriend. Heheheheh your ears are all red. You found the nickname cute? You are so adorable" vin started to walk zack into his room and zack was happily petting Vin's tail while zack was teasing the scary king.

The whole kingdom soon found out about the new rule and a lot of people were against it but soon the dragon god showed itself through the village and showed itself infront of vin giving vin his blessing to the marriage and vin turned red and so did zack because now they had the dragon spirit's protection. Also they were a bluching mess because the spirirt decided to show up when zack was arguing about vin not doing any skincare and self care on himself and they both were half naked

The next day zack was the last one to wake up as vin had left the bedroom to do his king duties. Zack kinda like the bed being in a big pit but was low eneough for zack to easily get out of it. . Zack put on some fabrics around him as wondered off to try and find vin.

Meanwhile at vin

"Sir, the word have spread about our kindom being the first kingdom to accept same sex marriage. We are getting a lot of people inside how kingdom and othe kingdoms are getting mad at losing their own people. They want us to go back to-" vin cut them off to say "no can do. I am not letting go of zack. Tell them we are keeping this new law. Check everyone at the gate who are refugees. We need to set up a camp for them until-" "sir most of the refugees are kids and teens. They won't like living in tents-" "then we give them to couples who want to adopt? Kids deserve loving parents" "but sure we don't have any couples who would like to ado-" "opposite sex couples. I am sure we have a huge line from same sex couples who would love to adopt. But first set up a camp site for them and i'll pay for every cost. After all, more people equals better for the kingdom right?"

"Vin?" Vin turned around and noticed sleepy zack wearing a big blanket around his body. "What are you doing outside only in a blanket?" Vin said as he floated to zack and zack wrapped his arms around vin and vin panicked because the blaked on zack almost fell off of him if vin didn't catch it. "Good morning" zack said with giggles and vin couldn't contain his excitement and picked up zack and said "good morning sleeping beauty" a big smile was on vin as the people around the king for the first time in ages witnessed the king to smile. "You think im pretty?" And vin said "so much that not one word can describe your eternal beauty" and zack giggled "you are such a cute dork. I'm so happy i won your heart hehehhehehe" snoring. Vin smiled like a huge idiot and his tail started to wag a lot and the king's staff realized. That

The new era of cheonliang was coming their way. No more of the shaman's dictatorship to overtake the cheonliang's king seongji who sadly passed away during the civil war in the kingdom and vin took his place after killing taejin and the shaman.

A week passed and soon the word started to spread about vin and zack being a thing. Of course Zack’s kingdom back at his home accused of hypnotizing zack and holding zack against his will at Vin's kingdom. Zack didn't like these accusations and told his family to not cause a scene. Zack then decided he needed to pay a visit back at his own kingdom to talk sense into them. Zack was ready to pack a backpack for the trip until vin offered to turn into a dragon and fly zack in there under an hour. Zack insisted he can go on his own but vin said "but i want you to feel the wind like i do when i fly. I want you to feel the pretty sky you so say about my eyes" and when vin finished saying that, zack rained Vin's face with kisses. "Alright, you separation anxiety having dragon. You have convinced me that you'll take me to my kingdom. " zack said and Vin's tail was wagging the whole time. Vin flew the skies as zack was having so much fun feeling the sky. Zack was a huge giggling mess as he had protection glasses to protect his eyes as he was riding on vin and holding on his horns to not fall off. Zack saw the castle and zack shrieked when the dragon he was riding on dissappeared, but zack noticed he felt hands behind his waist as vin was hopping in the air. Zack found it so funny he was hopping in the air and walking and floating and zack was having so much fun and vin loved to hear zack be so happy. Soon they landed on one of the castle's towers after hopping over the kingdom and scaring the people. "I should go back to-" "stay a little longer, please? I want you to see my old room" and vin said "your old room?" And zack said "old, cuz im now living with you, you dork" and Vin's face got red and he got picked up by zack who was happily giggling and saying "room tour!" Repeatedly. But as zack was in one of the halls he got stopped by his younger sister. "Zack, who is that?" And zack said "oh, my husband" and vin screamed "WE AREN'T EVEN ENGAGED" and zack said

"in a year or two we are. I am not letting go u easily mister no one loves me"

"Oh my god will you stop teasing me about that?"

"Not until you stop teasing about the f*cking-"



Soon zack walked past the sis as he continues his chant "room tour!" And Zack's sis was convinced that zack was under no spell and he was just insane. She soon went to tell the rest of the brothers and the king about meeting zack and his husband and they are in Zack's room. The brothers got geared up ready to fight and save his brother but the sister thought everyone was over reacting and shouldn't they be happy that zack is dating one of the most strongest kings of the monsters at the moment? Like he could bring great magic marketing to their kingdom because now it was only at cheonliang's kingdom and 2 other kingdoms. But naah the brothers and the dad couldn't believe zack liked men. They busted into Zack's room and zack was on top of vin on the floor because zack wanted to show the roof of his room to vin explaining he painted everything. Zack turned to face his family members and screamed at them for breaking his room's door. Zack soon got up and vin also got up from the floor. Vin was about to climb the window to leave but zack grabbed vin on the back of his shirt. Zack grabbed his blanked on his bed and wrapped vin around it and wrapped his arms around vin whiel saying "nu uh, you are not leaving yet. First i gotta introduce my family to you before i probably cut them off if they don't accept us., so that is my dad, dad this is vin. My husband-" "zack, honey, we aren't even engaged yet" "but i like calling you my husband. Would you like it if if i called you mr. No one really loves me and i'm so emo scary lord cutie patootie my little pookie bear-" "you are so f*cking insane"


"I think you just got comfortable around me to act the same"

"Stop exposing me you burrito"

"You like my burritos"


"Oh, i'm so sorry. That was a sex joke. I forgot we are taking this slow"

"Huh!? BURRITOS???" Zack screamed in confusion as he unwrapped vin from the blanket and was

About to take a peak inside Vin's pants. But vin stopped zack as Vin's face got really red and Zack's hand was in Vin's pants waistline. "IN FRONT OF YOUR f*ckING FAMILY?!" and zack turned red "i totally forgot. Hey guys, can you leave my room? Please?" The brothers didn't move as they were so confused about this whole interaction and dynamic zack was havibg with this scary monster king. They thought zack was a helpless brainwashed human but no, he was his usual self and dating the monster king. Zack's dad passed out and the brothers rushed him to the doctor and zack said "damn, anyway the f*ck do you mean burritos? Can i see?" And vin then agreed and zack took a peak and saw 2 dick and zack went "i just won a f*cking jackpot. But i will respect on taking things slow and also, i can't wait to fit those two swords of destruction inside me,,," and vin laughed so f*cking much "ain't now way you just called them that!!"

Soon zack and vin joked more and vin had to return back to cheonliang as zack was left at the kingdom to do his own stuff and packing up his own stuff from his own room. Vin had given him items what to put on boxes so vin could use his own magic to teleport the boxes into cheonliang. Vin warned zack nit to use anything that is alive because it will die. Zack noted and said his goodbyes to vin. The sis wanted to hear the tea and zack spilled some of it, the king was still very much passed out and the brothers were worried.

So zack stays at his own kingdom to move to Vin's and then there is a meeting again but in ansan with most of the kingdom again and since the dad feels so lost because of his son being in love with the monster king he tells the oldest to go. Zack wants to tag along because he wants to surprise his husband and the big bro was about to say no until zack was ready to fight and the brother soon agreed.

They went to ansan and they were the last one to arrive. Zack walked around the ansan's kingdom trying to find vin. Then when the meeting started vin appeared teleporting there. Zack soon waved at vin across the room and vin wagged his tail so much he knocked over the kings next to him on the chairs. Vin didn't move as zack got closer to him and the kings cursed at vin. Zack giggled and told vin to sit down and calm down his excitement when seeing him before he kills someone with the tail and vin collects himself and sits down as zack then sits on his lap and Vin's tail is wagging again. The kings complained but vin wasn't listening and finally his tail wagging was small wagging. People stared at the scary monster king all confused and realized why they legalized same sex relationships. The king had fallen for a prince and had no plan of stealing every kingdoms' citizins to get adventage on kingdom's most populations.

Chapter 12: Vinzack and ghosts

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Imagine au that zack actually sees every ghost and due to his phobia he hates this skill he has. So like imagien daniel has a ghost on him the ui ghost or sum lingering on him and zack is so scared being near daniel because there has been moments were zack has had eye contact with a ghost and passed out. But with the skill able to see ghosts, he has also immunity to getting possessed by ghosts but zack doesn't know that. So one time when daniel was alking in the halls and zack was in the middle of bickering with vin. Zack saw the mother ghost also linger around daniel and vin noticed Zack's sudden mood change. Vin was about to make fun of him until zack got behind vin and whisper repeated to himself "i f*cking hate ghosts" over and over again while using vin as a shield. Vin got flashbacks to when he was told he was possessed by ghosts but seeing zack using vin as protection to ghosts made him feel odd. Then suddenly the mother ghost noticed zack and due to zack having these skills to see the ghost wanted to kill him. The ghost charged herself at zack but suddenly the ghost bounced off a forceshield. The ghost tried again but soon got fried away from existence zack stared in confusion and soon noticed the forcefield. Zack touched it and it stretched at Zack's touch. Then the forcefield dissappeared. Vin then said "you done being scitzo?" And zack picked up vin to talk to him in private.

Soon zack got to explain his whole story to vin and then zack got curious about if vin did see anything and he said he didn't. Then zack tried to explain to vin about the red forcefield. Vin wasn't believing zack until zack noticed the forcefield take a shape of a red dragon and picked up zack. Vin saw zack floating in the air as he was freaking out and begging vin to put him down. Vin grabbed zack on the sides and tried to pull him back to the ground but the dragon was so happy to see a human who could see em. Then zack started to rant "i have phobia of ghosts and spirits.

Please put me down even though u mean no harm, i can't do anything with my phobia, i'm so sorry please put me down, dragon spirit" soon the dragon let go of zack. And zack fell on top of vin.

Chapter 13: Bayoenetta is Zack's mom au aka witch Zack x human Vin

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Imagine zack could also be a witch like his mom but he isn't that happy with serving c*nt and gets little emberrassed about it and then one time when vin saw Zack's mom he turned towards zack and went "can u also do that?" And zack said yeah and then vin started to rant how jealous he is cuz he also wants to serve c*nt which boosted zack to do more witch stuff,,,

Imagine back to the Bayonetta mom au, like zack is in the middle of the fighting and due to his mom expecting zack not to get same witch powers as her. She didn't teach him much about it and then one day when zack was provoking vin and they got more like roudy and vin grabbed zack and they slipped and zack fell on vin. As zack was about to punch vin on the face. Zack's outfit started to transform and zack was so confused

This was after the second affilate and both vin and zack were walking out back home

And zack already had some tears in his clothes and vin's grip has made the shirt fall off completely and the pants soon followed and zack being naked made zack panic to activate his bodysuit outfit

And they stared at each other all confused and then Zack's mom felt Zack's magic and rushed to see what zack was doing

Imagine the tall mom looking at the scene and going "son, you are just like your mother when i discovered my powere" or sum and Zack's face goes red as he knows his mom is reading the situation wrong and then zack feels something poking on his ass and zack turns to look at vin who quickly looks away from zack and zack goes even more red and then suddenly they get teleported into a hotel room and his mother is on the doorway and saying "i paid for this room, have fun or watch a movie if it was a misunderstanding" and she left.

Imagine zack just resting his hands on his face and putting his head on Vin's chest repeating himself how embarrassing that was and then he started to complain how he now doesn't know how to turn back and vin is all silent until he goes "WELL AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T GET A f*ckING BONER WHEN SEEING A PERSON YOU HATE DRESSED IN A SKIN TIGHT BODYSUIT WITH A GOD DAMN BOOB WINDOW AND A ZIPPER GOING DOWN TO THE CROTCH AND AHVING THE MOST CUTEST MAKE UP ON THE FACE AND GOD f*ckING DAMN IT WHY IS YOUR FACE SO f*ckI G KISSABLE AND f*ck YOU!"

Then they proceed to just wait for Vin's boner to dissappear as zack is trying to figure out how to get rid of his magic outfit and put it back on but vin keeps looking at zack and his bones is not going away and then zack figures out and is all naked now as he tries to figure out how to put it back on cuz he is naked!! But he keeps struggling and vin just keeps his eyes off the cheeks and vin then throws a blanket at zack and screams "STOP BEING ADORABLE!" and walks to the bathroom to beat off his meat

Time passes and zcak haven't figured it so he can't leave the hotel room and vin can't leave because insecurities with not having sunglasses so they lay in there all awkward as vin goes "im sorry i beat my meat and thought about you" and zack shrieks "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SUDDENLY FIND ME ATTRACTIVE?!" and vin goes "WELL I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF EITHER LIKE WHAT THE f*ck?! SINCE WHEN WERE YOU ATTRACTIVE IN MY EYES!?"

"Can i have your pants?"

"Why?" "I don't like sleeping naked"

"... are you serious?"

"I am f*cking serious vin"

"These pants smell like piss and sh*t. Do u really want these zack?"

"Okay fine never mind. Wait. Are you not wearing pants atm?"

"Why the f*ck would i? I literally took a shower and then jumped under here-"


"Oooooh, lmao, gosh, i hate that im now finding you cute, f*ck"

And then vin kust calls mary to pick up some of Vin's clean clothes 2 set and sends the hotel room number and when mary arrives, vin lime opens the door a little and then mary opens it wide and walks in to see who vin is f*cking over and then sees zack and zack screams and hides and mary goes "sorry, i thought a girl was falling a victim to you but it seems like no one needs my saving. Also HOW THE f*ck DID YOU TWO EVEN f*ck!?" and both vinzack scream "WE DIDN'T!!" but mary thought theyr were lying and jusf said "i hope u both used condom. I'm out of here"

Imagine after this mary accidentally tells mira that he saw zack and vin both naked in a hotel room and explained she had to get them clean clothes or they couldn't leave the hotel room, like mary accidentally slipped this when ranting about how annoying vin f*cking is and mira would stare at zack time to time lil confused but then be very supportive of zack for dating vin and would always ask zack how is his boyfriend doing as zack doesn't know if he should lie or not so he is thankful that the universe always has his back

Chapter 14: Crossdressing Vin x Chief Zack Korean Joseon dynasty au

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Imagien an au where vin pretends to be a woman to blend in with mary while running away and it's pretty obvious that it's a man pretending to be a woman in the only women village they fled to but no one dares to do anything because mary and vin are the strongest to protect them from peeping men and most people know that vin is in the hiding so they play along even though vin has the most masculine looking face shape ever to exist on earth. The people outside the small closed only women community all believe vin is a woman by how others act around vin and vin has a really great voice acting to come off as woman and he hides his eyes with his bangs. Zack having a huge crush on mira soon notices vin and falls for him. Zack is a chief that makes sure everything is in line. Zack is known as the most intimidating and scariest chief to walk around the streets of the kingdom. But soon as zack sees vin he starts stuttering and soon other people started to pick up on it. Zack would get asked questions about vin but zack would act all fine because he didn't know Vin's name. And the other people started to notice that zack was that hopeless that he didn't know the name of the strong tall looking woman. People started to joke how the chief the scariest of them all was into strong full of muscle women. Soon someone told Zack the name of Vin's fake name while zack was staring vin and zack started to panic and shriek telling the person not to scare him like that and started to get all flustered. The person looked at zack all confused for never witnessing this side of zack. Then one day when zack was strolling the woods, he heard some noises and decided to look what was going on, only to be met with vin carrying a huge ass tree on his shoulder and his hanbok slighty getting in fhe way. The other women thank vin and were so thankful have such a strong person to help with all of this stuff. Zack's heart did a flip as zack was in more love. Imagining vin lifting zack up like that.

The next few days zack was even more flustered when he saw vin. Few weeks people started to make fun of how the most intimidating chief has turned into hopeless romatic chief and vin finally got the word that there was someone who had a crush on him. Vin at first thought that was so f*cking crazy and who would actually fall in love with a tall man looking woman who acted nothing like the standard of the woman in that day and age. So vin asked mary about it and then one day they both were on a walk and mary showed vin who was simping on vin and Vin's face went full on shock. A f*cking chief was having a crush on him? Out of all the people? Vin was now terrified that what if the chief found out that vin was a man hiding as a girl from his crimes in the other kingdom?

Then vin has this plan that he dresses up like a man and one day walks up to zack and tells zack to never lay his hands on his sister and vin says that he is his older brother and as a brother it his duty to keep her sis safe but zack acts all tough and doesn't let that down but in the middle of arguing zack notices that his heart is neating so fast in front of his crush's brother and zack excuses himself as vin screams "yeah, walk away! You bastard!" and zack gets home and has a crisis. Then days go by and zack realizes that he is crushing way more harder for his crush's brother. Every time he sees Vin's femine side he gets reminded by the older brother and then has a huge ass crisis thinking about if the brother is as strong and if he would treat him right, like zack was a lady. Zack rhen from now on looked aeound trying to find vin the odler brother but couldn't see him anywhere. So zack walked up to the sis vin and said "i need to ask u something" and vin looks at zack all confused and says "are you going to co fess your love to me? I'm sorry bu-" and zack goes "no, it's not that" and then vin acts all confused and fears for the worst that zack is going to arrest him but that soon washes awag when zack starts acting all flustered and then he goes "is your brother going to visit you soon? I need to talk with him" and then vin starts assuming zack wants to fight with vin. So vin goes "are you going to fight him?" And zacl gets more flustred and keeps repeating no and then says "i-, i have feeling for your bother" zack whispered that part to Vin's ear and then wasn't meeting Vin's face and then Vin's eyes shot wide open under his bangs and then vin got closer to zack and whispered in his normal voice "you have feelings for me?" And now it was Zack's turn to shocked and zack said "yeah, i do!" And closed his eyes all ahy and flustered and vin gave a kiss on the forehead "gosh you are such a dork" and brain died

Then zack got known as the chief with a strong lover and no one dared to mess with Zack's family and zack cuz both zack and vin were scary, one time at a date zack saw some people trying to come and assault some civilian and before zack could pull out his sword to treathen the criminals to calm down, vin was off beating people left and right and zack soon joined the fist fighting and then zack arrested the criminals and vin had blood on him but was more worried that Zack's hat got all messed up and vin promised to fix it for zack

the sillies the end

Chapter 15: Vin has high spice tolerance x zack who does not have

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Vin eating something spicy

Vin: Damn, this is not that spicy

Zack: Let me try it

Vin: Zack, don't try it. It's too spicy

headcanonin that vin has a really big tolerance to spicy stuff since cheonliang is known for it's chilipeppers,,, imagine zack has the worst spicy tolerance

anygay back to the vinzack lil au imagine zack once ordered some food with mira and it turned out to be too spicy for him so from then on, zack was so keen to making sure his food wasn't that spicy but there were times when the small spicyness was too much for him, so zack started stopping ordering meals alltogether when hanging out mira and decided they should just hang out on cafes and their talking became smaller, then one day mira announced to zack that she was dating and her partner is so amazing, telling how great of dancer they are and so on, zack then tells how happy he is for her and stuff even though it's hurting him on the insane. then one evening when zack was drunk he sees vin in the distance talking with mary and zack slowly approaches vin and hears him saying "it's not that spicy" and zack then says "can I try it?" and both mary and vin turn to look at zack. vin and mary were filming on Mary's live stream eating grim peppers one of the spiciest peppers and they were filming their walking around in seoul lives, well mary's chanel's usual content and vin sometimes popped up in them. Vin said to zack "Zack, no. You are going to die if you eat. Here, sit down." and mary is surprised to see vin acting like this in front of zack. Zack sits down and the table they were sitting in. Zack is about to rest his head on the table when vin asks if zack wants chicken, zack gets all happy and giddy that there is a small hiccup. then zack agrees and then points out that he can't handle spice at all and then slams his head on the table. mary looks at vin and asks what they should do with zack and vin goes "You can leave if you want. It's your stream after all" and mary decides to stay because he doesn't trust waht vin is going to do with zack when she leaves and also mary is worried if mira is going to hate her if she leaves. so vin goes order chicken for all three of them as mary engages with her chat and zack is snoring loudly on the table. mary is trying her best

not to laugh out loud as vin is getting chicken from the stand. when vin returns back. Vin nudges on Zack's shoulder that vin got him honey chicken with no spicyness in it and zack head shots up as he looks towards vin with a stupid smile. vin notices that zack is about to fall towards vin so vin moves zack's chair closer to vin and zack giggles more and rests his head on vin's shoulder while munching on his chicken. both mary and mary's chat is wondering were the f*ck is the mean vin. then vin sees that zack is trying to grab vin's chicken wings and vin quickly snatches it away and replaces it with zack's own. mary has not touched her chicken wings at all because she is looking at the interaction in front of her like it's so out of the world. then zack says he is thirsty and vin offers his co*ke to zack and zack sips on the straw and vin puts the drink away. once zack was done eating, vin wiped zack's hands and face from the greasy chicken and the chat even more crazy how the mean guy was never nice to mary or anyone in the chat when they stream sniped the duo but vin was being nice to this stranger called zack. then zack decided to wrap his arms around vin's waist and fall asleep on vin's shoulder. then mary finally spoke up and asked why vin is being all nice to the person he hates the most and vin doesn't answer and just eats his chicken as zack is drooling on vin's shirt and the chat points it out. then the topic gets ignored and they talk about something else as chat is screaming at how much drool is on vin's shirt and why vin is so nice to the person he hates the most. then zack wakes up again with a huge headache and says all tired and drunk"my head hurts, can you kiss it better?" while also pouting and witouth any hesitation vin gives a kiss on the forehead and mary's jaw is open and zack is a giggling mess as vin asks "all better now, asshole?" and zack is a giggling mess as vin has disgust on his face and looks all angry but then zack says

"if i kissed your eyes, would you feel better?" and vin drops his disgusted face and gives another kiss on the forehead and tells zack to go back to sleep and zack does

now brain died

but i was going to make a point at some point that from now that on when they went out to eat vin would order them both non spicy food so zack could also taste vin's dish when they eated together at a restaurant

Chapter 16: "Muscle Femboy" scammer Zack x Content creator Vin

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Imagine an au where zack pretends to be a muscle femboy on discord to get money but he isn't really good with make up other than some simple eyeshadow stuff and eyeliners and doesn't own any wigs and some simple dresses and skirts that he keeps hidden. Then when zack was doing his stuff and keeping a facemask on and having his facecam on in one of the servers trying to fish some money, then suddenly some dumbasses flood the same call and all of then have their facecams on expect for one and they all have their silly filters on trying to act like e-boys looking for ladies. Meanwhile at vin, vin is making a video for his youtube and he is a faceless youtuber and he and his friends are trying to pretend to be e-boys on discord trying to get nitro from some ladies or something and the cheonliang boys are his friends and like vin just f*cking freezes when he sees zack. Vin just stays silent while staring at zack feeling like his heart is about to explode. Vin's pick up on vin being silent and start teasing vin by saying his cover name and asking who is he crushing for since he is being all silent, he is not muted. And vin keeps staying silent the whole time until zack starts teasing too and gets closer to the camera and shows his outfit more and then vin hits his own desk and flips his chair and his friends keeps making jokes that "cover name" vin is going to go uproot trees now and hut boars for his new crush and then they start telling stories about how one time when "cover name" vin had a crush on someone and he uprooted a f*cking cherry tree and carried it to said crush's yard and didn't even leave a note. Then Zack realized that story sounded familar until zack realized he had heard it from mary when he was teasing vin one day about vin being so hopeless romantic. Zack turns off his face cam to think to himself and also mutes himself. Then suddenly mary comes into the call to tell the group of newbies that "cover name aka vin's youtuber persona's name, is indeed on

His way to the mountains to uproot some trees" vin is not, he went to the store to get some food. But mary liked to be more mean and funny for the video, she was in the other call listening everything because she was busy doing something and didn't hear zack talk at all so mary didn't know it was zack who vin was staying silent for. Then mary asked who it was that made vin all flustered and then Zack's eye widened as the others pointed out Zack's username and zack left the call and now zack started to panic a little. But zack made sure no one would know it was him since zack had his hair all the way down and even curled and he had his face mask and his voice was high pitched more than usual, so zack didn't need to worry that the people in that public server could would recognize him. Then time passed and when zack is fishing for some money from some suckers he gets sent a link someone being mad that zack was being disloyal and zack icked at that wording and told the f*cker to stick their face up their asses and the other person became more angrier telling zack that he was a liar and zack just said "so what? It paid my rent. I can find another one" and then zack got enough of the argument and clicked the youtube video and the tittle was "me and my gang pretended to be e-boys on discord" and Zack's heart stopped for a second. And started to fast forward the video and saw the part were his own face was shown. Then zack skipped backwards for a bit to get the right part and then zack watched it as his whole interaction was shown and zack now heard the other call's context and Mary's voice in the background teasing vin even more how cute Zack's "cover name" was and kept teasing more and more when zack left the call, then there is context that vin went for a lil store trip to buy food and there was more teasing on Vin and how Zack's "cover name" was totally Vin's type, fluffy curly hair and vin just kept telling them to shut up and that they need to move on with the video

And the video shows "they kept teasing me about it for 45 more minutes so lets continue back to the video" and zack just sits on his chair not sure how to proceed to see vin in school or in public or at allied meetings at all, because zack knows its vin but zack doesn't know vin also knows its zack and vin went quiet because he saw zack dressed up in a dress. Vin did not care for the hair, his mind went to "what if u saw zack in a dress sitting on your lap right now?" Vin also knew it was zack even though zack always uses make up to cover his tattoos but vin knew from those eyes that it was zack. So when they pump into each other in a store they have a really long staring moment until vin gets all flustred and then zack realizes vin isn't provoking or making fun of zack so zack fears vin knew it was him and then vin finally says "do you need wigs and better dresses? I do drag on my free time and it seemed like you could use better st-" "marry me- I DID NOT SAY THAT, HOLD ON!!!"

The thought of vin doing drag was such a huge turn on for zack to have green light for them dating,,,,

Chapter 17: Zack x Vin loses his memory for a bit

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imagine a vinzack au where vin hits his head in front of zack and loses all memory and his brain funtions differently for a day, and vin acts like a caveman who is really attached to zack because he when he woke up, zack's face was the first he saw and decided zack was his life and like when vin woke up he latched himself on zack who was really confused and then zack would try to talk to vin but vin didn't understand anything or didn't say anything, he just clung onto zack. then some people group of people are passing by and make some comments about them and zack flips them off and they get into a vocal heated fight until vin sees that zack doesn't feel safe witht he group of people and beats them up as his sunglasses fly off and zack finally notices something is really off and goes to stop vin by picking up into a hug before he kills the person. Vin hugs zack as they both stare at the scared teens and zack notices that vin is keeping an eye contact with the teens so zack finally realizes something is really f*cking off with vin. Zack then proceeds to skidaddle from there to a the closest hospital because vin looked really bloody on the head. so when they get to ER and zack finally gets a hold of someone and explains how vin his school rival acts really different after hitting his head and as the doctor takes a look at vin also interest seeing polycoria in real life and not in books. Vin acts even more attached to zack and tries to hide himself in zack's arms as zack keeps repeating vin's voice not understaning him. then the doctor says they should put vin on the bed and zack tries to drop vin on one of the beds but vin is not letting go at all and zack asks for some help and they are going to bring the handcufs ore those stuff that keeps patients in the beds and zack says those shouldn't be nessecary and that they shouldn't treat vin like an animal so zack lays on the bed with vin as vin keeps trying to hide himself in zack but zack finally gets to make vin show

his face towards the doctor. the doctor takes a closer look at vin's eyes to see if they react to light and if the braindamage was too big on vin and then the doctor said they need to get some brainscans and zack asks if they could make vin sleep for that because zack doesn't want vin to be scared and the doctor says they can do that and then with some time vin is fast asleep and time passes until the scan results come after the doctor was storming what could've caused vin to act like this and then explained to zack that vin still has all of his memories since the brain hasn't gotten smaller or isn't missing anything, in simple words vin acts like a toddler who doesn't understand words yet but brings up the fighting so it seems like vin has body memory and isn't that lost, it's just his identity seems to be lost and there is a possibility that vin will get his memories back, thent he doctor asks if vin has family since they weren't on the guardian list and zack says he doesn't really know and zack says that he'll pay for the hospital bills since they are expensive and zack has the money. so now zack is stuck with a giant baby who can kill and then zack wonders what can they do when they go to school. vin did not like being seperated from zack at all and it seemed like vin didn't understand other people at all and didn't care if his eyes were out in the open. zack then takes vin's phone and tries to crack the password until he gives up and calls daniel to call kouji that he'll pay to open vin's phone. then zack get's kouji's number and calls kouji to come into the hospital and ends up explaining the situation and kouji comes there and does his thing and says the password is zack's name and zack looks at vin with more confusion since and shoos kouji to get out as zack tries to connect the dots of the situation while vin is asleep

then zack finally realizes that since not eveything was lost in vin's mind from the little head collision, zack then started to assume that vin was acting like this because zack was someone familiar and vin had strong feelings towards zack, romantic feelings, so those turned into trust, and vin only trusted zack and felt safe with him because of those feelings being there in the first place, that would explain why vin wasn't scared of zack when vin first woke up and kept clinging onto zack. zack went through vin's phone trying to find mary to call her about the situation and then mary says she is on her way. then vin wakes up and keeps staring at zack and zack stares back at vin, vin slowly tries to sneakingly to hold zack's hand and zack notices and vin pulls away and zack then goes for vin's hand and holds it as zack goes back to vin's phone trying to see if he needed to inform anyone about vin's condition, like a roommate or even a parent but nothing. then mary got to the room and zack's first thing he said to her was "can you get a doctor to say vin woke up, because if i leave, he'll leave with me. I think he has seperation anxiety" and zack shows the hand holding and mary turns around to get a doctor. then when the doctor finally gets in there, the doctor says that vin should stay there for more days but zack can't stay in hospital the whole time and zack now feels bad if he leaves vin. so zack asks if it's possible if vin can leave the hospital and the doctor says they suggest that vin stays monitored here, but they can leave if they want to since hospital bills can cost a lot and there isn't anything that serious and it's most likely going to not last long. then the doctor leaves and mary finally gets to see vin's condition and vin is fine with mary's presense but soon as zack lets go of vin's hand, vin gets anxious even with mary trying to calm down vin. zack then turns around and goes back to vin and picks him up and mary tries not to laugh as she feels bad

they leave as vin is back to holding zack's hand and mary is trying to remember where vin lives and then they both realize that they don't have the password to vin's place and zack does not want to call kouji again so they go to zack's place and they get greeted by zack's dad and zack explains eveyrthing to vin and asks what they should do about school and zack's dad says he'll take care of everything. then when they get to zack's room, mary then asks about vin's eyes. that should they hide it in school or not and how would they do that since vin doesn't have the

concept of the fear and if the sunglasses dropped or vin got annoyed by them his eyes would still be out and they both storm as they come into the conclusion that both vin and zack would wear an medical eyepatch on the left eye so vin keeps mimiking zack because they tried put on sunglasses on vin but vin took it off because zack wasn't wearing them but vin kept wearing the eyepatch when zack tried to put it on himself to test how they work out of curisosity when mary was putting an eyepatch on vin. vin took it off when zack took it off. so they now understood the consept that vin does anything zack does. then they talk more until mary has to go and zack's dad calls them for dinner. vin remembers how to use chopsticks and eat and zack and zack's dad have a full on converstation about vin and that vin is going to live here until vin remembers who is and that vin will temporarely be in the same class as zack until vin remembers everyhting. zack's dad also got the stuff for vin to live there and said vin could take the spare room but zack said vin is sleeping on the same bed as him because vin has a severe seperation anxtiety or that was zack calls it. when vin was done eating, vin got up and put away the plates and started to clean them and put them out to dry and then went back to sitting next to zack and zack got so happy that vin is slowly becoming more human,,,

Time passed until one day vin remembered everything and he was cursing while sitting up next to sleeping zack. vin let it all flood him and felt emberrassed that zack had seen him like that but then vin felt joy for zack taking such care of him. Vin felt bad and went back to sleep as he would let zack have his joy of finding out that vin stayed even though he got memories back and could just leave if he wanted to, but he stayed.

Chapter 18: Rabbit successor Zack x Dragon successor Vin

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Imagine an au where vinzack get sacrificed/done rituals to get to be demigods/get the spirits blessings for different reasons. Vin having the tragic one where he gets sacrificed to bring rain back since they've been struggling with the heat and the crops are dying and no one liked vin because of his eyes so vin gets sacrificed, but this sacrifice never gave them the good crops but gave vin a second chance in life to be the son of the dragons. The dragon spirits had adored Vin's eyes so much that it reminded them of the skies, so they finally chose their human child that could get to have the powers of the dragon. As vin got this second chance, he took this chance to walk back alive into the village to tell them the news that the dragons did not like the sacrifice since dragons are also associated with wisdom and justice(so humans easily sacrifing someone wasn't something they liked) and the villagers god mad at vin, telling he should be dead and he is the reason why they are unlucky and so on, one of the villagers picked up a rock and was about to throw it at vin. But vin stopped it with his powers, telekinesis, and it made people freeze in the moment. Vin then turned around and left that town and went up to the mountains to find himself a temple to live in. Vin then let his half dragon form out as he looked at himself through a mirror. He looked so gorgeous and vin finally felt at peace. But soon that peace was interrupted by dragon spirits telling vin about stuff and his powers and so on. As vin was living in his temple not wanting to interact with humans, vin hadn't noticed that his temple had grown bigger and there were staircases leading up to Vin's temple and dragon statues here and there telling taht this is the dragon's temple.

Now to Zack's story, this one is kinda humorous. So zack was known in his kindom to be only interested in one person mira. Zack was rich and so on blah blah, but there was one thing zack had as a problem. Mira has talked about how+

She wants to have kids with someone in the future and zack is really conflicted because zack just can't get it up, no matter how zack touches himself he just can't get it up. So you could hear the relief when zack eavesdropped a conversation about some ladies talking about getting blessings from the rabbit spirits by doing some rituals with the shaman. How after that they were able to feel the libido increase and how they were able to get pregnant again. So zack thought if he got the blessing from the rabbit spirits zack would be able to get it back up. So you could imagine Zack's lil emberrassed face when he goes to the shaman and asks about getting blessings from the rabbit spirits. The shaman had choked on their own spit because this was the first time a man had entered in their place to ask that and curious shaman asks why zack wants the rabbit spirits blessing and zack tells the reason and the shaman chokes on their spit again and zack is now even more emberrassed to be there. But shaman then gets serious and does perform the ritual to zack. Zack is very skeptical because he doesn't understand why does he need to get tied up (the shaman isn't doing the real ritual on zack because the shaman found Zack's situation so funny and decided to make fun of the situation) but due to the shaman not making the real ritual on zack, the rabbit spirits notice that zack could be the perfect candidate to be the human successor to rabbits. The rabbit spirits had heard the dragon spirits had chosen their successor few months back and now the other spirits were in the look for their own. So as the rabbit spirits took pity on Zack's situation. They gifted zack with the powers of the rabbit, but as zack was done with the ritual he had not noticed anything chance in him and thinks the shaman is some sort of fraud until zack got to his home and decided to take a bath all alone. In all that he had accidentally turned to half rabbit but didn't notice his ears until he started to wash+

His hair and felt the ears. Zack soon got up from the bath and rushed to see the closest mirror and saw the pointy rabbit ears instead of his human ears. Zack then decided to touch his back and to his fear, he also had bunny tail. Zack shrieked for a moment as he clothed himself in hurry and used a cloth piece to cover himself and his ears as he hurried to the shaman. Zack is knocking on the door with rage. The shaman soon opens the door and zack explains that he needs to show the shaman something and is demanding an explanation but the shaman goes "if you dick ain't working there is nothi-" then zack cuts off the shaman by screaming and showing his rabbit ears in front of the shaman's home cuz zack had ran out of patience to get inside and show his ears and there were people staring at zack now in the street. Zack is demanding an answer why he has rabbit ears and why he also has a rabbit tail and did the shaman do his ritual correctly for zack to end up like this. The shaman is trying to calm down zack but zack is getting worked up with the shaman. Soon mira notices zack and zack notices mira. Zack now feels so f*cking emberrassed and finally notices that everyone is staring at him and his ears. In a moment of panic, zack runs away from the kingdom. As zack was running, he noticed he was going way more faster than he usually runs and jumps way too up higher than usual. But as zack is continuing to run to somewhere. He notices its about to rain soon and zack should seek for a shelter. Following the staircase and missing half of the steps by jumping so high, zack stumbles upon a temple and zack hurries inside as he is soaking wet. Zack curses to himself as he lets out a big ear piercing sneeze. Zack then curses more why his life is such a joke and so on. Zack stares at the rain from the doorway as he leans his head against the doorframe as Zack's body feels heavy from the wet clothes. Zack then falls asleep.

As vin was so in his own world that he didn't notice someone had entered his temple. Vin didn't care much if some strangers would enter his temple time to time cuz they wouldn't be able to reach where vin was hiding due to magic. But vin soon noticed that his decor was changing. Suddenly next to some dragon cravings a rabbit had appeared. Vin then asked the dragon spirits what was going and they gave vin a small explanation of "seems like the other spirits are also choosing their successors. Poor rabbit boy seems pretty lost since the rabbit spirits haven't had the time to explain the situation to him" and vin then got up from his place and started to walk towards the entrance of the temple. Vin then finds a shivering man with bunny ears and wet clothes. Vin picked him up as he started to walk towards Vin's room. Vin took off Zack's wet clothes and tucked him on the soft giant bed. Vin then decided to float his book closer to him so vin could read as he waits for the rabbit boy to wake up. Vin wnet to his human form as zack was slolwy waking up. Once zack woke up he noticed he was on a bed and rolled around cuz it was so comfortable but soon panic hit him because he had not fallen asleep on the bed and zack then fully woke up and looked around where he was. Then zack noticed he had nothing but the blanket and then zack notived the stranger sitting on the bed next to him. Vin soon turned around to look at the woken up bunny and goes "good that you are awake, there is something that i need to te-" "WHY AM IN YOUR BED NAKED!?" Zack had cut off vin and vin let out a sigh. "You looked exhausted and could've gotten sick from wearing those wet clothes. Now let me explain the situation you are in"

"Did you touch me while i was unconscious?"


"I don't believe you, u are just skme crazy person who wants to sleep with me" Then vin snapped as he turned to his half dragon form and then zack let out+

"Oooh" and vin explains that he is the successor of the dragon spirits as he fixes his smoky quartz sunglasses. Then vin finally gets to explain to zack that the rabbit spirits haven't had the time to explain zacm his situation and then the rabbit spirits butt in and then the dragon spirits butt and now vinzack are watching the spirits bicker with each other as zack turns towards vin and asks how vin turned into human and vin then explains it to zack and zack then tries to turn fully into human but accidentally turns into a rabbit and zack is about to panic but vin picks him up to his chest and zack soon calms down and turns into a human. Vin lets out a small curse as Zack's naked body is on top vin. Zack starts blushing as he realizes what situation he had gotten himself into and gets off and hides under the blankets as vin gets up from the bed and says to zack that he'll get some clothes for zack. Zack then finally gets his moment with the rabbit gods and learns about his powers.+

Zack powers being that he can slightly see better in dark than most humans, jump higher and run really fast, superhearing, inhuman sex drivers(zack blush3d really had in that moment) and last one being able to bring life back at some dead things or make things bloom earlier. Vin soon returned back with the clothes as zack said he was little hungry. Vin soon left to make some food for them as zack started to dress up. As zack was dressing up, he finally noticed how much deep sh*t he was in his home town. He had revealed everyone that he had done the bunny ritual with the shaman and now zack had bunny ears, zack then wondered what mira would think of him. But that worry got lil bit burried when he smelled the great food come out of the kitchen. Zack got curious and followed the smell. They soon had their dinner as zack was eating a lot because he was hungry. Vin then asked for Zack's name and they both exchanged their names and zack got curious how vin had ended up being the successor of the dragons and what powers does vin have. Vin ignored the first question and started to list the powers he had and zack said "NO FAIR THAT YOU GET ALL THESE COOL POWERS AND MINE'S MOSTLY IS INHUMAN SEX DRIVE!" and vin almost choked on his own food. Soon the conversation got serious when zack explained that before the ritual zack couldn't get it up at all no matter what he did and maybe the sex drive isn't that bad thing at all but it seems unfair that vin has such cool powers comapred to Zack's helping some things bloom or sum and his insane sex drive and able to get multiple org*sms. Vin then says that even though vin has flashy powers, no human or successor wouldn't want to be with vin at all. Then zack got curious about that question and noticed that vin was wearing sunglasses indoors. Then zack asks why no one wanted to be with vin and vin says that he was viewed as a monster even before becoming a successor so he doesn't care if zack leaves him and vin kinda wants zack to leave+

Because vin was kinda getting irritated that the temple he has been living in for months is slowly morphing also to fit zack in there and zack tilts his head as his ears pop up again and zack lets out a sigh. And goes "im going to stay here until i can control these wherever you like it or not" and vin then groans but soon accepts that zack is going to be staying there. So soon they start living there the two of them. Vin shows zack his room the temple had created for him. As zack practices his shapeshifting vin is in his own world again, painting, reading, making clothes etc. Until one day when they were having their dinner. Zack kinda wants to know what has happened at his hometown and vin suggests that they could go visit but zack feels emberrassed to go back there after he accidentally revealed to the whole town that he has rabbit ears and was screaming at the shaman that he had done the rabbit blessing ritual that is done only to women and now the whole town knew about it. So vin suggests that vin goes there with zack turned into a rabbit so it looks like vin has a pet rabbit and vin asks if zack had learned to shift with hsi clothes staying on and zack says that he has. So they go with this plan. They walk together as humans towards Zack's hometown but zack soon turns into rabbit as vin continues to walk inside the town. As they walk around zack notices the vin is also petting him but doesn't say anything as he is very focused on the conversation people were having. Thanks to Zack's superhearing he was able to hear people still make fun of zack and how the shaman had done a ritual meant for women on a man and zack got punished by the rabbit spirits and that's why he now has rabbit ears. Zack let out a sigh as he tried not to listen to anyone's stupid words but it was hard with the superhearing. Vin then pulled zack closer towards Vin's hearts and now zack was only focused on listening to Vin's heartbeat to calm down. As vin was walking around he had heard+

Some people talk sh*t about zack and was getting mad at them how wrong they were about the situation. Zack wasn't cursed, he was blessed, gifted, given an opportunity to be the successor of the rabbits.

"We could cook taht catch for you!", someone next to vin had said as vin let out the most disgusted and disturbed face towards the person. Vin then opened his mouth to say "no! He is my companion." And the person then apologized cuz he thought that vin had caught it to eat it. But now that vin had spoken in public, there was someone from another town who had recognized Vin's voice. With anger and horror in their voice, they screamed at vin how he was supposed to be the sacrifice to bring back hope to the town fron the dragon spirits and how much of monster vin was and still is and the person kept saying nasty stuff about vin over and over again, telling nasty things about Vin's family too and how his sister died because of vin and so on, zack soon shufted back into a human and punched the living sh*t out of the person, there was rage in Zack's face as zack was ruining the baby blue coloured hanbok vin had made with blood and dirt. Vin soon stopped zack telling that's enough and zack gets all worked up about how could vin let a scum like taht person talk to vin like that but vin wasn't listening. He noticed that there was a small cut and bruise at the corner of zack mouth. So vin moved his hand to Zack's face to use some of his magic to heal zack and vin just said "gosh u r so reckless that you got yourself hurt in the process" and zack says "were you not listening at all?" And shakes his head head and zack starts shaking vin screaming how much of an idiot vin is and then vin starts shaking zack they stop until zack hears his dad say "zack?". Zack is bout to sprint the f*ck out of there unstil vin holds zack in place by the collar. Then zack turns into a rabbit and tries to run away but vin uses his telekinesis to make zack float back to Vin's arms and vin pulls+

The rabbit zack infront of Zack's dad and goes "you are going to talk to your dad whever u like it not" and zack screams "PUT ME DOWN YOU HOT HEADED BALD DRAGON!" As he he kicking around and vin goes "WHO ARE YOU TO CALL HOT HEADED!? YOU ALWAYS IN HEAT BASTARD!" and they continue to bicker more and more and Zack's dad clears his throat and tgey both go silent as zack turns back into human but is still hold like simba in lion king cuz for some reason vin doesn't want to let go of zack. Zack’s dad smiles and says that he is so happy to see his son doing well and he was so worried when he heard his son had grown bunny ears and that Zack's dad's intuitions were correct. His son was indeed chosen to be the rabbit spirits successor. Zack then is all emberrassed cuz his dad knows and zack tells vin to put him down and vin finally listens to zack and zack sprints to f*ck out of there as vin lets out of a sigh. But before vin goes after zack. Zack's dad pauses vin to talk with him. To tell vin that its fine and that Zack's dad knows how his son acts like this and tells vin to take good care of zack and that Zack's dad is also happy zack is able to make grdat companions like vin(Zack's dad had heard vin call zack his companion) vin says that he'll take a good care of zack and goes after zack who had already ran to the temple. When vin got back to the temple he walked up to Zack's room to met with strong scent. Vin told zack why did zack leave his own like dat. But as vin got closer to zack the more stranger and stronger Zack's scent was getting and zack soon peaked his head out of the blankets to scream "IN THE MOMENT OF PANICKING I HAD SOMEHOW ACCIDENTALLY ACTIVATED MY OWN HEAT AND I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO TURN IT OFF OR GET RID OFF IT SO I RAN BACK HERE FAST AS I COULD! SO LET ME SUFFER INSIDE MY BLANKET FORD ON MY OWN!! JUST IGNORE ME LIKE U USUALLY DO!!" and that was the moment vin realized why zack would sometimes lock himself in his own room and why the spirits+

Haven't told vin anything why zack was locking himself in his own room. Zack was just emberrassed of not being able to control his powers and vin tried to comfort zack in that situation taht vin also doesn't know hoe to control some hof his powers too, like when vin gets upset he sometimes causes big brainstorms since vin can control the weather and then zack realizes it was raining when a lot when zack had ran to the temple that day and wondered if that was Vin's doing. As vin was about to leave zack held onto Vin's hand and told vin to stay. Zack then opened his mouth to say that he has been catching feelings for vin and wondered if vin would like to spend Zack's heat with him so vin stays. Vin sits on the bed(he is in human form so no 2 dicks) and zack stares at Vin's face and zack says "i don't care how long i have to wiat until you show me your eyes to but i want you to know that i like you for who you are. Your kind gestures have won me over, your body is just a bonus" zack said giggling as his bunny ears twitched around. Vin then pulled zack into a kiss as they started to undress each other. As zack looked at human vin zack pointed out he wanted to do it with half dragon form because it was sexy as hell and zack wanted to hold on the horns while riding vin and vin let out an embarrassed cough as he turned to his half dragon form and he now had two dicks out and erected. Zack's ears shot up as his eye wineded and so did his grin. Vin was looking away from Zack's expression cuz vin had a hunch that zack would find the two dicks weird unfil he turned to look towards zack when he said the words "i am so going to force those two inside me at the same time" and now vin got concerned for Zack's health but zack said he has he is the successor of the rabbit spirits and that he can take them both! So as they have sex vin is drained dry as zack is still very much very overstimulated but also very still into it.

After the multiple rounds zack got rid of his heat and they are now extremely tired, Zack's heat high has began to wore off and zack got hit with reality that his ass hurt a lot but he fell asleep before he had to deal with that pain. As they were cuddling zack woke up to raging pain from his ass as vin was nowhere to be seen. Zack then panicked and screamed for Vin's name as zack was not able to get up from the bed. Vin soon rushed to the bedroom and asked if anything was wrong and zack screamed at him "i thought you left me!" And vin rushed to zack side explaining that he was making a bath and breakfast for zack since he thought zack would probably like a bath and breakfast once zack woke up cuz theyr had really hatdcore sex last night. Zack them mumbled vin to pick him up since its painful zack to move his legs and vin says taht zack shouldn't have tried fitting them both last night but zack goes "ONE DAY, IM GOING TO f*ck YOU DRY AND IM GOING TO BE ALL FINE NEXT MORNING AND I AM GOING TO BE THE ONE MAKE BREAKFAST FOR YOU AND BATH YOU!" And vin giggled and gave a smooch to zack hoping that dau will come soon

Now brain is dead

Omg imagine then zack going back to the hometown to continue to talk with his dad cuz the conversation they had had gotten short because of Zack's accidental power usage and then they have full on conversation where zack explains that he now lives up in the mountains in a temple with vin and Zack's dad asks if vin is also a successor of some spirits and zack says he is a successor of the dragon spirits and they continue to have their talk ans Zack's dad suggests that they could all 3 have dinner some time so Zack's dad could get known more about Zack's boyfriend and zack freezes for a sec and asks how does he know and Zack's dad goes "its pretty obvious how you talk about him. I'm so happy for you"

Then Zack's dad would sometimes pay visit at the temple too

Imagine vin going to Zack's hometown to pick up some sweets because zack was craving for some and they had hardcore sex again and vin wanted to treat zack right and people in the home twon wouldn't stop staring at vin until one of the kids screamed "OH MY GOD ITS A COOLD DRAGON!" and vin realized he was in his half dragon form but continued to shop normally

Chapter 19: Psychic Zack x Vin

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I just finished watching I am not okay with this and got inspired, imagine zack slowly discoving that he has pshycic powers

but like at first Zack tought it was him getting possessed and him losing his mind and that he is all scared about ghosts

and then vin comes and witness it one time

Like in the show the mc discovers their powers slowly, so like, lets imagine a scenario where Zack's hot temper got better of him in an arcade and zack got mad at the person across the other side who was playing vs game with him and zack walks up to them to ask why does the player keep saying zack f*cking sucks at the game even thought the player is spamming the same set of combos. and in all that the player bastard gets up and gets all worked up on Zack being a nerd for being suck a sweat in the game and that its just a game and they are allowed to curse

and zack promised not to fight to mira so he tries to talk it out and zack is thinking inside in his head that he wants this person to shut up and then zack notices that the person's nose is bleeding like a lot

and the stranger's friend who was getting them some sodas, rushes to this stanger's side and asks if zack hurt him and this person was all big and looked like a fighter and all and zack was still in the middle of thinking "did i actually believe myself that i just did that? f*ckign stupid"and the stranger takes advantage of this situation and says that zack punched em when in reality zack did absolutely nothing and zack finally snaps back to reality and keeps telling the big guy "i didn't punch em. their nose just started bleeding like crazy! i didn't do anything!" but the big guy doesn't believe zack since there is so much blood

but before the big guy could touch zack, vin from the background who had been watching this situation play out, walked in front and told the big guy that their friend is lying "i saw everything. there was no punching and if you fight in here, i'll kick your asses out of here and give you a ban from here big guy" and then the big guy stops themselves because they don't wanna have beef with the employees in here and tells their friend that they should just leave and wonders why they lied to em and the stranger is all stuttering mess

Zack on the other hand is shooting daggers at vin and says "I didn't know you worked here" and vin goes "I don't. the staff in here knows me very much. Just don't cause a scene in here" and vin walks away as zack is left confused about the whole situation

the next time zack sees his powers work, was when zack was mad at himself that he is weak and in all that zack as zack is curled up into small ball in a stinky alleyway

zack makes a small like shatter? like the f*ck IS THAT WORD IN ENGLISH?!?! like he makes a small tear on the wall anf zack is very freaked out and walks away just to bump into vin, vin says his curses and hello as zack runs away scared as vin wonders if everything is okay with zack, so this makes vin even more curious if zack is okay

The next time something like this happens was when zack's hot temper got at him and he threw a punch at the punching machine and the whole machine broke as daniel, vasco and the gang was there and if anyone looked more closely at the punch, you could've seen that zack's fist never make contant on the machine number screen but onley the punching thing. and zack noticed it and wondered why it flew so far away(the machine got send flying) even thought zack didn't touch it other than the punchign bag, meanwhile the others were celebrating that zack was so strong and that vasco also wanted to try the machine but zack broke it, meanwhile vin from the distance while eating outside on the seven eleven noticed that zack never made impact on the machine and that it flew and crumbled on its own

so vin now gets suspicious as zack is slowly losing his mind

and then one time when zack was raging in his room his clothes and stuff started to levitate and then zack's rage turned into fear and the stuff flew down loudly as zack satrted to scream and ran out of his room

zack took his bike and started to bike the f*ck out of the city as zack kept trying to calm himself over and over again

that he was not possessed

and that he is not haunted

and that ghosts are not real

that zack is just losing it and sh*t

and vin was out motorbiking all by himself as he sees zack bike past him and vin with his helmet on, didn't notice it was zack but vin decided to follow the biker any way cuz vin had the habit of following solo bikers from a far to make sure no one attacks them or does any harm to the solo cyclists

and as vin followed zack from a far, vin finally got close to zack and noticed it was zack and he looked really panicked, as vin was busy looking at zack, he didn't notice that he was about to drive straight into a truck that was on the wrong side of the road. Zack's fear got a best of him as he was afraid of the biker and the truck and all of it just became very overwhelming to zack

so zack f*cking screams as the truck flips on its own flying across zack and vin's head and crashes behind them as zack had fallen off his bike

vin on the other and parked his bike well as he looked around for any witnesses or cameras and then called 911 to tell about a truck driver that suddenly flipped all of the sudden when driving on the wrong lane and vin wasn't sure where he was but the helpers needed to come here really quickly cuz vin had no way of checking if the truck driver was okay and that his friend zack lee fell of their own cycling bike when they were driving and vin goes up to them check if zack is okay and vin leaves the phone on speaker as he puts it down next to zack who was bleeding from their head. Zack didn't know it was vin behind the helmet so he freaked out for a second until vin took of his helmet and let zack see vin's eyes as vin looked around zack to see any injuries on zack and vin was asking questions like "bleeding anywhere else?" "do you feel anything on your legs?" "can you move your toes?" and zack wasn't answering any of them because he was so focused on vin's eyes, like in all of this chaos zack found vin's eyes as the least bizarre things out of everything

and then zack finally said "no don't touch me or i'll make you haunted too" and that rose a hidden memory in vin and says "you aren't possessed by a ghost. It's just you and me. you don't bring misonfortune, that truck driver was on the wrong side of the road. Can you stand up for me?" and zack tries to get up and vin notices that zack got only hit in the head

vin lets a sigh of relief as Zack has vin's words stuck in his head

like how did vin know what to say to him to calm him down and sh*t

and then zack started to wonder if vin also had those powers and thats why his eyes were like that, until one of the medics saw them and as they were talking to make sure zack was okay, zack heard one fo the medics say something about vin's eyes like "I've never seen polycoria and heterochromia on someone at the same time! damn, must've been a pain in the ass..." and zack then looked at vin who was really uncomfortable from the medics, so zack walked up to vin and sat next to him on the ambulance as the medic who was taking care of zack complained for zack moving but zack didn't care

zack leaned his head on vin's shoulder and passed out

vin on the other hand was wondering if zack had some freaky superpowers or sum and zack was freaking out that he hasn't noticed it before

vin then started to wonder if anyone else has seen and noticed zack's stranger behavious

then the next day, zack tried to act it cool at school

Vin then pulls zack aside somewhere when zack is all alone

Maybe in one of the bathroom stalls and vin is all

"Dude, do u have superpowers or sum?" And zack is all confused and asks vin "do u?" And vin goes "nope" and zack tilts his head as he thought they eyes were something related to zack but nope

So vin asks again "zack, do u wanna meet up in somewhere after school?" And zack goes "why would i?" And vin goes "well, it seems like u were all freaked out that night and i think u need someone to talk about it" and zack goes "why does it hav eto be you?"

And then vin goes "cuz im probably the only one who has seen u do it a lot of times and others would probably freak the f*ck out or sthink u r crazy or hallucinating"

"Im all u got"

And then zack finally agrees to go somewhere with vin and vin is all happy happy but stays his sh*tty self and says "give me your number dumbass" and then they exchange their numbers and brain dide hold on

Back to the i am not okay with this vinzack au, so they get to hang out after school and vin picks up zack in his motorbike to go pretty far away from the city center and vin the parks his bike close to those spots in south korea where u can sit down on the wooden little thingy that has a roof on it and vin tells zack to stay there and look after his bike as vin skidaddles to buy some snacks for them. So when vin gets back his first question about Zack's powers were "what did u feel when using ur powers?" And zack goes little blank and goes "ummm, i never thought about it that much" and vin then says "has it been negative feelings that has caused that?" And then zack says "okay, u have a point" and vin goes "damn, must be exhausting to trynna be more cheery and happy in the future and not give a f*ck at all so u wouldn't hurt anyone by havibg negative feelings" and then the reality hit zack too as he was about to drop the snack ge was holding on until in caught it before it hit Zack's legs and then vin realizes that zack is definitely thinking too hard about this and tries to change the subject and goes "why haven't you told anyone about my eyes?" And zack snaps back and looks up at vin and zack doesn't answer for a long while cuz he himself didn't know why and instead of answering zack goes "can i see 'em?" Brain died

then vin just looks at him as he fully takes off his sunglasses and doesn't say anything. Zack still doesn't look up and feels all emberrassed that he doesn't notice that he is making the snacks in front of them float until vin finally clears his throat and says "sorry, I haven't gotten used to someone seeing my eyes and reacting like that" and then zack looks up and sees vin has gotten rid of his sunglasses,,, then zack tries to hide his excitement as he smiles big like and idiot and they go back to discussing about zack's powers and then this slowly becomes their norm of vin driving them to outside of the city and taking off his sunglasses and zack tries to control his powers better

imagine vin getting all happy that zack could open a can of soda all by himself by just using his mind and vin picks him up and throws him up in the air and spins around all proud of zack

then imagine at school when someone is about to take off vin's sunglasses by force and zack across the hall uses his powers to make the sunglasses stay on vin's face and the stranger screams at vin if he uses f*cking glue to stick his sunglasses to his face,,,, zack has done this multiple times and vin always thanks him for it

as they continue to hang out more and vin getting more prouder with zack's superpower skills, sooner or later zack makes both of them float and zack kisses vin in the air and they spin around and vin jokes about air sex and zack f*cking laughs at the idea so f*cking much that he almost throws up and vin gets worried for zack for a second and zack even falls more in love with vin and zack is about to go for another kiss but vin stops him and says "you just puked, hold your horses, honey" and zack goes even more wild with the nickname and they both fall from the air and hit the ground as zack squeels and vin groans in pain and then giggles how adorable zack is

Chapter 20: Game system Vinzack

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okay, so like this vinzack au is more like built around the world ending game system in the lone necromancer. so like im going to focus on writing zack's start of the story first. like the world is ending and like everyone gets to pic their card that had a class in them (like necromancer, priest, knigt, a thief, etc. and they have 1 stars to 5, if i remember correctly) and like zack is in the middle of his jogging when he gets this notification that he needs to pick his class and there it a time limit. Zack the gamer picks the first one that has 5 stars not looking at all what that class is since he is panicking thinking about if mira is safe and is also confused if zack is hallucinating all of this to himself. to zack's surprise he picked a class called The seducer (i made this up) and zack f*cking screams as he is stuck with class and starts reading info about his class. Zack screams even more when he sees that his skills are literally seducing monsters, the lower level the mosnter is, the more likely the monster will see zack as a friend and not trying to f*ck zack and this doesn't use Zack's mana at all. and Zack is like all confused why this class was a 5 star class, that it's so f*cking useless until a group of small goblins come at zack all violently and then they turn into softies. Zack quickly beats them up and gets coins. Then zack gets worried more and tries to reach out to mira but can't contact her at all(she is safe with mary, but zack doesn't know) then zack starts running toward's mira's house hoping she is there but on the way, zack notices the giant things (lythices? i forgot the names lol, dragons or sum) in the sky and stucks himself closer to the buildings as zack sees all the military pull up out of nowhere and see them lose against orcs and stuff. Then Zack realizes that he needs to become stronger and level up his skill even though his class is sh*t as f*ck but Zack still can box. so Zack tries to find dungeons and stores to make himself+

stronger and thinking he could keep mira more safe and himself safe, as Zack keeps ignoring on learning a new skill everytime he levels up and puts the leveling things to random items or random stat cards, he finally gives in and learns a random skill, Zack actually finds this skill useful, a energy sucking skill, Zack then starts to question the f*ck his class is. as he stares at the skill longer. because zack starts to wonder if the skill is too op, because zack gets to choose what energy he is sucking out of his enemies, Hp, mana, their buffs and so on, zack can choose but it's going to cost zack mana. As time passes and zack finally gets into mira's house, he finds it empty and now zack is more determined to find Mira trying to find her by visiting these communites people have built up. as Zack is traveling all alone he gets stronger to defend himself alone and like he keeps at least one goblin alive to keep him company when zack is resting or sleeping in a closed off room. Zack was in the middle of completing a mission to his class first awakening when a werewolf monster approaches zack. Zack has gotten used to the monster tryign to make their loud mating calls to allert zack but since this werewolf was a player before, they aren't mindless idiots when they want something and are still human in their monster form since they missed the opportunity to pick a card. zack like, for t the first time gets caught of guard fighting another player and like the small goblin zack kept as his company tries their best to attack the werewolf's leg to let go of zack. the gobling gets thrown across the subway station and zack uses his skill to steal the werewolf's buffs and basically become "him" so like he steals all the buffs and easily beats the werewolf but this is the first time zack has used this skill of his his to this extreme that zack passes out on the train station. the little goblin finally caught up to zack's passed out body and gets all panicked and looks around+

the little goblin starts crying pretty loudly and waits for Zack to wake up. As Zack is passed out. He misses this opportunity to choose a second class for himself. the little goblin continues to trying to wake up zack. to other people this would look like the goblin is trying to eat zack or sum and Vin totally sees it that way. he killed the goblin and made him his minion (vin picked necromancer and dark magic sorcerer on the second class pick) the goblin that is now a little skeleton goblin still stays with passed out zack and vin thought the person was dead dead and not passed out. so curious vin walks up to the person and sees it's zack. Vin then starts walking away because he doesn't want to do anything with zack but the new goblin skeleton keeps throwing rocks at vin to pick up zack and vin is like fascinated how this goblin is so attached to zack, until vin pulls out the stats on the goblin skeleton and sees [ this goblin is under the influence of The Seducer's skill ] and then vin turns to look at zack and laughs for a moment and then finally picks up zack from the ground(also vin is wearing his sunglasses and zack already knows about vin's eyes) vin carries zack somewhere quiet where he can take a better look at Zack and vin also takes a look at himself too. Time passes and Zack finally wakes up, zack sees the skeleton goblin and freaks out for a moment until vin says "You picked a f*cking The Seducer?" and zack goes "HOW THE f*ck DO YOU KNOW?!" and then vin goes "i can see the stats on my undead minions. that goblin right there is under you skill still. Can you explain to me the f*ck is your class all about?" and then zack just doesn't say anything as he looks at his own stuff and sees that he has leveled up and he is pretty close to awakening himself. Zack then asks Vin about his class and vin says the two classes that he has. Then Zack questions about Vin having two classes and Zack says he hasn't seen another pile of cards in front of him and then vin+

connects the dots that zack must've been passed out when the second card selecting happened and vin doesn't say anything about that as he is busy about thinking of a way to awaken himself too. then zack says that he needs to leave to find mira and see if she is okay and vin just blatantly says "she is fine. she was on a date with mary. She is in safe hands. Do you want to take down the boss fight in this building? I have weapon gloves that might be more useful for your fighting style" and then zack turns to look vin as vin pulls out bracelets and throws them at Zack. Zack catches them and reads the weapon info. they were magic bracelets that would turn into giant gloves when needed and zack staright up wears them and looks at vin to say "okay, im doing this one boss fight with you and continuing to find mira" and vin gets out of his seat and walks up to zack. "Let's get some bone armour in you too" vin said as he used his skill to create armor on zack made out of bones. So they go into this boss fight that levels them up a alot and they reach their awakenings and sh*t and like vin gets his and zack gets his op awakened skill too and he f*cking screams how weird, op and odd the skill is. vin is confused why zack is screaming and asks zack about. Zack is still reading the new skill's info as he suddenly tells vin to get rid of zack's bone armor in this instant. vin is confused but uses his magic to get rid all the armor on zack. Zack lifts up his shirt and screams more when he sees the succubus tattoo on his tummy and looks back at the skill info screen and vin is like so confused why zack is acting this way until zack says "I just gained the most op skill ever but it's emberrassing as f*ck!" and vin is like "THEN f*ckING ELABORATE MORE OR IM GOING TO ASSUME THAT YOU GOT A SKILL ABOUT MAKING ANYTHING OR EVERYONE f*ck YOU! CUZ THAT IS A SUCCUBUS TATTOO RIGHT THERE!" and then zack like gets all emberrassed but like is like "is this skill for real?"+

so Zack's new skill is that if he sleeps with any player, he can use his skill to bookmark their class and their skills and use that said player's powers for an hour and this skill can be used every day once and zack has to wait for the day to change for it to refresh. and like to level up this skill is that Zack gets more bookmark slots. Now he has one, and to update the sloth of the said player's class and skills, zack just has to sleep with them again and use the bookmark skill. like zack is updating the slot with having sex the same playerVinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (6) and imagine when zack explains this to vin and vin supports this and asks if zack wants to have sex with vin to test this out since vin is a strong necromancer and a dark magic userVinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (7)

and that is the moment when they realize why zack's class was a 5 star class

zack be turning into a library of skills and powers, imagine if zack could use vin's army when zack is using vin's powers,,,

zack is all unsure at the start but he is so curious about how being a necromancer would feel like and how cool vin's powers kinda are and then agrees to have sex with vin, if they do it somewhere quiet and vin promises to be gentle with zack,,,

he kept his promise, but when it was time to update the bookmark, vin was rough as f*ck and left a lot of bitemarks on zack,,,

also when zack uses vin's skill to make dead things join their army, zack is making them join vin's army so, vin also benefits from this, like vin is just casually goes "oh, you weren's here before. you bust from when zack uses my skill"

and vin is all supportive about zack being a whor* and trying to seduce strong players to sleep with zack sicne vin is the only one that knows about zack's skill and other players think zack is a boxer necromancer and vin is also trying his best to buy this act to the others that both of them are necromancers so zack's skill stays hidden

vin also telling zack how to rizz up other people to sleep with him

imagine how proud vin must be when zack rizzed up the third strongest player in the south korean server in the top 5 leader board and zack is all giddy that he copied their skills and sh*t

vin be pullin up and saying "god damn, your class is so f*cking cool" and zack goes "it kinda is but WHO THE f*ck WOULD HAVE SEX AT THE END OF THE WORLD!?" and vin goes "idk, ask youself, you've been having sex with me a lot even though i haven't upgraded by skills or learned any new ones" and then vin gets hit in the stomach

lil cutie pootie zack being all flustered about vin's words. then after that zack shoes his floating screen to vin to read the top 3 person's skills and their stats and so on, (also this is so op of zack that he can see the player's skills, even the hidden ones, like buffs or skills that don't cost mana like zack has and like it gives zack such an upper hand if he ever fightst them since he can mostly see what their skills are) and like vinzack are studying this 3rd strongest player as they are plotting on seducing the rest too and get their powers,,,

them having this masterplan until zack gets another skill and he suddenly grows a demon tail, small horns and small wings and they have to come up with a new lie so zack can rizz up more people

Chapter 21: Zombie Vin x Survivor Zack

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okay but like this is probably like the millionth time i've recycled this same zombie au idea but like imagine zombie vin x survivor zack au, like vin is a zombie but before that he was a survivor. a human. Cheonliang's town people thought vin is like possessed by a ghost and so on with his eyes, blah blah canon past stuff, but like. When the zombie outbreak happens vin is trying his best to survive fighting against the zombies(slow walkers to mutated fast ones) and like they've been doing pretty great for over 3 years until they come across a cult that are looking for their sacrifice that could save them. Thanks to Vin's eyes, he becomes the target of this cult and he gets thrown under the buss when vin gets separated from mary. vin is dealing alone with the cults bullsh*t. in all that cult mess, something gets injected into vin and as everything in a mess in there a mutated giant dog come out of nowhere and starts destroying the place and then there is some gas leak and vin is coughing violently and so is the giant dog. the dog dies from the toxic gas leak as vin is trying his best to get out of there. suddenly out of nowhere a fast mutated zombie runs up to vin and bites him and tries to eat him. Vin's limbs get tore off as he is screaming in pain and suddenly everything comes rushing to him and he is in agonizing pain. Vin's arm painfully grows back as he screams in pain and bites back at the zombie. Vin then continues to walk his way out of there as he slowly finds himself in a situation where he is leading a zombie herd all of the sudden. Then Vin slowly starts to realize that he is now one of them as he stops and watches the zombies walk past him not caring about him at all. Vin full on has this freaking out moment but then decides why not use this on his own advantage to try and find mary and see if she is okay. Vin can now easily get into places that are fully filled with zombies and now Vin has the best weapons and armor any survivor could dream of+

Vin continues to abuse this ability to blend in with the walkers and the ability to roar at the zombies to come into his direction and lead them out of places or for fun make them fall of bridges. Vin also has some other superhuman abilities beside super healing, he can see in the dark, has great sense of smell and hearing and of course kind of controlling zombies and also being way strong and way too fast also he can easily break his joints and move like train to busan zombies. As Vin is getting tired of trying to find a single survivor camp or any single trace of some life beside the zombies. Vin stumbles upon someone screaming in the distance. He runs towards the noise as he sees a raven haired boy trying to run away from a mutated zombie dog vin saw at the cult place. Vin does his zombie roar to make the mutant dog be scared of vin and it works. The mutant dog stops in it's place and vin jumps down from the building he was standing on and gets closer to the mutant dog. vin takes a closer look at the mutant dog and it's not the same he saw at the cult place, but he notices a serial number on the weird thing on the neck of the mutant giant dog. vin is surprised to find something humanly crafted on the giant dog and rips it off. the mutant dog screams in pain for a moment but the dog's personality change like alltogether. suddenly the mutant dog seems all friendly and it's even wagging its tail. This horse sized dog is wagging its tail in front of human sized vin. Vin takes a better look at the crafted thingy but doesn't understand it at all. He puts it in his backpack as he wonders where that survivor must've went but then again. Vin would seem very intimidating to that survivor and the survivor would waste their bullet or energy on vin. So vin decides to walk away from the scene. but now he has a problem. a big problem. This furrball won't leave him alone. plus side of this is that it seems like the zombies don't care about the giant mutant dog.+

it seems like the giant mutant dog wants vin to ride him or pay attention to him. so Vin sighs and hops on the giant dog's back. Vin then decides that he should probably not stay in the main roads and take forest routes as an stealty option. Vin finally finds a walkie talkie that has someone talking on it. Vin tries his best to communicate with the person on the other end asking questions is there a safe place and so on. Vin gets guided into a post instead, to talk more. But it seems like he is getting guns pointed at him straight up before letting vin talk, so vin is like in the other end of the road and there is like a lot of distance with the survivors and vin. Vin pulls out the walkie talkie again to talk with these stupid survivors. The survivors are confused on how a survivor is riding a wild mutant dog and vin can't pretend anymore since these idiots guided him into a post instead of a camp so he just straight tells that he is one of them. The zombies. And Vin gets shot with a sniper in the head. Vin just says on the walkie talkie that they just wasted a bullet on him and that around over 60 zombies heard that gunshot and vin also hears another mutant dog in the distanse and also informs that the the survivors. so Vin then slowly rides away with his dog to the other direction and drops the walkie talkie. After this, Survivors start to get more scared of the zombies. They have theories that with longer time they become smart and like they have these crazy theories and none of them are correct. So Vin then continues to live his life on the run with his dog and also eating normal food he can find or eat other zombies or hunt some wild animals. One day Vin got curious and wondered what a big city would look like since he has never been in a big city. On his way to the big city, he stumbles upon some people screaming and yelling on top of a big truck. There are slow zombies gathering around the truck as vin also sees someone screaming and running around on the+

the highway and they are trying to get on top of the truck too, but none of them are helping him to get up on the truck. the raven haired ends up running inside a car to hide as his other survivor friends are trying to climb inside the truck's driver seat from the top and start the truck.(lets pretend that this is possible when it's truly not possible at all to start a truck that has been standing there in place for years) the truck starts and the survivors on top of the car are trying their best to say on top of it as the driver is driving them away to safety. Vin has this idea and tells the mutant dog to protect the guy in the car(vin has figured out how to give detailed orders to the dog) and the mutant dog runs off to protect the human in the car from other zombies. Vin on the other hand runs off to chase the truck. As Zack is screaming about the zombies almost breaking in the car. The dog throws the zombies away and Zack recognises that mutant dog that chased him few months ago. Zack then thinks he is about to die by getting mauled and tore apart by a giant mutant dog. but as Zack stays in the car. He soon notices that the dog isn't attacking him but is protecting him. Zack is all confused as he gambles and steps out of the car. Zack then notices that he had sprained his ankle as the adrenaline had stopped kicking and Zack's ankle was in so much pain that Zack almost fell face flat to the ground. The dog notices Zack's pain and rushes to his side. Zack then thought he was about to f*cking die but instead was met with the dog trying to help Zack stand. Soon Zack climbed on top of the dog's back and yelped when the dog took off running back to where he could smell vin. Vin on the other hand had located where the other survivors had parked their truck and Vin could smell them inside a building. Vin made sure his entrance was loud as he roared for other zombies to also get in here. Vin smelt the humans again to count how many of them there was. 4 and all of them+

were around middle aged adults. and now Vin was slightly pissed off that they sacrificed the young one out of their group to survive. the other survivors are confused by this loud roar since they've never heard a zombie roar and they are scared. Tthey are like all ready to shoot at the door but vin just appears out of nowhere from the windows and says hi to them. the survivors are still at the edge but one of them has calmed down and they act all nice and friendly to vin. Vin then asks why did they have to abandon their friend and vin was ecpecting them to make excuses of they didn't have time and how they had to save themselves first and so on, but instead vin was met with "Who? we didn't leave anyone behind. It's just us 4" and then vin throws a knife at the person's forehead who said that. "I guess it's just you 3, right?" and then one of them pulls a gun at vin and shoots at them. Vin pretends that he got hurt but starts laughing really loudly as he gets up from the floor and says "gosh they definitely heard that gunshot. I didn't even need to yell at them to come here. Have fun dealing with those braindead zombies. See ya! Wait, hold on, i am correct, you still turn into zombies so I get to control you! isn't that nice?" and vin then just jumps out of the window and like lands head first ant his neck is like fully cracked. Zack screams as the dog has brought him there a lil time ago. Zack stares at the man horrified as he tries not to puke. but Vin soon stands up from the ground and cracks his head back in place and Zack is even more confused as ever as he passes out on the dog's back. Vin turns around and sees the dog and face palms. Vin opens his mouth to "jesus, i told you guard him not to bring him to me. it's not safe for him to stay here", and vin then climbs on the dog and tries to like hold the passed out starnger as dog takes them to somewhere safe. They choose some random quiet house and the dog just jumps over the gates and waits outside as Vin+

carries the passed out stranger inside. vin places zack on to a couch as vin looks around to find something useful and also to make some food for himself and the stranger and then vin hears the dog sctrach on to the door and vin opens it and sees a dead deer and vin guesses thaht they are eating deer tonight. Vin carries the deer into the kitchen, to skin it off and cut himself pieces and cut pieces to the stranger too(vin took the meat pieces for him that isn't close to the dog's bites because he wasn't sure if Zack would get infected from that) and then vin looks around if there is a grill where he can cook vin's and zack's food and vin just throws the rest of the deer to the dog who is happily eating it. outside. Vin is done cooking and he has made it sure to keep vin's food seperate from the stranger's. The stranger soon wakes up in the middle of Vin's grilling food. So zack is all confused why he is suddenly in a house and tries to stand up and walk put forgot that he had badly sprained his ankle he just falls on the floor and vin hurries inside to see what is going on and zack is hissing in pain and vin notices it. Zack sees the stranger and is silent because he had seen him before. Few months back. He saved him back then and now he has saved him again. Vin is like all focused on trying to lift up zack back to bed and keep Zack's leg raised up and so on takes care of him as Zack is studying Vin because he is so confused on how is this bastard alive. He saw him die and twist his neck. Vin then remembers the food and rushes to see if he had accidentally burnt them and luckily he hasn't. So vin brings the food to Zack and makes sure to state that the dog has hunted them a deer and that vin made sure to give zack the pieces that were far away from the dog's bites and that he cooked zack's stuff first to keep it sanitary for zack since he isn't sure if zack is going to get infected from it or not. and then zack gets worried about vin and why he wasn't careful+

with his own food. Vin says he doesn't have to since he is already infected. and then zack's jaw drops as observes Vin more. and Vin notices that zack is looking at him and vin points out at his eye that he had covered with an eyepatch. "I've had this before getting infected. was born with it. but everything else is a mutation from getting infected. Idk what happened, it was all a mess. I was getting something injected into my veins, suddenly the cult place got attacked and there was some toxic gas leak. couln't see sh*t where i was going cuz it was so f*cking yellow. then suddenly i get my arm bitten off by a zombie and suddenly my arm crew back as i was in a lot of pain. Wow, feels nice to finally explain this to someone." Vin said happily as he slumbed back on the seat as he was done eating. Zack stared at him. Zack then asks about Vin's teeth looking like vampire teeth and vin opens his mout to feel them and vin then says he had never realized that before. as Zack is done eating and they surprisingly have gotten along. Vin's nose suddenly gets close to the Zack's sprained ankle. Vin also feels the ankle with his hands on the surface and Zack is all flustered and asks what the f*ck is Vin doing and Vin says he is making sure if Zack had sprained his ankle that badly and wondered how long it would take it for it to recover. and then Vin explains how he has heightened senses and it seems like Zack's ankle isn't that badly injured but it was pretty sensitive when zack first sprained it. Vin then wraps the ankle so it can heal the right way. Vin then sits down on the armchair acorss zack and decides to sleep on it as zack questions if they should have like night shifts to make sure they stay safe from danger and vin says not to worry about it since the dog is outside guarding them even from other humas( scaring them away by growling but not hurting them) and they sleep the night. Vin then starts packing stuff as zack gets confused a little and thinks he is leaving+

him but vin tells him that he is coming with him to find a survivor camp or something to take a better look at Zack's ankle in case it suddenly doesn't heal right or if it's gets infected or something since Zack is still a human and zack should be with humans and not with zombie like Vin. Zack argues back but Vin had left to another room to pick more stuff he had seen earlier and then comes back to sulking Zack. Vin carries Zack to dog and places him like zack is on vin's lap kinda and is faced to look at the back since they both of their backpacks and this way the backpacks don't get in the way. they both then travel as zack learns more about vin and vin learns more about zack. They didn't know finding a survivor sanctuary would be this hard. Zack's ankle has healed already and Zack keeps telling vin not to worry and that they don't need to find the survivor camps no more but vin is still all about finding a safe place for zack and like zack is so done with vin trying to push him away so he gets pissy and kisses vin and vin panics because now zack could've gotten infected and zack is all about "i do not give a sh*t. if i'm not going to turn into a zombie, at least give me greatest sex of my life. f*ck me until i can't walk. Show me that you care about me so much that you love me that you would f*ck the humanity back in me" and like Zack is down bad and tells how much love vin has shown him and that Zack loves him so much that if this is the only to prove vin that he is serious about what is between him and vin. So they start f*cking and zack doesn't care anymore if he is getting infected or not and these two are just so f*cking horny and reckless that zack keeps biting vin's neck and vin bites zack's neck and like zack gets infected but not in the way people get infected from these other zombies and mutant lab dogs. Thanks to Vin's own "thingy" not sure if i wanna call it a virus or something else. like vin's bites makes other's immune to this thing the zombies+

have. so like after this amazing sex and all that. they both really expect zack to turn into a zombie and they try their best for both of them to stay awake. they eventually fall asleep and once they wake up, zack is all confused and he wakes up vin and vin is like hugging zack all tight as zack tells vin to calm down. Then zack gets all excited and thinks if he also gained the same powers vin has and is about to stand up until a sharp pain came from zack's ass and he groans in pain. Vin then points out that zack is probably still a human since he hasn't healed from the ass pain and there are still bitemarks on zack's neck and the bitemarks zack had given to vin are gone on vin's neck and the nail scratchs are all gone from vin's back too. Zack groans in pain as he gets back into Vin's arms and tells vin to kiss him better. and here they realize that they can kiss and not worry about zack getting turned into a zombie. but they haven't realized that zack is now immune to getting infected from zombies and now zack can't turn into a zombie, but some zombies would still try and tear zack apart if they wanted to. Zack is still a human but not a zombie like Vin. Also durin that sex, zack saw Vin's eyes and like now he keeps telling vin that he should stop hiding them so Zack could admire them more. and like Vin slowly starts using his eyepatch less and less. One day they were raiding a supermarket at a mall to find some canned food for zack and find some useful tools. suddenly vin gets shot in the head with a shotgun and like the dog heard this shotgun noise and runs from zack's side to vin as zack is confused why the dog run away and is trying to run after the dog. Suddenly zack feels something hit in the back of his head and passes out. The dog finds vin who's head is getting healed and when it fully heals. Vin looks at the dog who is licking vin's face clean and wagging it's tail after whining for vin to come back to life. Vin is like telling the dog to stop it and+

is all giggling until he asks dog where Zack is. the dog looks around thinking zack was beside it and then starts whining when they couldn't see zack and then starts running towards the direction the dog had run before( they haven't noticed that Vin was gone for hours)(vin's healing depends on what part of the body gets hurt or cut off)(brain takes the longest to heal because of all the complicated braincells and restoring all the memories) and like they get back to the place where the dog had left zack. they both get alarmed by the stranger smells. Vin has better smells so he smells so much more strangers in this site. Vin the hops on the dog's back and guides it towards the direction zack got taken. on the other side what is happening with Zack. Zack got kidnapped to be taken to an event where many survivor camps entertain themselves and bet on who wins the challenge of the "Pit Bit" tournament that gets hosted every few months. The communities/survivor camps put out their "prisoners"(contains people that don't follow the rules the community set up or they did something really bad and now the only way to get back to their community is to escape or win their trust back in the Pit Bit. Of course some communities have great survivors that follow the rules. So some of the communities kidnap lonely or threatening looking people from the streets. Zack now became the victim as he is now locked in a cell and has been stripped down from his supplies and is only covered in some bikini(the contestants get humilated by being dressed in bikinis or in sexy costumes, this also serves purpose to expose their skin much as possible) Zack wakes up and he screams and yells at them why did they pick him and why is he locked up in this cell. The community leader said that they picked zack because he doesn't like gays and that more people would be afraid to find out that you can tame the mutated dogs. and the leader said that they blew off his boyfriend's head off and zack hasn't seen+

vin like get shot in the head that his head would be missing so Zack doesn't know if vin is actually dead or not. The community that zack is going to represent(lets call the community District heaven) is like getting all ready to step in the cell zack is in and paint him with their war paint and explain the rules to Zack. that zack needs to win but they don't care zack loses since the bet they raised wasn't that high about their supplies and so on yada yada blah blah. And they explain the rules to zack, that he needs to fight with the weapons given in the big arena and that he needs to fight to survive. The person that is holding the gun on zack's head as zack is getting escorted out of his cell to the other contestants, points out how zack is already covered in bite marks all over and asks if he is already bitten as a joke and zack truthfully says that a zombie has bitten him a week ago and he is still alive. no one believes him and the gin holder jokes about zack's boyfriend being a zombie. Zack sees the other contestants and sees their ridiculous outfits and their war paints. But zack's heart sunks when he sees someone who is way younger than Zack. There are in total 14 people in line and Zack is made to stand behind the little kid that seems like they are 10 or something. Zack is happy that they've made to wear only speedos and not ridiculous outfits like the rest of the contenstants. Zack's bikini wasn't any better since there was a heart shaped hole in the back. Zack asked why the kid was here. and one of the guards answered that the kid stole medicine from the community when they were running low on it. The kid's reason was that his mother needed it. But after the kid stole the medicine the mother had turned into a zombie and almost killed the kid and that's how the kid got caught steeling the medicine. Zack found this so rididculous and the guards point out that this isn't the first time the same community has sent a kid into the Pit Bit to fight.+

One by one the contestants get introduced to the arena. Zack finds all of this so f*cking ridiculous as there is suddenly a f*cking person behind the mike telling who is stepping in. They go by numbers and Zack realizes how inhuman all of this seems. When it comes to Zack's turn, they introductions he gets is "Number 13 from District Heaven has chosen a gay man to be their contestant! Their crimes is listed as loving another man! Wow! Look at all those bite marks around his body! He definitely knows how to get bitten! Wow, look at that well toned body of his! Sadly no girl can claim him! What a pity!" Zack is pissed off by this introduction until Zack hears the last introduction of the last contestant that has bleached ends of their hair and has a black hair. It seems like they also got here because they have a girlfriend but Zack's face got more upset when he heard that the contestant number 14's girlfriend is forced to sit in the audience and watch her girlfriend fight their way to get accepted to be loved. Zack eyes land on the spot light and sees mira. All of these emotions run inside Zack as Zack turns to look at Mira's girlfriend. Zack opens his mouth to say "I'll make sure that Mira won't lose you" and the stranger is taken by a surprise that there is someone in there that knows mira. the Pit Bit is about to starts with different levels and over the half of the people have survived the slow herd of zombies. Only 3 turned into zombies and they had to get killed. Zack has made sure to protect the kid and Mary. Mary was way better at fighting and handling guns than Zack. But before the next level would begin, there was a huge explosion in the distanse. People got confused but this as the guy behind the mic questioned it too and wondered if they should continue the event. Some time passes and they continue the event and release the fast zombies and then there is a loud roar heard in the distance. The zombies stay put and the guy behind the mic is confused why+

the fast zombies stopped moving and told them to open all the gates to the arena and let every single creature come out and get on the contestants. the zombies don't move and one of the contestants takes this opportunity to kill the zombies and take all credit. Zack takes this as a change to try and escape since he knows vin is near. Zack tells mary and the kid that his boyfriend is here to save them and they need to come up with a way to escape from here with Mira too. Then Zack remembers the story about how Vin befriended the mutant dog and Zack looks around for a mutant dog and finds one in the distance. Zack tells mary and the kid stay in place as Zack has a plan. Zack runs to the other end of the arena and slowly appraoches the mutant dog that keeps growling at Zack. Zack tells the mutant dog that everything is okay and keeps pointin at the neck of his own and the mutant dog's neck. And like there are people staring at this interaction of Zack befriending a mutant dog. When Zack got rid of the thing on it's neck that is covered by all the fur the mutant dog stopped growling and licked Zack on the face. Zack giggled as he pet the dog. The guy behind the mic couldn't believe their eyes and kept insulting Zack who hopped on the dog's back and rode back to mary and the kid. The guy behind the mic told the guards to come up and shoot the contestant number 13 and the mutant dog but it then they get a walkie talkie call saying they are too busy taking care of zombies outside the arena and that there is suddenly a huge herd of zombies outside and they are busy dealing with them. And then every community leader get defensive and question what the f*ck is going on. Zack knows what the f*ck is going on and gets off from the now friended mutant dog(they are a big albino one or sum idk lets call it white dog) and tells mary and the kid get on it and zack tries his best to tell the dog to go to mira and the dog jumsp off to the audience as people are panicking and suddenly+

there is a huge explosion near by and it's vin's rpg being sent to the nearest wall in the arena Vin roars again as he steps in with his dog and a big heard of walkers behind him. The leader of District Heaven looks like they've seen a ghost. as they pull their sniper riffle up and shoot Vin in the head. Vin takes the hit and looks back at the direction he got shot as he heals and spits the bullet from his head. Vin rides to Zack and picks him up who is laughing happily at Vin. Zack sees that the whit dog is struggling in the audience and zack asks vin if he could tell the white mutated dog to help and pick the brown haired girl int he audience with guards surrounding them and is wearing a pink sweater and Vin notices Mary riding the white dog. Vin roars his demands for the white dog and the white dog finally understands what they were supposed to do. Vin then sees that they have everything that they need so he tells the dogs to retreat and screams at the walkers to attack people at the stadium. They escape and they don't stop until they are really far away and safe. Once they find safety they settle down and Vin tells the dogs to stay put and look after the 4 people as Vin goes off to find comfy clothes for them and shoes. Zack turns to look at mira and starts crying because it's been years since zack saw her and he is so happy that she found someone to fall in love with and zack is like all this emotional with mira and mira is all emotional with Zack telling how great Mary has been and so on and the first thing Mary says to Zack is "How were you able to make him openly show his eyes in public? He never did that in old days" and Zack tilts his head and asks if Mary knew Vin and mary says that she knew him but they got separeted at some point and that they also were childhood friends. Zack tells this story how Vin is a zombie due to getting somehting weird injected in him and getting exposed to toxic colourful gas and getting bitten and zack keeps explaining+

eventually zack explains how vin's bites don't infect Zack and that he hasn't turned into a zombie yet. Then mary sees that there is an actual zombie bite on Zack's ankle and she points it out and Zack looks at it and then he screams. but something is odd about the bitemark. It's not all infected like zombie bites would usually be and the first symptoms would be high fever in under 30 minutes. It's probably been over 3 hours since the arena fiasco and then Zack goes "Wait, did Vin's bite make me immune to getting turn into a Zombie?" as he points out how the symptoms aren't adding up and mira also notices this and like now all of them are like. "Is Vin the cure?" and vin get back in with the clothes and tell how zack is immune to getting turn into a zombie thanks to Vin's bites, but then Vin points out that it could be Vin's saliva that did that, or Zack also biting Vin or Vin comming inside Zack and like Zack covers Vin's mouth before Vin could say the inside part. so now they have this hypotesis going on and Mary is like "f*ck it bite me and I'll bite you. Let's see if this hypotesis is correct" and vin is like i don't trust this hypotesis at all and that zack was lucky. They soon brush this off as they change their clothes and continue their journey. The kid joins them because he is now attached to Zack and they don't have any family left at the old community. Soon they find a place where they could somewhat start building their own community. The place seems real nice it was an apartment building close by the forest area. Vin used his powers to get rid of all the zombies as possible. They soon start setting up their community little by little, making the rooftop be a rain water collector place and filling the halls with planted food. Soon the community starts to grow and more people come as they soon start to call their own community "Undercity" because Vin gave the naming rights to Zack and zack named the place after league of legend's placeVinZack AU ideas - Panladd - 외모지상주의 (8) +

as the community grows, they find their community a doctor and other professional people, soon there is like a giant group of people also making their way to their community and it's Daniel's cuz their place got raided and they need a new place and also their crops got ruined. Vin welcomes them as Vin and Zack also decided to step down from their leader positions since it was getting too stressing for them and let Daniel, Jace, Mary and Mira continue being leaders of they Community undercity. Vin gets a request to empty the buildings that are surrouning the big parking so they could expand undercity and use the parking lot to build smithing stations and so on and they should also build walls so like they wouldn't always have to rely on Vin and the dogs shooeing herds away. They empty the buildings and help moving trucks and buses to make walls and gates. Also Vin goes to have check ups with the doctor and Zack does too to wonder if they could make vaccines against the zombies. As the place gets more famous and famous. The guards has to be set up so humans wont tear down Undercity. Vin and Zack make sure to befriend any mutant dog they see, so the security system is higher and higher. One day one of the researches in Undercity notices something strange about the stuff that is on the mutant dogs' necks and points out that this thing was added in to be scanned and to make sure the mutant dog is always aggressive and cannot be befriended. Then they soon scan it and suddenly there is so much f*cking information that they need to unpack. And they get into the conclusion that the people behind the mutant dogs are behind creating these zombies all over south korea. and i should be heading to bed and stop brainrotting over this au.

Chapter 22: Gamers Vinzack


damn tiktok has more room for character limits than discord

Chapter Text

Tiktok link for context i guess

imagien zack is obsessed with a game where u get to customize your avatar and zack creates vin lookalike because he likes to throw vin in danger and loves to hear vin groan in pain and soon zack realizes through this he has a crush on vin after he felt bad hurting his character and leaving him naked with just undies. the voice just sounded so genuine and similar to Vin's taht zack had to dress up vin. zcak stared at his screen for so long trying to make vin look hot and zack made him look edgy and all and put sunglasses because there was no eye decoration for polycoria. then zack heard the game was holding a competition and the prize was money and custom item and named after them. zack changed his user name from Vinjinsucksd to Vinjinshusband and zack joined the competition. vin on teh other also played this game but didn't mind the competition as he was busy getting cute outfits for his cute mage zack, Vin's username was ZackBunny vin played the game because it was free and vin could play to get ingame money to buy cute outfits for his cute mage zack. vin knew if zavk ever foundnout about this zack would kill him but for now vin could live his fantasy of cute outfit zack in the videogame. there were times where vin also dressed the zack character in goth style and wedding like dresses and sexy suits. vin had so many outfit combos in the game then one day vin went to see eye decorations what to buy and vin saw the person name who had won the competition. Vinjinshusband Polycoria eye decoration. vin f*cking froze staring at the eye decoration. vin in that second knew who that person was so now it became Vin's mission to find zack on servers.

vin needed to confrot zack about this

so after days vin finally was in the same server as zack and same map as zack and vin went to hunt zack not realizing that vin had Zack's name and zack in a wedding dress with bunny ears. vin's tired state didn't realize, so vin finally found zack and yelled in proximity chat "ZACK LEE THE f*ck IS THAT USERNAME" and zack screamed on his own mic as he had been startled by vin yelling so loud in the mic. suddenly a random player teleported vin and sajd to zack "there, i got rid of that screamer. we should vote kick him out" and zack said "wait, was that vin? WAIT WHY DID HE HAVE HIS CHARACTER AS ME DRESSED IN A WEDDING DRESS!??! WAIT HIS USERNAME WAS ZACKBUNNY?!?! HE PLAYS THIS GAME!? WHY IS HE CURSING AT ME ABOUT MY USERNAME WHEN HIS USERNAME IS.... WAIT WHERE DID YOU TELEPORT HIM!??!" zack didn't have to do anything and vin apleared again and crashed on Zack's character. before vin could scream zack screamed first "WHY AM I IN A WEDDING DRESS?!?!? WHY IS YOUR USERNAME ZACK BUNNY!??!?! DO I LOOK LIKE A BUNNY TO YOU?!?!?" and vin replied "oh, i forgot i was in this outfit and this was my username. f*ck i gave myself away... WHY IS YOUR USERNAME VINJINSHUSBAND!?!? SINCE WHEN DID WE GET MARRIED!??! WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A DARK LORD!??!" and zack yelled "WELL I HAVE A SUIT TOO BUT I MOSTLY HAVE KNIGHT ARMOR OUTIFTS CUZ THAT'S MY CLASS IDIOT!!" and vin said "oh, i forgot i picked mage for you. i also have a playbunny outfit but mostly magic girl outfits and goth dresses." and then vin showed a goth version of a wedding dress and zack asked "vin, do u have feelings for me?" and vin said "are you gonna beat me up if i say yes?" and zack said "with my lips yeah" and vin goes "uuuuu, what a flirt." and zack send a friend request to vin and vin accept it. then zack send a boyfriend request in game and vin accepted it. and vin then said "wanna go on date irl?" and zack yeah and haopy ending

Chapter 23: Idol Bodyguard Zack x Vin

Chapter Text

Tiktok context inspo

imagine an au where zack works as a bodyguard for idols and vin just works a cleaner trynna make a living and this happens. vin doesn't move as he sees the acid. it reminded him of how blood was thrown at him. it reminded him of past and he didn't move, Zack's quick reflexes he saved vin from the acid attack. but some of that acid had flown at the idol ruining his arm. zack already knew is about to get fired but he let that go as he turned towards vin and asked if he was okay. vin said he was fine and zack slipped his business card inside Vin's pocket before vin ran off back inside the building to clean because he had gone outside for a smoke but didn't get to do it because he wanted to play hero.

once vin got back home, he felt a card on his pocket and saw Zack's number. vin texted wuth a "did u get fired?" and zack said "most likely yeah" and vin said "Don't feel bad about it. we should go eat sometime" and zack said "sure. its been a while and talking to face is a lot easier"

Chapter 24: Human prince Zack x dragon shapeshifter Vin


If there are sentences like "ignore the sound" then the au braineot idea is from tiktok lmao

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

so imagine a royalty au and Zack's father has only 1 son and 3 daughters. vin was the one who finsih3d the bounty for hunting and defeating the deathly dragon from the mountains. his evidence wasn't the dragon physically but showed the skin the dragon had shed and the bloody giant horns. deceiving everyone in that kingdom that vin had defeated the dragon when he himself was the dragon. he was a shapeshifter and he got bored and had accidentally shed his horns overnight on his dragon form because it was bigger bother than shedding them in his half dragon form. so vin took this opportunity to mess with the kingdom. he had carried the horns and the skin to the kingdom all of his own, coated in blood. he had an eyepath made and a piece of cloth to hide his private parts as his scar on his chest was exposed. it somehow went through the king that vin did kill the dragon. vin met the king and wondered what the reward would be because some money would make vin able to buy pastries and sweets from humans. he was so surprised to hear that his reward was marrying one of tke royal children of his. vin saw the women and then the prince who was judging him really hard. then vin heard everyone in the kingdom get all gossipy around vin. telling that their kingdom is going to be in ruins if he marries the eldest daughter and becomes the king. vin wasn't all into that, he then asked the king to introduce all of their names and ages. the king started off with the eldest and then to the youngest of 3 and didn't say anything about the prince. vin was pissed that the king thought vin was only into women when vin himself can reproduce asexually. vin walked up to the prince's throne. lifted Zack's head by the chin to have eye contact. then the king said "oh, I'm sorry but he is only son-" "that won't be a problem. as long as I'm here the kingdom is safe. what is your name beautiful?" and zack was irritated to believe he was getting picked. he hated vin and didn't believe vin had actually killed the dragon. vin liked those angry eyes and could sense nice drama rise from this. at least Vin's life would now finally get exciting. vin then said "I'll choose him as my spouse." the kingdom was shocked and zack was mad. he was so f*cking irritated but he didn't go against his father's words as he accepted it and wanted to show the kingdom same sex relationships are acceptable in this kingdom. zack went for an handshake but vin took the hand and gave a bloody kiss. then vin asked where he would live as he would like to get his stuff to his room.

Zack's servants showed the way and showed the available room that was a tower at the corner of the castle. vin has so many ideas to decorate it. inside and outside. vin was going to turn the kingdom into a kingdom with so much magic aura to protect it from evil spirits and be Vin's testing ground to test his spirit magic. vin was talented in other magics but spirit was still a but of a challenge.

so vin got himself cleaned by creating a portal to his place in the mountains with cliffs of no one was able to enter unless you flew there. vin cleaned himself in the geyser that was also a waterfall. vin then put on one of his robes he had in his closet. he put on the red one to show off that he "killed and coated himself in dragon blood" the robe was all silk and coated in many gold patterns. to normies vin looked like a prince from another kingdom no one knew about but to kinds like vin, they could tell vin wasn't human. vin put on his hairtie and golden assessories. vin felt like he was more fancily dressed than the royal family but ignored it and made a portal back to his own room. he looked around the plain room and used magic to shape the bed into a shape that felt more and screamed more home. then there was knocking on the door

vin opened the door a bit and the servant explained that the dinner was ready. vin then fully opened the door and the servant as at awe because zack had told em not to give any royal clothing to vin because zack was still in denial that he was getting married to a man who slayed a so called dragon. vin asked where the dinnerroom was and the servant showed the way

vin was the last one to arrive and all eyes were on him. everyone at the table was shocked to see such elegant dressed person until they realized it was Zack's fiance. zack felt weird staring at him but he soon returned to eating. vin walked up to the table and then sat next to zack.

vin then turned to stare at his fiance. vin put his hand under Zack's chin to move his head and clean the mess that the prince had slightly made with Vin's napkin. "cute" was all vin said as he turned away and started to eat his own food. until he smelled poison coming from the food of Zack's sister next to vin. vin switched their plates and ate the sister's desert before she could eat the poison. with one bite the cake was gone. the sister was offended until vin asked "would u rather die to poison?" the sister froze and vin saw the corner of his eyes that no one in the room looked nervous except for the sister and then vin asked "where you trying to kill yourself?" and the sister didn't deny or told she was trying to, but that accusation got the king yell at vin. until the princess came clean that she was fed up of her father and she ran away from the room. everyone was left confused and then vin burped really loud and then vin said "it's been a while when i last ate poison" and everyone on the table finally realized vin had actually eaten poison. but vin was immune to poison of any kind. only way to kill a dragon was to puncture the heart. nothing else would if u were to kill it. yeah the shifters died of old age like any human but they had advances to stay more healthy and free than humans

vin continued to eat and he then got up to leave to his room. no one was conserned for Vin's survival than the queen. she had a servant sent to Vin's room to look after Vin's condition but vin kept saying he was fine and it wasn't his first time consuming poison. but the queen's servant didn't leave. vin then decided to humor the servant and asked to show around the kingdom. vin saw gardens, then a giant ass library, everyone's quarters, the winery, the kitchen and all the stuff and vin got stares from everyone with the way he was dressed. while vin was on his tour. Zack's sister had gone to zack, she handed the poison to zack and said "sorry i killed your horse but i wanted to test the poison before i did it on myself and now imndoing you a favor by killing off your fiance"

zack stared as he was shocked to find out that his horse was poisoned and by his own sister. zack was too stunned to speak as he stared at the poison bottle. then the sister said "he should be dead right now or overnight. be glad that you don't have to marry him. no human can stand that poison if it can kill a horse" Zack didn't say anything as he wasn't close with his fiance but then zack was finally able to talk and said "you killed my horse to test if it could kill you too?" the sister didn't say anything and took the poison bottle and walked away. Zack didn't ask any more questions and went bed feeling weird. meanwhile vin went to bed with the servant getting switched to another servant to look after vin over night. vin slept well and woke up well. he was still alive. and vin put on the same clothes and got ready to have fun outside the kingdom to get his tour where everything was

as they were walking through the town, suddenly tgere was distress and everyone was screaming to run away, curious, vin ran towards the noise and noticed it was a minotaur causing a scene and had killed a human. vin yelled "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" Vin's voice didn't sound human and the minotaur noticed vin and got scared. the minotaur got on his knees and bowed to apologize. vin then yelled "You killed someone!! a death would be too kind of a penalty!! You are now going to be taking care of everything the family of the victim wnats you to do! You are now their slave for killing their grandpa and destroying their property while having a teen angsty fit!! Apologize to the victims and not me!!" the minotaur apologized and turned towards the family business he had destroyed. a sewing store. the family was scared and then vin got up to the minotaur's ear and picked it. "if your parents come looking for you, you better explain to them that you are here to make emmands for the sh*t you've caused!! I know you are 10 in human years but you are 15 in minotaur years!! You can't destroy homes and except to get away with it!! if i see you acting out, your parents are dead!" the minotaur apologized and kept apologizing and started crying. vin then turned towards the family business and then said "yeah bulls don't hate the colour red, they are actually colour blind to red. c'mon tell him to do something, all that muscle power and protection is all yours. the parents didn't say anything but suddenly the kid got all happy and hugged the minotaur. the minotaur was confused and so was vin. and the parents said "we are upset our store got destroyed and he died, but im glad he is dead, the law didn't want to do anything because he was a veteran and there wasn't a possibility that he could've touched our child." vin then turned towards the minotaur and then said "you may have gotten lucky but don't get excited. you still own this family and it's better this way than execution and waste all that muscle and potential." vin said an the minotaur thanked vin and suddenly the queen was there and said she had seen everything and thanked for peacefully resolving everything and she is happy that vin is still alive. soon the minotaur helped and the town people were a bit scared of the minotaur but the kid wouldn't stop climbing him that it made some people be at peace

so now vin was on the queens good side because vin hadn't ordered to kill or killed the minotaur but instead saw the potential and made the kingdom into a better place. vin was on her good side as she was pro creatures but her husband was against it most of the time and so was majority of the royal family. the queen was happy to find out that vin was pro creatures too and knew facts about minotaurs. she talked with vin asking questions more about minotaurs and vin answered. the two spend time buying stuff to decorate Vin's room. from crystals, to books, to decorations, to herbs and candles. vin explained he did some magic and the queen git excited and vin showed him breathing fire. the queen was excited and then said "oh, so now i know why the kids were "Don't worry about it" " the queen joked and vin joked along with her. she took Vin's hand and then said "if the kingdom goes against you, u have my hand for help. you are such a facinating person and im happy to have you be part of royalty" vin for the first time felt weird. he was there to exploit the rich but here was getting almost really emotional with someone else's mom. vin thanked the queen and they soon returned to the kingdom with all of Vin's stuff. vin then remembered and told the queen it was against Vin's morals to use magic to manipulate so that wouldn't be an issue. the queen trusted vin and now they decorated Vin's room together. vin did not see his fiance at all and so didn't zack

at the royal dinner vin sat at the same place and the sister looked really pale seeing vin walk alive and chatting all happily with her mom. vin was really chatty with the queen and soon the conversation shifted back to minotaurs and then vin said "there is village that uses minotaurs to get milk since they produce more milk and they liked it when they received cheese from getting milked because minotaur cows like that need to get milked 3 times a day and it can get really tiring to them and they are happy humans help them." the mother was amazed by this fact but she then turned to his husband and saw how upset he looked like and threw a comment "monster don't get along with humans" vin hated that but didn't brought up the fact there was now 2 monsters in the kingdom. vin and the minotaur. by now the minitaur had figured out Vin's secret and the whole set up of vin killing the dragon while also being the same thing. soon the queen commented on her husband's comment and said "and that's why i am here to tell you are in the wrong. so can you tell me more about minotaurs aging?" vin then started to yap about how minotaurs have shorter life spams. that they age around 2 years in minotaur compared to humans one year. zack the whole time he was eating he was wondering if his sister was lying to him meanwhile the sister was scared of the person sitting next to her

the queenndef knows what's up since she is so invested in monsters but she waiting for vin to come foreword himself about it,,,

def knows he a monster too but now sure what way,,,

the next day vin decided to bother zack about the wedding and what was his dream wedding. zack told vin to leave him alone and so did vin. he went with the queen to show what he had in mind about his own wedding outfit. the queen was impressed and went tk the same sewing store the minotaur worked at now. they ordered the wedding outfit and they were amazed by the design and the minotaur comments "that is so fancy" and vin said "and you can get yourself useful by collecting all the materials and be a run boy running to places to get the stuff"

they soon left the place after getting Vin's measurements. this time the queen and vin were walking around and talking. soon when they returned to the kingdom the two of them were called to throne room because a prince from the other kingdom was visiting. vin and the queen got to the room and walked past everyone on the aisle and made their way to the front. queen sat on her throne next to the king and vin walked up to Zack's seat and stood next to his throne. the prince stared in confusion and asked "I thought you didn't do bodyguards?" and zack said "he is my fiance" and vin could tell the prince tried so hard not to laugh at zack.

the prince then kneeled and showed off his presents and asked if he could get the second youngest daughter's hand in marriage. the presents were a scared 3 headed pup and pearls. the 3 headed pup looked like it was ready to kill but vin knew the tail was between the legs of that poor pup who had its tail cut off. the pup was kept in chains and kept down by servants. vin turned towards the queen and saw the devastating expression she had on her face. then vin saw Zack's face. he looked the same. sympathy for the pup.

vin the proceeded to make dog happy growling noises. everyone looked confused especially zack. the pup raised its head and shook its butt. the prince looked worried. vin walked towards the 3 headed pup and the prince told vin to not get any closer or he would hurt himself. vin didn't listen. he knew the dog could smell vin was the boss. the dominant out of everyone in the room. vin placed his hand on top of the dog's middle head and started to pet the pup. now the samcary looking pup looked really happy. without even noticing zack had been behind vin the whole time and was petting the other head. the the queen said "wait i wanna pet the cutie too!!" and vin tirned towards the queen and noticed zack was beside him

vin was bit surprised to see zack and was even more surprised tat zack had freed the 3 headed pup and the pup had rolled over for belly scrubs and zack was lost in his own world petting the sh*t out of the pup while baby talking to it. zack stared at the view as he saw the queen join in. everyone else was stunned do anything and in that moment vin knew he had chosen the best out of the 4 siblings because only zack was there petting the pup. vin turned towards the prince who looked upset because he had captured the pup and wabted to present it as an evidence of bravery and evidence that the dog was all scary and he was going to do a whole ass execution to get her hand but now the prince felt bad about his plan. the prince got turned down because she didn't like the gufts and also she still wanted to die. vin walked up to zack and pet his head few times and zack blushed. he hated that he liked getting pet on the head but he tried to play it off like he didn't like it. vin knew zack liked it because he had been told by the queen already. vin then said "up!" and both zack and the pup got up and zack got red on the face and punched vin on the gut and walked away. vin laughed and the pup was confused. the pup followed after zack on the throne and zack continued to have fun with the pup and petting the pup. the prince from the other kingdom didn't bother with the pup and took the pearls with him and got out. now the pup was Zack's as the pup was very attached to him

so Zack's first instinct was tk turn to vin and ask him ab9ut how to take care of the pup and vin explained taht the middle head was in charge of the main body so it doesn't need to get fed for 3 dogs more like one meal split to 3 and all 3 heads need attention if the only middle gets the other 2 might get jealous and get all sad which ends up effecting the middle dog a lot to see her 2 siblings not get attention. zack noted down everything and then asked about naming and how would that work 3 separate names or one for all

vin said "you should name her BooSeokSoon" vin took his hand to far right and said "Boo" moved to middle "Seok" and then the last "Soon" and then said "booseoksoon" and zack stared at how happy to dog looked at the name a smile formed on Vin's face and he said he liked the name and repeated the name and the dog was happy. then vin explained that if zack wanted to raise the puppy he needed to raise it like it already was a big dog because she was still a puppy and would grow into a size of a horse and Zack's eyes widened and then started to baby talk about who is a big girl. vin turned his attention to the queen who was all happy and smiling meanwhile the king wasn't happy

the next day zack couldn't find booseoksoon anywhere and he tried not to appear upset. but people could tell that zack was upset. the king told zack to come with him. soon his dad told zack that he had gotten rid of the nuisance because they couldn't keep the gift from another kingdom. while not offering anything back. zack then saw booseoksoon's corpse. all 3 heads were shot and zack fell on his knees as he got reminded by his dead horse. the queen came rushing and tried to comfort her son but zack just sat on his knees staring at the corpse.

vin walked in on the mess while holding a chicken in his hands. vin then placed the chicked on top of the corpse and started to chant a spell to try and revive the pup. everyone stepped away except the queen and zack. zack saw the chicken merge with the pup. the pup grew wings and feathers and a feather tail. the pup was alive and looked confused and vin let out a long sigh as he was bit exhausted. then he said "wow, that worked for the first time" amd zack hugged the pup and called out the pup's name. the pup was happy and his feather tail wagged. zack giggled and the queen asked what magic did vin actually specialize in as she knew vin did magic and this was news to everyone else. vin said "i specialize in ancient magic. it's really much forbidden because no one can use it correctly." and the king yelled "dark magic! that stuff is evil!" and vin then said "magic has no morality. people do". zcak hugged vin and vin was surprised and zack thanked vin and then ran off with booseoksoon towards the kitchen because she definitely was hungry. vin felt odd, but he ignored it and then said "now that pup is no longer a gift, it's now new species. no neednto worry about the other kingdom getting mad" vin walked away and webt to hunt another chicken for his room because he needed eggs for his new experiment he could do daily.

time passed and at the table zack wasn't there. vin ate and then the sister next to him asked about vin doing forbidden magic and magicians are rare anyway. what brings such a magic user like vin in thsi kingdom. vin didn't say anything and ignored the princess. vin asked for a tray and thenbasked the queen what food zack liked and the queen helped vin to pick food for her son. vin took the tray and walked Zack's room. there vin found zack cuddling with the pup on the bed, both tired. vin placed the tray on the table and saw notes on the table vin ignored them and looked around the room and noticed the closet was all in bite marks. seemed like the dog needed a chew bone. vin walked up to the closet to restore it. vin saw a servant come in and vin asked if there were any big bones left and the servant was confused and vin explained booseoksoon needs 3 bones to chew his puppy teeth against. the servent nodded and said she will gi ask in the kitchen or a butcher. vin sat down on the chair and took out his journal to write down notes about booseoksoon since she no longer was a 3 headed pup, but a hybrid to a chicken too, she also had died but seemed to remember her name.

vin had now falling asleep on his seat and zack instead woke up zack saw the food and then saw vin. zack picked up vin and placed vin on the bed to sleep with booseoksoon. zack took the book and read it while eating. zack noticed it was notes about another creature at the start. about some chicken hybrids that could be used as transportation. since chickens are able to fly up to 10 second the hybrid mules were perfect for mountain inveroment to traveler around. zack then got an idea if he could ride booseoksoon but then zack remembered that dogs don't have strong backs for that. then zack got to the notes about new hybrid booseoksoon. zack read all the notes and then read the notes off "puppy teeth chewed wood of Zack's closet, fixed it, needs bones to chew down" zack looked at his closet and noticed there no longer was any teeth marks. a smile formed on Zack's face and then he realized he was falling for his fiance. zack continued to eat until there was knocking and zack got up open the door. it was a servant telling zack he needed to meet up at the throne room because there was a royal family visiting. zack told the servant to look after booseoksoon and his fiance. zack made his way towards the place and he had Vin's book with him. zack decided to read it from the start start and not the middle of teh book. lmao

zack sat there on the throne not showing any repect to the visiting royals. his face was glued on the book. reading so much about creatures he had never heard off with drawn sketches. then zack heard "of course your daughter can marry my son" amd Zack's head shot up. zack slammed the book close and zack stood up "I beg your pardon?" and his father said "you can't be seriously marrying a man? what about the royal bloodline?" and zack said "he does ancient magic, we can have magic babies, i'm not marrying a random woman!" and his father then screamed "You are marrying a random man!" and zack got defensive and said "A RANDOM MAN WHO LOVES CREATURES AND DOES MAGIC! END OF DISCUSSION, MOM, CAN WE ORDER MY WEDDING OUTFIT TO MATCH VIN'S!?" the mom got up and shot a glaring look at her husband. "of course we can sweetie. oh we should order from the same place too! oh the workers there are so delightful" Zack's mom got excited and zack then got excited. the royal family didn't take this reject well but at least they got their prince to get married to the youngest daughter. their marriage was happening before vinzack because the outfit vin ordered was going to take a lot of time and the other two had it easy because the daughter wanted to wear mom's old dress.

so the princess who wanted zack was pissed off, so she paid a magic used to cast a curse on zack to witness evil spirits every day. "lets see how your magician fiance is going to help you" she was underestimating vin a lot. it didn't take while until zack started to see evil spirits. zack for the first time saw them after the visit at the store who makes outfits. zack was amazed to see a minotaur working there and the workers there were happy to see them.

back at the kingdom, zack saw his firt evil spirit zack was f*cking scared. he had a phobia of them

zack lost his sh*t and was in distress the whole day. the prince from teh other kingdom knew about this and snickered at seeing scared zack. zack didn't show up at dinner and vin did his usual of picking up food in a tray with the help of the queen. vin got to Zack's room and saw zack all curled up on the bed with booseoksoon whining. vin then saw the evil spirit above the bed observing zack and laughing. vin whistled at booseoksoon to get down from the bed. booseoksoon listened and vin walked up to the evil spirit vin greeted the spirit and then killed it. turned it into a ball. the spirit screamed inside the ball to be let out. vin ate it and then told zack it was okay to come out and eat. zack peaked out and saw vin. zack looked around and didn't see the ghost. zack asked if vin had gotten rid of it and vin said "i ate it. it's now fueling my magic alongside my other source, myself" zack then asked "does it affect you in other way?" and vin said "my source is like the sky, the ghost's energy is like a sand grain." even if vin ate many of them it wouldn't effect or boost vin much. but if a human did that humans were like a small jar, the grain would have effect but vin didn't tell that to zack. zack ate and told his fear to vin. vin took it seriously and zack liked that he finally found someone beside his mom who took his fear seriously. zack was glad and then asked if vin could sleep with him the night because he didn't feel safe and vin agreed

they cuddled and soon for the first time they had a deep talk, zack talking about his fears and his hatred for his father and creatures. vin opened up about being casted out, his family being dead and vin finding comfort from learning magic and exploring creatures then zack said "i know you didn't kill that dragon" and vin said "you got me" and zack then said "i'm still marrying you" and vin was bit surprised and zack said "if i didn't i wouldn't have a handy husband. i might not know if my feelings for you are whta i think they are but i would choose youn from everyone else" and vin smiled and said "thank you. i guess i chose correctly out all of you 4 because you are the kindest and strongest" and with that they went to bed

the next day zack and vin walked together everywhere as vin got rid of all of the evil sprirts while thinking of a way how to get rid of it once for all. vin didn't know about the curse and he would found about ut because it was a tattoo on Zack's skin almost spreading like a plague, slowly it would grow a little by little on the back. zack didn't know because he doesn't look at his own back on the mirror and dressed himself cuz he is shy.

the dinner came and zack finally joined in on the dinner. the other prince imma call him hyuk. hyuk was sitting across vin. they all ate as hyuk would glance at zack and then pointed out that zack looked a bit pale. zack didn't say anything until he got scared by a evil spirit jumping out of the food and no one else saw it than zack and vin. vin grabbed the spirit before it landed itself on zack. vin turned the spirit into a ball and ate it. people saw vin eat something so big that it showed. hyuk saw how Vin's mouth morphed and the lump of a ball was gone. zack thanked vin and vin pat Zack's head and that vin was going to find a way to get rid of this problem for all. the queen asked what just happened and vin explained about zcak recently being a target of evil spirits and for now vin has eaten the spirits and vin then said he had eaten about 10 spirits since yesterday. hyuk's eyes widened. he stared at vin and wondered how the hell was vin alive. because magician should be able to eat 1 per day to not lose their sanity and could only eat 1k in their life time if they strecthed the timing enough. hyuk soon realized that Zack's fiance wasn't just an ordinary magician. then the queen said "oh, i know you can figure out something. after all you brought booseoksoon back to life. zack is so lucky to have you" and hyuk's face went into a bigger shock. their kingdom was known for magic yet he has never heard of someone bringing anything to life. hyuk asked "like a necromancer?" and the queen said "no, no, no, we don't have a skeleton dog we now have a hybrid dog who has chicken wings. she is truly adorable" and hyuk was in bigger shock. he needed to warn his sister about Zack's fiance and also tell the other kingdom about this kingdom having the world's greatest magician to ever exist

the dinner was over and vin took zack to his room. zacknfor the first time saw Vin's room and vin made a portal to his home in the mountains. zack was amazed Vin's magic skills. vin said they can sleep here the night because the home has a protection spell against spirits and so they slept there as vin had a book about getting rid of spirits and curses. the next day the same sh*t happened and suddenly a servant walked up to them and explained they needed Zack's measurements for the royal outfit for the sister's wedding and same went for vin. they got their measurements and then they had to get shirtless and they took off their shirt. zack had seen Vin's scars before when they first met but this time zack could see them more clear and saw the text carved on Vin's chest. zack asked about and vin asnwered "to remind me of my home and my hell" and zack traced his fingers along the red scar among the smaller ones. then they had to get their measurements and onenof the servants asked when did zack get a tattoo and vin walked to behind zack and saw the markings

vin took his book out and went through the pages and saw the page for curses. vin soon found out this was a holy curse for those who have sinned. vin always found foly curses bullsh*t because magic doesn't have morality, people do. only way to counter a holy magic was ancient dark magic because nothing beats it. because it's so raw and full of energy no everyone can do it. some might know some spells and then it hurts them. vin on the other hand, was immune at this point, he was a master. zack asked what was wrong and vin explained everything to zack and zack then realized the kingdom had cursed him for wanting to marry a man instead of accepting a princess. and then zack talked sh*t about his dad and zack said he was firm on hsi decision on wanting to marry vin. the two of them had forgotten about the servants. lol. vin saw his future with zack and decided, to counter this problem was to "curse" zack back. dragon's spouse. a curse which marks zack as a dragon's spouse who gains immunity in any spells and protection from spirits and gains similar abilities as the dragon. immunity to poison and can only be killed by stabbed in the heart. the curse known as the dragon sharing a bit of himself with zack. to know where zack is when he is at distress and needs help. like how dragon babies do and the larents know to return to save them. this bond can only be formed with one person at a time and doing it multiple times makes the dragon less and less stronger. it can be broken but the energy still lingers in the spouse but turns into their own source. this is how magicians were born ages ago. along time they became weaker and weaker due to dragons no longer wnating to be with greedy humans.

vin soon greated a portal and apologized to the servants but he going to cure Zack and will be back soon. the servants staredbin shock when staring at at the portal and seeing it close. vin then explained what he was going to do to zack. explain that vin was going to make zack is "spouse" and give part of energy to zack and he may or may not be able to use magic. but this way zack would be able to be protected from future curses and from spirits all together forever. Zack was excited and was happy about it and then vin said "promise to not freak out also do i have your permission to kiss you?" and zack didn't day anything and pecked vin on the lips and then held Vin's hands. zack was excited and vin then turned half dragon. his horns showed, ears all pointy, nails dark and pointy his tail decorating the room. vin started to speak as it was his way of focusing to express his energy into the right place. zack was mesmerized and then got lips on his own. the glow of the dragon transformed to Zack's own skin and the dragon ate away the tattoo of the curse. it glowed on Zack's back and then started to travel all around Zack's body, getting used to what to protect. they broke teh kiss and now the curse was done. zack saw the dragon tattoo resting on Zack's arm. then zcak got curious "do u feel this?" and zack gave a kiss on top of the tattoo dragon's head. vin blushed and admitted that he did. zack giggled and then said "now i can give u kisses when im away for kingdom business. that is so cool" and then vin said "andbi can give you hugs" then zack felt the dragon tattoo move and get warm. zack gave vin another kiss as i then said "I don't hate you" and vin laughed bit at those words and said the same "I don't hate you anymore either"

then zcak asks what vin is and vin moves his eyepatch and reveals "im an outcasted dragon" and zack saw the eyes and was even in more love. "a divine person" and zack gave a smooch on the eye. vin morphed back into a human and put on his eyepatch and made a portal for them to return back dressing room of getting their measurements done. this time the siblings were now there and was spooked by Vin's travel magic. hyuk was shocked at Vin's skills and then he saw the dragon on Zack's skin and the curse was gone. hyuk had no idea what it meant but he wasn't going to meddle with his kingdom's sh*t as he was going to get himsel fmarried to this kingdom and have a lovely wife. his family problem wasn't part of who he was but he still had warned his sister about vin and the magicians about this kingdom's potential because of magician vin.

the family was curious why zack had a tattoo and zack just simply said "my fiance got rid of the cyrse that attracted evil spirits to me. i now have a dragon to protect me"

that talk after all was silly silly stuff and later taht evening, vin crashed on Zack's bed and booseoksoon joined them. vin the confessed the dragon horns where Vin's own and he was coated in hisbown blood because he had been in his giant dragon form when antler shedding and my ass forgot the difference of antlers and horns mf, anygay so yeah and that vin would usually shed antlers half human because it was less mess overall but he had fogotten and shed them when he was asleep. and he then remembered this kingdom wanting him dead so he decided to play a prank and decieve the kingdom and get money as reward but now he has the best partner ever. zack giggled and then said "so u were covered in your blood looking all badass, oh my god" and zack was giggling and so was vin and then zack asked "can i read all your journals about creatures?" and vin agreed and said "no magic books for you" and zack said "i do not wnat to do magic myself that would be so exhausting to learn"

soon they went eepy eepy

time passed and soon the king didn't like that hia only son was getting all close to the vin. the queen on the other hand was excited. excited for magic babies, you could say she was bit of a freak and nerd about creatures like her son. no wonder zack got em genes-

the wedding happened and the other kingdom was invited. zack and vin were all flirting with each with their wedding and teasing about their first time meeting. without knowing the princess zack had turned down was staring at them from afar. she stared at the magician vin wondering what was so special about him, why would he pick him. the youngest wanted booseoksoon to be the flower girl as she found it silly idea and zack was so happy about that idea. so the wedding started and the other kingdom was stunned to see a 3 headrd dog with wings to first walk down the aisle to spread flowers. zack was on the altar telling booseoksoon to come towards his direction. it was a pretty silly sight as the prince enjoyed it. then the bride walked down and the whole ceremony went smoothly

then came the feast. the princess made her servant to go and trip on Zack's clothes on the back and reveal his curse tattoo because she had no idea that it had been gotten rid off since her brother didn't tell, only told that vin had been eating the evil spirits. her plan was to tell that the kingdom's only son was cursed and to cancel the whole wedding. the whole kingdom was cursed. then the tear happened. and she was about to make a scened when she saw a glowing dragon tattoo moving on Zack's skin. she was utterly horrified. she had read the myths. myths about dragon spouse curse. the curse of a dragon had eaten the holy curse. she stood there saying nothing. the magician who stoode next zack had fixed the outfit with magic, he was the strongest magician in the whole world. she felt fear and she ran out of there.

the wedding went well and now the prince was part of the kingdom and the peace between the kingdoms but his sister was an time bomb. at any moment she felt threat. threat what the he would do. what vin would do. time passed and vinzack's wedding was getting closer and they were so dedicated to make it dreamy and write their speaches.

the day of the wedding came and hyuk's sis wasn't anywhere. hyuk was glad and disappointed. booseoksoon was a flower girl yet again but as vin was walking down the aisle. hyuk's sister showed up there with magicians. she yelled "HE IS A THREAT TO THE WHOLE WORLD!! HE USES FORBIDDEN ANCIENT MAGIC! HE HAS DEFINITELY HYPNOTIZED HIS HIGHNESS TO MARRY HIM!!"

The magicians attack vin and vin tanks it. his forcefield shielding the attacks. as he cannot die only stabbed to the heart. hyuk yells at her to stop and he gets hit, bleeding. "YOU ARE HYPNOTIZED TOO BROTHER!!" Zack's sister is panicking and zack is trying to keep hyuk alive. vin now throws away his eyepath to use both of his eyes and floats to use his magic and steals their energy to do magic ever again. the magicians scream and yells and so does vin. stealing the magic, the old dragon on them. zack starts screaming too as he is overwhelmed by magic as the tattoo on his skin glow. soon it was all over and zack was having a coughing fit and vin was stumbling on his steps. the guards soon take vin away and the queen tries to stop but the king has had enough. both vin and zack pass out as they are both passed out for days. during that time hyuk has died and Zack's sister refuses to get rid of the body. day later the incident hyuk's sister discovers that all the magicians she had taken with her has lost their powers to do any magic. they got more concerned about the threat that vin was in the other kingdom. everyone was now

every kingdom near feared the kingdom and the magician living there. the king wanted to execute vin soon as possible but teh sis and the queen refused. the queen liked him and his knowledge to creatures and the sister wanted vin to bring back her husband. like he did to booseoksoon. she had a peaco*ck pet and she was ready to sacrife him for his husband. once zack woke up. so did vin. connected by the bond zack got worried where vin was and the queen explained. zack was pissed and then he felt warm. "he is awake" said zack as he felt Vin's hug, zack kissed the dragon on the head and vin felt it. before zack and the queen could plan an escape for vin, the sister already had done it and she was begging to bring hyuk back to life. vin said "i'll try my best but i can't promise he will be himself" and vin started to do his spell. time passed and Vin's nose bled and hyuk was awake. coated in blood as the peaco*ck had turned its flesh to be part of hyuk. he now had a peaco*ck tail and feathers on his throat bit to his chest. hyuk blinked but didn't notice the changes and hugged his wife. asked question if his sister had hurt her etc. "your sister was banished 4 days ago. you were dead for a week" and hyuk froze. he then looked down and felt his own feathers. his wife explained Zack's fiance bought him back to life using peaco*ck's life instead. hyuk looked at himself and saw the tail. and hyuk said "you sacrificed your childhood pet to bring me back to life?" and she nodded. hyuk didn't care if he was now half of a freak he was now back alive. hyuk got up and stomped to the throne after hearing vin was going to get executed. everyone stared in horror and hyuk yelled "VIN CANNOT BE EXECUTED! HE BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE! BACK TO THE LIVE OF MY LIFE!" hyuk didn't expect to see his own father. his father ran up to hyuk and hugged him. hyuk explained that he was now half peaco*ck. the king of the other kingdom was no on Vin's side. vin finally stopped hiding from teh shadows

everyone looked freaked out. Zack's dad ordered to attack but vin had grown stronger after stealing back dragon energy and it multplied Vin's own. he recieved more than he originally got. vin casted a spell to keep em soldiers in place vin then said "magic doesn't have morality. i might do ancient magic but then again holy magic isn't any different. magic doesn't have morality. people do. she used magic to attack and be hostile. all i did was take away their energy to make those spells. i don't mean no harm. I am deeply in love with the person that zack is. why would i want to hypnotise him?"

the king denied every word vin spoke and yelled about the tattoo and how he is keeping zack hostage. "that spell is no spell. it's a blessing, a dragon's blessing. a blessing only a dragon can make" everyone was confused and then zack and the queen busted through the door with booseoksoon. zack ran up to vin and kissed him. then vin said "want to get married by the way of the dragons? it seems like the human way is going to held on stop" zack screamd "HELL YEAH, THAT SOUNDS COOL!!" the queen stared confused and everyone was shocked when vin turned into a dragon centaur. taking half of the room

zack wrapped his legs around vin and vin placed his forehead against Zack's head, Vin's leg started to stomping stuff and then vin started to purr real loud. then vin pulled away and roared towards the ceiling. zack was amazed and the tattoo on him started to glow and zack felt so warm and lowed. vin was done and zack gave a kiss. them vin said "i hope that call doesn't actually attract other dragons here to to celebrate our marriage because im counting on that they recognise its me and im an outcast" and zack's eyes widened. vin turned back more human but still kept his dragon features in case a dragon did show up to congratulate. then zack said "so we are married according to dragons?" and vin said "oh we did that a while ago wuth the spouse blessing. i just made it more public to dragons" and Zack's face got red and he was a giggling mess and kissed vin multiple times. the knights appeared on the door scared about dragons. vin said "I THOUGHT NO ONE WABTED TO CONGRATULATE ME WHAT THE GELL IS GOING ON!?" and zack started to drag vin outside and soon followed hyuk, Zack's sisters and the queen. there where 5 dragons outside flying above the castle's garden and theybsoon flew down when they saw vin.

it was the cheonliang fam. vin yelped as he got bodied by 4 men and mary landed next to vin an took a look at zack who was Vin's partner.

"Vin, you got your life together and scored a handsome man, i didn't expect that from you!" and vin yelled "OH f*ck OFF MARY!" and then they all laughed and vin got up. vin introduced his old friends from childhood who tried their best to keep vin in the dragon herd but eventually they all got kicked out and got seperated. zack said hi and they said hi to Vin's husband. meanwhile Zack's mom was freaking out, she was going to have dragon grandchildren and peaco*ck grandchildren. she was so excited about it. then tehbeldest sis said "im going to kill dad and take the throne, f*ck him, i want to marry my orge prince! I CAN'T KEEP A SECRET ANYMORE!! I'VE BEEN SECRETLY DATONG AN OGRE PRINCE FROM ANOTHER KINGDOM!! IM PREGNANT AND I HAVEN'T TOLD HIM YET!?!?! GIVE ME YOUR SWORD!!" she yelled and took Taebong's sword and ran towards the throne room where Vin's magic was still keeping everyone in place. they all hurried and saw the eldest kill the king. vin released everyone to move and the eldest took the crown and placed on her own head. "I'M MARRYING KURT!! TOGETHER WE WILL RULE THIS KINGDOM AND MAKE IT BETTER FOR CREATURES!! WOOOO!!!"


Btw im just posting stuff i have wrote to ez for the past year!!! I HAVEN'T EVEN POSTED EVERYTHING YET BUT THERE IS STILL SO MUCH AND I HAVE WRITE THIS MUCH IN A YEAR😭😭😭

Chapter 25: Vin x Divorced dad Zack

Chapter Text

The tiktok context lmao

imagine zack got vin as his driver because zack didn't like any of the people he hired as his driver until one day he saw vin on the streets. zack asked vin if he was doing well since its been a while since vin was in prison and zack had tried to visit but the prison said they denied Zack's entry. he asked how vin was doing because it's been a long while and vin was just so stunned that zack still remembered him. zack took vin in that moment out to eat and zack yapped and yapped and asked questions from vin and then zack paid for everything. and then zack asked "you have a driver's license?" and vin nodded, after all he was a package delivery guy. zack then asked if vin would want a job amd vin asked if zack was serious and then zack said "well you see for the past years i've hired personal drivers but none of them just don't feel what i want from a driver. they are always quiet or homewreck me. i am single haven't dated for the past 10 years. but jesus it's so grim or they would make fun of my kids behind my back" and vin then said "and you think asshole like me would be safe for your kids?" and zack says "i trust you that you wouldn't make fun of my kids and would make funnof me to lighten me. you are reliable" and then vin agreed cuz it paid more

but so vin gets the whole scedule and the whole routes and so on. zack picked up zack first to get him to work and zack was in good mood because vin was in his old high school outfit and it brought the old times. vin said "have a great day at work dipsh*t!" and zack laughed and walked inside the building. now vin went to pick up the kids from teh mother's place since it was also a switch day. vin waited outside in the car and then saw the kids trying to drag their stuff down the stairs. vin got out and went to pick up the suitcases with ease and carried em. he didn't question rich people stuff and then waited for the kids to get in the car. and vin was playing music and then the oldest said "i can't believe our dad hired a thug as a driver." tehy were in sour mood as the kid had bangs cover their eyes. the twins at the back were quiet and then vin dropp3d the kids off to school while getting teh suitcases to Zack's place. then vin got a text from zack if vin could go pick up something to cheer up the twins as vin would also pick up the Zack's suits from the shop because zack had gotten a text from one of the twins that they had a fight with teh mom again about doing a surgery to look normal. vin went to see what would a kid like, so vin went to a store of cute stuff he saw plushies that kinda gave off the twin vibes but vin wasn't sure about that and then vin saw gravity fall stuff, the old man twins. then vin saw that they were twins who had 6 fingers, like seongji. bin got reminded of seongji and he felt attached on buying the stickers of the two, knowing it would be a gamble to know if they liked the show or not.

okay it was one of the brother's who had the 6 fingers, but vin still got the stickers of the twins and got stickers of gravity falls.

once he went to pick up the kids vin handed the stickers to the twins and the twin boys were confused and looked through them and then one of the twins pointed out the journal sticker with 6 fingers and then the character who had six fingers and then the twin got excited what the show was. and then he heard the other twin say "he looks cool!! i didn't know a cool character of us could be out there!" and vin didn't say anything and drove them home and then he went to pick up zack. once zack got in the car and zack would not shut up how the gift vin had got was so good. vin still didn't know the twins had 6 fingers but it was on their dominant hand. only way to tell apart by name and the other being left handed. then zack invited vin to eat dinner since they were getting take out and the kids had send their order. and then zack said "how did you know what they would like?" and vin told the truth of seeing the stickers in the store and the six fingers reminded him of seongji. then zack asked if the kids could meet seongji one day and vin laughed a bit and zcak saw the sad look on his face, "he isn't here anymore. but if the kids grow on me more, we could visit his home in the mountains and pay respect" and zack apologized for not knowing and vin said it was fine

so they get home and they have the food and the twins are obsessed with gravity falls. they want to watch it really bad becaus ethey found out there were other set of twins. so they decide that it wouldn't hurt to watch some episodes while eating. the eldest was in his room. and while they were eating it finally clicked in vin that the twins had 6 fingers on one of their hands. vin froze and then knew the reason why zack couldn't keep himself a personal driver. they all judged his kids for abnormalities and zack didn't tolerate it. a smile formed on Vin's face as zack was pro

sorry shut lagged so yeh vin was happy that zack was protecting his own kids and then saw that vin wouldn't make fun of the kids since vin wasn't that much of a normal either. so week went pass by of vin being their driver and watching some episodes with the kids and the kids were obsessed when theybfound out the kids in the show were same age 13. so when vin did arrends in the stores he would always look for gravity falls stuff. then the week came to drop the kids at the mothers place. the kids were now more confident on fighting against the mom about the surgery because of their passion to gravity falls. the eldest still wasn't getting along with vin and vin tried to get along with him. then zack heard fromnthe twins that the eldest is going to with the surgery to appear normal and danger himself for full blindness or fully losing his eye. when vin picked up zack from work that week, vin had been now a driver for 2 months. zack explained to vin taht the eldest was going to along with the surgery to appear normal and then zack got worried about all the risks of going blind and stuff and them vin asked "wait, does he have polycoria or?" and zack said "he has heterochromia eyes like you, but not polycoria, sorry" and vin said "whybwould you apologize for that? so what colours?" and zack said "green and light blue" and vin went "so he is getting like a fake iris in one of the eyes. ooohh, yeah that is going to ruin his eye on the long run and make him blind on the other eye" and zack agreed and he was so worried for him.

so the next time vin went to pick them up. vin had his mother's hairtie to take away hair from his face and he wasn't wearing sunglasses. the twins were really happy seeing vin as they wanted to talk about their yapping about making friends who also liked gravity falls in their school. and then they screamed about Vin's eyes and they were so happy and asked questions and vin explained he was born with it and he has polycoria and heterochromia. then the eldest git out and saw Vin's eyes and the twins looking all happy. and then said "does anyone want to go to a store to buy some snacks before school?" and they all got excited except the eldest. the eldest was quiet the whole time and when vin dropped the kids off, the eldest stayed and vin stayed there with the kid and then the kid asked "did my ask you to get contact lenses for me to stay the wya i am?" and vin said "damn, first time someone said that. they would first insult and find my left eye gross or call me a monster" and the eldest wasn't buying it and vin then said "your father is a weird man. he didn't find my eyes gross or anything odd. still pissed me off being a better fighter but never made fun of my eyes back in high school" and then the kid said "then why did you part ways?" and vin said "i was in prison for murdering my sister's rapist who killed her. finally got my revenge on the whole cheon family who killed my own. lmao, your father would try to visit every other week but i always denied hoping he would give up but he didn't. he is so dumb and stubborn. still thinks im reliable. i can't tell if he is taking the piss or not but im thankful for him being such a dumbass and not giving up on me." vin said and the eldest got out of the car.

soon vin came to pick up the kids and the eldest was nowhere to be seen and vin told the kids to stay in the car as vin wnet to asl the teacher about the eldest child's wereabouts. but vin found the kid being beaten up by bullies and vin yelled "what the hell is going on!?" and the kids paused not recognizing vin. they approached vin and then got spooked by Vin's eyes and then said "look this f*cker has more freaky eyes than him!" and vin tried not to start a fight because he was an adult. vin asked again why the kid's were beating up a kid and the kids kept saying they were just playing around. soon the leader of the bully group got on Vin's face and tore Vin's shirt while saying "you girly ma-" Vin's chest was out in the open. his long sleeves that had hidden his scars, now revealed his chest with most of teh scars. and the cheonliang scar. the kids looked scared and vin said "i didn't have manners back then but it seems nothing has changed. well i grew up in the countryside... *insert oldest name* we should get going so we-" a punch was drown at vin and vin dodged. "what do you think you are doing?" the kid got scared and backed off. vin took off the torn shirt

vin started to stretch his muscles and flexing them and cracking some bones, trying to scare the kids away. didn't work. one charged at him and vin easily flipped the kid. not haming the kid just a gentle way of moving the kid off of vin. then vin got bored and walked away, leaving everyone confused and then vin had a school's tree with him. placed he the tree down and then said "explain to school how the f*ck did a tree appear here and no one is going to believe you. c'mon let's go*insert eldest kid name, your brothers are waiting." the confusion worked as the bullies were too stunned to process what happened, even the eldest was trying to process what just happened

vin took them home and vin went to Zack's closet to steal a shirt from him to not scare more people. it ended up looking like a slight croptop cuz Vin's dumbass picked the first thing in the closet and it was a pastel yellow tshirt that was holding on dear life. so they got back in the car and they went on a little shopping trip. vin made sure to include the eldest in the fun. then vin saw saw a punching machine and taught the eldest how to throw a straight punch in karate style and the kid punched the machine and vin said "me and your father were always so eager on beating each other's points when we were in high school." and then the eldest said "i think you should ask our dad out" and vin got flustered and started to stutter. weeks passed by and zack was still nervous about the eyes surgery thing until the eldest decided not to do it. the mom was absolutely devastated and the eldest said "why would i want to get rid of my cool eyes?" and smiled a lot. zack was relieved and vin knew the kid would come around it. because vin got rid of the bullies in calling the kwak bros to bother them a bit. as they all played their happily family, zack realiz3d he had feelings for vin. he arrang3d a drive as a decoy for sum else, but in reality zack wanted to take vin out on a date and on that zack confessed to vin and vin started to cry. they started to date and the kids were happy. then one day the eldest walked up to vin and said "i'm glad my dad didn't give up on you. you have cool eyes, dad" and vin started to cry and the twins were concerned and said "what's wrong dad?" and vin started to cry more as he was so happy and then one of the twins said "dad, dad is crying" and zack started to cry too and now the kids had 2 adults crying lmao

Chapter 26: Fake dating to get out of arranged marriage

Chapter Text

Tiktok inspo

imagine an au where zack was arranged to a marriage and he didn't want to, so he kept asking people if anyone could fake being his fiance to get his family stop with the arranged engagement. vin stepped in as he was bored. zack git even more devious to show up to the next family gathering with a man to piss off people and vin was excited for the drama. they went ring shopping and zack and vin realized vin had bigger hands and fingers so then they decided to do this one bit where they could pretend of showing off to Zack's family how they can't mix their rings even if they looked the same because Vin's fingers were larger and Zack's barely fit Vin's pinky and Vin's fit Zack's thumb. so they got their rings and vin had this idea of zack wearing Vin's jacket with Vin's name on it to buy off the lie that they are engaged. they came up with the lie that they've been dating a long time and when zack had been ranting to vin about the arranged marriage vin had proposed to zack one morning. they memorized their anniversary being day after the family gathering was over. so they continued their plan and booked plane tickets for vin. paid extra for vin to sit next to zack. vin acted surprised that the family gathering was happening in japan and he said "wait, i could flirt with u in japanese to make the japanese people around us make your parents more convinced in our relationship" and zack was onboard on this idea. they both were so into this plan as they packet stuff and then vin realized. he has never flown an airplane before

zack made sure to make vin not stress about it and helped vin with everything, what to pack and what to expect on airports and what usually to wear. vin listened and then the day came

the day came and vin and zack went there early because zack wanted to show off the airport and tell vin about it. they fooled around and then they finally got to their gate after fooling around. Zack's dad was there and zack introduced his fiance to his dad. vin was ready to shake hands and Zack's dad looked bit surprised. then zack said "you probably don't remember but we went to the same high school! he proposed to me a week ago! sorry for not telling you, i wasn't sure how you would react to me also liking men" zack said while showing off his ring and vin showed his own. "these rings are temporary. im thinking of getting our ring have Cheonliang's beach sand in them. like you know those-" "WHY ARE YOU SO ADORABLE!!" zack cut of vin and shook him. vin stole Zack's hand into his own and giggled. he gave a smooch on the hand trying to show off their act. the dad still wasn't convinced and started to tell zack about the engagement and told zack to stop fooling around. and zack showed his tongue at his father and got away from him. they sat in a bench nearby. they sat next to each other and vin was nervous. zack asked if vin was nervous of the whole acting and vin said he was nervous about flying. it was his first time. zack put his leps on top of Vin's and cupped Vin's face. "you are going to be fine. you have me. we can switch seats. you can have the aisle seat and i'll sit in the middle next to a stranger. this way the cabin crew can notice you faster to help you. the take off feels like Rollercoaster going up real fast and the landing feels like a Rollercoaster going down. oh also from teh aisle seat u can see the safety instructions better. don't worry, you'll have a paper version in front of you. also we should download some songs before flying." zack took out his phone and so did vin. they downloaded songs before they started to board the plane

zack noticed his other family members taht were going on the same flight but he ignored them as he held Vin's hand to make sure Vin is going to be okay. he already knew his father would be talking to other family members of zack messing around. then suddenly zack heard vin speak japanes asking a person about something. zack held Vin's hand and then asked what vin had asked and vin had said it was his first time flying and asked if it was weird for vin be nervous and the person said a lot of people get nervous and complimented Vin's japanese. "you just wanted to test your japanese so u could flirt with me" and vin said "maybe". they flew and zack had held Vin's hand the whole time. he even had fallen asleed on Vin's shoulder. vin didn't even wake up zack when the plane landed. he had caried their hand luggages and zack out of the plane with some struggling. the same japanese guy came up to talk to vin and they striked a conversation. vin told about their engagement and vin was here to visit along with his fiance's family to try to get along with them the japanese guy wished them a happy marriage and told vin what a gentleman vin was. then the guy told them to visit a restaurant and they would get a discount and a marriage gift. vin was amazed and thanked by bowing and then zack woke up to being moved. he was hugging vin and then looked around and said "we landed?" and vin said "yup and we got us a great deal at a japanese restaurant in the same place our hotel room is nearby. we should get the family in there, the owner wanted to congrats our engagement" and zack didn't get off and said "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" the two of them got on their own taxi as Zack's father had left on his own. they all still stayed in the same corridor of the hotel. zack had made sure he had a room for two booked for him and vin. they finally got there and a nephew of Zack's saw the two of them racing the halls who would get first to the room. they didn't notice the nephew. zack threw his luggage at vin and vin caught it and yelled "YOU ARE GOING TO BREAK YOUR OWN STUFF CALM DOWN!!" and zack ran past vin and vin yelled "YOU MOTHEf*ckER!!" and zack won the race and happily jumped around and vin watched until he picked up zack on his shoulder and opened the door. zack yelled vin to put him down. the nephew couldn't tell it was genuine or if they were acting. later that day zack tried to convince them all to eat at this restaurant nearby but no one was listening and then vin said "it's japanese speaking only! i speak japanese! you can't have the same experience anywhere else!" in the end the nephew that had seen them, their family showed with vinzack. the parents looked bit on the edge but the cousin wabted to experience it. so they get to restaurant and the owner was just outside and noticed vin. vin greeted them and zack tried to and vin apologized on his fiance's behalf. the owner said it was noting and then they all 3 got inside as Zack's aunt kept observing the two. vin was their translator the whole time as they ordered. and then there was a moment of vin remembering that zack dislikes shrimps. zack was a bit surprised that vin still remembered when vin pointed out a dish zack wanted to get had shrimp in it and said he could ask if the shef could not add shrimp. zack was too stunned to speak and vin then said "you though i wouldn't remember you disliking shrimp? honey, i know we haven't been to seafood places or eaten seafood in years but i remember" and vin booped Zack's nose and zack got flustered. they got their orders and the nephew full on believed they were a couple. then the aunt reminded vin can't come along tomorrow to get zack know his actual fiance who had been locked out in their hotel room all day thanks to zack messing around. zack was about to argue back until the owner showed up with flowers and gave it to zack and vin and wished them a happy marriage. vin got up to bow at the owner and thanked them and thanked for meeting them on the airplane. zack thanked too and then the owner wanted to get a picture of the two and vin agreed. zack was bit confused and vin explained it. they posed together with the flowers, their foreheads touching as they hadn't practiced kissing. they giggled and then vin started ticling zack and zack got all flustered at vin and tickled him back but vin wasn't ticklish and zack got mad. them vin picked up zack in his arms as the bouquet was in Zack's hands. vin spoke in japanese and the owner whistled and everyone in the restaurant cheered and clapped. zack was bit confused and vin repeated in korean and zack grew flustered and hid his face in the flowers and vin asked why zack was hiding his cute face. and then zack did the unthinkable. he kissed on Vin's lips and said "shut up!" vin went quiet and zack hid his face in the flowers and then vin started to giggle and said "so cute" in japanese. he put zack down and thanked the owner again and the owner said it was nothing and to come again in his restaurant. zack was still hiding his face in the flowers. they paid for the food and the aunt wasn't sure if zack was messing around anymore. at the hotel in their room they got ready to sleep zack gave vin a goodnight kiss and then vin got up almost scaring the sh*t out of zack and then vin asked "should we get married fr?" and zack said "should we?" and then vin awkwardly laughed and then zack tackled vin. "lets date first. let's make today our anniversary" and vin smiled "it's 1 am, so we can celebrate our anniversary" and zack got excit3d and then said "who knew you could be this fun" and vin acted bit offended but zack gave a peck and vin smiled. "take things slow while also acting like we have dated for years." said vin and they giggled before cuddling and going to sleep.

the next day they follow this plan the family had of visiting these places but the whole time zack was glued to vin. the nephew was with them too because of Vin's japanese skills. they looked like a family who had a son. at some point vin had scolded the family for not being respectful for not doing something and vin had to apologize in japanese to the tourguide. now teh tours were over and vin and zack went on adventure together picking each other cute stuff like they were on a date and tey couldn't believe this was their first date and soon they realized how much they loved each other and then zack said "i do love the idea of getting sand from Cheonliang's beach for our real rings" and then vin said "i'd love that too. let's be engaged for 2 years and say to people we are slowly thinking and planning about the wedding" and zack said "i'd like that". together they were dumb and cute. on the third day they went to another part of japan and they had to go with their luggages. vin made sure he and zack didn't get scammed with em proces from drivers and they took the train to their next destination. up to the country side more north. for them to see that side of Japan to have more intimidate moment with zcak and his arrange fiance but zack had booked a new cottage for him and vin in a bit different location. they enjoyed their time and vin and zack were sweet with each other.

so the two of them do solo activities in the cabin and the next day they have to move locations to the mountains known for the snowmonkeys. when they get there, vin and zack are bit late and somehow the family had convinced to cancel Zack's hotel room and zack was surprised to find out about this and couldn't book it back because another couple had taken it. zack starts panicking and then vin asks if it's possible for vin just to joing zack and the "fiance's name" room for free since the hotel didn't ask the two of them about this and vin was complaining in japanese like a local, almost threatening with a lawsuit and the hotel agreed for vin to stay there free for messing up. zack asked what vin said and vin explained and zack was relieved but still stressed about what his family pulled

so zack was upset and was sulking the whole time they carried the luggages to the room and vin tried to cheer up zack and excite the zack about the monkeys. Zack's arranged fiance was surprised to see vin. she then saw zack all upset but then saw zack become less upset with each joke and soft touch vin did. the fiance had an inpression that zack was messing around and was single and was acting but it seemed like zack and thsi other guy was a real deal. she couldn't understand why. what was so much better in that man than in her? she had money, looks, connections. she had them all, yet zack liked a man?

they walk and get to see the monkeys, vin got to scold the family again for not listening the locals. vinzack got to eat in the room thanks to Vin's japanese and they got a better menu too. vin had ordered them a surprise desert since zack had no idea what vin was saying over the hotel phone. the two of them ate as the fiance watch3d from a far the two of them and suddenly when she was about to leave she saw a cake with candles show up. it said in english happy birthday zack. the fiance was confused because it was tomorrow and the family had planned stuff for tomorrow for her to win Zack's heart. then the girl heard zack say "it isn't my birthday today" and vin said "it's 15 minutes past midnight, it is your birthday dummy" vin was the first to wish zack happy birth

time passed and they slept well and vin helped packing as zack was eeping and then the fiance woke up and vin put on his sunglasses. vin wnet to wake up zack and that they needed to get ready for their new location. zack groaned and then vin woke zack up by blowing on Zack's tummy and zack screamed awake. vin giggled and zack got uoset and then vin gave a peck on the cheek and zack said "okay you are forgiven" the fiance couldn't understand the two of them interacting. the new location was their last location until their the day they needed to go back to korea. zack and vin git their own room but this time the family tampered with Zack's private onsen time with vin. they kept pressuring the owner to let zack rent it out and refund because he was going to have sex with bunch of men in the onsen and the owner soon grew uncomfortable at the details and told everyone to stop and refunded zack saying the reason was the family harassing. zack couldn't believe what his family had done but vin assured it was fine because he had seen this coming and had booked a non refundable onsen for private usage in the other place. the two of them went there and they had a great time. Vin's eyes was out in the open and once they were done vin decided he wanted to enjoy the rest of the trip without his sunglasses. zack giggled and told vin he loves it when vin is confident of himself and it makes him hot. zack kissed Vin's eye and vin blushed and kissed zack on the lips. they were walking back and zack decided to deepen the kiss. they giggled and vin picked up zack in his arms as they walked back. at the lobby the fiance was in the bathrobe as she ha dgotten out of the hotel's onsen. she had asked if zack had tried to onsen and zack explained he already enjoyed onsen at another place with vin and enjoyed it. then the fiance locked eyes with Vin's. she froze as Vin's eyes looked disgusting. zack was giddy and thanked vin again for booking the place and getting them a place where zack didn't have to hide his tattoos. because the bath cover bandages were itchy and not enjoyable. vin hugged zack and said "of ckurse i wnat whats the best for you" and they giggled when they walked towards their hotel room

the fiance then decided she was going to tell everyone about zack dating a freak a monster. the nephew then said "what is wrong with liking a man?" as he was offended and then teh fiance corrected that vin had really disgusting looking eyes and there is something really wrong with zack. soon everyone got curious about Vin's eyes. next day, the last day vin wasn't hiding them behidn sunglasses. he had them out and he knew people were staring, but he had zack with him. vin talked in japenese and then a kid ran up to vin saying Vin's eyes looked cool!! the father apologized and vin said it was no big deal. zack was happy for vin and was stuck to him like glue. then Zack's family members saw Vin's eyes. they all had disgust on their face except the nephew, he yelled "ZACK YOUR FIANCE IS SO COOL!!! HE LOOKS LIKE *INSERT ANIME CHARACTER*!!" vin got curious and the kid showed pictures and then said "you two should cosplay the most shipped pair for this caharcter!! people would love it a lot!!" and vin asked "what is your favorite ship to him?" and the kid got exvited and showed and then vin looked at zcak and said "we should watch this anime some day" and zack agreed. soon the 3 became not separateable as they were at the airport. the nephew was sad when they parted ways. Zack's arrange fiance was mad but she wasn't done. so once they were all cramped up leaving the plane in the airport in incheon the fiance screamed and yelled for vin grabbing her ass and touxhing her all weird. she played the victim card and cried crocodile tears since she new zack hated sa offenders and would jump to defend her but little did she know, her words and especially when she yelled vin as a monster triggered Vin's ptsd attack to the worst

vin stared until his breathing got heavy and he started to rip his skin apart and then he threw up and smashed his head on the floor full of puke trying to make himself pass out while he was trying rip his flesh on his arms, bleeding on the floor. zack rushed to Vin's side trying to crush vin to calm down as vin was screaming "I'M SORRY SEONGJI! I'M SORRY SUJIN! I'M SORRY MOM!" the fiance was so confused and so was everyone else and zack yelled "I APOLOGIZE HE IS GOING THROUGH A PTSD ATTACK!!" soon vin stopped screaming and zack tried to now move Vin's hands away from his own arms. "vin, it's okay, it's okay. it wasn't your fault. none of it was. you were just a kid. it's okay" zack kept repeating while wiping away the puke on Vin's face. then the paramedics finally came tk check up on vin and zack started to lay off at her for faking the situation to make his fiance look bad. she kept double downing her situation and the nephew came to say that she was lying. the nephew was filming a tiktok and it shows on the video that vin never put his hands on her and she got mad and was about to get the phone and break it but zack was quicker. zack yelled more at the girl for being ableist and hom*ophobic. and she kept defending "this is why they don't take sa victims seriously" zack just f*cking exploded and yelled "HIS SISTER f*ckING DIED BECAUSE SHE GOT RAPED! WE HAVE EVIDENCE HERE THAT YOU! YOU SET HIM UP AND TRIGGERED HIM WITH NOT ONLY ONE TRIGGER WORD BUT MULTIPLE!! YOU ARE SO INSENSITIVE ENTITTLED LITTLE sh*t!! f*ck YOU!!" and zack looked at the tiktok and told the nephew to send the video to zack. zack walked to the ambulance that vin was getting stitched and ready to get back, since he didn't need to visit the hospital. as vin was back to his senses. zack rushed to Vin's side and asked how vin was doing and vin apologized for causing a scene and zack hugged him. zack said "it isn't your fault. no need to apologize" and then vin started to cry in Zack's arms. the nephew walked up to them and said to vin "i still think you are cool" vin thanked the kid and zack made sure vin felt loved.

time passed from that incident and Zack's family didn't bother them for a while. months passed and vinzack moved in together. then 6 months went by and the Zack's family wanted to get along and let zack mary vin in peace since it seemed legut that the two of them were dating.

they meet up and it was a plain dinner. questions were thrown here and there and then there was the question about Vin's family. vin was honest and said "shaman murdered my mom" instead of everyone feeling sorry they were curious and vin was honest "raped her a year, killed her, traumatized me into thinking it was suicide when i was 8. okay anymore questions? too personal? oh boohoo, privileged pigs-" "honey, would you love it if we cut contact to my family?" "ard u serious?" and zack gies "i am" and vin goes "OMG WE CAN INVITE THE KINGS TO OUR WEDDING!! JAEGYEON IS SO GOING TO LOVE THIS!!" "WE ARE NOT INVITING GONGSEOB!!" "OH C'MON!!"

Chapter 27: Stuntman Vin x Movie director Zack

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just watched fall guy amd now i wanna write stuntman vin x director zack lmao

so like, it's Zack's first time being a director and zack is sh*tting his pants. everything is so stressful and suddenly the stunt double for this star gets injured and no one else doesn't wnat to try the stunt that are going to happen forward because the actor rhey are acting as a stuntman for is annoying and mean as hell. he keeps yelling and being a piece of work and zack hates the actor tries to get into his pants so he doesn't need to do the stunts. always flirting with zack trying to be not there but they have a contract and they are on a schedule. zack is having a breakdown. then one day as he on the bar he sees vin on the street walking with a dog. zack runs out and he soon realizes that vin is perfect stunt double. they wouldn't even need to put make up on Vin's arms to show of the mc's scars because vin has his own. also vin looked a lot like the actor. zack rushed up to vin and took Vin's hand. vin was confused and was about to pull away when suddenly the dog tangled them together and sat down. zack became bit flustered but then he went in on the topic. zack asked if vin had a job and vin hesitated to answer and then zack said "whatever you have, i can pay more. i can stretch the budget to hire you!! i just need a stunt double foe this awful actor and you would be perfect. the other stunt doubles are quitting because of this awful actor and im really desperate because i did not want to hire that actor as the mc-" and vin then said "okay, stunt double. so i get to fight and get paid?" vin asked and zack nodded a bit "well mostly getting injured. i know you can do bike stunts and drift on cars. you are perfect. please can-" "damn, that actor seems to really annoy you." vin cut of zack and now Zack's hands were on Vin's shoulders as zack let out a sigh as vin kept cutting him off

vin then finally said "I don't like seeing you like this. fine, I'll be your doll. Can I share a trailer with you? I'm actually homeless" and then zack let out a chuckle. "you can read the script on the mean time when i get everything sorted out for you" zack said and now the dog was untangling them and now zack was taking vin to Zack's trailer. but before they got there zack had falleb asleep on the taxi and vin ended up paying for their trip with the bit of money vin had left as he carried zack to his trailor while asking the staff there where Zack's trailer was. little did vin know he was getting watched by the mc actor. vin put zack to sleep on the bed as vin looked through the script with his dog. everything seemed pretty easy but vin was bit rusty from his days as a gangster. then there was knocking on the door. vin went to open it as he was met with an actor who looked like him. the actor wasn't expecting to see vin and asked who vin was. vin then said "I'm a new stuntman" and then the actor said "you look a lot like me, damn, we actually look a lot like. so i guess you are my new stuntman" and vin then said "yeah, look Zack is stressed and tired and I'm trying to read the script while also looking at the notes of stunts he has writter down. so if you have anything, do it tomorrow" vin said and he closed the door. vin went to read the script and fell asleep on the couch.

zack wakes up to someone knocking on the trailer and zack goes up to open the door to see its morning and zack needs to get ready for directing. zack makes coffee and wakes up vin to get him dressed and then tells vin he doesn't need to take off his glasses as the actor wears them the last part of the stunts. vin gets up to leave to get ready to get dressed up for a scene of getting set on fire and getting thrown to a wall and then roll into the river to set himself out of the fire. then there was a trouble. Vin's bodybuilt was bit off. vin was more buffer than the actor. zack then said "lets add fake muscles under the coat of the actor because we are on a tight schedule!!" the actor glared at vin and then they got to filming the scenes. vin was fantastic film the scenes in mostly first cuts. vin didn't feel it anywhere as all the action scenes were done and now they had to film teh talking scenes. vin was free and he went go with his dog. he wondered off to the trailer as he had no else to go. soon after a stunt team's boss came knocked on the trailer and then said "the director told me to deliver you and your dog food and give you some money. i can't believe he found a gem like you. you are f*cking awesome!" and then vin said "yeah, old face from high school. suddenly bumped into each other after years of no contact and here we are" soon the stunt boss then started to talk about the upcoming stunts and explaining details as vin listened carefully. then the boss said "for this shot we need you to be in sleeves shirt and have a make up team to give you fake scars." vin took off his jacket he was wearing and rolled up the tshirt to expose his arms. "I don't think they need to work that hard" and the boss looked shocked. and then the boss asked "have you been a stunt man before!? holy hell!!" and vin said "something like that"

then zack showed up as he looked exhausted. vin got up and gave zack a bottle of water to drink

time passes and vin is killing it as a stuntman and zack is really happy. all of Zack's attention has been on vin instead of the mc actor which pissed him off. so he made a plan of with the help of his manager of how to get rid of vin when he is done with all the stunts because his assistant had been eavesdropping vin and Zack's convo in the trailer that vin was gonna stay in the trailer until all the shoots are done because vin wants to make sure zack is taking care of himself.

so one day this new tech team show up on the site and bring out this technology of deepfake and that they should use that in some of the scenes and they needed to scan Vin's face. vin webt to it to not be a nuisance for zack. but vin kept his left eye closed and lied that he lost his eye and the face scanner person let it pass. time passed and vin done with filming all the stunt scenes. then suddenly the police was on the scene and all of them confused as they were there to arrest vin. vin went as zack didn't even get to confess that he started to like vin. vin then wanted to make a call and he called Jaegyeon because he wanted a lawyer and also could get Jaegyeon into acting if he helped him out. Jaegyeon went to help and got the best lawyer

as the accusations were thrown at vin, the evidence was all fabricated, that vin had murdered someone. but all of the videos showed vin having normal eyes and no cheonliang scar only the scars on his arms. the lawyer of Vin's was the best as he threw in that all of them were fabrication because vin has polycoria and vin took off his sunglasses. and then the other evidence was that in the video shirtless vin on the security footage has missing more scars. and tehn gin took off his shirt and Vin's lawyer showed documents of long history of Vin's hospital records of polycoria and the scars. then Vin's alibi zack was also called and zack told the truth of vin being in Zack's trailer the whole time on set because vin had nowhere else to go. Vin's next trial was moved month ahead. and zack was stressing out but vin said everything was going to be fine.

time passed and teh actor mc had actually killed someone out of frustration and he wanted to cover it up as Vin's murder.

now there were people after vin beside the police. there are chase scenes on cars and so on. these people wanted to make it that vin did a suicide after killing another person and vin found out the real culprit vin got kindapped and he was in the incheon's waters by the boats. he was going to get framed but now he knew who the person behind the monstrosities was. vin knew the waters of the place and knew he could get away with it. he faked his own death with and explosion as vin swam away. vin went to find jaegyeon and then got in contact with zack. zack soon found out and then decided he had a plan of how to get a confession out of the mc actor. the actor tented to have a habit forgetting he was wraring a mic during filming. so zack decided to take this opportunity to try and get on mc's ego and get a confession out of him. the recording person gave heads up as zack got ready on the plan. zack introduced himself with his fully name and asked the actor's full name, because he forgot. he then flirted and stroking the actor's ego and then zack got sad that his dream man is dead. then zack started to lie about his ideal type. an ideal type who knew how to handle dirty work. how much of a reliable guy he was. then zack told hik about his past "I haven't told anyone about this but during our younger days in high school. one day when we fought on streets against some assholes, I found out he had commited murder. of course it didn't show on records because it was self defense but the people from the village keep seeing him as a murderer. but that day when I found out about it, i wasn't afraid. i found it hot. this piece of a sh*t person had taken someone's life. i found it really hot. He was perfect, he was just so-" then zack got cut off by the actor confessing he killed someone too and he killed more people vin did. he murdered vin for zack and then tried to act more flirty with zack trying to get on Zack's good side for zack to see the mc actor was more attractive than vin. and then zack asked "what was your full name again?" and the actor answered and zack said "I, lee zack and you(actor's full name). i don't think we would work out. you aren't reliable like him" and then zack walked off the actor did not want to give up and kept tailing after zack. little did the actor know that the voice director had the clip and handed it to Jaegyeon who drove off to drop to Vin's lawyer. soon the trial came and vin was there alive and the prosecuter was confused as vin was there as a witness. soon photos of vin tied down to a chair and getting beat up on incheon's cameras by the actor. and then came the video recordings too of actor having a hold of an illegal gun (guns are really restricted, like really hard to get) and shooting a warning shot beside vin. then came the voice recording confession as the whole speech of the actor confessing to zack as there were full on lines of the actor also saying because the actor was wearing the wires. soon the actor got arrested and vin was a free man and vin walked to zack as they high fived and then zack gave a kiss for vin and then said "wanna make it official?" and vin said "hell yeah" and vin deepened the kiss

Chapter 28: Werewolf vin x human zack

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imagine vinzck au where vin thinks he is going through puberty because of the hair not to realize his werewolf powers are kicking in cuz his mom wasn't there to explain. so when vin keeps opening his mout to insult zack zack forces to open Vin's moytg with his hands as zack looks at Vin's dog teeth. vin is annoyed and then zack moves Vin's hair out of his ears and sees they are a bit more pointy. zack who's father is a monster hunter specialized in werewolf and belongs into an organization that gathers time to time to talk about monsters they've hunted. zack hated it cuz they are all just people who were once human. zack then opens Vin's shirt and was met with a lot of hair. vin was so confused but didn't say anything. then zack closed Vin's shirt and then zack said "take me to your place" and vin then says "to have sex?" and zack looks red and then zak says "i would be insane if i wanted to get knotted by you" and vin looks confused and then zack says "do u not know that you are a werewolf?" and then vin looks more confused and then zak says "i'll explain to you more at your place. for now we need to keep ypu hidden because my dad hunts people like you and i do not

want you dead" and vin then takes zack to his place to see zack being all stupid and talking stupid about his knowledge of this community and these people and about his knowledge of werewolves. vin is just sitting down and watching zack until zack pauses and stops to stare at vin. vin then says "what?" and zack sees that Vin's tail stopped wagging and then zack says "cute" and then the tail wags again for a second and then zack goes red on the face and then zack says "do u like being called cute?" and vin says "i like being complimented, yes" and then zack tries soemthing else if the tail wagging was about the compliment or zack himself. so zack then continues to talk more about the topic and then zack decided to randomly chuckly and said "sorry soemthing funny came in my mind" and zack saw that Vin's tail wagged when zack had laughed a bit and now a huge smile got on Zack's face and zack said "i like you" and Vin's tail went bonkers and zack said "i think getting knotted isn't that bad of idea" and vin was still not realizing he was actually a werewolf until he gpt up from his seat and saw that he was towering over zack and zack was bit scared of Vin's feelings for him and vin then soon noticed his tail wagging and then vin asked "wait, did you watch me wag my tail and got courage through that to confess to me?" ans then zack said "yeah, it made you so adorable. did u not notice you had a tail?" and then vin says "well i was too focused on you to notice... i like u too u bastard" and then zack jumped in Vin's arms to kith kith fall in love

Chapter 29: Single Dad Zack x Vin

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imagine an au where zack had a child who also had polycoria, the mother ran away because she didn't want an ugly boy. zack did everything in his power to keep his pretty son loved and telling his eyes are pretty and makes them him unique. the son got bullied but it got more severe when he was outed that he liked boys, he kept quiet about the bullying putting it off as just boxing bruises. he didn't want his dad to feel bad. then one day he couldn't take it anymore and was on the bridge. vin was down on the bridge having his lone moment after a fight with thugs. he saw the young boy at railing and then he was about to climb back up until he got pushed off by his classmates. and heard "NO I DON'T WANNA DIE!!" vin rushed to swim and saved the son. the son was huffing for air as vin was doing cpr and help was called. vin helped anyway to explain to the officers about what he saw. the boy woke up in the ambulance and soon got told that he got saved by his dad and the son asked who and the paramedics pointed at the man who was talking to the police officer while all wet and the son said "that's not my dad, i don't know who that is" and then the other paramedic said "i told you it also isn't genetic. but damn that's pretty lucky to meet two people with-" the paramedic git cut off by zack yelling for his son. the son started crying as zack started apologize and the son stop his dad to apologize because it wasn't his fault but zack kept saying it is.

vin was watching from afar as the police officers were off from his skin. vin was about to walk away until zack stopped him to thank him for saving his son and vin cut of Zack's words with "zack, it's okay. i own you-" vin got cut of by zack punching him in the guts and then hugging him "YOU f*ckING ASSHOLE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!MARY AND THE REST HAS BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" vin felt awkward as he closed the hug with few pats and vin didn't say anything. zack then asked if vin had a roof under his head, if vin had eaten and if money was a problem. vin had them all because he got money by beating up people. maybe he should leave that life behind. zack forced vin to come with him to his house because vin looked like he hadn't showered in days.

at home zack was making sure both vin and his son was comfortable. vin offered to sleep on the floor but zack said no and that he will sleep on his bed because zack can sleep everywhere and he will sleep on the couch. zack made sure his son felt comfortable as vin went to take a shower. the son apologized but zack told not to apologize and that he will take better care of him and give him therapy if he wants to go. then the son asked if he could switch schools and then zack said he can do that

then when vin got out of the shower zack put a hair band on vin to give him a facemask to take care of Vin's skin. vin just took it and then the son saw Vin's eyes. the son looked shocked as he also had polycoria. then the son showed his eyes to vin and vin froze. "I'm a virgin" vin said as he got hit on the head by zack and vin started to laugh and picked up zack in air jail. the son stared at them interacting all comfused.

time passed and vin became a housewife in the apartment as he had left behind his past. mary scolded vin really badly for running away for almost 2 decades. vin apologized because he thought they wouldn't want to see him after he got out of prison. teh son grew to like vin a lot because they both had polycoria and they loved baking. the day came when the art class was doing show off your work to your parents day. thebson felt bit emberrassed that he painted a family portrait of himself, vin and zack. (the son hadn't transferred yet as they were in the middle of doing this) so the students were making fun off that they made an imaginary dad to make himself feel better. but soon they got shut up when they saw vin walking down teh halls in sandals, white tshirt and sweatpants. his hair was all tied away from his face as he was giddy with zack. talking and holding hands. zack started to compliment it and how good it looked and vin was silent. the son was bit scared until he saw vin cry and the son hugged vin and zack soon joined in. soon a student came to ask if vin was the son's bio dad and vin said "I'm a virgin. how the hell would I ha-" vin got cut off by zack slapping the back of Vin's head. "i am no longer a virgin." and zack started to laugh but he soon got picked up for air jail. zack laughed and the yelled at vin to put him down. vin put zack on his shoulders and then vin turned towards the son and said he is proud of him and the zack said he is proud of them both

ok brain died

Chapter 30: Ice powers Zack x Plant manipulation Vin

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imagine an au where people have powers or not, zack was gifted with ice powers and vin was gifted with extreme rare plant manipulation powers. but everyone though vin didn't have any powers because vin was hiding his powers. hiding his past. he only fought showing off his raw fighting skills. one day at class of Zack's. his family member was a teacher there to teach about magical plants and the teach hated zack. so one day as the last project the teach gave seeds that all looked different to the students and the teach gave zack a baked seed. it would never grow. zack didn't know and he wanted the plant to sprout so bad. he did everything but nothing was happening. vin soon started to notice zack was getting distant to their bickering. vin didn't like that zack didn't have attention on him but instead had attention on a plant. so one day when zack was napping in class and missing a lecture, vin sneaked in the classroom and made a soul transfer flower. aka a flower with a human soul who recently passed away and now vin granted them a new life as a face in the middle of the flower. this way zack would never be accused of cheating by buying a new flower, because this skill was really f*cking rare. the flower bloomed and was confused and vin explained that the flower had been granted a new shorter life after death. and the flower then realized he had baceme like the rose from the little prince. the flower thanked vin as the flower had died from cancer in their previous life and now they were like the character from the little prince. vin explained the flower can move from the pot but it would be more safe if they stayed in their pot and also started to explain about Zack's situation. then the rose said "so, you did this to help your crush out?" and vin yelled "WHAT NO!?" and it woke up zack. zack lifted his head up while he had drool on his face. the rose said hi and zack didn't process anything and went back to sleep. lmao. vin left and Zack's classmates got back and the rose greeted the classmates, everyone freaked out until the teacher showed up and woke up zack. the teache wanted and explanation why Zack's flower was a soul transfer flower. zack was confused until the rose started to explain "oh, his crush gave a second chance in life. I used to a teach too. You shouldn't be so harsh on kids. So this class was about sprouting magical plants, yet you gave your students baked seeds. do you want to make them fail on purpose?" and the teach stared in shock as the baked seed up from the soil with their roots. and zack stared at the plant and asked "baked seed? but everyone's is sprouting already..." and the the rose got mad "did you target and bully a student!??! no matter how you hate a student you shouldn't bully them!!" the teach didn't know what to say so they dodged the question and then asked "does anyone not realize that there is someone dangerously powerful in this school. someone with plant powers beyond what has been written down to be possible. this technique has only been a myth and a fantasy. tell me, who did this?" the teach said and the rose said "I'm not going to snitch Zack's secret admirer!! I'm keeping their identity hidden!"

zack stared confused as he didn't know who could it be since there was no one in the school who did plant manipulation.

time passed and the incident was left behind and the rose became the class' little mascot as the students took care of him until the rose's life spam would come to an end.

zack never found out who did it. until in second affilate he saw vin use root manipulation to look like he was eartbending. zack stared at vin as he soon realized that vin was the one who did the soul transfer thing because zack suddenly remembered that when he woke up he had heard Vin's voice. zack soon got a crush on vin while being mad at himself about it while vin was still in denial that he had feeling for zack.

until one hot spring day at school and everyone was dying except for zack. zack skipped the lecture again and so was vin. instead of sleeping zack walked around and then saw vin sweating and only on his tshirt that exposed his skin cuz of how sweaty he was. vin cursed as he was on his phone. zack walked up to vin and asked if vin wnated to cool off while zack showed snowflakes with his powers. vin took the offer not knowing that zack was going to sit on Vin's lap "wake me up when the classes continue" and vin felt so cool as zack fell asleep in Vin's arms while activating his powers. vin the woke up zack and zack left.

now vin went to find zack every time he felt hot and zack would let vin hug him and use zack to cool off. it didn't take long enough until vin started to thank zack with leaving flowers on Zack's desk. people started to make theories that zack was cheating on vin but zack knew. zack knew that vin wasbthe one behind it, because one day zack had asked about the soul rose and vin admitted it was him because he hated zack wasn't giving attention to him. and soon after they both confessed and kiss kiss fall in love.

Chapter 31: Vin x Divorced dad Zack

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Tiktok inspo of a show i never watched but got inspired by the edit lol

vinzack au where vin was asked to go and pick up Zack's kid from school, the scenario how this happened to be was because vinzack met each other one night and it led to them remembering the past and vin came come to chit chat some more. zack took his son to school. and when zack got back vin was making food. zack said he would love to stay and eat but he needs to get to work and then zack realized he had a meeting when he needed to pick up his son from school to his mom's place. vin said he could do that amd zack thanked vin and told him he is such a reliable guy like always. zack texted vin the locations and his son's name and the time his school ends. and some other info what tiem to leave to get there on time and then zack send more messages that vin can lend his other car in the carage and also lend clothes since zack had ruined his shirt with his drink last night. vin used his free time by baking something. the cat in the apartment was having fun while interrupting Vin's shirtless baking. in the end vin got ready and borrowed a suit from zack cus that was the only thing that fit his body and he didn't look like a bum when picking up the kid. vin noticed the cast had promised some raining so vin took the son's umbrella when he noticed the son had left it at home. so vin pulls up to the school and steps outside the car with the son's umbrella and puts it on for funsies even though it isn't raining. as kids left the building vin waited and asked some people if they knew "Zack's son's name". the son was watching with his classmates making up theories that Zack owned money so now the money shark was after his son. the kid got scared and asked asked his dad why there was a man with his umbrella in school. zack replied "i forgot to tell, i can't pick u up from school, so an old friend of mine offered to do it last minute. he will take you to your mom's place. don't worry, he is a reliable guy" and the son still did not feel safe as his classmates were making fun of him. then it started to rain and vin walked towards the building as the classmates were watching. the son walked up to vin and vin greeted him and said "damn, you look like an exact copy of Zack. just more cool looking, your dad looked like a pissed off dog at you age" vin joked and the son was still at unease. vin put the umbrella above the son and they walked towards the car. vin opened the door for the kid too. then when vin got to the car, he took something out of the backseat that was wrapped in black plastic bag. the kid got scared and vin said "i got bored at your dad's place, look inside if you are hungry" and the kid looked horried as they thought vin had killed their cat and put in the bag. he opened it and it revealed a big pile of macaroons. a huge pile. the kid felt bad that it was thinking like this

so like Vin then gets the son to his mom's place and waves happily goodbye. vin drives back to Zack's place to make food for them both since today was Vin's free time after all until his next night shift as a bouncer at a gay club began

when zack got home he was bit confused why vin was still here and vin explained himself and the cleaned up after themselves. they said their goodbyes.

the next day at school, people questioned the son about the man they saw yesterday (the son switches weekly every Thursday) they had theories that man was part of a gang etc and if zack was involved in all of this or the son was in a gang and so on, but the only answer they got out of him was "he makes really good macaroons". time passed and a week has passed. during taht week zack and vin had met 2 times to talk about stuff and get to know each other more. the son got there and he hadn't mentioned vin to his mom at all. so at Zack's place the kid was surprised that vin suddenly came in and it gave the kid a small heart attack because "did dad get fired and got home early? why is he early??" so the kid sneaked in the kitchen and was surprised to see a starnger and then vin said "would you like to join me cooking?" and the kid yelped but vin giggled as he took his jacket off to reveal a long sleeved black shirt. the two of them had a bonding moment of vin teaching the kid how to handle a knife and how to cut stuff while also teaching them how to cook. the kid didn't question why vin was wearing sunglasses, he was so happy to learn how to cook because his mom didn't teach saying it was a woman's job and zack wasn't very goood and barely made any food. always delivery. the vin snorted at the woman's job because most of his life he had to cook for himself or he would starve. "your mom isn't very bright person. cooking is a srivival skill of anyone. you dad has money to have someone else make it. also i wouldn't let him in a kitchen. once he set boiling water and pasta on fire. i have no idea how he did that" the son stared at vin but then continued to learn from vin how to cook. then zack got home exhausted yet again and vin sends a playful insult and zack flips of vin

so then zack asked if vin could take his son to school tomorrow and vin asked when the school started since it depends of his shift ending. the son said the time and then asked what vin did for work and vin said "i work as a bouncer in a gay club and i can take you school tomorrow" soon the 3 ate and vin had to leave for work.

the morning came and vin came to the house with his cool looking motorcycle. the kid got excited and put on the silly helmet with cat ears like vin had. they got to the school and vin opened the seat to give a plastic bag again. the kid opened it and it revealed cat shaped cookies. the kid was so happy and thankful, vin said "I'll say to my coworker that you love them". the kid was happy as he went to school.

time passed and the kid had to go to mom's place. the kid didn't want to bring up vin because when he got there he heard his mom talk badly about gay people. he kept quiet about vin but he showed off his cooking skills to his mom when her wasn't denying him access to kitchen. the mom asked why he was in the kitchen and the son said "a man said, everyone should learn how to cook if they don't want starve themselves. if you don't have money, you have to learn how to cook cuz you can't always pay for someone to cook or have someone to always cook for you. would you like me to starve if i ever go abroad?" and then the mother stopped denying him of using her kitchen. the mom did ask if his dad taught him this but the son said "no, he didn't. another man did."

time passed and the kid was at Zack's place yet again. this time on that week it wasn the son's birthday, the mother had already celebrated his birthday a bit early as it was only her and him. it has been like this for a while. no one would show up to his brithday as they flet intimidated by his money or he wouldn't invite people to his birthday because they were after his money. so imagine his surprise when he got a big birthday paty thrown for him with Cheonliang fam showing up with their own kids who were around same age and a drag queen from Vin's workplace showing up to give entertainment to everyone. the son was in tears at how happy he was and so was zack. at every gift he got from the kids around his age, he started to cry because they were all about cats. the kid knew vin had helped with picking up the gifts. the son thanked everyone and especially vin and his dad. the drag queen was so hard not to cry of his make up was ruined. the party was the most memorable one so far as he got friends from Cheonliang. he couldn't stop texting with them as some of them planned to move to seoul for high school. the kid treasured the moment as zack thanked vin so much for helping him out to give a memorable birthday for his son. a month later vin and zack started dating as the mom of kid was keft out by this information because the kid did not want to out his dad to his mom, especially after those comments he had heard her say.

then vin moved in with them as now vin became as the person who would drive the son to school and come pick up. with motorbike to school after work of Vin's and when vin was done sleeping he picked up the kid. the evening was all of their time together until vin left for work. the kid loved riding the motorbike with vin as it would make people at school scared to have ill intentions with the kid. a play was coming school as this was a way to raise money for their trip to a field trip in japan. this was as an thank you for parents to donating for this fieldtrip. the son didn't get a big role and was a side character but vin and zack still showed up. the son had told his mom too and she was here but she sat in the middle of the audience meanwhile vin and zcak had gotten here so early that they sat in the front. then the play continued and then vin saw something with his eyes. a bucked up in the stage. vin didn't think much of it until he saw the son's turn to be in the middle of stage. vin caught the bucket moving as he didn't see no adult pushing to fall. it was a kid. vin thinked fast and got on stage to push away the son as vin took the hit of gettin red liquid pushed on him. zack stopped filming and rushed on the stage to take a look at his son and then at vin. vin was frozen because it was lamb's blood. he was familiar with the smell

vin stood there as Zack's clothes were coated in the lamb's blood the other kids then started to yell at vin ruining the play. then vin asked as the others heard "Why would kids use real lamb's blood?" the other kids asked what vin was talking about and vin said "I know what lamb's blood smells like, what rooster's, cows, pigs, they all smell the same yet different. Why would the school use real lamb's blood as a prop when the blood costs a lot of money?" vin asked again as he took of his shirt because their son had ran to get his own towel for vin. vin wiped his face and hands as his scars were out in the open. the Cheonliang scar was the one that pierced on everyone's eyes as the rest looked faded pink and white, only the Cheonliang was still somewhat red. the kids got bit scared as the adults in the audience got concerned about the usage of real blood. then vin looked up and saw another bucket that was moved vin yelled "do not dare!" but the kid didn't listen and another bucket was poured on vin as zack and his son had gotten out of the way. this time it wasn't blood it was red paint that they originally were suppose to use as a prop for the other actor playing as a monster. the red well black liquid coated vin as it was bit thicker than the blood. vin cursed as he threw his sunglasses away and tried to use the towel to wipe away the stuff from his face. vin tried to open his eyes and his eyes landed on the kid. the kid got scared after seeing the left eye and then he passed out while peeing his eyes as the other kids screamed "demon!!" "an actual demon!!!" "WE BROKE THE SEAL OF TEH DEMON!!" or screamed for their parents. vin just cursed as he had to close his eyes again and this time zack and his sone came with paper towels to wipe away all the paint from Vin's face and zack asked if Vin's eyes hurt and vin said the paint hasn't gotten there. once Vin's face was all clear zack gave a smooch on Vin's eyelid and said "i guess you are my demon huh?" and vin smiled as he git a kiss on lips. the son for the first time saw Vin's eyes and asked about them. vin explained he has polycoria a thing he was born with. like how some people are born with 6 fingers each hand. it just happens to people sometimes.

so soon a teacher approaches them and apologizes for the incident because she didn't know there was a bucket of blood because she knew about the bucket of paint but the timing also didn't match so she kept apologizing. vin said it was no biggie and at least the son isn't hurt. he then asks about the kid who peed their pants who was still on stage as their parents were surrpunding them trying to wake up their kid. soon a sh*tstorm of karen parents were about to approach the two of them until zack got really worked up defending vin and his son. zack was about to punch them when vin picked up zack in air jail with his one hand zack got all bickering mood as he punched the air and told vin to put him down. vin then said how much zack remind him of a chihuahua and zack started to sulk instead of being violent with the parents. then the other parents saw Vin's eyes and looked disturbed and then vin said "is this ableism since i'm half blind?" and zack then said "wait you can't see from your left eye?" and vin says "it's a bit f*cked up since there are two light holes. you didn't know?" "no but can you put me down. i don't like air jail" and so zack was put down. soon an ambulance and police arrived. the paramedics got to vin first because he was covered in blood but ghe parents said they called the paramedics to take a look at his son who fainted. the other paramedic went look at the son as the other took a look at vin. no blood or paint were on Vin's eyes. the paramedic commented the polycoria and slight heterocrpmia looked cool and asked if vin was single and vin said he is taken. as all of this was happening Zack's ex was walking up to them and zack greeted her awkwardly when suddenly zack got slapped in the face. soon gay slurs were thrown at zack and "IS THIS WHY YOU DIVORCED ME!? TO GET WITH THE DEMON?! A MONSTER?!" zack yelled back that they divorced 5 years ago and he met vin 2 months ago. ans zack also defended vin too. then the police got involved when the son grabbed his mom's arm and the mom pushed her son almost off the stage if it wasn't for zack cathing him on time. then vin got worked up and yelled "A mother would never lay their hands on their child!" The mother yelled "AND WHERE IS YOUR MOM!? I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH HER FOR RAISING SUCH A BAD SON!"

"My mother got murdered by a shaman when I was 8, good luck finding her body when I don't even know where she is burried" the mother froze and so did the rest and vin let out a sigh and asked the paramedic to take a look if his son got hurt.

time passed and those trouble some students were still included on the trip but their parents had to pay extra fpr the damages. zack had a court case for filing full custody of the kid or at least have most time with the kid. as zack was all busy vin offered to take care of the son's needs. the son was thankful for vin and got more closer to him and didn't find Vin's eyes disgusting. he would always say vin was really cool. on the field trip vin was like a worried parent as he had taken him to the airport. then vin told to call him if he needed help with translation because vin knew japanese. so if he got in trouble vin would be happy to translate. the son got happy and thanked vin. the son went to the field trip and on a first dah he got lost and left behind.

the son called his dad and his dad told him to find an elderly adult. he soon found an old lady and the son put the phone on speaker and vin asked if the could help his son because he is on a fieldtrio and he got lost from the other kids and doesn't speak japanese. the old lady got happy and happily offered to help. then the son got bit upset that he missed the tour for today because the teach told them if they got lost they would have to return to the hotel as an punishment for not following the teach or if they wondered off to do their own thing. then vin asked the old lady is she could introduce japan to his son since he will be missing stuff and the old lady got excited. and happily offered to show around. the son went to the street known for geishas but that was off the list since no tourists were allowed but the old lady took the son there and showed around like he was her grandson. then they went to her house as a stop and she showed him a women's kimono. she then asked is he wanted it as his own and both vin and the son asked if the granny was serious and the granny explained that it would go to waste if no one wore it. she didn't have grandchildren or children of her own. so soon the son got dressed in woman's kimono and looked really cute on him. they thanked the granny and soon the granny took the son to show around more of japan. the places where no japanese speaking were allowed. only japanese people and also teh son got to see places only for japanese people as they only saw the granny's passport and the granny lied that her grandson was here to visit. they took a lot of pictures and the son exchanged numbers as he didn't want to say good bye and that he liked that he finally had a grandma because he only had grandpas. vin translated that to the granny who was so happy. soon the two walked to the hotel as the son still had the kimino and he thanked granny for the time and that he will stay in touch. when the son got to the lobby of the hotel some of the classmates were staring and then the teacher asked where he had been and then the son explained that he got left behind in the restroom and thought the others had already left so he called his dad who talks japanese and helped him around the places and he met granny and got a kimono from her because she didn't have grandchildren or children so she gave the kimono so it wouldn't go to waste in the closet. the son could tell some of the classmates were jealous but the son didn't care until one of them pointed it was a woman's kimono and then the son said "it's her old kimono. she gifted it for me. who am i turn down her kindness."

the next day at the trip came and the son still wore the kimono and as he was with his classmates the granny noticed him and walked up to him with some treats. the son got excited and thanked in japanese and the granny correct his grammar a bit and the son repeated until he earned a pat on the head. the granny soon joined in with the class and took him to better restaurants because she spoke japanese. the son was so happy that when they were on subway getting to places or sitting down. he would continue to draw the granny and at the end of the day he gifted the picture to her with a doodle of them standing together. the granny broke down crying as the son hugged her. the next day was the return day and he then promised the granny to come visit and then granny got excited because she had more kimonos to gift and then vin on the phone asked if she would like an hanbok in return too and she sounded so excited. then soon hobin asked if she would ever like to come visit korea and that would be able to be done and she got excited as she hasn't traveled outside of japan at all.

they soon said goodbye with last hugs.

once the son got back to korea he was determined to learn japanese and maybe go abroad to japan for collage. at home zack got revealed with the news that since the kid is 16 now, he has a say for the custody if he likes visiting his mom. the son then said he likes being here but weekends at mom's don't sound bad. the court case moved forward and the results were every other weekend at her place. the son didn't mind because he was now also giving his father's private time. then Vin's birthday was coming and the son and zack wanted to throw a biig party with the 3 of them because zack had asked mary and mary said vin much doesn't celebrate his own so a big party with the two of them is probably the biggets he feels comfortable with. tehy baked the cake and decorated the place. vin was a happy crying mess when hw got home and saw the place and the presents.

the son's graduation was coming soon from his middle school graduation. lmao. and he was on a weekend with his mom who wanted to know more about vin but the son didn't tell.

meanwhile vin and zack were in a small trip to japan. a small trip to help he buy tickets to the grandma, so she could come to the middle school graduation while also visiting south korea. zack offered to pay for everything. and the granny was so excited. the granny offered her husband's kimonos to them as they had put them on for the rest of the 3 day trip. once at the airport, vin said he will fly here to help her pack so she wouldn't feel so overwhelmed. the granny thanked again as he told they raised a wonderful son.

they got back to south korea and the son had no idea of this plan. he was bit upset about his mom, so he decided he wanted to piss her off more by wearing a woman's kimono at the middle school graduation ceremony. vin and zack supported this idea not telling they would show up in kimonos aswell and with the granny. vin the lied and said he needed to go visit Cheonliang for stuff but will be back before the graduation. once vin was gone and in japan. he made sure thr granny didn't feel too overwhelmed as she had gotten prescription papers for her meds before hand and so on about passports. then they packed one of her kimonos that fit her as she wanted to wear it at the graduation. soon she offered another kimono that belonged to her mother who was tall like vin. it felt nicely and vin decided he was going to wear it at the graduation. the granny got excited as this was going to be a surprise. they soon landed to south korea and she slipped inside the house when the son wasn't home. the son was exhausted and nervous about tomorrow that he didn't notice that vin had gotten back. tomorrow came and the son was nervous because vin wasn't here and zack kept assuring vin will be at the school. zack then showed off his kimono and the son got happy and thanked zavk for being supportive. they soon drove to the school with vin and the granny right behind them. the granny had flowers with her as she was happy to hand them out. she was so excited to witness something like this she has never witnessed in her life and vin thanked the granny for being here and for helping his son. the granny thanked vin again for letting her be oart of the young boy's life. the son got to the backstage as the students looked at him a bit weird as he wasn't japanese. someone pointed out that isn't that cultural appropriating and teh son didn't care. the surprise was waiting him right in thr crowd as the 3 family members were in there in their kimonos. soon they started handing out graduation papers and then the son got to get his paper. he saw his mother's disapproval. the he looked around for his fathers and his eyes landed on the granny. he smiled and waved at her as he didn't even notice he was crying. after that the son was asked to give a speech and the son gave his speach as he got emotional and then the rest of the speech he explained about meeting the granny and how she gifted him this beautiful kimono of hers and explained about how nice she was and then he explained how he tried to learn japanes to talk to her without using his dad as a translator and then he explained that he prepared something for her and apologized if he doesn't sound great. he started to thank her in japanese and thanked for the kimono and thanked for the experience he got during rhe school field trip and adds more how thankful he is for her. then he looked up from his notes and noticed her on stage walking up to him with flowers and then he broke down again and broke down more when the granny thanked in korean "thank you, grandson" and it was an emotional reunion that the both of them didn't know was getting filmed and posted. after the ceremony the son was so excited to see her again as the 4 of them spend a week showing around seoul and then Cheonliang to her. she was so happy as they said goodbyes, he promised to call and visit and promised that he would go abroad in japan to university and the grandma said that was too much but he still did it anyway.

vin and zack had their moment as zack thanked for vin taking him home when zack was a mess that night at the club and vin didn't wabt to leave zack alone. vin thanked zack for accepting him in his life again

Ok brain died lol

Chapter 32: Vinzack Car Racing au

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Tiktok vid to show what movie inspired this lol

imagine an au where zack had been practicing driving in video games and then the same thing happens like the mc in here who is based on a true story, aka the top ranked players get invited to or sum idk i never fully watched this movie, so like yeah Zack's gets behind a real wheel and zack is killing it he is becoming popular for his fast reflexes and driving skill, then Jaegyeon gets mad that his rookie isn't doing well because his super rookie vin refuses to drive in the track, vin only likes mentoring and being alone driving when no one is there to see his eyes. jaegyeon is begging for vin to please come and be his super rookie and then they make this deal that vin goes by a nickname and has a diving mask that covers vin whole face except the eyes so Vin's face gets hidden and only his eyes are the attention so vin in public can be all free with just his sunglasses cuz no one knows him. so vin agrees after getting offered so much money. vin shows up to the place hold i have a tiktok of this one driver to make your imagining experience great

the driving masks usually don't have the thing in the middle and also have the whole face shown but the hair and the ears. so like vin has his mask like this and walks around with his helmet on to try and hide his eyes but time to time when he doesn't have his helmet he would look like this person. vin sparks a lot of talk as instead of Vin's name Jaegyeon's name was put on the list because Jaegyeon wanted to protect Vin's name and this way was the only way the race makers would allow the name pf the driver to stay hidden to the public. the speed solo race starts and vin makes a record. he gots so many head start minus seconds for the real race. vin didn't talk as he didn't want any interviews. but the pictures started to spread of the wonder eye driver. people started to make edits as zack started to feel threatened by this driver so did the other drivers. then the next day when people were on their way to the track, zack heard other drivers talk about this new driver. zack joined in as he gave his opinion. but then suddenly the other drivers started to talk sh*t about Vin's eyes. how freaky they looked and how it felt like he was getting cursed everh time the eyes landed on him and how they couldn't believe the eye moves and wasn't fake. zack didn't like that he walked away from them and tried to find his crew trying to seem polite to the other drivers that he needed to do something with his crew and not because he hated the people because he did hate but if so many people targeted him on the race he would probably end in a carcrash. then zack saw with his eyes that one of the drivers were trying to offer a drink for vin. vin took it as it was forced in his hand as the rival driver walked off. zack walked up to vin and took the drink out of Vin's hand and told his own crew staff to throw it in the trash. knowing the rival driver there was probably laxatives in the drink and you should never take the offer from that f*cker of a driver. zack let out a sigh and walked back to his car as it was getting ready.

the race began and zack became third. zack had been chosen as a target even though he had tried to not be seen so offended by the remarks the drivers had thrown shared with him about teh mysterious driver with freaky eyes

so they go on the podium to get their thropies and champagne. zack is a bit bitter that he didn't get second place zack was zoning out the whole time as they were doing these ceremonies and then the interview happened and vin got asked a question "can you at least give us a nickname? so people know who the call you?" vin didn't answer as the guy in second said "monster would fit you. you were destroying us back there" vin didn't say anything and zack was zoning out until vin turned towards zack and gave his mic to zack to talk into it. zack stared at Vin's eyes and noticed how they looked pretty, really pretty and without even noticing zack had said "pretty angel" and zack then corrected himself "wait hold on what was the question sorry i have been zoning out" no one repeated the question and zack suddenly got grabbed by the waist and lifted up in the air for a moment. zack was now on the same first place platform as vin placed the first place thropy in the middle with them. vin posed as he was smiling with his eyes. zack was a blushing mess soon the second place and zack the ace rooki coming third was overshadowed by pretty angel and Zack's new friendship. zack couldn't believe he had done that but there wasn't any articles making fun of zack coming third or that the other driver won zack by coming second. all of the articles were about pretty angel. and then some about zack and pretty angel.

time passed and vin was going to race again because this time he wanted to be friends with zack. jaegyeon finally got Vin's identy name changed this time from Jaegyeon's name to something and Jaegyeon was suggesting all these scary cool names and vin said he wanted Pretty Angel because he liked that and he hated being called a monster. jaegyeon got the name changed to pretty angel. once at the new place zack soon the list of the drivers and he saw the name Pretty Angel. zack screamed and grew red on the face. even his own crew staff were teasing zack about it. then at the love stream of a first race to get time points. people saw that Vin's nickname was pretty angel. the mysterious driver's official nickname was Pretty Angel. and then soon people started to compare vin to a bibically accurate angel. a beautiful yet scary creature. zack tried approaching vin but didn't know how until someon handed vin a drink again and zack got protective and this time he explained to vin that he should throw drinks away because there could laxatives or dick erection pills or anything to throw vin off his focus. then zack said "see you tommorrow on the final race" and zack walked away. zack cursed that he kept the convo short but he was so god damn nervous.

the race starts and zack is getting bullied again. zack is getting boxed in and his car is suffering until zack pulls this stunt and somehow gets even ahead of vin as zack is feeling daring as he is filled with rage. he is getting real mad as he is really f*cking ahead of everyone. until there is a problem right at the end of the race. his car goes off. zack starting it again but nothing. the car got damaged really badly when he was getting aggressively boxed in and zack had to flee and he did other dating moves while destroying his car. zack cursed as he was so close finishing the race first. vin goes past him and finishes first but at the finish line he drifts and drives back to get behind zack to drive zack to the finish line. zack finishes second because the two of them were so ahead of other people. everyone is debating if what pretty angel did was by the rules or against the rules but the people were screaming thag pretty angel truly was an angel. soon it got accepted that pretty angel came first and zack came second.

then at the podium vin straight up lets zack be on the first place podium with him. vin gave his mic to zack so all the questions would be answered by zack. the two overshadowed the other drivers as pretty angel made headlines again. after the interview zack asked what hotel vin was staying at because he wanted to drop by and hang out with him if pretty angel is not comfortable going out to hang out. gave his phone to zack and zack wrote down his number and send a text for himself. zack thanked and soon they parted ways. zack texted more and soon vin send his hotel address and hotel room. zack got there and once at the door he wasn't expecting a really gorgeous man staring at him. zack go in as he was a blushing mess. and when vin spoke zack was a stuttering mess answeing to vin if he wanted a drink. vin got shy and said "your stuttering is making me shy, am i really that pretty to make u like this ???" vin was stuttering the last part and now zack was emberrassed but then pulled his act together to explain to vin that he truly was really gorgeous. and then vin said "feels so unreal that a model like you is saying that to me" and now zack was red as a tomato and went "wait you think i look like a model??" and vin said "you look like a model!! really gorgeous one too" and zack squiled and it took vin by a surprise soon they both realized they found each other really attractive. soon the two of them started dating but keeping it private. but in the next race vin and zack were ready to come public with their relationship. on the podium too. the race began and this time zack didn't get bullied and so didn't vin. the two of them raced trying to see who the winner is. vin won again but it didn't make zack mad because zack broke his own record. so did vin. they both celebrated each other's new records as they screamed and jumped around together.

at the podium both vin and zack were standing in first and vin wasn't given a mic. so when zack got asked a question about not defeating vin zack responded with "would've been nice i won against him but im more happy that i was able to beat my own record! there is a next time. next time I'm going to beat you!" and zack was about to get the mic away to stop answering when vin took his mic and said "and I will race full in" and zack then continued "oh you know me so well" and then everyone was confused and shocked but it wasn't enough to lead that they were dating, people thoight they were best friends

more people were focused on vin talking for the first time

vin didn't talk more

there were a lot of stuff happening until one day Zack's tiktok featured vin with his mask as they made silly couple tiktoks. soon it was revealed they are actually a couple.

then vin made this goal for zack. if zack wins a race, vin will kiss him on the podium and even takes off his mask to fully do the kiss. zack continued to get second place until one race zack finally got the first place. when they got their thropies vin took off his mask and vin didn't even lean in for a kiss but zack was in Vin's arms and was eating his face. soon Vin's hidden face was blasted everywhere as their kiss went viral. people were making edits and saying "zack truly was correct, he is a pretty angel"

time skip and they still racing but soon marriage came into the picture. they both agreed that they should get married. but little did they know that they were preparing a surprise proposal to each other once they finish the race. zack came second and vin became first but it didn't matter, they were both on the first place podium. then vin kneeled down to propose. zack was a crying mess as every camera was on zack. zack got down on both of his knees and vin was confused and so were the rest until zack pulled his ring box out and vin was now a crying mess as everyone was clapping at the sweet moment lmao brain dead

Chapter 33: Knight Vin x Massive bird shapeshifter Zack

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vinzack au of how cursed prince zack was abandoned by the kingdom and let to roam the woods, little did they know the curse was a blessing of zack to have the ability of flight, but because of he couldn't control his powers well and couldn't turn into a human he got thrown into the forest and the oarents told zack could come back only when he was fully a human. zack could turn back into a human but that kingdom didn't feel like a home he would return to. zack liked having his bird powers, so he stayed in the woods and traveled. time passed and then a human for the first time had appeared. it looked confused as they were all suited up in armor, but they didn't draw their sword as zack was mesmerized by the eyes. they looked so pretty. soon zack realized the knight was eating all alone from his other companions. "Vin, we need to get moving!" was heard and vin put on his helmet and his eyes were covered. vin handed the rest of the food to zack as vin then left. zack ate and he had forgotten that breed and butter used to taste this good. zack couldn't stop thinking about those eyes but he knew no one would want him like this. time passed and zack was chilling until he heard a startlet horse ran past him. zack saw that a knight was riding on it while passed out and injured. zack recognized the knight. zack went to fly over the horse and landed on his human form to make sure the knight wasn't hurting himself while on the horse. the horse calmed down but still rode fast but was more focused on dodging obstacles. this was one of Zack's powers. zack looked at the injuries and stopped the bleeding by tearing the knight's clothes apart under the broken gear. zack had used his claw to tear off the armor quicker to stop the bleeding on the arm before the knight lost it. zack did everythin in his power to save the human who gave him food and didn't fear him. the human who had pretty eyes. it wasn't an easy task to do all that while juggling the human around on a horse but zcak was able to stop the bleeding on the arm and the thigh. before zack knew they had rode inside a kingdom and all the soldiers were surrounding them. zack all naked as he was covered in the knight's blood. zack then yelled "he needs medical help!! i stopped the bleeding but he still needs medical help!" soon the soldiers rushed to take the knight and ran off to medic with vin. zack stay3d there and then looked at a guard and asked him if he could help him get off a horse because he hasn't rode a horse before and doesn't know how to get down. the knight helmed zack down and also gave zack a blanket to cover himself. soon zack got taken to a supervisor who the questioned about Zack's medical help history since he knew how to stop a bleeding and such. zack then explained he learned on his own in the woods lying that he wasn't a prince in another kingdom. and there was more questions as zack answered them with half lying. then zack said "can i see the pretty knight?" and everyone looked at zack confused and zack said "what?" and then it got explained that no one has seen under Vin's helmet because he wanted to keep his identity hidden. everyone taught he had scars all over his face or looked scary and that's why no one has dared to go against their most talented knight's wishes. zack got curious more about vin as he learned Vin was their most skillest and had the kingdom's biggest kill count so seeing vin like this has had the whole kingdom on edge. but soon the supervisor thanked zack for saving him before he died or the whole kingdom would have a bigger target on their back since the kingdom doesn't have kings or queens sine the whole family died and the kingdom has been running under democracy for couple of years but people are starting to go on edge as they need a leader. a leader who wasn't a manipulator. people have suggested for vin sto step up but vin has been running away in the battlefield trying to take care of everything almost always on his own. maybe now vin could finally take the responsibility. zack listened until a medic got there to thank zack for stopping the bleeding or vin would be dead. zack then asked if he could see him and soon zack got granted that wish since zack had saved him. zack got looks on his way there since he was only wearing a blanket. zack of course wouldn't be left alone in the room as zack stared at lnight wearing the helmet. zack got closer when a guard stopped him until the supervisor and said it's fine because zack was the one who stopped the bleeding. zack got closer and then he rested his head on Vin's heart. zack could hear Vin's heart was freaking out. so zack decided to purr to relax vin and make him heal faster.

he got stares but soon vin woke up all startlet as the guard drew his sword at zack. vin was confused but then let out a sigh and said "f*ck, are the others safe?" and then the supervisor said "yeah, they got back here yesterday. they were worried about you."

"i think i died for a moment because i saw an angel drop on my horse when i was bleeding out" vin spoke as the knife on Zack got taken away cuz the other person told the guard the calm down. soon the supervisor said "well your little angel here did drop down on your horse to stop you from dying. over here on this side." vin turned to look as he could slightly see the person he had slightly seen before fully passing out. and then vin said "it's you" and zack froze as he didn't know what vin meant by that. soon the reality hit zack as he was scared until vin asked "have you eaten yet?" and before zack could answer vin was hit with the "the medic said you are severely injured on your thigh that you might not be able to walk properly in a long time." and vin let out a bigger sigh and told everyone to leave the room zack got up and then vin said "please make sure angel gets to eat good pastries. i will pay" zack slightly blushed at the name he got and zack went along with name pretending like he didn't have a name before meeting them because zcak has forgotten because he hut his head one point. aka he was lying to everyone except vin lol. so zack had fun and ate so many good food. zack then got taken to Vin's home to get some clothes for himself because they heard Vin's order later on. zack got clothes and went back to eating good food while slightly looking like a beggar because he didn't have shoes lmao. zack was wise with the money but he didn't realize he was getting a discount because the word had spread that zack had saved vin from dying. soon zack bought something for vin wondering if he liked it and ofc it was food. zack the asked if the could go back to vin since zack bought something for vin. so they went back and zack still wasn't left in the room alone. zack then showed that he also bought some pastries for vin too since vin wouldn't be able to go by them himself. everyone in the kingdom knew vin didn't like eating pastries but vin took them and told everyone to go outside except for zack. vin asked for Zack's help to remove the helmet and zackd did that. vin took a bite as he enjoyed it. zack then asked about Vin's eyes as he was curious how he got them. vin soon explained he was born with them, apparently his father had same eyes and they just passed down to him. zack looked at vin and then said "that's so cool. like same thing with eye colours? but like yours is so cool though!" vin smiled and then vin asked about Zack's ability to shapeshift. zack explained that on his 10th birthday, a deity had walked up to zack and had told him he has gotten the gift of flight and healing and nature. zack was happy but there was a twist, once zack turned into this owl hybrid creature, he didn't know how to turn back to human. so his parents thought he was cursed and told zack to live in the woods until he turned back into human. then zack explained that he never went home because zack liked his wings. zack then took off his shirt and got his light brown wings out and he looked like an angel. zack stretched his wings as vin was mesmerized. "can i touch?" and zack thought vin meant his wings so zack agreed only to have a hand on his head ruffling his hair "you made the right choice. maybe I should also make my peace" vin said as zack felt weird. weird in a good way.

"hey, if everything goes down to sh*t i can fly us out of here and quick" zack offered and vin laughed a bit. vin then told zack to go back to human because he is going to call some people over if zack isn't comfortable showing himself off to other people. zack got back to human and started to put on his shirt. vin had the supervisor to come and the perskn was so stunned to see Vin's face. "wow, you are pretty like angel said" and Vin's face started to heat up a bit but then he said vin was ready to step up to be a king. but first the official ceremony had to be put on pause. the good news spread across the kingdom. time passed as zack stuck with vin and helped him heal faster by purring and heaing vin. vin was grateful for zack. one day they talked and vin learned that Zack's real name was Zack. after weaks of calling zack angel, zack decided to come clean and tell that he is a prince from another kingdom, the lee kingdom but he would like it if everyone kept silent about it and doesn't mind his nickname. but zack doesn't mind vin calling him Zack. vin felt his heart race as he knew zack would be the one to be on that throne beside him. then the day came when it was time to throne vin. people were excited to see Vin's face but mostly they knew they were in good hands as vin was getting officially crowned as the king. and the new Jin royal era was coming. once vin sat on the throne vin got up and walked up to zack. everyone was confused including zack. vin took Zack's hand and gave it a peck. Zack's wings exploded from his back as zack was surprised in a good way and it startled other people. zack soon realized his shirt was ruined and his wings were out and had hit some people. zack apologized and then accidentally knocked vin over with his wings but vin was laughing and picked zack who panicked and accidentally fully turned into the creature in front of everyone and now Zack's all clothes were torn and ruined. vin laughed amd then told somene to get a blanket. a blanket was gotten and vin wrapped it around zack and zack turned back into a human as he felt embarrassed but vin wrapped his arms around zack and hugged him telling zack he was the best thing that has happened to him and he was glad he found him in the forest and gave zack food. and zack then said he was gladd that zack had found vin and vin hadn't run away or gotten hostile with him because vin has been such an

amazing person to him. then vin kissed zack as zack deepened the kiss and the civilians were shocked but then very happy. they clapped their hands. time passed and zack got clothes that were perfectly designed to have zack have his wings out without breaking the shirt because zack was considered a royal even though he wasn't married yet but he was loved by everyone because the kindomg trule was now a heaven with a real angel in it. vin was being a great leader like everyone had predicted. but it also was from the help of zack too.

the kingdom loved zack as the whole kingdom felt more like a big community. time passed and without knowing, one night zack had laid an egg. they weren't even married yet and somehow there was an egg. both vin and zcak were confused and then Zack's owl instincts took over and he got into his big owl form but had his human headbto keel talking with vin. zack said he needed to keep the egg warm. then vin asked if zack needed anything and vin was slightly panicking but zack keto yelling at vin to get it together and that they suddenlynfor unknown reasons have a giant egg who could be their child since they ahve been f*cking and zcak is a platypus. vin snorted at the platypus metaphor and so did zack. soon then news spread inside the kingdom about a child coming and an egg. zack was now getting taken care off so he could keep the egg warm while also entertained as vin worked hard on creating equal rights to everyone and how to expand business to other kingdoms and how to make peace. weeks passed and the child was born. a intersex with Vin's eyes was born. it had white wings and bith vin and zack couldn't stop crying at how beautiful their child was. their name was Angel. because even their hair was white. zack was still on maternity thing, feeding the baby and so on. zack was less and less in the greeting of other kingdom's kings and queens and princess so people thought vin was single king but vin had to explain to them that the father of his child is busy taking care of their child. time passed and they got the a baby sitter for the 2 year old baby as vinzack started to plan a wedding and crowning zack as the second king. the wedding was amazing as the whole kingdom was happy. the kingdom wouldn't stop talking abiut how their whole kingdom had turned into symbolizing owls and angels and have grown to love and respect mythical creatures in a more kind light, not demonising light. a lot of stories were told and so on. then zack got 2 eggs this time as Angel was now 5 years old and had gotten used to their wings a little but not shapeshift yet. the kingdom was excited as now the whole royal blood had a new meaning they changed it into heaven's blessing. the twins had similar eyes to Vin's and this time had darker brown wings than zack. they got greeted into the kingdom. time passed and without thinking the past has all be forgotten until suddenly zack saw his parents. they were in the kingdom to demand for zack to return back to his kingdom. zack stood his ground and called out his father and mother for abandoning him in the woods. zack then said his home is in here with his husband and kids. the parents were them threatened and they soon left because vinzack's kingdom's knights were strong, real strong because vin would give lessons here and there for them. then the whole kingdom found out zack was a royal from another kingdom and that the kingdom was truly blessed. time passed and angel was now 10 when they got a fourth sibling, thsi time she had blue wings. they all started to make theories that the children were different birds than zack himself and they wouldn't know what bird for sure until the kid was able to shapehist into a birdlike creature. angel for the first time turned into the this bird creature and he had stayed as an owl, just a real white one. as the kingdom had come towards their end zack and vin had 10 kids 1 white owl, 2 brown owls, 1 those blue birds in rio i forgor name, 1 red parrot, 2 peaco*cks (they couldn't fly but they luckily also had the fear of heights which was also lucky for them), 1 hawk(the world's fastest animal when diving), 2 ravens. it was very known that the kingdom had their unique culture and it was beautiful. lol all of this because zack and vin showed kindness to each other while finding each other beautiful and passing on their genes of polycoria eyes and bird shapeshifting, also the kids grew some other powers beside slow healing lmao which made the kingdom become the most feared kingdom with all the mythical powers they had, which attracted mythical creatures to come there to live and be in symbiosis with humans, the bird shapeshifting was the way humans could see royalty in the kingdom and the polycoria eyes were a way for mythucal creatures to tell they were royalty, the end, the kingdom is the best as the next ruler was angel as the royal family was excited for them the end lmao,,,

Chapter 34: Vinzack kinda like jessie and james from the rocket team

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you know how james's backstory is running away from home because he didn't wabt to get in arranged marriage and james is from a really rich family. image that as zack, and i don't remember jessie's backstory much but vin has his own backstory, the two of them needed money so they started being in the rocket team just to get themselves off the ground. the two of them got paired together and be made fun off because they did a sh*t job but they both did it for the money. they kept vin in there since he was so smart engeneering weapons and zack was about to get fired when vin said he won't be working without zack because zack made him feel fit in and also even though vin hated zack he got along with zack the most. so they both got fired but vin stole some materials so they could get some money to buy food. then vin broke his sunglasses and he started to panic hiding his eyes. zack understood that vin was insecure so he told vin he can guide him and look away if vin wants him to. before vin could say anything(im getting tired of this song hold on)

so a giant angry pokemon attacks and zack tries to fight it off with his own punches but it's a grass type that uses veins on trapping zack. zack tries to bite his way out of it but keeps getting crushed until vin attackts and grabs onto a tree to throw it at the pokemon. the angry pokemon gets more riled up but luvkily it had freed zack. vin rushes to zack until vin sees that the angry pokemon is charging at something else. another pokemon who was taking care of their eggs. vin rushes to attack the angry grass type but fails as the other big pokemon tries to save their eggs. vin rushes tp steal the eggs to keep them safe as zack rushes to Vin's side asking if he is okay. then they see and the fight has ended in the both pokemons really injured and dying. the protective pokemon tries to crawl back to vin who has the eggs. vin walks up to the pokemon and lets them hold their eggs one last time. after that moment vin turns to zack and now they have 3 pokemon eggs. they decide to take care of them as they try their best to keep the eggs warm. a lot of money went to trying to keep their eggs warm and vin tried his best to hide his eyes from strangers and zack did the most talking in stores. then one day one of the eggs hatched and it was a little mudkip, they took the mudkip to a vet and took the eggs too. soon they found out the mudkip was weak and the rest of the eggs are dead. vinzack felt bad but the little mudkip didn't care. soon the two found out that the little mudkip can't ever evolve. they didn't get a pokeball for mudkip since they couldn't afford it and zack didn't want to reveal his identity fearing his parents would find him and go through with the arranged marriage. zack picked up the little fella and they proceeded to continue their way of trying to find a way for them to survive. soon zack saw that vin started to get more comfortable showing his eyes to zack and mudkip. vin would always bring foor to the table for them and give them shelter as he knew how to survive in the woods and the ocean. mudkip knew he wasn't strong so every time they used their moves, it was to bring joy and enjoyment for the humans. then they passed a town and they saw a beauty competetion

so yeah, they see these posters everywhere and the winning price is really f*cking extreme and it would be so f*cking nice for all 3 of them. zack wants to add himself as a competitor but then he realized it was live streamed and zack didn't want his parents to know. and zack felt bed so vin offered. so vin added his name and id on the paper and then added mudkip into the 3 pokemon list, just mudkip. and to Vin's surprise he got money for joining in the competition. a lot. 100 bucks and they were all thrilled about this. so zack decided they needed to drift shop to buy vin a cheap good looking outfit. they used half of the money given on that as they realized how noncheap clothes were since they were so focused on food. they ate so much food as there was the rest of the money they just got. then they found out about the expressive pokeballs that when the pokemon comes out, it's exploding with hearts or other hologram extras and then vinzack realized mudkip didn't even have that and they were so going to lose but mudkip was excited. this whole time vin was wearing his sunglasses as his neat blue suit felt odd on his body when he has for the past month worn only pants. mudkip jumped from Zack's arms into Vin's as vin was getting nervous but he got money to eat and he could give the suit to zack once all of this was over. before it was Vin's turn. vin tried to tie his mother's hair tie on his hair but kept failing until zack helped. they waited as they watched other competetors use 3 pokemons to show off their talent. and vin knew he was f*cked so he decided to have just fun. so it was Vin's turn as he made his way towards the stage. they said his name out loud and then they said "an unique contestant. only one pokemon and no flashy entrance" then the crowd didn't know what to say. then vin was there vin had mudkip in his hand and then he decided "f*ck it lets have fun" and vin threw mudkip up in the air. mudkip laughed at how high they got and started to shoot bubbles. filling the stage with bubbles while spinning around. vin felt his suit being too tight so he took of his suit jacket caught mudkip who was laughing. and doing his thing and using his moves to create beatiful water shows on stage. vin continued to throw mudkip so high in the air as they span. people where so stunned at how vin could draw a pokemon so small so casually so HIGH in the air. then vin took of his bowtie and shirt one the last minutes of the show cuz his shirt was getting wet and vin decided to do one last trick. do a hand stand with one hand. when vin would do this usually, mudkip would use their watercanon to lift themself up in the air to land on Vin's foot. vin found this adorable every time he did one hand handstand. this time mudkip was extra and did some spins as they landed on Vin's foot and then decided to also do a handstand while spitting water out like they were a fountain. the time was up and vin was surprised by the cheer he was getting. then vin did a push up with his hand and bounced himself to stand as mudkip did flips and landed on Vin's arms. vin bowed as the commentor said "wow, such a cute tiney mudkip and a giant muscle man. what A SIX WAIT 8 PACK ON THAT MAN!" and vin went to pick up his clothes and walked back to the dressing room

zack stared at vin who was shirtless and couldn't stop laughing. vin walked up to zack and asked what was so funny and zack said "you two looked so cute at the start. like father and son and then you go into your roots being a caveman and start thirst trapping" and vin did an offensive face and said all sassy "but the shirt was uncomfortable when wet!" and zack just laughed more and then vin soon joined on laughing with zack. soon vin put back only the jacket of the suit cuz the shirt was still very wet. all of the contestants got gathered to the stage to get revealed who passed to the next stage which was beauty battling. 2 contestants battle audience attention one at a time to show off their moves and each time the audience would either give their vote or not and at the end the personw ith the most votes wins. the audience can press each turn their votes.

so vin was f*cking surprised to find himself on the second round because that meant he had to compete tomorrow again. even the contestants were surprised to find that vin made it tomorrow until the judges explained their reasoning. Vin's performance was really impressive and memorable. it was flashy on his own way. it was perfect harmony of human and pokemon. and vin brough himself as a performer. it felt like vin was also a pokemon of the show. vin soon returned back to zack as zack was also shocked and so happy. soon the staff informed that the contestants that will compete tomorrow get their hotel rooms to rest on so they don't need to storage everythin in the backstage. vinzack get excited to finally sleep on a bed. the mudkip got happy and jumped in their arms as vinzack continued to be really happy. they also got some extra money to eat and they were really happy. vinzack finally got to use a proper shower in months of the time it has passed. zack fell asleep on the bed with mudkip as vin couldn't sleep. he went for a walk as he walked to the reception and was about to go outside until he heard some drama happening. an gang was riling up the lobby and vin walked up to them asking what was their business. the leader got angry and threw a punch at vin but he dodged it. "i asked what are you doing here? this a hotel lobby full of families on a vacation. think about the kids" vin said as the leader seemed more pissed off until vin grabbed onto the ribss but didn’t crush them. the leader got scared and then started to panic because how on earth would a person grab onto rib bones like that? then the leader told everything and plead to be let go. vin asked for the person's wallet and the wallet was given. vin took out the id and walked to the worker at the reception to jand the id to the police. then vin emptied the wallet from money and gave the wallet back to the leader.

"don't just storm in without any thinking. it won't get you far" vin then walked outside to buy something with the money. food and a gift for zack. a new pair of earrings.

as vin went on this trip, little did he know, a pokemon from the lobby had been watching his actions from afar and has been following vin all this time. vin bought the earrings that had on the other one stars hanging from it. vin was done shopping and didn't notice that at one point a slightly injured pokemon had sneeked inside the backpack. vin wondered why the backpack felt more heavier than usual but didn't pay much attention. once vin got to the lobby there was another chaos happening. apparently a trainer was making a fuss about their stolen sylveon. vin didn't like the tone and the words they were using t describe a pokemon like an object. vin listened some more and then learned the thief had also destroyed the pokeball so the pokemon wasn't theirs anymore. vin had enough and just walked back into his hotel room because he was so irritated by the objectification of sylveon. when vin made it to the hotel room he only put on lights in the bathroom and empty the backpack. to his surprise he was met with sylveon. vin picked sylveon out of the backpack and saw it was covering its face as it was bleeding. vin put sylveon down on the platform of the bathroom and picked a towel to clean the blood off other parts off sylveon. giving sylveon a little bath on the bathroom sink. the sylveon refused to show their face as they used their ribbons to hide their face. vin took off his sunglasses to see better. then vin heard steps coming and vin saw a tired mudkip walk up to his leg. vin giggled and picked up mudkip and gave few kisses while also saying "I'm sorry if i woke you. i forgot you wake up easily." mudkip fell asleep on Vin's arms and vin had to wrap a towel around himsef so mudkip would stay resting against his chest.

vin offered some food for sylveon to get it show their wound. soon vin saw the wound and sylveon was eating. but sylveon soon froze when they saw Vin's eyes. then zack woke up and walked behind vin to hug him. "come to bed, you should enjoy it before we are sleeping on ground again" vin assured he will go to bed soon and then zack fell asleep on Vin's back. vin apologized to sylveon and carried mudkip and zack back to bed the help of dim light from a lamp in the hotel room. vin tucked mudkip and zack to bed. vin soon returned to the bathroom as he had gotten something to ease with pain from Zack's backpack. it was something they bought for mudkip since mudkip was weak and broke themselves from time to time when mudki was so young, but not mudkip was more durable and confident. vin was surprised to see sylveon trying to clean the blood off themselves from their face. vin waited for sylveon when they were ready to receive helpand then sylveon stopped and stared at vin. vin got closer and contined sylveon's work. soon vin used somethin on the wound that was a cut going on the nose. then vin continued to dry sylveon. then vin picked a dry towel to turn sylveon into a burrito to stay warm. vin carried him to the bed and placed him down as vin went to take a piss and soon join them on the bed.

in the morning vin was acting all normal about the new pokemon family member and zack was confused on how in the hell did vin get that pokemon since friending pokemons like this is really rare aka it's really rare for pokemons to befriend a human. vin explained how it got here and then explained his theory on the reason why it decided to stay but vin doesn't know why it chose him out of every other human(sylveon chose him because vin seemed really strong when he scared off those thugs and imagined vin could keep sylveon safe from his abusive owner) zack then was happy for the new family member because mudkip seemed so happy to finally have a friend. mudkip kept playing with sylveon's bowtie strings on the neck as sylveon entertained mudkip by moving the 2 strings of the bowtie. then mudkip got an idea and jumped on Vin's clothing pile and took the blue bowtie out. mudkip made its way to zack and zack did a bowtie on mudkip. mudkip happily got back to sylveon who was now crying and mudkip didn't know what to do until sylveon pulled mudkip into a hug and mudkip hugged sylveon back. vin was in his own world as zack stared at vin. "i'm glad im with you on the run" and vin looks at zack and then says "i'm also gladd it's you" and then the two of them get ready for the last event, the showoff. they packed everything and got everything ready. zack was carryibg mudkip as sylveon was on Zack head as sylveon's back feet were on Zack's backpack. they got to the competition and vin saw the screamer from the lobby about a stolen sylveon. vin pulled them aside to not be in the middle of the attention. it seemed like the the competitor didn't notice that vin had his sylveon. zack put the hairtie on Vin's hair with a bowtie as ut was now Vin's turn. vin was about to leave with just mudkip until sylveon joined them and the bowtie trio was on stage against a random competitor. vin did his own tricks he hadn't shown before and sylveon helped with making the effects from mudkip seem more magical with vin. they got so many votes because of the adorable bowtie theme. they barely won against the other competitor with one point. vin was so happy. sylveon was really happy and vin picked up them both and gave them kisses. vin bowed as the pokemons got on his back and bowed too and the audience got excited about them. at the backstage. when vin got back to the dressing room he was greeted by zack being so happy and compliment all 3 of them. then vin saw the abusive pokemon trainer walk up to vin and smack vin on the face. vin didn't move as his he had stopped zack from punching the abusive trainer. "Don't, they will kick you out of here and you won't be seeing us perform" vin said to zack as zack lowered his fist. sylveon and mudkip jumped on Zack's arms as the abusive trainer smacked vin again, this time throwing Vin's sunglasses to the floor. vin then stared at the abusive trainer and said "so this is how you treat you pokemons too?" the trainer got scared as he saw Vin's eyes. the trainer started to stutter monster when Vin's eyes moved to follow the trainer. the trainer ran away to the bathroom. zack turned towards vin and then said "how weak was he?" and thne vin laughed a little that zack was turning the energy of the situation into this "really weak. man, i hope i go up against him next and win, i don- okay i care about winning cus money" and then zack laughed a bit and said "you can be a caveman and provide us food and shelter. little caveman vin" and zack stopped teasing vin when it was time to reveal the next people competeting. vin continued to win until it was the finals as vin was really surprised he made this far. vin was on stage and the abusive trainer showed up. the abusive trainer started and gained points and then at the end vin hit attacked and thrown to a rock wall. people were shocked as the commentor got worried but vin got up like it was nothing. vin stretched himself as sylveon was really worried but vin kept sayin he is fine. vin took off his suit jacket and shirt and then mudkip happily jumped when vin was doing juggling motions mudkip happily did flips and soon sylveon finally joined into the gymnastics of vin and mudkip. due to the abuser trainer harming vin at the start he gained much less votes as the audience was angry for making the sylveon get so worried for their owner.

in the end vin won as he had stolen the hearts of the audience. vin won so much money 1000 bucks. it wasn't much to get an apartment and finally get a real job but ut was enough for them to last days worth of food and finally get pokeballs for mudkip and sylveon. zack stayed out of spotlight to not be seen by his parents. once vin was done getting rained by so many reporters vin went to see zack who was patiently drawing on his notebook. the 4 then went to buy pokeballs and got 6 pokeballs since that deal was cheaper than buying just 2 and they now could get more pokemons in case they could enter more show competitions to get money for them to finally get an apartment together and get a job. vin looked on his built device for the next competition and soon the 4 headed to their next destination

at the competition they were more prepared but suddenly Zack's face got shown on camera as he wished to not be filmed. vin had gotten angry and told the camera crew to stop filming and respect boundaries but they didn't listen and then vin got disqualified. zack apologized but vin wasn't pissed at him. he was pissed that those people didn't respect zack. then the two of them talked and then vin said "do you want to get married? we would pay less taxes for the apartment if we are married" and then Zack's eyes lit up. a perfect way to get out of arranged marriage, to marry someone else. zack agreed and vin had his suit but then took zack to shopping to buy something nice for zack so they could married in a nice outfit the both of them. a bowtie was added for zack too. they got married legally and they had to get rings some other day since they spend money on getting legal documents for their legit marriage. also the 2 witnesses were 2 competitors that got mad that vin got disqualified just right before semi finals. and they were so happy to attend their small court wedding. they legit think they are lovers.

vinzack lied that they did a small coirt wedding because they wanted to spend money on traveling and they didn't have any friends or family so they took this opportunity to ask them to be their witnesses and the two competitors felt so touched to witness such a moment. vinzack soon separated the two to have "alone time" and they walked down the streets in their outfits as zack was so happy. that evening zack explained everything to vin, the other reason why he wanted to marry vin and the reason why zack was on the run. vin didn't take it the bad way and the shared his reason why he ran away. zack leaned his head on Vin's shoulder and then said "you are such a reliable guy" and vin said "you are too". soon they both fell asleep in the cave in the forest as sylveon and mudkip were sleeping peacefully with them too. then vin woke up alone

so yeah Zack's family kidnapped zack and mudkip was able to sneak in but not sylveon. sylveon was outsidethe cave trying to sniff Zack's smell. but vin wasn't worrying, zack had a tracking device on him that vin could track. but now they needed a way to get there and fast. then to their luck a dragon type was going rampant near by. vin got close to it and noticed it was blinded by a drug that the rocket team has been trying to infest in pokemons trying to see long lasting events of the drugs. vin didn't feel bad making the pokemon pass out and come back to their senses. it didn't ran away when seeing a fairy type as it blinded by rage. vin easily won and caught the pokemon to his pokeball. soo vin called out the pokemon and seemed to het scared by sylveon. vin got on hydreigon's back and so did sylveon as vin told the hydreigon to where to fly as he needed to get to zack.

meanhwile zack woke up in his old room as zack felt fear at first but then felt anger. he was old enough to choose for himself. he was in charge of his own life. zack then felt mudkip let noises under his shirt and zack freed little mudkip. zack then saw his childhoop pokemons all evolved. his silly stupid dog pokemon was now well trained police dog arcanine. his silly little dancing pokemon was now a fully grown gardevoir that behaved really well like a maid. zack hated this place. then he saw someone approaching zack as the pokemons followed behind her. "oh, master got a new pokemon. Don't worry, I will train him and evo-" "HE CAN'T EVOLVE! HE IS MY FRIEND, MY STAR AND OUR POKEMON" zack yelled as he kept mudkip close to him as mudkip clund onto zack.

"of course he can evolve-" "he can't, it was a miracle that he even hatched from the egg. i will not let you torment him" zack defended mudkip as zack got up to leave he got stopped by gardevoir's physic powers and then zack got flown around the hell of a house. then zack got sat down in front of his parents. "done running away and coming back to reality? you need to fulfill your duty as a Lee and marry to a ri-" "My husband is going to be so mad" zack spoke as the parents stared at zack puzzled. "husband?" and zack said "I have a husband. i will not get forcefully married to someone i don't know" zack stood his ground and then there was an explosion.

hours before all this happened. vin was back in Cheonliang's mountains.

vin walked to Seongji's home, sat down and then said. "i know i set you free when this place also tormented you. the place of nightmares yet the nightmare was also tormented. i know you won't leave this place because it feeds you yet it torments you, but can I come with me this once? I want to make myself look all big game when I make a big entrance for my husband's stupid ignorant entitled parents. the parents that don't listen tk their own child and arrange a marriage for them for business proposals and deals. do you want to join my darkai?"

fast forward to vin making a scene in the yard as he is flying over the front yard on his hydreigon and the darkai fighting off every guard's pokemon like it was nothing. the pokemons had nothing on the legendary pokemon of nightmares. vin landed hydreigon as he put hydreigon in his pokeball and opened the front door. darkai followed behind vin as they made it to the room zack and his parents were. everyone was shocked by Vin's eyes except zack and mudkip. zack was about to get up up and run up to vin put gardevoir's psychic powers kept zack in place. it seemed like everyone in the room was too cofused on Vin's eye to realize darkai behind vin. "let go of Zack" vin demanded and nothing was done and vin repeated himself with a louder voice. then darkai showed themselves and planted nightmares inside the trainer's head. the trainer started scream and cry in pain, fear was in the room as zack and mudkip was adoring them both. Zack's parents were shocked to ever witness a legendary pokemon, let alone a legendary pokemon of nightmares getting along with a human. zack soon realized he was free and his first thing was to punch his father in the face before he ran to vin and kissed his left eye lid. vin got real flustered and couldn't talk properly. zack then hugged vin and vin hugged zack back. meanwhile mudkip was showing adoring emotions to darkai. little did vin know, darlai decided to stick around longer because of this little fella.

Zack's parents stared as they were still very shocked by darkai and even witnessing darkai in real life. darkai sensed the stare and didn't like it but vin told darkai to step back and let zack have his message first. zack grinned as he turned back to his parents and gave a piece of his own mind. "i'm not your f*cking doll!" zack ended his argument and walked past vin. vin then followed after zack and so did darkai and mudkip. they walked out the house and then zack took Vin's hand and vin was a blushing mess. they walked out of the yard while holding hands as darkai had more fun and gave nightmares to the human guards. while outside zack asked if he they could join a show competition together to make sure they win the prize money and vin got excited and picked up zack and zack giggled. they had their moment and zack then confessed he referred to vin as his husband in front of his parents and then vin gave a kiss to zack and zack deepened the kiss and mudkip was so happy. darkai was shocked that vin was finally able to find happeness after seeing vin suffer for years. then zack said "when ŵe settĺe, we gotta redo our wedding" and vin agreed. they then walked and then vin turned towards darkai and then asked if darkai wanted to join or roam free. darkai picked Vin's pokeball and caught himself for vin. vin was happy with whatever choice darkai chose and he was surprised to see darkai wanting to join them. then the au continues with them getting more pokemons and joining show competitions and going around beating gym leaders to join the last final tournament lmao and then they settle down and have their own bakery

Chapter 35: Vinzack being silly in a wedding dress store

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imagine zack for fun was trying out dresses in a wedding store as he was there help to pick a dress for the bride of his cousin's but then he kept getting casted out so he went to have fun on his own and asked an assistant because he wanted to try this dress, zack explained the situation and the worker decided tp help. soon the worker texted the other worker and let zack know that she got another coworker to then give his opinion and praise zack once zack is done in the fitting room with her. since the dress doesn't quite fit zack so there has to be somethibg to do on the back as zack is patiently waiting and looking at himself through the mirror. she and zack talked and git along pretty well as they joked. then she got out and then got back in to whisper "do you want to prank the coworker and pretend like you are his so called bride? he is single by the way so don't feel bad about that" and zack was onboard as he loved doing pranks. so she got ready to put her coworker who just got out of the lunchbreak into the right place and then she went to fetch zack. they pretended like they were walking down an aisle and both vin and zack were in shock but zack soon noticed that vin wasn't making fun off him so zack continued with the prank and then the worker placed their hands together like they were about to say their vows and vin was still very much speachless and zack then zack decided to take off Vin's sunglasses and placed them down on a table nearby as zack stared deeply into Vin's eyes and then the worker "so how long are we keeping up with the prank or are u in love with-" "WHAT!?" zack cut off the worker as his face got all red and then vin spoke "do you want to test out if the dress is good for dancing?" and zack agreed. the two of them danced as zack was struggling with the steps but vin assured he was doing fine following Vin's lead. zack kept cursing and vin kept repeating Zack's name to calm him down. the two of them were having fun and then vin did a dip and zack wrapped his arms around Vin's neck. they stared and zack said "i love your eyes, they are pretty and always have been" and vin gets close for a kiss and then zack kisses vin. they kiss as the coworker of Vin's is clapping her hands. soon the commotion got the curiosity of Zack's family. and soon they noticed zack was missing. one of the cousins went to search for zack and stumbled upon a view of zack dancing in a wedding dress with a stranger. the cousin went to report tp the family but they weren't curious. zack soon got out of the dress and tipped the 2 workers for taking away their time and the two of them thanked zack as he was a fun customer even though he didn't buy the dress and then zack walked up to vin to ask about a date and then vin said "Shouldn't u ask for a phone number first?" and zack got red and started to stutter and vin picked up zack into a hug and said "you are so cute, man, i can't believe i used tp hate you" and zack then says "i could say the same about you"

Chapter 36: Drunk Zack x vin

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Tiktok for context

zack imagine vin was on his walk and then sees zack trynna jump into the river and his friends do nothing and vin panics and stops zack and everyone is so confused why vin was all protective all of the sudden. zack is sitting on the ground as he watches vin yell at his friends who were filming. then zack gets up and hugs vin from the behind and goes "thank you, such a reliable guy" and zack is giggling and then vin scoops zack in his arms and zack giggles more and vin yells at Zack's friends taht vin will be taking zack home. and doo then uploads the clip on tiktok with the text "was trying to film a tiktok and his boyfriend showed up and ruined the tiktok😒" vin doesn't find out about this as he is busy with the memories of seongji drowning himself. zack on the other hand doesn't remember anything from last night and wonders how the hell did he get back home. zack opens his phone and sees that doo's tiktok blew up and zack sees vin acting like this and it was first time seeing vin defend zack like that.

so zack finds the video and is so amused how on edge vin was, it was the first time zack saw vin like this too. zack decides not to comment on the video and instead blocks his friends he had while zack was drinking. zack then asks mary if she knows where vin lives and if vin is free. mary says vin is free all the time unless he is at the arcade. zack decides to buy some sweets as he goes to the apartment. zack knocks and then he waits. without even noticing zack fell asleep and when vin got to his apartment vin picked up zack and put him to bed and then took a peak at the paper bag to see sweets and cake slices. vin put them down and decided to eat the cake as he waited for zack to wake up. without even noticing vin found Zack's sleeping face cute. vin cursed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and calm himself down after eating the cake slice. zack then woke up and noticed he was in Vin's bed and noticed vin had eaten the cake. zack suddenly felt weird in a good way. then vin came out of the shower and zack couldn't stop smiling and brakn died

Chapter 37: Rally driver Vin x Zack


I know the cars can't do like that irl but this is for the plot

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Tiktok for context

imagine zack doing this all the time on gta but when he was walking home on a walkable bridge above a highway. he saw someone actually pull this in real life on a car that crashed. zack instantly fell in love and wished he could memorize the register(it was a stolen car of Jaegyeon's) but he could remember how out of the place the car was and looked like a rally car. time passed and then zack saw another similar looking car drifting its way out of car crash. zack just fell more fpr the driver and he hated it. then one night zack the car parked. zack decided to take a closer look he then pumbed into someone. zack apologized and then zack saw Jaegyeon with papers in his hand. before zack could say anything he heard Vin's voice say "do i really have to wear this now? the race is a month in another country" and then Zack's face went red when seeing vin wear a racing overall with the helmet on his side. vin didn't even notice Zack's presence as the overall was itchy. and the Jaegyeon said to vin that he should get used to the overall and get on the car to practice the race. and when Jaegyeon walked in the car vin saw zack who has been staring at him. vin then said "the f*ck u looking at" and then zack started to stutter and taht was Vin's first time hearing zack stutter. vin was amused and started to walk up to zack as zack tried backing away until he realized he was cornered into the car. zack was now pressing his back onto the car. vin was amused and then said "you are acting like someone who has a crush" and then zack yelled at vin and was liking that attitude more. then without noticing zack had moved to the side and was now at the hood part of the car. vin got closer and without even noticing zack almost fell on the hood if it wasn't for vin grabbing zack by the shirt on time. then Jaegyeon stepped out of the car to yell at vin and zack took this opportunity to run.

the next day at school was hell, zack tried to avoid vin at all times because zack was a f*cking mess lol

Chapter 38: Exhuma inspired Au


Exhuma inspired with my own fantasy elements so DO NOT MIX WITH REAL KOREAN SHAMANISM!!!

Chapter Text

Have a dohyun edit as reference

imagine an au where vin being the sacrifice he never believed in korean shamanism until one day he saw a spirit show up in the ritual. the spirit looked around and commented on how the shaman was doing everything wrong. and no wonder the other spirits didn't even bother with him since he looked like an idiot. then the spirit dressed like a general, a warrior turned to look towards vin who kept staring at the spirit thinking vin was hallucinating and the spirit got closer to vin and vin followed him with his eyes. and then the spirit goes "wait, you can see me?" and then vin nodded which raised shaman's nerves that vin wasn't paying attention. then one of the villagers threw a rock at vin but the spirit deflected it. the spirit then began to be around vin since it had nothing else to do(he grew attached to vin out of curiosity and wouldn't admit it) time passed and the whole Cheonliang downfall happened and the spirit had tried his best but there was another spirit the spirit had to scare off and apologized to vin for not being able to protect him. then vin moved to seoul and the spirit followed vin, so vin could get the right tattoos for himself to protect him from spirits because now vin was interested in real shamanism as the general was Vin's helper since the general had nothing else to do for centuries after being gifted with immortality in after life. when vin entered jhigh vin kept hiding his tattoos.

then one day he heard about the school spirit incident and at first he wasn't going to do anything about it even though vin sensed her but after he heard that zack had a phobia of spirits and had peed his pants after discovering he saw the ghost. vin grew suspicious that the spirit was gaining power to be seen to the naked human eye. so vin got his stuff and swords and formed the ritual on his own. the lone shaman. he had the blessing of the general and vin knew it was a risky to do it alone but vin feared the spirit would grow into a bigger threat. vin did the ritual and showed the spirit its place. the general helped vin the best it could until suddenly a dragon spirit got curious of vin interacting with a spirit so casually. the dragon spirit then blessed vin and left because now it could watch vin from a far without getting close to him. vin and the general had no idea vin just got blessed because the bless would be seen to inferior spirits and would start glowing to spirits when they try to possess vin.

time passes from that incident and vin has done a great job keeping his tattoos hidden until the second affilate. vin woke up in a t shirt and pants that showed Vin's arms and feet covered in the protective symbol that the spirit if they wanted to possess vin had to go through Vin's hands or head. vin cursed and wanted to go home but soon zack took a notice to Vin's tattoos. he didn't know what to feel. then Vin's shirt got torn apart and Vin's chest and back was fully out on display. people started to get weirded out while to kojima brothers were slighlt curious why vin who was a sacrifice had protective symbols like that. as the event went on and Vin's eyes got revealed, suddenly an angry spirit emerged and others saw it too. everyone was panicking byt vin tried to stay calm even though he didn't have his knives. he yelled for the general who was happy to enjoy fighting again. the general used his energy to emerge and attack the angry spirit to show afterlife isn't the king and shouldn't meddle with the living. then another angry spirit showed up and vin pushed zack out of the way when the spirit charged. vin then started to fight the spirit kn his own and then the dragon's blessing activated as vin started to fight the spirit hands on with the help of the dragon biting down on the spirit and in the end eating the spirit vin turned towards the general and the other spirit and the dragon dug its mouth on the angry spirit and ate it too. what was left of the spirit were 2 pearls and vin had no idea what to do with them. the general took them and soon they dissappeared from the naked eye. vin turned to look towards zack who was still in shock and so was everyone else.

time passed from the incident as taejin got informed about vin and how different he is now and his connection to shamanism and about his spirit stuff.

then the allied happened as daniel wanted vin on the team.

vin declined at first and during that time vin noticed that zack had turned into Buddhism. vin noted that down as he then did his own blessing on zack to keep him away from spirits. to be seen invisible in spirits radar only for humans to see. because vin remembers how scared zack was and vin didn't want to see that face again on zack.

then vin found out taejin was alive. vin tried to justify killing taejin but the spirits told him no and vin had gotten emotional in the fight that he couldn't do it. vin was so pissed off about this. he lost his teeth but they soon got put back and vin started to think if it was right calling for vin to show spirits their place. after all vin had been diing this solo and in secret not revealing himself because vin didn't like the attention. when vin returned to Cheonliang. vin let his eyes and arms be seen. to let the spirits know vin meant business. what vin didn't expect was seeing zack there. zack walked up to vin and didn't know what to say. zack had went to a shaman to get protection on himself since zack was scared but zack was met with "oh, it seems like you already have protection. strong one at that too. because no spirit can see you. even i can't see your soul. i see it being sealed in protection. how did you meet this strong shaman? they definitely know what they are doing" zack had not stopped thinking about this. zack knew it was Vin's doing but zack couldn't stop thinking about why. but before zack could ask anything their attention was elsewhere

then time passed as vin started to become wondering shaman and zack wanted to get closer to vin but didn't know how. so a rabbit spirit got curious because the spirit could only see zack when zack was near vin, the bunny spirit saw an opportunity to get closer to the dragon spirit and decided to bless zack. now zack had the same of what vin had. but zack couldn't fight spirits, he couldn't see them but no spirit could see zack either. only humans. and humans can't see spirits. so other inferior spirits though this was a bad decision but the bunny was sneaky. zack could attack the spirit when it decided to show up in the naked human eye and still not be seen by the spirit. but the rabbit didn't know that zack had a huge phobia of them. which became the rabbit's downfall but vin and the dragon noticed the rabbit blessing and liked that zack had now an extra protection on him. 2 layers of protection. soon vin started to hang out with zack more and zack got happy about it. then one day zack confessed and all the spirits screamed "WHAT!?!" and only vin heard all that noise and then vin was all red and then confessed to zack too and then zack revealed that he knew about the protection but he didn't know he had a rabbit's blessing too and now the two were together lol

Chapter 39: Human prince Zack x dragon shapeshifter Vin who is a farmer lol

Chapter Text

Tiktok that inspired me to write this lmao

farmer vin who specializes in raising chickens. vin was a hidden half dragon since he was banished from his kind for the stuff he has done. so when one of the chickens had stolen a dragon egg and made it hatch vin had made it a life mission of his to raise the dragon. but the small dragon seemed to look really sad that it was all alone. it was really hard to capture the dragon and take it inside the house since that was the only place vin felt ut was secure for him to show his dragon self. since some travelers would pass his farm. so once vin got the baby inside the house the dragon ran off to hide under a bed. vin let it get used to it as vin let his dragon features out and started to make an apple pie. the dragon got curious about the smell and then saw the dragon scales. the dragon cried and vin picked them up reavealing his eyes. the dragon then memorized that those eyes belonged to this dragon. at first the dragon was confused when vin would switch to fully human but soon he remembered the face and they were same people.

then one day one of the travelers saw the dragon walking on Vin's yard and the travelers were jumping into the conclusion the dragon was about to eat Vin's chickens. the dragon ran to vin and vin yelled at the travelers to get out of his yard. vin had the child dragon in his arms and the travelers apologized. soon the world started to travel that there was a chicken farm that has a dragon as a guardian dog. soon Vin's quiet life started to turn into chaotic life with people assuming vin and the chickens were in danger because of the dragon but little did they know the dragon was like herbivore who loved apples. luckily vin had a small apple farm he had going on. the dragon would hoard the trees and vin decided he should get some more.

the dragon was still small sized as vin knew the dragon's grew up like humans and had human spams so the dragon was still very much a child.

then one day vin had to go to the town for the first time in months. vin was running out of his big food supplies. vin would go to town to buy big sacks of flour and sugar and then dip back to his place to be all alone away from the town people. and vin would earn money by selling eggs to travelers of apple pie or let solo travelers sleep in the guest room but that guest room idea had to be put on hold since vin wanted to keep the dragon a somewhat secret to not attract attention.

vin at first was going to leave the dragon in the house but then again the dragon was still a big child and even though the 2 guard dogs were similar age the maturity was completely different. so vin took the dragon with him and the dragon clung onto vin as it was scared of new environments.

as vin predicted people first assumed the baby dragon was attacking vin but vin kept repeating himself he is raising the abandoned dragon and to f*ck off. as vin loaded his stuff into the thing horses pull with em. the dragon had its bed there but wanted to stay close to vin and kept hugging him. but before vin could get back into his farm.

suddenly knights pull up in front of him and the dragon gets more frightened. soon vin realizes the reason why the egg was abandoned, this dragon was scared and weak and probably was the smallest egg out of the bunch.

the knights told vin that he needs to visit the king. vin had to comply as he apologized his dragon for the inconvenience and everything is going to be okay.

at the castle vin saw the king, the queen 2 princes and 3 princesses. the king went straight into the business that he wanted his eldest son to slay the dragon so he could be feared by everyone and vin declined. he defended his case that the baby dragon they are staring at his abandoned by his family since its egg was the smallest. the dragon is herbivore and would only grow into the size of a horse, "knowing the species, it will never be able to fly properly since it seems like it's wing growth isn't doing great. it's a miracle that the egg even hatched" vin explained as he tried to reason with king. vin could sense that the other prince was staring a lot at vin until vin realized he must look really poor with his shirt being all wet and sweaty and him covered in some dirt. the king then commented that vin knows awful a lot of dragons and vin explained he was an explorer until he retired. then vin excused himself since he needed to go back to his farm. the king looked pissed off but suddenly the person who had been staring vin an awful a lot said not to get mad at an veteran. that they should be respected. the prince's father stared at his youngest son shocked since he has never sounded smart in his life.

once vin returned back he was exhausted and kept apologizing to the dragon about today but it seemed like the dragon took it well. then Vin realized he hadn't named teh dragon and had been calling ut dragon, vin then named the blue dragon Lapis. vin then decided since the whole kingdom knew about this vin decided to get back into business of renting his guest room.

time passed from that incident and vin thought vin had spoken well with the king when in reality the youngest prince did all the defending for vin because the f*cker actually fell for the caring farmer. zack fell for vin, a farmer put of every royalties that the king has shown him. then one day zack decided he went to rescue the minotaur the eldest had put in a labyrinth that was part of the prison underneath the castle. zack was shocked when he heard about the minotaur under the castle and the king, his father explained that they aren't the only kingdom and are the last kingdoms who joined on this trend and it was pretty hard to get a minotaur. zack voiced out how this kingdom was going to make enemies with the magical creatures and would be doomed like every other kingdom and that's why the magical creatures will hide away their own kingdoms and magic. zack then voiced out he is going to free the poor baby. the others just wanted to see zack fail and did nothing to stop zack. zack went to the basem*nt with his torch and brought some apple pie. zack wondered in the labyrinth trying to find the minotaur. the poor baby. then zack saw a figure all curled up. at first the toddler looked scared and frightened when zack first called out the baby, zack asked his name but it didn't talk. then zack sat down and offered apple pie. the kid took the food and ran to the corner to eat it. then zack remembered he had a bag of water too. zack showed it to the kid and the kid didn't trust zack. so zack took the first sip and then offered the kid. the kid approached but looked confused how the bag worked. zack then helped the kid and the kid npw got attached to zack. zack then picked up the kid and carried the tired minotaur out of the labyrinth. zack was surprised to see his father's face at the exit of the labyrinth. his demanded to return the monster back where it came from and then zack said "this child did not come from the labyrinth, it came from a home you took away. I'm taking him home" then the father said no magical creatures inside the castle. zack agreed because anyone in the kingdom would return the kid back inside the labyrinth. so zack got on his horse and remembered the caring farmer who knew awfully a lot about dragons. so zack asked a travelers if they knew where this farmer lived and one of the solo travelers showed the way as they didn't know zack had the kid wrapped in cloth to cover them from judging eyes. zack said he is fine going alone the rest of the trip. zack then started to digest that he was the least favoreted royalty in the whole kingdom but it was in the humans' eyes. zack didn't care. zack reached Vin's farm and knocked on the door.

vin opened the door and zack explained the situation and showed the tired child to vin. vin was about to take the minotaur when the minotaur didn't want to let go off zack and said the words "apple" vin smiled and told zack to come inside. soon Lapis jumped on Vin's shoulder. the minotaur got scared for a second and cling onto zack. they walked into the table and vin placed down an apple pie lapiz waited patiently as vin slized it in four. the minotaur stared at it and zack assured it was okay to eat. the dragon started to eat its own slice as so did vin. the minotaur ate as zack gave his own slice to the minotaur too. soon they discussed about the arrangement and zack was going to pay money for vin to take care of the minotaur like he does to the dragon. vin agreed to take care of the kid since it reminded him of himself, after all vin was half dragon who could shapeshift but minotaur couldn't. zack named the child Angelo. since the child was like an angel and zack saw the minotaur drawing on the walls and thought he could become a great artist one day like Michael Angelo. the minotaur liked the name as Angelo continued to eat. zack gifted his blanked to Angelo as he had to say goodbye since he needed to return back to the kingdom but promised to visit and give money and all the supplies to raise the sweet baby.

vin had to shut down his biggest incone taht was letting solo travelers stay at his place since now Angelo lived in that room and Lapiz and the dogs would sleep with him time to time. raising the kid was hard as vin hadn't thought about raising a kid but he tried his best. then one day it was Vin's antlers shedding season and vin had to stay indoors and wait the skin shed and then the horns come off. Angelo was scared when vin first time ever showed his half dragon form but soon warmed up to it when Lapiz was friendly with vin and so did the dogs. Angleo asked questions and vin explained everything to angelo. then angleo found it so cool. so he decided to help to take care of everything outside because he wanted vin to not have painful shedding because he wanted vin to take his time to let them fall off and not rip them off from Vin's head. so angelo went outside and collected the eggs, collected apples and tooj care of the horses like vin had done.

vin thanked angelo as he lied he didn't have a painful shedding. he did, it would take days for

it would take days for them to shed painlessly byt vin didn't want to burden the kid. angelo kept saying how awesome vin was and vin then asked if zack was awesome too. angelo then said he misses zack. vin then said zack is suppose to come visit tomorrow and told angelo to not tell zack about Vin's secret. angelo promised. then vin asked if angelo wanted to bake a cake and applie pie and angelo got excited.

tomorrow came and zack came at the evening looking really exhausted. vin asked why zack looked exhausted. zack explained that it was his brother's birthday and everyone was being really exhausted with zack. and zack was able to finally sneak out. angelo came rushing and hugging zack explaining how he missed him. soon the were at the dinner table and zack saw all the baked goods and vin explained they got bit carried away yesterday. zack then started to cry and they got worried but zack was so happy. they ate and then angelo asked when is Zack's birthday. zack said it was a week ago but everyone was busy planning the big brother's birthday since he was going to become the next king. vin then picked up some candles and lit them up for zack and then started to sing happy birthday. zack started to cry even more as angleo and lapis kept hugging him. vin then decided that he wanted to give his dragon blessing to zack as a gift. vin had no plan of finding love if it meant he could give protection charm to zack, who saved angelo and it would also work as a shield from evil ghosts and spirits. vin had learned from one of teh visits that zack had phobia of ghosts. with Vin's hands on Zack's shoulders, vin told zack to make a wish and blow the candles as zack did that vin gave the blessing through his hands and let the tattoo rest on Zack's back.

in that moment zack wished to happy family like this forever. zack was so exhausted taht he decided to stay the night. vin slept on the couch as angelo had a nightmare and slept with zack. in the morning zack made breakfast and then said he needed to leave before the kingdom would flip.

they said their goodbyes and zack went back to his kingdom. unknown to him his life was about to get crazy. last night the other dragon kingdom the second most powerful dragon kingdom demanded either a royalty as a peace offering or there would be war that the dragons would win. all because of this stupid rumor that the eldest had slayed a dragon. zack wasn't there to witness this sh*tshow happening because he was with vin and no one even told zack about this until 3 days later the dragons came back but instead this dragon kindom was mix of every magical creatures too. zack was excited to see them but soon got unexcited when his dad started to talk about zack being a peace offering and the

yeah so the king talked how this was Zack's dream right? getting to marry a beast, zack protested but then accepted it if it meant protecting the family he loves. zack wanted to say one last goodbye but he was tied up and forced to go by his own kingdom. the magical creatures just did their job and took zack into their own kingdom really fast. at the throne there was a dragon. zack got released and zack glared at everyone as the dragon human was confused why the peace offering was all tied up like that. they explained it was Zack's kingdom's order. but before zack could plan any escape plan the dragon said "he already has a royal, no, a god dragon's blessing. he can't get married to another dragon. I didn't know god dragons still existed. i thought humans hunted all of them down!! unless..." Zack stood there confused and the dragon got closer to zack. "Vin, he is still alive! please take us to him!! we miss him so much!!" Zack was confused but he soon learned the dragon human was Vin's best friend mary. it seemed like she and her boyfriend ruled this kingdom after its long corruption from the humans. zack got a ride from the Cheonliang fam and got to fly for the first time and they flew Vin's place. zack knocked on the door and angelo answered as he was happy to see zack and thought he was lost forever. vin soon followed and soon got tackled by everyone. they had their moment and soon zack decided he would return to the kingdom to tell his piece of mind of their policies. then zack yelled loud and clear "I'M MARRYING A DRAGON BUT IN THIS KINGDOM. THIS IS MY HOME AND THIS IS MY CHILDREN'S HOME!" his father and brother didn't take this well and zack got into a fight with the knights. zack got his back exposed and a sword was about to stab him when the tattoo glowed showing the spirit of the dragon. the spirit that would only show up to jin's bloodline. the god bloodline. the dragon protected zack as zack was able to defeat 100 knights. the king and his brother stared at zack terrified as zack said "im staying here and we are going to make this kingdom a friendly kingdom to magical creatures. friendly to my child Angelo, friendly to Lapis. friendly to my husband Vin" then suddenly the doors bursted open revealing worried vin and angelo and lapis they rushed to zack and zack pulled vin to kiss him. angelo said ewww and then laughed. in that kiss vin got excited and showed his tail to wag it. the cheonliang fam cheered and brain died

Chapter 40: Runaway Prince Zack x werewolf knight Vin



Chapter Text

Le tiktok inspo

imagine vinzack au where vin is a lone knight just wandering around and zack is a runaway "princess" his kingdom tried to set him up to cross dress to another kingdom as a peace offering since he was the youngest of the big family. zack ran and ran once some bandits started to attack the palanquin ride. zack had no idea where he was running as he heard knights

so zack is running away and then nptices a sword poking out of a log, zack picka it up and turns around to face the servants that had chased him

the servants tried to reason with zack as they also questioned where zack had gotten the sword. then the knight who is a bodyguard who had slayed all the bandits finally appeared and started to approach zack telling zack to snap out of it and that zack has a duty and zack kept yelling back how ridiculous everything was and he isn't going to do what other people force him to do. zack swung the sword and landed a slash on one of the servants sleeves. zack cursed because he used his fists in his fights and he didn't have his weapons to land a good punch on that armor layer the knight wore. zack still took his stance and suddenly he saw the servants get behind the knight and the knight pulled out his sword. "YOUR HIGHNESS, GET BACK HERE, RIGHT NOW!!" the knight yelled and zack yelled back "HELL NO" zack stood there as he saw the knight ran towards zack but the knight wasn't aiming zack. it was aiming the creature behind zack. zack still swung the sword pushing the knight away as the tall furry creature stared confused. "YOUR HIGHNESS, I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!" and zack yelled back "GO f*ck YOURSELF!! I'M NOT GOING BA-" zack suddenly got picked up as he saw fur and a bag full of something making a lot of noise. the knight screamed as zack held onto his sword. zack watched the knight trying to chase after zack and zack soon started to laugh and flip of the knight as he also kept screaming that he is finally free. suddenly they were climbing up a mountain and zack yelped and screamed he hates heights. then the creature moved onto a platform and took out a another giant blanket out of bag. zack was on the ground as he held onto the sword. zack yelped when the giant wolf who had bangs covering his eyes picked up zack again and got inside the blanket like a child on a parents tummy with the blanket of a fabric keeping them there. the giant werewolf creature made zack feel so smoll. zack held onto the sword as the werewolf continued to climb and then jump across em cliff and stuff. zack kept his eyes closed as he trusted the fabric. without knowing zcak had passed out

then zack wake up in a firecamp and zack tried to look for the sword and suddenly zack heard a voice "i made some food" and zack turned to see a knight without his helmet cleaning his sword. im about to board hold on

zack got defensive and didn't trust the knight. zack yelled "WHERE IS THE PUPPY!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PUPPY?!?!" zack got in his boxing stance as the knight stared at zack confused. "your puppy? that monster?" said the knight spoke and zack got even more mad and yelled "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PUPPY?!" the knight got up and put his sword down while walking up to zack. zack stood in place as the knight got closer. the knight then spoke, "since when did i become yours?"

zack stared confused until he noticed the bangs and then remembered the big puppy also had bangs covering his eyes. zack then realized the knight in feo t of him was a werewolf he had just called his puppy. Zack's face flustered as he then demanded where the food was. vin gladly showed him the food

during the whole cpnvo zack would steal glances at the knight who was doing something on his notebook. they didn't talk and once zack was done eating he only thanked and said puppy. tjem zack fell asleep with the dowl in his hands. the knight laughed and took the bowl to clean it by the river. once the knight was done he got ready to sleep by stripping himself naked so the armor and clothes wouldn't get damaged when he turned into the werewolf form to sleep in all warmt and cozy. the knight noticed zack was slighlty shivering since the campfire had already went out to not attract other travelers. the knight curled himself to cover zack in warmth as the slept. zack woke up to the fluff as he got happy and started petting and said "soft puppy" and then vin said "10th time you've said it this morning" and zack yelped and then vin said "oh you are awake when you said it" vin then began to move and zack started to whine because warmth was leaving him. zack clung himself onto the werewolf and vin then said "you definitely are royalty with all this whining" and then zack continued whine louder. vin turned back to human and now zack was hugging a naked man with his own arms around the stranger's neck as Zack's legs were wrapped around the stranger's torso. "i'm really hungry, let me c-" zack cut him off by screaming

finally vin had zack off of him as vi went to put clothes on himself as zack was laying on the ground wondering if it's wrong tp have a crush on a werewolf lol. time passes and vin is so happy to find a village because he is gping to buy clothes fpr zack to blend in better meanwhil3 zack "waits" in the forest. Zack's ass was stealing a horse after hearing how the owners didn't like how you couldn't ride her and was going to be used as meat anyway. so zack stole her and rode her to the spot he was suppose to meet vin again. once vin got back he queationed the horse and zack said "they were going to put her down! so i stole her since the owners were bunch of idiots who don't know much about horses"

then zack stares at vin all confused why the other wasn't excited about the faster travel since they walked to the village and then zack asked "have you never rode a horse before?" and vin confessed he hasn't

then vin hops back of Zack's as he wraps his arms around zack as they ride the horse ans zack hasn't changed his clothes so the sight is very out of the place. and zack then desices to ride through the said village not knowing the village is part of the kingdom zack was supposed to get married off as a peace offering. so the town's people stare in confusion why the lone wolf knight was riding a horse, let alone a princess riding it and the legendary lone knight was hugging her. (the people don't know it's a man cross dressing) and then the world travels to the kingdom guards and soon the guards asked what was the future queen doing with the lone wolf like this and zack said "oh, my puppy? He hasn't rode a horse before so I'm giving him a ride. also what do you mean future queen?" and zack didn't realize he had his own kingdom's logo on the f*cking dress. "will you stop calling me that, brat" vin said and zack got upset and said "You are a puppy!! stop referring to yourself as a monster you edgy furrball!"

the two of them continue to bicker until Zack's servants and the knight from earlier approach zack and then it clicks him that this is the kingdom he is suppose to live the rest of his life in. zack told vin to hold on as zack started to run away with the horse. vin kept groaning in pain as he has never rode a horse before and his croin was in so much pain. they finally got far away as possible thanks to Zack's skills on losing people in the chase and the horse being brave as hell and not getting scared off things. zack loved the horse and vin hated the pain he was in. they finally got to safety and vin got off as he was in so much pain and zack just laughed at vin. once vin somehwat recovered vin commented "you know to f*cking ride" and zack took that comment in a dirty way when vin was just complimenting his riding skills of getting through the forest so zack smacked vin on the helmet and told vin to shut up lol

then the story continues with the 2 of bonding more as they explore the world and for some reason zack hasn't taken off the dress as the helm has started to tear a lot and zack just put on pants. zack still doesn't know about Vin's eyes until one faithful night

vin ass got injured and zack wanted to clean vin and vin was about to decline but he was tired and let zack do it. zack then started to clean vin by the river as vin was butt booty naked and zack had rolled up his pants. as zack cleaned vin, tired vin had a brief of an eye contact with zack and zack immediately when vin moved his eye contact away, zack cupped Vin's face and vi feared the worst but instead was met with a big ass smile with devious eyebrows and suddenly zack was making so many stupid sounds as vin was confused. "oh you look so gorgeous! MY LOVE IS SO GORGEOUS!!" and then zack went silent when he suddwnly confessed and then pushed vin into the water and ran off

then the dinner was all silent as then vin turned into a werewolf as they were about to go to sleep zack was confused why vin was still acting like all of this was normal. as vin wrapped himself around zack he the confessed "good night, my love" and zack didn't say anything and pretended to sleep. the next morning zack woke up vin with a tired "good morning" and vin said "good morning, love" and zack froze and then said "wait i wasn't tweeking last night?" and vin stared and then yelled when zack got all puppy himself and started to ruffle and hug vin all excited and vin made a comment how zack acts more like a puppy lol

time passes as the two of them try to do couple stuff and then one day when zack was ruding the horse and vin was on his piss break, zack got ambushed but zack beat them up easily as he yelled at tbe bandits and then vin walked up to zack and asked if zack was hungry and then suddenly taebong yelled "VIN!!!" and vin then turned to face his fam he had ran away from. vin was about to walk off until zack grabbed him and told him "i'm hungry"

vin then looks a bit awkward and then mary asks "why did you kidnap a roya-" "more like i kidnapped him" zack cut off mary as he pulled vin closer. "HUH?!" wooseok went and vin then went "yeah, we are getting married soon" and then zcak went "WAIT HOLD ON WHAT?!" and vin just grinned as zack knew vin was joking and zack got upset and vin apologized for joking about it and zack just pouted "im hungry" lol

Chapter 41: Cowboy hat rule Vinzack

Chapter Text

The tiktok for context

vin and for some reason zack finds it attractive because it remind hims of bullriding so one day when vin was doing on a break and zack saw vin like this again. this time zack had a cheap pink cowboy hat on his backpack. zack threw it on Vin's head and vin took it when it was slipping and vin continued as he was now getting into it. zack filmed it as people thought zack was filming vin to make fun of him. then when vin was done vin walked up to zack and put the hat on Zack's head. then vin said "I don't like riding co*cks, so gotta turn down your riding hat offer" and then zack screamed "HWTA?!" and then vin said "you didn't know? when a cowboy offers their hate to them it's an invite that you can ride the cowboy. damn, well, i don't blame for you now knowing" and then vin walked away as zack screamed "YOU f*ckING ASSHOLE!" zack had the hat on his head the whole day. then next weak it was halloween. zack was dressed as vampire and to Zack's surprise vin was dressed as a cowboy. zack was exploding on the inside. it didn't helo that vin did this again with the random ass chair that was in the hall and zack was f*cking exploding. zack went to the bathroom as he was so frustrated with himself. then suddenly vin walked in on zack having a mental breakdown and then his teeth fell out and zack had to put them again. vin then walked up to zack and said "i know a better way to give you vampire teeth. don't worry, i am a professional on this since mary taught me. i knew you would buy those cheap vampire teeth" vin pulled stuff out of his pockets as he then started to put stuff on Zack's teeth while his fingers where in Zack's mouth. zack was exploding even more as he hated the vin for dricing him so insane. "now we wait for it harden for a bit and then it will wear off at some point, don't swallow it when it comes off" and then vin walked away. zack hated that vin was now acting all buddy buddy with zack. zack liked it when vin was angry because then zack knew vin wouldn't concider dating him but what the hell was that? then the halloween at school moved into the classes going out on dinner in a restaurant to hang out more. Zack's teeth had gone back to normal. when that was over zack couldn't stop thinking about the annoying vin and his fingers in Zack's mouth. people started to leave and zack was leaving. he was walking some time until he felt a hat on his head. "can you hold the hat for me? i need to buy something in the store, okay thank you!" vin yelled as he ran inside a store. zack waited for vin outside the store as he watched vin at the register. vin got out and offered a soda for zack and zack took it as vin started to eat his candy as he didn't show the rest he bought. zack unknowingly had started to follow vin and then vin said "want to go watch a horror movie in a room cafe?" and zack looked at vin and then said "i got nothing else to do. oh! can we watch a zombie horror movie? i love zombies movies" vin agreed and soon they were at the room cafe. they rented a room and vin had to use the bathroom. when zack was walking in the hall he heard a loud moan and then whispers to not be so loud and then more whispers of the others are probably doing the same since they can't go to love hotels because they are minors too. zack ran to their room and scrolled through all the horror movies trying to ignore that this room cafe place was now full of high schoolers f*cking because it was halloween where people were horny. then zack remembered vin saying about the cowboy hats. zack soon realized that zack had been wearing it all the way over here.

zack then got red on the face but remembered it was an invite and zack didn't have to take if he didn't want to but also all of this seemed too suspicious and zack then wondered if this was just one time f*ck. then vin was by the door and said "all this f*ck noises are annoying. i wanted us to watch a movie and thought room cafe would be a nice idea because i don't own any subscription streaming services at my place" zack had a sigh of relief in his head. "i can sign in. but aren't your parents at home?" and then vin said "i live alone, we could stop by a store to by breakfast too" and zack was confused until his mind went to the nasty stuff and then vin started to explain that it might get really late and since zack gets easily eepy he can crash at Vin's place. so they go buy breakfast and more snacks and head to Vin's place. zack still wonders if vin really was aware of this whole invite thing. then zack realized it was Zack's first time seeing Vin's apartment.

they get to Vin's apartment and zavk starts emptying the bags until his hands land on a pack of condoms. vin was changing clothes in his room to get more comfortable because the cowboy outfit was kind of itchy. zack stared at the condoms really long. then zack walked into Vin's room as vin was putting on his hoodie. zack then asked if vin had a girlfriend and vin said "no, i don't" vin wasn't facing zack so he didn't know zack was holding the pack of condoms. zack then walked away as he went to continue to empty the groceries. then zack returned to Vin's room to ask if he could borrow more comfortable lothes and vin gave zack some. then vin went to the kitchen and was confused why the condoms were gone. vin then wondred if they had accidentally dropped them. time passed and zack got out of the room but was still wearing Vin's cowboy hat. they watched the movie and then the second one they fell asleep. the next morning, vin was the first to wake up as he made them breakfast. when zack woke up he did his morning stuff and then saw the food. they ate as they talked and got to know more each other and then zack said "i want you to wake me up" and then zack put the condom box on the table and Vin's face heat up and zack then said "you did not point out the hat at any given moment, you probably thought i had forgotten about the hat rule so you confessed silently. i like ya too you idiot. now make my morning even better" and then vin picked up zack and said "god damn so demanding in the morning. i guess i will wake u up, honey" and then they f*cked and started dating. now their dating anniversary was on the day after halloween lol, which made halloween even more special

Chapter 42: Vin x Opera singer Zack

Chapter Text

imagine vinzack au but i the context off that Vin got adopted by jaegyeon and has a rich status and zack was forced to become a traditional performer/also a opera singer by his mother. zack did both boxing and singing, he got pushed to do female high notes as he had more talent in high oitched notes than low and zack hated that he had to dress up like a female and had a stage name that was female because of fragile masculinity. zcak had nothing against of dressing in dresses and female hanboks but he hated he had to pretend to be someone else. one day jaegyeon took vin out to watch and opera and vin was enjoying it until zack stage name nina came up and vin saw the dark star. vin could sense zack wasn't happy performing with that fake smile. then vin turned towards jaegyeon who looked all teary eyed and complimenting the singer. vin stared at the stage as took his sunglasses to take a closer look if he was seeing things. but no matter how he stared at zack, the more he saw how unhappy he looked on stage no matter what others around him said. they sat at pretty front and vin was pretty sure the singer could hear jaegyeon complimenting zack. "oh, she looks so beautiful" jaegyeon started to compliment how zack looked. then zack locked eye with vin and saw Vin's eyes. vin then realized he had taken off his sunglasses and hadn't put them back on. vin then excused himself to go to the bathroom.

time passed from that day and jaegyeon kept aski g if vin wanted to go again or if he disliked the performer that much that he missed the rest of performance. Gongseob was back in town and he wanted to do some boxing. so the 3 of them went to the nearest boxing gym they could find and vin was pretty blind in there as he listened jaegyeon and gongseob bicker and almost starting to fight outside the rink. until Gongseob pushed a stranger and then got back at jaegyeon ignoring the stranger. vin went to help the stranger and apologize on Gongseob's behalf until jaegyeon pushed vin on top of the stranger and Vin's sunglasses fell and vin had a clear view of the stranger's face as he looked familiar but so pretty and happy. zack saw the same pretty eyes and zack cupped Vin's face real quick as he didn't want to lose sight of those pretty eyes. then Gongseob made a comment "wait, are we allowed to make out in the gym? jaegyeon take your pa-" "GONGSEOB WHAT THE f*ck!??!" "I'M JUST KIDDING JEEZ!!!" vin then soon got off and put on his sunglasses and zack got up on his own zack then said "you have really pretty eyes" and vin days "thank you" then zack fights if he should ask Vin's number or not because he wondered if vin would find zack weird. he doesn't know if vin likes dudes and would he find Zack's job weird. then Gongseob turns to zack and asks questions who is the grsatest boxer here and so on amd Zack's coach comes out of the shadows and then go Gongseob gets all excited and then looks at vin "do u think you can fight him?" and vin goes "dude i don't know the rules in boxing! karate is different and im mostly a grappler u id-"

"jesus im just trying to find a student!!" "yeah, yeah, fraud monk-" "YOU SON OF A BITCH OF MUJIN'S SON-" "OH NOW WE ARE-"

"BOYS!!! SHUT THE f*ck UP!! I'M GOING TO GIVE BIRTH!!" jageyon yelled as both gongseob and vin turn to look at jaegyeon "okay, finally i got your attention. vin, he didn't mean as in boxing rules but street fight rules. you dum dum" and vin flips off jaegyeon and says that's a dumb idea. then zack says he would like to do that (he has people watching over him to not get involved in street fights after his history of getting away of doing it in high school) vin is about to agree until jaegyeon says he wants to fight zack and gets on the ring and vin watches as he sees Zack's eyes lit up with passion and happiness as he joins in the ring without any gear as his coach is nervous. "i'll go easy on you" jaegyeon said as the two of them started to fight. vin got mesmerized by how happy and full of joy zack was while fighting and punching. Gongseob saw potential in zack until their fight got interupted by Zack's assistant telling zack his time at the gym is over and he needs to get ready to stay on time on the scheduled. zack looked sad yet again and vin saw that face before. on the stage few times back. vin then connected the dots as he then looked at jaegyeon and asked nina's next concert. jaegyeon then said there wasn't any but there was masked singer happening where nina would be attending as a guest and vin questioned how the hell did jaegyeon know and jaegyeon then said he had become a big fan off nina and then vin said he was a stalker and then jaegyeon said "okay fine i'll stop!! okay i do sound insane. i just miss seongji" and angst

vin and jaegyeon get to be the audience in masked singer as zack is singing. even with the mask on, vin would tell zack was unhappy. his voice sounded so unhappy meanwhile the other's said he sounded so joyful and full of love with his singing(the judges said that) then suddenly the cast wanted an opinion from the audience and the mic got to vin. vin said "i don't why people keep saying your singing sounds happy. it's sounds like you crying for freedom" and before vin could say more the mic got take away from him as vin yelled he wanted to say more. zack was still wearing the mask as he had been assured when he takes it off he needs to take it off gently but in that momeng when they wanted to reveal who zack was, Vin's words rung in his head. zack took off his wig too and was about to say his name zack lee but the audience and the judges started to scream and jump around that it was Nina. zack got frozen in place as he didn't know what to say as he got shut up so fast. zack didn't get to say anything and he bowed. then suddenly zack got lifted by vin as vin started to race out of stage with zack. jaegyeon then screamed "AND YOU TOLD ME I WAS THE CRAZY FAN!" zack was getting kidnapped by vin as the crew were so f*cking confused

confused, (lets also pretend that masked singers is a live show idk if it islol) so everyone at home also started to question everything. vin took zack into his bike as they drove off as Zack's assistant and manager looked pissed off. zack knew his mom would be mad but in that moment he went with vin as he was curious about the pretty eyes. they drove to daegu into the monk's temple and zack was still wearing the clothes of from the show, a big hanbok with glitters here and there. Gongseob greeted vin and asked what the hell he was doing here and then vin said "i kidnapped him" and Gongseob goes "AYO, WAIT, NINA IS A GUY?!?!" and zack goes "yeah, i am, and im also the guy from the gym. also thanks for kidnapping me and givjng courage to stop being my mom's prize" and brain died lol

so they chill there until zack shows up in one of Gongseob's tiktok's in the background and it's zack spinning vin around and vin yelling at zack to stop spinning or he is goign to throw up. and that set up a whole ass polices at monk's doorstep. zack gets asked if he needs help but zack says he is all fine

And brain died

Chapter 43: Vinzack Parasyte Au

Chapter Text

Idea from Parasyte the grey

so vinzack parasyte au, vin is a lone wolf taht sonetimes jumps from a gang to another because he needs to make a living whike he keeps his title of Cheonliang's murderer. vin does his stuff and so on, so he is on the run and stuff.

now onto zack, zack is known for his dad being rich and yada yada. suddenly when zack was on his cycling around south korea zack is in the middle of a field when he suddenly gets hit by a car. zack groans as he is in the side of the dirt road. zack gets up as he has a limp. zack goes into full on karen mode as he keeps yelling at them but the people don't get out of the car and zack gets even more annoyed until finally a person got out. zack got ready to fight as he knew how to defend himself obviously. one of the guys lunged at zack and zack took them down easily but suddenly he felt something sharp on his thigh. zack threw the guy on top of him away as he turned around to face the stabber then zack got stabbed from the back. zack threw punches and then made a run for it in the field in the middle of nowhere. zack collapsed in the ricefield as his face planted straight on the water. blood getting all in the muddy water. lucky to zack, there was a parasite in the water waiting for a human. but unlicky to the parasite. it needed to eat the brain but it was shutting down and couldn't eat it. so it healed up zack leaving the stab wounds as old scars and brought zack to life while flipping zack over to float his face facing away from the water. the parasite was now trapped inside Zack's body and did not take fully control of zack. now became a part of zack while living in a somrwhat symbiosis. it needed zack to stay alive to live. zack now got extra protection. but zack was now seen as a mutant in front of other parasites who had fully taken over a human's body that they were controlling the body ane there were no memeories left of the person they took over. just the parasite.

anyway the ganagsters reach on zack and are about to stab zack again only for the parasite to take control for a second to keep Zack's body safe. the ganagsters fell to their deaths on the ricefiels as their body parts were mutilated with slashes. time passed and a farmed drove by and informed about an accident. zack was taken to hospital as he was the only survivor and was still passed out. the police were confused how this could've happened

so yeah everyone is fucling confused because the zack had been to a hospital before a month ago and there where no reports of years old worth of stab wounds on Zack's body. then when zack wakes up the officers ask some questions and zack says his memory is hazy but he remembers getting hit by a car. "we found tears in your clothes that implies you got stabbed, yet there is only old stab wounds on your body-" they got cut off by a nurse walking in and zack went silent as he then pulled his oants down to see the stab wound on his thigh. "what..." zack had said quietly as he pressed his hand on the stab wound as he had never seen the scar before. zack then started to rub it thinking it was make up but it still was part of him. "you should pull your pants back up" and zack looked up as he realized he was stripping in front of everyone and had his weewee out. zcak apologized and was about to pull his pants up until his head started to hurt but then it eased. zack was so f*cking confused by that sudden sensation not knowing he had sensed a kin of the parasite kind. the parasite had walked up to the door of Zack's room and stared at zack. zack feeling all scared and weird he stared back at the stranger by the door and the everything went dark.

in the meantime it had taken over zack when the parasite attacked the officers and the nurse. zackit killed the kin and then proceeded to lay in the bed all unconscious to pretend like they were still in coma because there was no witness to witness that zack had woken up from the lil coma

officers were called as they saw the scene and the special team grey were called to investigate the scene. they took brain scans of zack and etc to see if he had a parasite but they decided he didn't have one because he still had his brain etc and zack was an rich person's son so they couldn't just handle him poorly even Zack's father was making things worse for the whole investigation of the hospital massacre. zack had been unconscious this all time to protect zack as he had been put in a serious safety situation, unconsciously laying in the bed. zack then finally go released from custody and moved back to seoul where his father would've daily visits, zack woke in seoul as he was confused what the hell happened.

as zack is back to his normal life as a designer, vin is making his assination on a other gen 2 boss who is pretty big. vin fails and bad as vin runs off, this is his first time failing something like this and vin curses because how the f*ck the f*ckers know vin was gonna be there and do that. vin now hiding in seoul for a while. he crashes into an old friend's place and then he sees the old friend and sees how they act so much more weird but vin didn't question it. then vin walked around the apartment explaining he would be staying just for the night to the old friend. the old friend says he needs to attend church and will be back at some point. now vin was all alone in there and then vin saw the flyer of the church in the old friend's children's room. vin then picked it up and said "the kid is 3, they can't read yet?" vin took the flyer as he decided he would follow after his old friend because he wouldn't have gone that far.

zack on the other hand is having the same tingling annoying feeling he had at the hospital. zack was in the middle of his jogging when he gog that annoying feeling while a strange looking man had been following him. at a playing ground zack decided to stop and take a water break when suddenly the man approached zack. the place was remote as vin was watching from a far why his old friend was approaching zack. the old friend started go talk to zack and suddenly reavealed the face of tentacles and attacked zack, only for zackit to deflect the attack. vin was f*cking confused what he was staring and then vin saw the old friend hand out the flyer of the church to zack and then left zack all alone. vin then tried to sneak out but a branch made a loud noise. then vin got jumped by zackit and vin kept saying "now, hold on zack! zack calm down, it's me!" and vin lowered his sunglasses. the zackit remembered seeing vin in Zack's memories. zackit then decided to explain everything to vin and told vin to take care on explaining everything to zack. vin agreed and then zackit passed out and vin caught him before he fell. vin carried him to a nearest store to make zack sit on the bench outside as vin went inside the store to buy food and drinks. time passed and zack finally woke up and was so confused why he suddenly was here and then vin took Zack's hand and then started to explain everything in great detail. Zack wasn't buying into it until Vin's tone got really serious. the same serious when vin had killed taejin. zack sat back down and vin started to explain about the stab wounds and how zack has a parasite in him yada yada, how zcak can sense other parasites. zack took a deel breath as he tried to get everything in and then zack remembered the hospital incident. how odd it whas and how zack remembered seeing a creature like that. all tentacles and eyes on the head. zack had shivers go down his spine as he was glad that ghosts weren't real. zombies and sh*t zack can deal with.

so vin then asks if he could stay at Zack's place and zack agrees because he is the only one zack can now talk about sh*t like this. back at the apartment zack goe sstraight into his room and then tries to communicate with zackit through writing down in his notebook asking questions etc. next morning zcak thought all of it was a dream only to see pages worth of info and then a video evidence on the phone where Zack's face gets all morphed. zack js terrified and then vin opens the door to tell zack breakfast is ready. and then zack goes "how can u act all normal about all this?!?!" and zcak shows the video footage to vin and vin says "i'm the perfect guy for this messed up stuff. just gotten used to all this monster talking blah blah. now, c'mon, i made breakfast for us." zack walks to the kitchen as vin then sits down and goes to eat. zack is still so f*cking shocked and then gets a phone call from his dad asking why zack isn't at work, the dad wanted to visit zack at work. zack then explained he got sick and forgot to inform the others. the dad got worried and zack told he got it all under control. zack let out a sigh after closing the call and suddenly there was a spoon full of food in front of him and zack looked at vin who then said "f*cking eat u dum dum" zack took a bite and foudn the food delighgful, he then satrted to eat his own food

time passes and vin decides to order some food, time passes and vin opens the door half shirtless and in the hallway Zack's father sees vin and is confused and worried for his son. vin the realizes he should give a tip and tells the person to wait a sec until vin gets his wallet to give a tip. during this time Zack's dad gives a tip and walks inside the building. vin had put the food in front of zack on the coffee table

zack takes a look at the food as he is curled up in a blanket. vin goes back to the to door with his wallet. vin is confused why there is a man standing there instead. then Zack's dad said "i tipped the delivery guy" vin was on allert as he thought he was one pf the people after him. then they both turned towards to zack yelling "Vin! Can you give me a soda from the fridge!?"

vin yells that he'll get it soon for zack and them turns to look at the stranger who then looks reliefed and then says "oh, you are just a friend of his. i thought someone broke into his apartment and hold him hostage" and vin raised his eyebrow while he moved his shades up

back to the vinzack parasyte au, Zack's dad proceeds to say hi to zack as zack is suprised to see his father. vin is in the kitchen getting Zack's soda. Zack's dad says "you don't seem sick to be skipping work" and zack started to explain that he is really not feeling well. but Zack's dad wasn't listening and started to go "i know that you keep running away fro-" "he can't walk" vin said as he gave the soda to zack and then started placed the utensils down and helped to take out the take out food and opened Zack's box and then vin tasted it, "yah, they made it spicy when i put on the app not to make it spicy. here you can have mine" vin ordered nonspicy food because he didn't feel like it and zack wanted a spicy food but didn't mention he didn't want it spicy but vin remembered zack has a sh*tty spicy meter. zack was surprised vin still remembered that small detail. zack was staring and then vin then to face zack and vin then said "is there something on my face or are you-"

"you still remember"

"remember what?"

"oh" Zack's dad said as they both stared at Zack's dad.

"so you f*cked my son so hard that he can't walk?" Zack's dad said and vinzack screamed "WHAT?!" then vin started to lie "sir, he injured himself last night when he was out jogging. he sprained his ankle a little nothing that serious, just fractured a little. a small rest on the first days is great before he starts putting weight on it again" vin explained as Zack's dad then asked "then what are you doing here shirtless and what's up with the sunglasses indoors? are some kind of a tough guy? and what's up the scar? you a gangster wannabe?" vin let out a sigh and then decided to take off his sunglasses.

"sir, you are jumping in so many conclusions. just relax for your old age before your heart stops from all the stress you get from assuming. I'm shirtless because i feel like it while taking care of this brat-" vin got cut off by zack puncing vin on the shoulder. "your eyes"

"yeah, polycoria. they loo"

"sush, they are cool. also this food is good, what was the dish again?" vin told zack the dish and vin asked Zack's phoen to write a review for the food. vin doesn't have a phone due to him hiding. Zack's dad then decided to leave and vinzack were now left alone just the 3 of them(including the parasite lol) zack then says "i can't believe my dad thought i was skipping work because i got f*cked so hard i couldn't walk" and vin goes "your father was wild for that guess"

back to the parasyte au, zack is now still under some supervision because the stab wounds still seem suspicious, so suddenly the whole department where zack works at is forced to go trhough a work healt check up. in the hospital. zack goes to get his magnetic scans and other blood tests and so on. zcak had been to a work helat check before but he never had an scan of his head done before. zack gets freed as the team slowly gets info out of Zack and realizes Zack indeed isn't a parasyte because he isn't missing his brains. now they are curious about the stab wounds healing that way still. zack is wapking back to the lobby of the hospital and finds vin greeting him. then zack feels taht weird feeling when mira walks past zack. they stare at each other and change looks as Zack feels sick and angry. zack starts to cry and then the parasyte in mira realizes zack is acting way too human and decides to attack zack on broad daylight in the hospital. zack dodges and then zackit comes out to defend zack and vin. people scream as pamira says "you are different. you are danger to our survival and our leader's plans"

zackit says "we just want to live. this human is very attached to the human you took over. he wants to kill you" they fight for few minutes until pamira runs off and zackit passes out in front of Vin. Vin picks him up and starts running away with Vin after stealing a car fron the parking lot. vin drives them to one of Jaegyeon's warehouses in incheon. once zack wales up he is a mess and vin tries to comfort him.

time passes as they both are on the run and Zack's face has now been plasted all over social media as the people in charge of korean's security had made speaches stating all of this was a secret not to scare off people about the parasytes living among us. zack did not have his phone with me as he had dropped it at the hospital and taht was better for them not to get caught. zack could already hear his father yelling at him. vin on the other hand was using one of Jaegyeon's burner phones to see the news and saw people making theories about the parasites based on the stuff that had been filmed at the hospital. how zack kept protecting vin while attacking ghe other parasyte.

ngl vin having a parasyte would be extreme heavy on his monsterism fears lol

Chapter 44: Eclipsa Zack x Monster Vin

Chapter Text

Tiktok context if people don't know this cartoon or don't remember the characters

zack was a prince who fell in love with the monster as the kingdoms hated each other but zack just couldn't stop staring at those pretty eyes and how gentle vin was with his sister

then zack says he doesn't regret falling in love with a monster as he is hold accountable for "war crimes" as his husband is frozen for eternity as zack is soon going to share the same faith as their lovechild is hidden with the Cheonliang fam

back to the eclipsa zack x monster vin au

once vinzack was imprisoned for several decades as their child was gwtting raised by the cheonliang fam in the hiding. until one day seongji got so sick thag he went really coocoo and the Cheonliang fam got scared. Jaegyeon was coming to visit sneakingly like he always did but soon Jaegyeon saw Seongji's condition and saw the kids (now in their 20thies of human age) all scared and Jaegyeon jumped in to protect the kids and tell seongji to snap out of it as Jaegyeon tried to look for the medicines but then seongji started to hit his head on the wall and Jaegyeon got worried and pulled him away from hurting himself and told seongji to snap out of it and that he is scaring his kids. then seongji passes out as he looked like a bleeding mess. Jaegyeon got straight to treating seongji and Jaegyeon soon realized seongji couldn't be treated with the medice anymore and that he was going insane because of the magic not traveling through his body well and would need a magic wielder to fix that for another 60 decades. Jaegyeon had no idea he was staring at vinzack's lovechild because he was hiding his eyes. also teh whole Cheonliang fam has agreed to never tell vinzack's lovechild that his parents are imprisoned and might never get unfrozen. so Jaegyeon then says "we need help from either the kingdom who would execute seongji or from him" and wooseok goes "you don't mean.." "yeah, him. Zack Lee. He fell in love with a monster close to him. if we break him out of his ice prison we can save him and maybe the whole-" "that's a bad idea!!" "i want to save my uncle. i don't want to lose him, after i lost my parents" (he thinks they are dead)

this plan happens to happen in their favor because the "new bloodline" aka the council "changed the babies" once they found out vinzack's kid went missing and it worked on their favor cuz the "new bloodline" could be put there as everyone thought "insert a name" was vinzack's kid when she was not. she lived her life thinking she was a butterflie and monster's kid. anygay the grandkid of that kid is all skeptical about the history because her dead grandma looked nothing like a monster and why would her mother suddenly dissappear. until she dug deep enough to find out zack was alive but frozen with his husband. the grandkid unfroze the top part of Zack's frozen ice until the council stopped her and saw what she was doing. the cheonliang fam was hiding as they watched from a far. the grandkid was getting dragged away until zack spoke and said to the council "you can't keep lying to people, you racist mothefu-" zack got frozen again and soon cheonliang fam decided they needed that girl's help to get seongji the help he needs. the kid then says "maybe we should just ask her to save seongji" as the Cheonliang fam feel conflicted as they see vin all frozen.

the vinzack's kid sokn befriends the grandkid who now got grounded. the grandkid was in the library desperately trying to find reason why zack was locked up while also trying not to get caught by the council. vinzack's kid sneaks up on them to ask her help on healing a person and the grandkid is more surprised that a monster had easingly gotten inside a castle. but she soon agrees. so they meet up the whole gang and she tries her best to fix seongji but then she just couldn't do it because she wasn't powerful enough and then Jaegyeon realizes zack is their only option now because he has done it before but the medication isn't as effective.

the gang plan on using a distraction. the distraction in question is Jaegyeon. and the rest would then sneak into the place where vinzack are all frozen. Jaegyeon is a great distraction as he keeps beating up royal guards while causing such a big noise in the surface of teh castle. vinzack's kid watches as the grandkid starts melting the magic ice with her wand and zack slowly gets out. the Cheonliang fam take him in nicely as zack starts stretching his muscles.

"so, what do i have to do so i can also free my husband?" zack asked as the grandkid looked at the monster and said "he is your husband?" and zack goes "the deal?" and then vinzack's kid steps in and explains Seongji's condition and zack says "i need the wand" and the grandkid hands the wand and the wand turns into an umbrella aka Zack's personalized wand. zack does his stuff and seongji is back to having more control of his body and mind again. then zack turns to look at vin in the ice and starts unfreezing him in an instant. vin stumbles but soon sees cheonliang fam and cries as zack walks up to vin to hug and kiss him (while they were forzen, their minds weren't) so when zack starts touching Vin's face, vinzack's kid soon realizes vin and him have the same exact eyes.

the kid is confused but doesn't say anything. suddenly the grandkid's mother comes through the roof to yell at the her kid for freeing a war criminal and then zcak gets pissed off at the council following behind her. zcak is mad that there is so much yelling so he silences everyone by yelling "WHERE IS MY SON!?" and everyone freezes as vinzack's kid realizes he is Zack and Vin's child. he was lied they were dead. the mother is confused "a son? you had a daughter *insert a name*" and zack says "what did you do to my son?" then seongji has his energy back and says "we took care of him until we found the right opportunity to free you two. away from all the war" seongji walks up to vinzack's kid and everyone's eyes arr on him. the grandkid and the mother stare at him too and zack says "oh my clover boy. i want to see them on your cheeks again" and zack hands his wand to vinzcak kid for a while so the symbols on his cheeks get surfaced back on the cheeks (they dissappeared with time due to him baing half monster and he was nowhere near other butterflies or holding the wand.) everyone is in shock as the clovers show up and zack pushes the hair out of the way to see vinzack's eyes and says "father's eyes, beautiful as always. darling, our son is all grown. but not that grown to hold such a dangerous tool" zack then takes the wand back and vin soon walks up to them as his body feels weak from being frozen. vin hugs the both of them as the mother and the grandkid turn to look at teh council and stare at them that hid this for so long and teh people need to know that the council are lying and zack is alibe and did not die in battle and brain died

Chapter 45: Drag queen Vin x fashion designer Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok for the outfit context

imagine an au where zack is having a competition to show off his clothes and like he gets one female model and one male model, zoe offered to be the female model and zack hired a random for the male clothes. soon zack realizes someone keep sabotaging zack as zack grows frustrated because he is losing people who can walk on high heels and soon zoe sees that zack is stressed and zoe soon asks in the girl groupchat that zcak is stressing out because he would model but taht is against the rules of the competition. and explains how zack wants his male model to know how to walk on high heels. soon mary says in the chat, "im going to ask Vin if he is up for it" and zoe soon gets a call from an mary and mary says vin is up for to be Zack's model and zoe then tells him to get here quick because the competition is today at the evening. vin soon after arrives as zack wondered why the hell vin was there. zoe then said vin is there to model for zack and zack started to panic because he didn't think what sunglasses would fit the outfit and vin then said "If the outfit doesn't have sunglasses, then i won't wear them. now lets show this person who keeps sabotaging you that you aren't a pushover" hold on

had to watch if teh outfit in the video shows the chest and it does a bit lol gonna go back to it

so vin easily puts on the outfit as he walks around all confident as zack helps zoe to put on her outfit. vin wonders Zack's stuff to look at all the make up stuff as vin places his sunglasses on Zack's shirt. vin starts down make up on himself as he picks the lazy drag look for the outfit and once zoe was all donw vin moved to zao to do her make up as zack was surprised that vin was all calm about showing his eyes. zoe couldn't say anything about Vin's eyes because he was so surprised by Vin's make up skills. vin then exposed himself by saying "honey, i'm a drag queen, of course I know my stuff" and both zoe and zack got taken my surprise and then vin said "whoops... anyway, we are going to kill this runaway and show them c*nts no one messes with the queens" and then zoe goes "okay, i like this version of you a lot" zack couldn't stop staring at vin as he found himself falling for the f*cker. soon it was Zack's turn fpr the runway and zoe stepped in first and did a lap. then the crowd got curious when vin stepped out. vin walked with confidence and at the end when a camera zoomed on him, the screen behind Vin showed his face closer and people saw his eyes and went even more speechless as vin walked back in confidencen. then both vin and zoe walked at the same time and soon someone from the crowd squealed, "OH MY GOD, KNOW I REMEMBER!! IT'S HER!! MOTHER OF QUEENS, QUEEN CHEONLIANG!!" and when vin posed he revealed his scar on the chest as he had heard a fan of him in the crowd. when vin does drag queen stuff he wears sunglasses or something to cover his left eye but it seemed like a big fan had noticed every other detail.

the rest of the competition continued as people wouldn't stop talking about a drag queen being one of the models walking in the runway. the fan started taking photos of vin and his outfit like crazy because it was something Queen of Cheonliang didn't wear in her performances. soon the competition got famous on the internet as Vin's fans started to get more and more excited of this sexy outfit as the fans started to ask who made it and stuff and Zack's name started to travel. in the end zack didn't win the competition but he won the hearts of the people and vin because zack soon got famous as vin had given a peck on cheek because zoe had too because the two of them thought it would've been a funny idea to zack have lipstick stains on his cheeks to get his award but he didn't get any awards, but Zack's face got captured to the world. soon vin made a tiktok thanking zack for making such a nice outfit and that it looks so good and then vin tried to do a backflip and zack looked all scared but vin landed perfectly and said "honey, these shoes are f*cking amazing" and Zack's heart fluttered at the word honey. zoe noticed and said "zack, just confess already. you look too obvious" zack screams "I DO?!?!" and now it was Vin's turn to blush as the tiktok was actually a live stream, vin soon closed the live stream as vin got closer to zack and then said "your lips look like they need so colour" and zack didn't hesitate as he kissed vin on the lipsand brain died

there was barely any articles about the winner who was the one sabotaging zack. all the atricles was about a drag queen showing up to a fashion competition and the drag queen dating a rich fashion designer

Chapter 46: Gang leader Vin x Designer Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok context

imagine vinzack au where this happens where zack got himself in a pickle with his scamming cross dressing stunt. the kings set up a blind date with vinjin and gongseob and jaegyeon thought it would be a great idea to make Gongseob's student zack dress up as a girl for Vin's date, in this au vin is a king with a lot of money and sh*t cuz of jichang's help with starting up his business and sh*t. Zack on the other hand was just a famous designer and was on his way to visit Gongseob in incheon cuz he had just returned from his flight. he was a bit jet lagged byt when he heard he could get to prank a king, he went for it as he tried his best to transform himself into a woman with their help. zack was going to have fun with this one as he waited for the king he was going to prank into never dating.

zack first showed hostility in front of date when someone cat called him and zack straight up punched him across the restaurant breaking the window and zack just said "don't worry i'll pay for the damages, sorry!"

then zack proceeded to be an insufferable peace of sh*t in front of the king with sunglasses inside. zack wondered if he was blind and wondered if he really needed to crossdress to pretend to be a woman.

then vin compliment Zack's clothes and asked what brand they were and zack got surprised and then said "i made it myself" and then vin complimented even more and zack got pissy that the king of Cheonliang was not showing any signs of leaving the table then vin said "you know, you tic all the boxes of my ideal person" and then zack got curious what vin meant by that because he was being an asshole to vin and wondered if this king was crazy.

then vin said "you are strong to defend yourself. you hate men who catcall and treat women like objects. hate men who take advantage of you. is confident. little bratty. cat like stare that could kill but can't. you are the first date that I like" and zack was so stunned as he started to choke on his water and sprayed it on Vin's face once he got it out of the wrong windpipe. vin took off his sunglasses and zack saw his eyelids. yet there was no eye contact.

"were you surprised that i saw through your act and fell for your real personality Jisoo?" zack was f*cking confused but then realized the f*cker still thinks zack is a f*cking woman.

"yeah, and? I can't give birth, so i can't give you kids" zack said and vin replied with "i don't want to put my wife through the pain of giving birth, i would've suggested surrogate in the first place. I have the money after all and most women who I have befriended have told me such horror stories about childbirth. we could also adopt if it seems unfair that i get to continue my family blood" and zack stared at the man in front of him "your first thought is getting a surrogate? not talking out even trying to conceive it through me? what if i want to give birth?" and vin then said "i had someone close to me die to childbirth. I have her child because her piece of sh*t husband chose to save the child's life instead of her when she had told me that if one of them is in danger, her husband would pick her. glad the father got reported and I'm now the kid's father" (context this was Vin's ex and this is biologically Vin's kid because they didn't know she was preggo when they bith had a mutual break up. and the husband was quick to marry her because he was her affair when vin and her opened their situationship. the father of the child regret choosing the kid over his wife after finding out the child wasn't biologically his. so he raised the child to be always blamed for his mother's death until vin finally collected enough evidence to report that f*cker and adopt the kid himself.

at age of 6 Kwan Mingyu got changed to Jin Mingyu. )

zack was surprised that the date had a kid. he then wondered if he got also viewed as "if she is motherfigure" and now zack felt bad that he was deceiving this single father.

"I have to tell-"

"I know" zack got confused and asked "what?" and vin continued "you don't want to date. I'll pay for the bills since you are already paying for the damage. it was nice getting to know you" vin said as he then tried to get a waiter's attention to get the bill. then before zack got to explain anything vin was gone. then zack called Gongseob to give him his number because the f*cker forgot to give him and zack wants vin to get embarrassed for getting deceived into thinking he fell for a man and not a woman (everyone thinks vin is a straight man but he is actually pretty queer) gongseob and jaegyeon are onboard as jaegyeon ended up paying Zack's damages at the restaurant.

zack finally got on hold on vin and asked for a second date, as zack planned and talked to vin trying to deceive him. zack would send vin spicy and cute pics that looked girly as possible(zack spend a wholeass evening taking these pictures into his folder so he could trick vin anywhere as he would update to the two devils about it)

then the second date came and this time zack was more cute dressed(the opposite of what he had on the first date and had a different make up style all together) and gongseob and jaegyeon had put cameras in the date place to watch them as they were entertained as sh*t and so was zack. they were in jaegyeon's owned restaurant and they talked as zack tried to be the most annoying person ever. even other people would stare at them. vin didn't mind and zack was about to reveal once again that he is actually a man when suddenly a man in a suit walked up to zack and asked why such a cute lady was dating a blind guy. then vin took of his sunglasses and said "i'm not blind. i can see perfectly" then zack saw his eyes as the business man got disgusted and the situation was about to escalate until jaegyeon popped up and told the business man to kindly leave and then told security guards to take him away. jaegyeon then apologized to vin about all of this and they were left alone. zack just stared at vin as he wasn't touching his own food. then vin started to feed him as zack was silent as he didn't know how to proceed until vin said "every time you are trying to trick or piss me off, the more i get interested in your personality, Zack" and zack f*cking froze.

"i knew you were a man from the start. i did digging before the first date and honestly. you seem like-"

"you have the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen"

"..." now they both froze and then vin got all red and screamed "WHAT!?"

them zack started to like this emotion so he dropped the high voice act and started to speak in his normal voice and flirted with vin for real. and vin turned more red as the glass in his hand exploded and then zack got all worried. everyone rushed to the table as zack was next to vin. then zack saw Vin's boner trynna poke out the pants. zack sat on the thigh trynna cover it as he took a closer look at the wounds. jaegyeon came out with the first aid as he saw how red Vin's face was. he knew gongseob is going to love this detail and how pissed off he is going to be that his student might actually start dating vin. jaegyeon was going to get the best laughs out of this.

after that incident, they didn't text the next day until vin finally texted asking for a 3rd date and zack accepted it. this time zack didn't inform the kings because it was a date at an arcade and zack was so surprised. zack decided this time to dress like he dresses usually and no wig and bullsh*t. zack was now getting interested in Vin's personality once he broke it so easily.

zack hated that he actually started to like the f*cker but who wouldn't after he made the man so easily flustered by being himself.

they went on the date as zack almost didn't recognize vin because he wasn't wearing a suit. then zack said hello to him as vin was so flustered and soon zack also became flustered. soon zack noticed they had a lot in common and they seriously started to date

imagine zack then bonding with the kid that he brings the kid to show to jaegyeon and gongseob who then become huge uncles and now jichang gets jealous😭😭

Chapter 47: Writer vin x rich rich man Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok context

imagine vinzack and zack noticed that vin was suddenly dressed really well and was struggling with the tie while waiting for the bus as he had hurt his fingers that he had cast on both of his middle fingers. soo zack helped him and tied his tie vin cursed taht he could've done it himself and zack told vin to shut up as zack did not make an usual casual tie. zack did a really stylized tie that the lee's are pretty known to wear in among the rich community. and only the rich people knew that the lee's like doing this rare tie knot. once zack was done he patted on Vin's shoulder and told him to stop pouting. then the bus came and they sat next to each other. cuz the bus was gramped. then vin came off from the bus first as he had a job interview in beecoming a writer for kdramas. then the interview happened and the interviewers noticed that Vin's tie was bothering them a lot because it looked so out of place compared to the rest. they were about to eliminate vin in the group interview when the ceo did a surprise visit. the ceo's eyes landed on Hobin's tie and asked his name and vin answered truthfully. then he nodden and chuckled and walked away. everyone was so confused and hobin did not get eliminated but got hired because the interviewers thought the ceo liked how vin stood out and wore sunglasses inside and had a ridiculous tie but the ceo had asked his name because he wanted to know if hobin was actually a lee or dating one. now the ceo was curios who lee he was dating but brushed it off because he wasn't that curious. vin had hard time getting the tie off as he waited for his bus. once he got in, he noticed zack and sat next to him asking for help to get the tie off. zack then asked how his interview went and vin didn't know yet and zack then hopes vin got the job.

time passes and vin goes to work as he is struggling with his tie yet again as he had no idea what the dresscode for writers is and it's his first day. zack notices vin at the bus stop again and goes to help him again. did the same tie method and vin thanked and said "even though i hate you, i think you became my lucky charm. i landed the job" and then zack congratulated vin on the job as vin got on the bus and zack continued his jog. once vin arrived at his workplace, he soon realized you don't have to dress so formally to work there but vin kind of likes it when zack cares for him. the ceo notices Vin's tie again as it was a different colour this time because vin tried to tir in the morning again and wet it instead in his bathroom by accident. so he had to grab a new one and getting it out of the package was pain with his injured middle fingers but he soon got it out. the first day at work his cowokers wondered why he wears sunglasses and vin was truthful and said he feels insecure without them.

the next day vin dressed formally again and without the suit jacket but instead had a coat. vin was struggling with the tie and gave up and put it in his pocket as he waited for his bus. zack was on his jog again and saw vin was not wearing a tie. but he did notice that vin had a dress shirt for a tie. zack then jogged past him to a store to buy a pretty tie that he could carry on him when vin had given up on ties as his hands were still healing.

so vin gets to work and during lunch break, vin is about to pick up some food from the store all alone. he was making his way towards the store and he sees zack and zack sprints towards vin. they both don't realize the other worker was little behind vin about to yell at him to wait up and that he is also joining him on the lunch but shuts himself up when he sees that vin is with someone. zack pulls out a tie and says "you look better with a tie" and zack started to do his tie on vin as vin knew he would be so frustrated to get rid of it himself like yesterday. vin then asked if zack was free around the time vin would get off work and zack said yeah. the new coworker behind walked away as he went to tell the other writer about this idea based on vin he just came up with. vin then walked in the store to buy food as zack said goodbye after they exchanged numbers so zack could jog by to untie his tie for him since vin still had his fingers in casts.

when vin returned back to work from lunchbreak. the coworkers asked if vin was dating anyone and vin said "no, i'm single ass hell. do you think anyone would date a loser like me who is so insecure about his eyes that he wears them inside too?" and soon vin got back to work. he read the script for spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

soon the coworkers started to come up with an idea for a bl romance to go along with the main het couple in the upcoming drama. vin had no idea since he was in charge of checking grammar errors.

time passed and zack would always do Vin's tie as vin would always wear a dress shirt to work even though the dresscode was casual and vin stood out of the place so much. he would get comments that he looks like a businessman and vin would laugh at them.

then the day came when vin got rid of the casts and he tried to do the tie how zack did it but still struggled. so he did the simple one to the bus stop. zack was jogging as usual and saw Vin's hands were all healed and he had his tie around his neck. zack still stopped by and did Vin's tie and said "this knot suits you better" and vin looked at him as he couldn't stop smiling and said "i thought you would stop once my fingers healed. i don't mind you still doing this. i have no idea how to do the knot on a tie" zack then agreed to still continue to do this as vin ruffled Zack's sweaty hair.

time passed and summer came and the ac wasn't working in the workplace that day and vin had to loosen the tie as he worked on getting ready to have a first read through with the cast grew for this drama. vin was carrying the scripts as he placed them down for every actor and director. then zack noticed how vin was sweating. zack gave his electric fan to vin as vin casually took it and left the room. the actors in the cast questioned why zack would so casually give it away the fan and zack said "huh?" and they soon got to reading the script. zack the designer got this cast because he was going to play a designer anyway and someone who had the skill would be easier to cast and zack was the only one who accepted it because he was bored. as zack read the script he soon realized it that there was a side romance for him where he would tie a tie to a stranger who seemed to be in a need of a tie and they described this stranger to be wearing sunglasses while having his fingers in casts. zack giggled as he soon caughte everyone's attention. they asked what scene made him giggle and zack pointed out the scene and how he actually did that word to word but the situation was different. zack then pointed out "it misses the parts where i did Vin's tie knot before work every morning and then one day he wasn't wearing one to work so i went my way to buy him one even though he had one in his pocket. his a little dumdum" and the directer then said to put vin act in this side story because it's pretty short scene anyway. vin got asked to the room again and the director asked if he would like to have one scene and all he needed to do was stay still and he would get money out of it. vin heard money and he agreed. zack couldn't stop smiling at vin as everyone in there thought vin and zack where dating when they were not.

so the day comes when the filming the scene happens and both vin and zack had been going through Zack's lines when zack did Vin's tie at the bus stop before they both went to Vin's workplace. they film the scene and it's all sweet as the director likes the scene.

time passes and vin is still helping with Zack's lines as he does the knot on Vin's tie.

more time passes and the filming is all done but zack still does Vin's tie as they both had agreed at one point that they should just move in together because one time after work zack following vin to home not menaing to and vin cooked dinner for them and zack wabted to be roommates so he could eat Vin's cooking and vin agreed because he no longer have to spend all his money on rent because zack promised to pay most of the rent because he has all the expensive money. so they roommates as zack does Vin's tie in Vin's bedroom.

so the time comes when zack got interviewed for a queer character and his character falling for thsi stranger who's eyes we didn't get to see. then zack pointed out the scene was inspired from real events and the person who acted was the person who he did to it first place "vin admitted he didn't write that scene and I could tell because there was no mentions of the times when i did his tie at the bus stop multiple times and this scene was shown in that i first met him like this" and then the interviewer asked that if zack was dating vin and zack then realized he actually doesn't know and just said "we recently moved in together" as zack dodged the question hoping that would be enough.

before the interview gets aired. zack confronts vin if they are dating and vin asks if zack wants to and zack says "hell f*cking yeah i do!" and vin is all shy and zack gives a smooch on the cheek and vin then devours Zack's lips lol brain died

Chapter 48: Ssireum teach Vin x designer Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok slideshow for context

imagien vin was just beating up thugs in an alliway only wearing ssireum gear and then the gangsters who didn't want to get beat up gave vin a king treatment out of nowhere. vin was having none of it until his little boy called asking when vin will be home. vin got distracted as the rest of the gangsters strated dressing up vin and then the scene in the picture happened cuz it suddenly started to rain and they wlakednout of the alleyway. zack was across the street on his phone and enjoying his drink when he saw vin across the street. Zack's heart did so many flips thinking the guy was a expensive hottie who had a long hair. the clothes were really tight on him and zack though if he could get vin to his costumer for his expensive designer store, but before zack could do amything one of the cheonliang fam came to pic up vin so they could go pic up their kids from the kindergarten

imagine zack getting so into "i need to find out who that man is for my business!" only to find out he is a broke bitch who gets money from teaching people ssireum

imagine zack then runs off after the thugs who are running away cuz they think zack is the eye freak's friend but zack just wants to ask some questions but them zack sees the line of beat up gangsters and zack goes "oh, he is a bad guy" and then zack thinks if that is good for the business and starts thinking "maybe he is a good housewife" and one of the gangsters who were laying on the ground scream "ARE YOU CRAZ-" zack punched em lol

Chapter 49: Batarou but Vinzack


Im finally at February texts on tiktok, also there was a last to leave vc au too but for some reason there wasn't the start of the au on the tiktok texts at all so rest in peace that😭😭

Chapter Text

imagine batarou but vinzack au, vin is a herohunter who slowly forms into a mosnter without eating a monster fruit. zack has a bio little sister and is rich because of how he became a hero "iron fists" he has metal,

so like zack has metal chains to fit to his fighting style since all of his gloves always get destroyed when fighting so the hero occasion designed him chains that don't destroy easily. also zack doesn't have parents they died same with vin but vin had his adoptive sister but then she died because of the hero taejin, vin did everything in his power to become into a hero hunter and get over his fear of taejin (they fought and vin lost) zack is a s class hero but ranks in the dead last and taejin is a class A hero because he joined afterwards than zack who claimed his spot after getting beaten up by dg who is in rank A first place but its a disguise because he doesn't want his potential to be revealed and he wants to keep his idol life while maintaining his hero life. and then dg became the person who would allow people to enter s class because charles was in charge of the whole hero accossasion. dg let zack pass because he saw gongseob's student in him, so like zack is kinda fresh s class, he does share the s class with seongji who rarely attends there because he has a dojo to maintain. seongji takes care od Vin's father's place after the father died. Vin's mom ran away fron that city to another city to get his son treated only for gen 0 jinyoung come and resque vin from a monster who ate her mom (during gen 0 there was yet no hero association, during gen 1.5 it became to light) later one vin finds out the monster was a shapeshifter who was taejin's father. hero's father was a monster. so yeah hell breaks loose as vin runs away from the dojo to get strong by beating up heros after his own training because seongji kicked vin out only to regret not being a great mentor for mujin's son. so vin starts off with hunting small heroes, hiding in the shadows. until he makes a number of himself and goes after a s class hero zack. they fight and vin is about to die when Zack's sister stops zack from fighting and the sister yells "STOP! MY BIG BROTHER PROMISED ME TO NOT FIGHT WHEN IM NEAR!! HE PROMISED TO NOT SHOW ME VIOLENCE WHEN I'M NEAR!" zack was mumbling to his sister about why was she here and she needs to close her eyes. vin then said "okay" and talked some more and then zack passed out and vin walked away. only to attack the monster that had been wtaching them fight the whole time. vin then made sure no monster would attack zack and his sis when he was passed out. time passed and vin then decided to go after another s class who was a gen 1, vin f*cking got downed so f*cking bad

so yeah vin gets sh*t on and vin retrieves to a abandoned cabin to get his infection fever down. vin is wrapped in all bandages and sh*t. time passes, days passes and then vin hears some kids snicker outside the door yelling "you need to get rid of the old man in our cabin" "you are the bravest" yada yada, but the kid sounded all scared when they protested of going in until the kid got shoved inside the cabin. the kid was all scared and bin just groaned "if you are gonna whine, keep it quiet, i have a huge fever and my head hurts", vin said as he rolled to his side. the kid apologized and dropped their hero info book and apologized again. vin then had enough of the yapping and landed in front of the kid and vin said "damn, you are one ugly kid" vin said and the small boy said "that's not nice ahjusshi!" and vin got all annoyed "im not that old!" then vin stared at the scared boy. then vin said "i hate good looking people" as Vin's left eye was still stained by blood. the kid was still scared and then vin saw the info book and took it to take a look. "wow, there is a lot of info in here" vin said as he went through all of it and then the kid asked if vin was a bad guy. "im no bad or good" vin went through the pages as the kid was all scared stanidn in front of him. then vin heard some a class heroes scream outside the cabin. "HANDS UP HERO HUNTER YOU ARE SURROUNDED!!" vin looked through a hole to see what heroes were outside. "DON'T SHOOT!! THE-" a gunshot was fired and vin took the hit instead of the kid because vin had heard the click of the gun and acted fast. the kid didn't even notice vin had moved places with him until vin screamed again "DON'T f*ckING SHOOT THERE IS AN INNOCENT CITIZEN IN HERE!" the kid stared at the bleeding wound and the hero outside screamed "YOU ARE BLUFFING COME OUT!!" vin peeked through the hole and tried to see what heroes he saw outside. vin went through the notebook to read all about their fighting styles. vin then handed the book to the kid as the gunfire fired and vin was on top of the kid protecting him as the cabin got blasted with bullets, only some gracing Vin's back. once the bullets stopped vin jumped out of the cabin and started to fight. the kid looked through the hole as he witnessed everything. the heroes fighting vin, the hero hunter who had protected him from getting shot. then vin won against every hero in there using their fighting style against his advantage. suddenly a monster appeared offering vin to join their monster association and vin turned them down and killed the monster. beforw vin could say for the kid to "you can come out and run home" a s class herp had appeared and they started to fight and vin had to run away with the hero chasing after him.

so yeah the kid escapes and time passes and it's evening. vin was able to escape thanks to anotehr monster occupying the hero who was chasing vin. vin then stumbles upon the kid again but he was getting bullied by the same kids who had abandoned him in the cabin and called the hero association after abandoning the friend cuz they knew the hero hunter was there. vin yelled at the kids to f*ck off. and the kids ran away in fear. the kid ran up to vin and said "thank you uncle!" and vin goes "i already said im not that old!" the kid is a crying mess against Vin's leg. then vin gives the kid a lesson that the kid needs to get strong and as vin was about to leave 2 monsters fron the monster association are trying to take the kid and vin goes "f*ck" and starts fighting the monsters killing one of them but vin ends up exhausting himself to

back to this au.

vin and the kid get kindapped and now vin tries to save two kids in that mess the kid who knows vin and some random ass kid.

sh*t goes down and vin stumbles upon zack again and zack is all yelling about a rematch but vin zooms past him to land a hit on the centipide zack was fighting. they both bicker for a moment and then proceed to fight as a duo and letting the helicopter with the kids in it escape safely and sh*t.

zack passes out again and canon opm events happen lol

time skip vin is forgiven from his actions cuz he never killed anyone expect let taejin get eaten by a monster when the two of them were fighting and the monster association wanted tp recruit vin again.

time happens and now the kid, the ugly and the rich are attending seongji's dojo and seongji is making sure vin becomes a next teacher and vin is all grumpy. suddenly Zack's sis is there to get lessons too and the sis sees vin and goes "you are the asshole who put my brother in a hospital!" and vin goes "WOAH! HE WAS FIGHTING 3 MONSTERS BEFORE HE STARTED TO BEEF WITH ME!" and the two kids started to defend vin and vin told the kids to go run laps and the kids went as Zack's sis stood there and vin said "aren't you going to join them" and then the sis goes "i don't think I'm fit to be here" and vin goes "don't you wabt to protect yourself when your brother can't? isn't that why you are here?" and then she went and ran off to run with the other kids. as vin was a teacher there, vin accidentally called Zack's sis by Vin's dead sis's name and one of the cheonliang's fam witnessed as vin was all frozen and the cheonliang fam took over the teaching as he moved the kids to another room to get their lessons as vin was left staring at the floor all devastated. Zack's sis got curious who the name belonged it and the cheonliang fam was all not saying anything until the other spilled the beans and the other fam smacked the other fam. Zack's sis soon found out about Vin's adoptive sis and how she ended herself when she couldn't fight back a rapist. rapist named taejin. (omg what if taejin is still alive and zack has a moment where he lets taejin die when he and taejin are fighting off some monsters when cuz zack found out about what taejin had done to Vin's sister and zack despised sexual assaulters) so yeah zack soon gets attached to vin because of the times when he drops off her sis and comes pick her up from practice. then, one day zack asked if vin could babysit his sis because be needed to do a hero mission and vin agreed with no hesitation as the 2 other kids were also hanging out with vin and zack was off. then this started to occur more and zack and vin started to grow more close to each other.

time passed and they started dating.

no one at the hero acosiotion knew and they would always make some comments pf the hero hunter getting such a light sentence. but zack kept saying they need strong fighters on their side with seongji retiring due to healt issues. soon there started to come out comments that zack is sucking off vin or swimming in his glaze cuz zack is always defending vin when people brought up vin in a bad light. then an atricle finally pops up of zack handing out with vin as Zack's sis is there on Vin's shoulders. and the hero association start bombing zack with questions and so do the internet. and brian died

Chapter 50: Alpha Vin x Beta Zack

Chapter Text

Tiktok context

i pretty much approve this omegavere tier list cuz yoosung alpha like yesh, let him be alpha ekkekek also beta zack x alpha vin sounds real good like imagine it's zack just dealing with horny vin who needs to breed someone and they were roommates. like imagine roommates au of the two at the start and every time vin has a rut and locks himself in his room. zack just deals with it but every time vin cleans after himself after he had his rut zack is surprised by the amount of trash and vin explains its normal and then zack gets curious if this is always a alpha problem and he goes around asking and then he realizes this is only vin problem cuz the others have a rut designed fleshlight and zack then one day asks vin if he has one and vin just says "they break too easily and are really damn expensive. my hand is enough" and zack then says alright and then goes to the store to see how fragile the fleshlights are and zack stares at it and goes "how the f*ck does one break this?" and then zack can't wrap his head around how vin could possibly break something like this. zack then goes around asking alphas if they've broken their rut fleshlights and every person zack has asked has looked zack like he had 2 heads because they've never broken it. then zack gets curious and asks how the f*ck does vin break one and then vin goes "have you been going around asking people if they trash a lot during heat and if they break their rut fleshlight during rut?" and Zack's face goes red "WELL, I WAS CURIOUS AND I AM NOT ALPHA MYSELF!" and vin goes "YOU ARE THE REASON I'VE GOTTEN PEOPLE CALLING ME A BEAST IN BED AND MAKING ALL THE OMEGAS LOOKING AT ME ALL WEIRD!! THE ALPHAS LOOK AT ME LIKE THEY CAN DO THE SAME AND BETTER!! HAVE YOU NOT THOUGHT THAT YOU GOING ASKING AROUND WITH YOUR STATUS BEING A BETA COULD LEAD TO PEOPLE KNOWING YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR ONLY ALPHA ROOMMATE!??!" and zack goes "but i was really curious, but seriously, HOW THE f*ck DO YOU BREAK A f*ckING RUT FLESHLIGHT?!?" and vin then places his hands on his face as he lets out a loud groan.

"I DON'T f*ckING KNOW?!? IT JUST EXPLODES AFTER 2 USES!!!" Vin screamed and both of their faces were really red. "EXPLODES!? HOW ROUGH ARE YOU WITH IT?!? ISN'T YOUR DICK GOING TO FALL OFF!??! DOES IT HAVE ANY SKIN LEFT?!? THE f*ck DO YOU MEAN IT EXPLODES?!?" Zack yells back and then vin lets out a bigger groan and yells "IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW IT EXPLODES THEN MAYBE BUY ME A RUT FLESHLIGHT AND WATCH ME USE IT IF YOU ARE REALLY THAT f*ckING CURIOUS!! f*ck YOU!!" Vin screamed as he left the apartment to go out for a smoke and trip to a store to buy some food. zack was left in the house as he felt himself be so f*cking hot. zack fanned his face a little before leaving the apartment to go on a walk to clear his head only to let his curiosity win and buy the most dureable rut fleshlight ever. even asking the store clerks if they are the most durable and zack would tell its for his roommate and he keeps hoarding all the toilet paper rolls. so when zack gets home he smells food and knows it's vin cooking.

vin is already eating and sees zack with a big bag approach him to the kitchen table and vin says "the food is on the stove, it's still warm" and zack just sits across him and then puts the bag on table and vin raises his eyebrow at him and then zack goes "i bought you the most durable rut fleshlight they were selling" and then vin started to choke on his food.

"YOU WENT AROUND THE STORE TO BUY WHAT?!" vin said between his choking and zack said "yeah, had a whole sobstory of of you hogging all the toiletpaper when you are on your rut. also insisted it being the most durable product they have so, if you break this I ain't buying a new one. but i do wanna see how you break a f*cking rut fleshlight", zack said with the most no emotions on his face at all as vin grew red and then vin said "you could've just said to me to buy own toilet paper for my rut sessions!! you didn't have to go around telling people you needed a durable rut fleshlight for your roommate!!" and zack goes "WELL I AM A BETA AND YOUR ALPHA AND OMEGAS ARE SO DUM WITH YOUR MATING STUFF AND I AM CURIOUS OKAY?! I AM MORE BAFFLED ON HOW THE f*ck DO YOU BREAK A FLESHLIGHT WITH PLEASURING YOURSELF?!"and as they both are arguing vin then says "f*ckING FINE!! MIGHT AS WELL START MY RUT EARLIER!" and zack goes "wait, that is a thing?" and vin screams "NO YOU DUMBASS!" and vin just opens the box in the kitchen and vin sees the f*cking fleshlight and then looks back at zack and goes "how much money did you f*cking spend on this?" and zack goes "idk, dad paid for it" and vin goes "YOU HAD YOUR DAD WITH YOU!?" and zack goes "NO! MY DAD PAYS ME MONEY ON THE RENT AND sh*t MONTHLY, MY ALLOWANCE!! WHY WOULD I TAG MY DAD ALONG WITH ME TO BUY YOU A FLESHLIGHT YOU ARE GOING TO EXPLODE WITH YOUR co*ck?!?!" and vin just stares at the fleshlight and back at zack and then vin goes "i need p*rn to get me all turned on and also this is so f*cking awkward with you staring at me like this!" vin said in his defense and zack then said "oh, p*rn like boobie touching and women getting their holes destroyed?" and vin was about to argue back until zack continued his words with "or guys getting their tit* touched and holes destroyed?" and zack jokingly played with his own chest for few seconds and vin looked down in his sweatpants and saw a boner and zack soon noticed vin wasn't looking at him and zack got upset and soon realized all of this must be really uncomfortable. so zack got up and walked to Vin's side while talking "i just realized all of this must be really uncomfortable for you and I am sorry, you don't have to- did you actually get hard from that?!?!" Zack screamed the last words as he saw the raging boner and his face heated up far more red that Vin's.

"I-" "VIN, HOW WOULD ANY OMEGA f*ckING TAKE THAT DICK?! DOES THAT EVEN FIT INSIDE A FLESHLIGHT!? VIN WHAT THE f*ck?!" zack screamed as he noticed that the dick had twitched every time zack had said Vin's name. the two continued to argue more and then vin used the fleshlight in the kitchen as zack watched then whole time sitting opposite of him and once vin was done the fleshlight exploded and vin said "oh, it exploded after a first try. well the last time i used a fleshlight it was years ago. i mus-"

"HOW IS ANY OF YOUR FUTURE PARTNERS GOING TO HANDLE THAT?! HOW THE f*ck DOES YOUR KNOT GET SO BIG?!?! HAVE YOU TRIED VISITING A DOCTOR ABOUT IT!?" and vin said he one time did visit a doctor but the doctor said it wasn't anything bad and that vin should be fine but Vin's partners should get a warning before vin does anything. and then vin explained more about how the doctor told vin that he should stretch his parents well and yada yada and then in the middle of exhausted explaining vin noticed something poking out of Zack’s pants and vin went "i thought you were straight? why id your dick poking out?" and zack looked all confused until he looked down and then quickly crossed his legs "I AM STRAIGHT!!" and then there was silence until vin said "you should reheat the food in the microwave, i think it has gotten cold" and zack screams "I f*ckING KNOW!"

after that incident vin acted like it was all normal, well he tried to act for Zack's sake because the other couldn't stop questioning his sexuality and kept jumping all over the place when vin exited his room. vin rarely started to see zack. until one night vin and mary were clubbing and they exited when it was reeking the smell of other alphas trying to ruin the vibe. on the walk home vin saw wasted zack, daniel, vasco, hudson, jace and jay. zack soon noticed vin and hid behind daniel all shy. daniel got confused and thought zack was afraid of vin. daniel in his drunk state got all co*cky and was about to throw hands at vin when zack soon noticed what daniel was doing and stopped daniel by putting himself between vin and daniel and screaming "Don't hurt him! he makes the best hangover food!" now everyone's attention was on the drunk trio and daniel goes "and so what?" and zack says "he did nothing wrong! I'm the one in the wrong okay!? he is a good man!" and then daniel goes "zack, he is a mu-" "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! SHUT IT!! Don't tell others that I am in love with a criminal" and daniel's eyes widened as so did the others and then zack hiccuped and turned to face vin and then zack bowed and then looked at vin again to say "sorry" and zack was about to lose his balance and vin grabbed him before he would fully lose his balance.

zack stared at vin as vin had his hands on Zack's sides and zack lunged his arms around vin and started to apologize for making vin try that experiment and then started to cry about Vin's huge dick and mary started to laugh so f*cking hatd as the others just stared about the interaction. after that night zack was so confused why he was sleeping on the couch. zack was about to get up when he noticed he had a Vin's jacket on him as a blanket. zack looked around and noticed vin at the kitchen as zack started to recall everything that happened. vin brpught the breakfast to the coffee table and zack asks "how are you so normal about this?" and vin says "im trying my best to hold myself from kissing you" and Zack's face grows red and goes "f*ckING KISS ME YOU COWARD!"






"MY MOM!??"



and then happy ending they dated until zack got hit by a car at the age of 78

Chapter 51: Youtuber Zack x cencored cc Vin

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youtuber zack x cencored face vin au, cheonliang fam has their own group they make content like a content house and vin is faceless, keeps his face hidden and one time they invited zack into this red button discord vc cuz they needed random contestants and vin was the host of the whole thing. zack had bo idea who the people in there. the whole time zack was there he found Vin's voice really attractive and he hated it. zack started to keep up with vin, hoping they could grow closer. then at a con meet and greet zack spots vin who has his face covered by a chainsaw man mask. zack gets closer and realizes he is taller than vin and the cheonliang fam(lets imagine vin is the tallest out of the chaonliang fam) the cheonliang fam don't remember who zack was and only pointed out making fun of vin not being the tallest anymore. vin knew who walked up to him and said "oh hey zack!" and the others looked confused not remembering zack and vin noticed them not remembering and vin said "zack, one of the contestants at the red button vc version" and zack was really happy vin remembered him. zack then had this plan telling vin "so me and my group are doing this maid cafe competition, please vote for me to be the best maid." vin then agreed after zack explained more about the event. vin was all ears because zack was part of a bigger content creator group and vin wanted everything he could take out of it fame wise and it was an miracle that zack joined the vc video cuz vin had asked as a joke.

so zack leaves to get ready and vin goes to this event as the cheonliang fam had ditched him. vin tweeted to vote for zack as the best maid in the con and then vin got his fans to the event too. so the event is now filled 40% with Vin's fans in the crowd. they all vote for zack as zack is very surprised so many people from vin showed up. then at towards the end became bonus points part. the allied group had to pose to get bonus points. the person who gets the most screams from the crowd wins teh bonus points. vasco, daniel, jay, kwak bros, hudson all posed and daniel got the most screams so far but when zack came to do his pose Vin went apesh*t and started barking and so did his fans and they made monkey noises and zack couldn't held in his laughter and laughed a bit and vin went even more crazy that he started to act like a monke and zack f*ckibg fell on the floor to laugh. others were confused and stunned. zack won that part and then they counted the points and zack won but then the competitors started to say that zack was cheating but vin and Vin's fans screamed in unison "our queen is no cheater" and zack blew a kiss at them and vin fell on his back and so did rest of his minions. then the event was over and zack went to change back to normal clothes and hoped he saw vin again but vin was gone cuz vin got dragged away by the cheonliang fam cuz they saw the twitter videos of vin barking and his fans barking at the allied crew. soon zack also saw the clip and saved it. since zack and vin had each others discords. zack then thanked vin and hoped they could do a collab in the future and vin got excited cuz fame and zack liked Vin's humor. they both kinda saw fame and money opportunity but soon they grew to like each other a lot. then the video of the maid event got dropped and the video went viral because of vin.

Vin's crew got attention as the cheonliang fam teases vin about liking maids and sh*t.

then vin went out one time saying to cheonliang fam he is going a small solo trip to the gym.

only to go film a vlog with zack. vin was the camera man as vin had his face covered with sunglasses and a mask. then zack put a motorbike helmet on him instead because zack doesn't wnat to do all blurring and people on the internet likes motorbike guys and the vlog would be insides anyway with the moving in to a new house vlog. vin then said he owns a motprbike so asked if he could keep the cat ears helmet and zack agreed cuz he had bought it for funsies. vin helps with the moving in and vlogging the room tour not exposing Zack's adress with windows all closed and sh*t.

time passes and the video blows up and people want more content of the chaotic duo. and brain died

Chapter 52: Roommates Vinzack au

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Tiktok context

imagine zack making this and vin goes in the comments "you don't even drink coffee it's too bitter for you, STOP WASTING MY FOOD TO DO THIRST TRAPS" and like they are roommates and zack then buys coffee for vin as a sorry but then zack acts little devious about the fact that zack never said to vin that he doesn't like coffee cuz it's bitter so vin has been observing Zack's behavior around the house, so zack then turns it into a game of what other things vin knows about zack. making thirst traps in the bathroom, living room, and doing stuff with food to see how vin would point out the lies. like when zack makes a thirst trap with just washing his face with only water. vin is in the comment "you literally spend an hour cleaning your face every night stop lying" or when zack was gracefully sleeping on the couch as pov your bf is napping on the couch and vin is in the comments "you sleep like you are doing yoga and drooling everywhere, stop lying" and every time zack gets vin to comment he is so giggly that his roommate knows him so well. then one time zack had a really bad day and vin was in the middle of making food for himself, he noticed Zack's sour mood and locked himself in his room. vin decided to plate his own food once he was ready and knocked on Zack's door. zack opened the door and was about to yell but vin spoke first and told zack to eat and vin left the apartment to go eat outside. zack stared at the food and then ate it. zack then decided that he needed to bake something for vin and decided he could make a pov: your bf is baking for you, and zack could act all silly. the next day zack got into baking and recording stuff and since zack only owned branded clothing, zack didn't wabt to ruin them so he sneaked into Vin's room to steal his white tshirt with a dragon print on the back and zack got himself some shorts. as zack was going through Vin's closet he noticed an apron, like a cute one maids wear and zack was so confused why vin would have that all hidden in here and didn't think much of it and put it on himself cuz it kinda looked cute on zack and zack knew he would get a lot of attention with this stunt. so zack got into baking, and once he was done with everything he put the rest of the cheesecake in the fridge as zack started to video edit, zack hasn't eaten a piece himself or anything cuz he wants the full cheesecake to be shown to vin. so once zack is done editing he posts the tiktok as he still in the clothes. zack started to clean up the place as he waited for vin's comment but there wasn't anything. just other people thirsting over zack. zack started to pout when he heard the door click open and close. zack put his phone down and opened the fridge to take out the cheesecake. zack nicely held it in his hands and showed the cheesecake to vin explaining he baked something for vin as a thank you for the food. but the response he got from vin was. "do you know what you are wearing?" and zack explained to vin he lended Vin's clothes because zack didn't want to ruin his expensive brand clothes and he tried his best to pick from Vin's for the non brand clothes. then zack asked why vin would hide away such a cute apron and they should keep it in the kitchen because vin would look cute in it too and then vin said "yeah, about that apron. my ex- girlfriend used to wear that during sex, it was her birthday gift to me" and Zack's face turned red.

"thanks for the birthday gift" vin said as he took the cheesecake from Zack's hands and walked towards the kitchen to cut the cheesecake for the both of them. zack just stood there all frozen as his face could not stop turning red. vin questioned why zack was still standing in the hallway of the ffont door. so he went to look and found zack still standing there staring at nothing. vin walked up to him and noticed zack quickly covered his crotch area and his red face. zack was about to run off when vin put his hand on the wall and Zack's thought of escape stopped. as he couldn't think at all. "are you hard thinking about my ex? i know you saw her few times" vin asked as zack shook his head in no as vin was really close to his ear.

"then why are you hard?" vin asked and zack stared at Vin's lips.

"you can kiss them if you want" vin noticed zack was looking down at his lips. zack gave a small peck as he covered his face and vin giggled all happy and gave a peck on the forehead. "go have fun with yourself and i'll go eat your tasty cheesecake. i'll save a slice for you" and vin left zack all alone as zack went to take care of his business.

once zack got back to the kitchen vin was a smiling mess as zack was still very flustered. and then vin asked "can i be your boyfriend?" and zack fell from his chair and said "yes" and vin couldn't help how helpless zack was with real romance.

imagine the awkwardness of zck realizing he is literally wearing something someone used in sex😭😭

and then Zack's mind forcing pictures of what if it was zack getting railed in the apron😭

zack never wore the apron to bake ever again untik few weeks passed

also vin broke up with zack that day too cuz he then realized he didn't wabt theyr anniversary be on Vin's birthday and zack was heartbroken at first but understood then vin asked again on valentines day and zack teased vin being so f*cking corny

Chapter 53: Zack gets kicked out cuz hom*ophobic dad lol


This is from jan 19 and i ain't scrolling more up on em tiktok messages cuz sh*t is laggy and i wanted to find this cuz the rest of it was on discord😭😭😭

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imagine an au where zack gets kicked out because he is gay and his worst fear came true.

but at least zacm get to pack his stuff but his dad only let zack take one suitcase. zack tried to talk his dad around it telling him that he likes mira and he doesn't like men while packing his stuff. his dad didn't believe him but he did agree to have Zack's bank account still running with montly home money to buy lunch since the dad doesn't wabt to look bad for the press but he doesn't want zack to live under the same room and that zack can get rest of his stuff later when he finds a place to stay at. zack couldn't believe what his dad was saying as he was confused why did he suddenly think like this and how did the dad ever even find out that zack was also attracted to men. zack was soon thrown out when he had his suitcase and a backpack. zack took breaths as he wanted to punch a wall real bad. zack calmed down because he did not want to pay for any damages at the moment. zack decided to call daniel and asked if zack could come over. zack knew were daniel lived and zack didn't wabt to bother mira and daniel was the only friend at the moment that he could probably crash at the moment.

zack got there but soon daniel got out ans whispered "big daniel is sleeping right now but we can hang out somewhere else. what's the suitcase for?" zack said "oh, yeah we can hang out somewhere else" zack had not thought about that lil daniel had other daniel as his roommate. they went to the nearest convenience store and daniel asked again about the suitcase, zack lied that he is taking a trip to busan and wanted to meet daniel before zack went to his solo trip. daniel got excited as zack tried to lie more. then daniel got a phonecall from his mom and Zack’s world broke. he froze in place as he watched daniel have a loving relationship with his mom. zack excused himself quickly as he said he needed to catch his bus. zack soon left and said goodbyes. zack ran and ran as he tried to find a place to sit down but there wasn't any bences until he saw a lil wooden platform with a decorated roof. zack walked up to it and sat down on the stairs. zack cursed and slightly knocked over his suitcase not noticing it had busted open and the zipper broke. zack stared down at his knees as he tried not to cry but eventually the cursing to himself turned into quiet sobbing

in the park there was someone on the swings debating inside his head if he should laugh at Zack's cursing or just stay hidden until he heard zack sob. vin stopped swinging as he listened to zack cry to himself and curse even more. vin got up from his swing as he was debating if he should leave or not until he turned around and saw the broken suitcase. "oh" Vin's first thought was 'unlovable parents' vin didn't know why zack was like this but he saw himself in zack. vin walked up to zack and said "so-" "f*ck OFF!!!" zack screamed back while cutting off vin. vin took off his jacket and placed it on Zack's head and walked to the broked suitcase wondering how to fix it and keep Zack's clothes inside. vin had to pick up some boxers and socks that had flown out. vin was able to fix the suitcase amd then when vin put it to stand, the wheel came off. vin laughed a little at himself as he started to fix the suitcase again. then he finally said "there i fixed it for you. now we can leave and sleep" zack screamed "WELL PROBABLY NICE FOR YOU TO SLEEP!! ALL WARM AND-" vin took Zack's hand "you can stay at my place as long as you need. now lets leave and sleep all warm." vin said as zack got up as he still had Vin's jacket on his face to cover up his messed up face.

zack soon showed his face under the jacket as vin was dragging Zack's suitcase on the other hand. they soon reached Vin's apartment that had a bedroom and a small livingroom. "the sofa folds into a bed because mary bought it because she sometimes likes crashing here to annoy me so you can take my bedroom and i'll sleep on the couch" zack soon turned towards vin and said "shouldn't you sleep in your own bedroom?" and vin said "i haven't slept on it in months. i sleep on the floor of the living room with my futon usually" zack wasn't letting go of Vin's hand. "okay". zack soon went to the bedroom and noticed how untouched the bed was compared rest to the room.

So vin went to check the humidty water collector and empty it to set it up again, and vin did this to every other room in the studio. Vin then headed to school as zack was washing the dishes. Zack was left alone again but zack felt a little better that vin wasn't questioning why zack was in this state. A laugh creeped out of zack as he couldn't believe the asshole he knew was being so soft and kind to him. Then zack started to cry and asked himself why was he crying. After some time zack waddled his way to the living room again and opened up the tv for background noise. Zack looked at his phone wondering if he should look for his own apartment or look for some side gig first but soon zack's heart dropped when he heard banging on vin's door. Zack turned off the tv and ran to Vin's room to hide under the bed. Zack had no idea who was banging at the door but it sounded like vin's ex girlfriend who was screaming at vin to open the door and that vin can't just break up with her and that vin is her property. But vin had changed the door code number so eventually her spamming the same code over and over again alarted the cops as zack had fallen asleep under the bed. The ex soon got escorted to the station for attempted breaking in and entering because her name wasn't in teh resident list and theu called vin and vin said he doesn't live with anyone but he does have a male friend over at the moment becaus ehe is visiting from the other side of south korea. The cops soon arrested her and stuff. So when vin got home he wondered where zack was as he noticed zack’s shoes were still here. Vin looked around but couldn't find him until he heard Zack's loud snore and vin found zack sleeping under the bed. Vin lifted up the bed to get zack out of there and scooped zack up to put him sleep on the bed. As vin was about to leave, zack tugged on Vin's shirt and vin paused for a second as he heard zack say "please don't leave me" and vin curled up next to zack. Not knowing zack was

Seeing a dream again of johan leaving him again

They both woke up at 2 am due to sleeping so early so vin was the first one to wake up and got up before zack woke up and saw vin hugging him. Vin went to the kitchen and cooked something while trying to be silent as possible. Zack soon woke up and made his way to sit on the table of the kitchen. Vin wasn't done with the food but he left his space to ask if zack needed anything and zack said "why are you so kind to me?" And vin said "well, you are the first bastard who hasn't changed their behavior and thoughts about me when you find out i had murdered someone. Treat me the same like usual. Felt nice someone viewed me as a person and not a monster" and when vin finished that sentence and was back to cooking, he felt two arms wrap around his waist. Silent sniffs as vin went silent and continued to cook. Then vin started to hum some songs that were comfort to Zack's sobs. "Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry? And i'm sorry i left, but it was for the best. Though it never felt right"

"That is such a sad song you are humming" zack said against Vin's skin.

"You know the song?" Vin asked and zack said "yeah, it was popular on tiktok at some point"

Time passed as they ate and after eating, zack opened up about the reason why he cried that day. Got kicked out to find himself a new place to live because his dad didn't wnat to live under the same roof but still send him money to look in school and to outside family and the press. Vin was very angry on the inside becays eof Zack's dad but what zack needed at the moment was someone who would listen and understand. Vin then said "if it makes you feel any better, i am also attracted to men byt i haven't dated one on my own will yet... there was this one delusional boy... yeah... you can move in my place. I know hunting your own place can be pain in the ass and like my pmace is pretty cheap cuz this is such a big space for such a cheap rent. We could make it official and the you also get to get rest of

Your stuff at your dad's place" vin knew in the worse case scenario Zack's dad has destroyed everything in Zack's room or thrown away everything but vin hoped Zack's heart wouldn't get more crushed because he misses the angry expressive bean. Zack soon said "i don't want to bother y-" "zack, you aren't bothering me. It feels nice to have someone to return to"


"Thank you" zack said as he gripping onto his thigs.

They soon decided to built Zack's own closet as zack emptied his clothes in it.

So like the au continues with zack moving in and not asking Vin's help with moving everything from his room to Vin's room because zack didn't want to bother him. But vin still helps him out with putting the boxes in the house. Zack's dad had paid for the moving company costs. Vin kinda wanted to beat up Zack's dad when he suddenly appeared inside Vin's apartment because "the bastard wanted to see what type of sh*thole his son will be living in" vin started to get pissed off by the dad and ignored the old twink and helped to stuff every box inside Vin's room and rest into the kitchen because zack had so many boxes. Zack planned to sell half of his clothes because they were taking up so much space. Vin took off his jacket and went to the kitchen to get some sodas for zack who was unpacking everything and the dad was still here "are you his boyfriend?" And vin said "you would have a problem with me anyway. Now get the f*ck out of here" and vin walked back his own room that was now Zack's room. Vin handed the soda can to zack and zack took a sip of it as he apologized for his dad dragging apong even though zack said multiple times for him not to come. Vin said it was fine and at least the f*cker doesn't know the code. Vin then said he has to leave for work in couple hours so he'll cook something before leaving and asked what zack would like. Zack wasn't sure but he said some dish and vin got up and went back to the kitchen to cook.

And then the two of them built up their friendship and zack got back to his feet lol

Chapter 54: Explorer Zack x magical Blacksmith Vin


This is from this month couple days ago lol

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Tiktok inspo

imagine knight and smit vin, vin wasn't an ordinary weaponary smith, yes he did smith regularly to maintein his money and shop, but originally he was skilled smith who could smith magic items and give enchantments but he stopped doing that after starting his career with humans. the humans were so eager to kill creatures of any kind, spreaded this propaganda to other dwarfs, elves and etc. vin kept his blacksmith shop as an usual place. there were some old friends that begged vin go enchant again but vin refused. he refused to use his dragon magic to destroy his own kind. until one day zack showed up and asked for a plate of armor, vin showed around what he had and zack then asked "is there anything more comfortable and agile? i want to intimidate others but not seem not as a threat to creatures" vin then said "why not seem as a threat?" and zack said "so they know who to trust when i check up. i want to keep the ecosystem good but people suddenly killing all the dragons don't understand that they are ruining the ecosystem! f*cking assholes, sorry" vin looked at zack and then said "wait here, i have something" vin made zack sat down as he went to the back of the shop. vin picked up a ring he had made on his free time,

the ring was decorated like it was a leaves wrapping around. vin got out and zack observed as vin went to pick up a jewel, a red gem. vin back to the backroom and used his magic on the two and made a ring radiating Vin's dragon magic. pruposly to show off, so creatures might mistake zack for a dragon shapeshifter if they didn't know vin at first, might think it's Zack's aura but those who knew, felt intimidated to attack zack due to the fear of making vin angry for touching his property. vin got back with the ring and took Zack's hand and put it on Zack's left ring without any thinking as vin wasn't that familiar with human's traditions and then vin asked if zack would wield a sword or a dagger and zack was stuttering a bit about the pretty ring and the gesture and vin took this as sign that zack doesn't fight as he was stuttering confirming more that zack isn't going to fight and vin said "i'm gonna grab a knife that is gonna help you" and vin was off to grab a knife that was enchanted to never rust and give energy when used cooking aka enchanting great nutrients to the meat. and zack was still a mess as he looked at the ring. it was perfect size too

vin returned with the knife and gave it to zack and zack thanked vin. zack was about to reach his money bag to pay for the price that was asked but suddenly vin wasn't there. zack said "odd" and got up and looked around, he then kept saying "smith?" but couldn't find him anywhere. zack then placed 2 gold coins on a table and left, as he had no idea how much weapons actually costs and in the end he only got a pretty ring and knife. zack kept the ring on his ring finger so people would stop flirting with him. the ring ended up letting zack explore and get close to so many creatures. then one day zack was observing a creatured and even got to pet one for the first time. a 3 headed wolf. zack was so happy to pet it, then suddenly a group of people thought zack was getting attacked and attacked the wolf. zack yelled not to hurt the wolf. the party tried to drag zack away and zack tried to fight back and seemed in distress. the wolf caught on that and bit that knight's arm off as zack was freed. the wolf growled at the party members and protecting zack. zack told the party not to shoot and they've understood the situation wrong. in the end they killed the wolf and zack had sprained his ankle. he cried as the wolf with 3 heads was dead and Zack's book full of notes was covered in blood. soaked beyond getting saved anymore. Zack's first discoveries were there and the book only had 2 empty pages left. zack soon got put on a horse and tied up as he had attacked a human and could get punished for it

zack noticed the town there were in, the town his dad lived in and the town he had bought the ring and the knife. zack saw the smith spot and saw someone people looking bit angry and suddenly they locked their eyes with zack. intensily staring at zack. zack got mad and angrily stared back at them and flipped them off. in the end zack got put in jail until he got paid out. the confisticated Zack's knife and zack said "no, no, no, that knife is a gift from him" (in Zack's mind he thought it as a gift because a knife cost more than 1 gold coin) then zack got recognized by someone and they said "oh, you are nobleman Lee's son. i'll tell him to pay you out". and zack sat down knowing his father would pay him out but zack took that time to sleep as he was still grieving over his bloody research book.

zack then got woken up to the same person knocing on the bars and saying "brought a new cellmate, oh and sorry but your father won't pay the money to bail you out, so you have to stay here a month or until this place becomes too crowded." the person said and zack cursed inside his mind how the money bail only worked if it was family member and zack only had his dad who didn't like Zack's ideology about creatures. Zack didn't want to wait a month, he then got to the bars and said "I HAVE A FIANCE!!! CAN HE BAIL ME OUT???" Zack said and the person walked back to zack and noticed the ring on the ring finger. "did he wear a ring when he got here?" the person asked the other person "the red gem ring? yeah i saw him wear it when he was on that horse all tied up" and then teh someone said "fine, your fiance can bail you out. so where do i find him?" zack started to smile "oh he is a smith in the east side of the town. he must be busy with clients right now, so no rush. could you give the knife to him? I think I broke it a bit and I don't want to see him get all mad at me" zack lied and acted like he had known the smith when he didn't know his name. the person sighed and zack observed behind the bars and saw the sherif pick up the knife on the way and zack did lil celebration.

meanwhile vin was yelling at a party that he isn't going to fix the party's gear. vin heard their story about trying to rescue a person from a 3 headed wolf and for thank you the person assaulted them back. vin was mad cuz he could tell the person was the excited researcher and vin refused to fix their gear and kept his ground "BUT YOU ARE THE TOWN'S GREATEST SMITH!! PLEASE WE CAN GIVE YOU EVERY MONEY-" "NO!" vin yelled and then he saw the sherrif and vin put his full attention into that direction "your fiance is at prison. since you are almost family, i'll let this one go and you can bail him out. oh also he told you give this knife, said something about breaking it and not wanting to be here to see you get all mad at him" the sherrif said and vin took a look at the knife and noticed it belonged to that cutie. vin decided to play along with the act and said "that idiot, does he think i would get mad at him breaking it? i can always fix it. is he okay though? what did he get jailed for?" the sherrif sighed and said "assaulted some people, but by law he needs to stay up a month there but i don't think he honestly needs to. look they look all healthy. now why are you bothering his fiance too. get out of his shop, chop chop"

then the party leader said "wait what?!?!? teh greatest blacksmith is engaged??? with that idiot who almsot got eaten by a-" "Alright, you guys are now banned from my workshop. can you take me to him?" vin said while looking at the the sherif.

back at zack, he was arguing with his cellmate about Zack's book. zack was grieving over his research but the cellmate said zack was stupid for even having it and zack got into arguing about that creatures and zack kept defending himself how the creatures are so unique and needed for the ecosystem nerd talk and the cellmate kept saying it was stupid. vin caught up to this talk and actually liked what he was hearing zack argue about and vin was now paying for Zack's bail. zack was too heated in the argument to hear the other sherrif say that zack's fiance was here. then the argument got physical and Zack’s whole book got torn apart with the bloody pages everywherem zack got upset and started to cry. vin walked up to the cell and saw zack all upset. "your fiance is here. time to leave the c-" "BUT MY RESEA-" zack stopped his yelling when he saw the papers all get back together and the blood was gone. the book was all clean and zack opened it and saw it was back to its state and zack got happy and hugged it and then turned to look at vin who had done the magic. zack went to hug vin and vin hugged him back. "thank you", zack said and vin patted zack on the back and soon they walmed out of there. vin started to walk towards his place and zack said "do you mind if i stay at your place? i kinda don't want to see my father" and vin said "if you don't mind showing me your research" and zack got giddy and talked about how when he got the ring he wasn't able to get close to the creaters at all cus they would get hostile due to people always hunting them and zack had noted that down that every magical creature had developed a hostality towards common kind, zack thanked vin for the ring and apologized about engagement thing but vin didn't mind. "i didn't know putting the ring in that finger meant that honestly. im not good with you all's traditions until a customer asked to make an engament ring" and zack was bit puzzled by it but let it slide. zack then explained how he had got to finally pet a magical creature but then it was ruined for him. vin then said "i banned those people from my shop" and zack got happy and hugged vin again and vin giggled and ruffled his hair. "you are the first i've seen who is interested in creatures like i am" and

vin says "im happy to hear that" and as the two of them are about to get to Vin's place that is above the workshop. vin sees the party on their knees and praying. both vin and zack are confused and then one of the party members notice them and turn to beg them to firgive them and for vin to make gear to slay a dragon and they will pay anything. before vin could say zack yelled "NO!" and zack got all upset and vin then said "i agree with my fiance. i only make gear for missions that include hunting criminals and from some wild animals but i don't make stuff to kill a specific magical creature. stay put" vin said as he started to walk up to them and yanked a piece of hair from everyone. vin then made a spell and zack was amazed and stared at it at awe. "now you can't even enter my shop. go to the other blacksmit, bye!" vin said and zack got all giddy and vin was happy about Zack's giddyness. then they got inside and vin showed around his place full of spellbooks and zack loved the place, the stained class decord the gems and so on. vin made tea and zack sat down to write on the last pages about blacksmith sorcerer and drew vin on the last page. vin sat down with zcak on the table and then vin asked questions and zack answered and gave facts along with the answers. vin smiled as he was surprised to find these infos and liked the excitement in Zack's eyes. vin was glad that he had given that ring to zack instead of armor. then zack yawned and said he was hungry and wondered if any tavern was open and vin said he can make some food and tol zack to read a book he himself had about creatures he hadn't zack said and zack got excited and saw the book fly in Zack's hands. zack started to read it as all the creatures were undersea creatures and zack got excited reading it.

at dinner zack asked "what is your name?" and vin soon realized they became friends without even exchanging names and vin said his full name and then did zack. and then zack asked "is it okay if we actually stayed engaged? I bet my stupid dad has already heard about it and is planning an arranged marriage. the thing is, I bet he is getting me a nice wife who is gonna change my ways os thinking about these magnificent creatures. i don't want that, i want them dead and if my partner thought that way, i just wouldn't feel myself and feel happy you know? do you mind if we stayed engag-"

"we should get married to piss of your dad more" vin suggested and zack got red on the face and said "are you serius!??!"

"i'm serious, I can make

a better engagement ring, i just did that when i was bored and put a jewelry to be more effective with keeping the spell in" and zack said "lets keep this as a place holder, i like it, but a dragon would be nice. you see, my dream is to meet one and get along so i could fly one day! and also i wanna see if they reproduce by layings eggs or like mammals! is dragon too hard to make?" zack said and then he felt a bit emberrassed. vin had a huge smile on his face as he had hit the jackpot. he was a dragon shapeshifter but he wanted to play it safe because of his eye he had hidden behind his eyepatch. "i would love to make a dragon if i get to pick the species" and that made zack excited and he agreed. soon they spend more time talking and then zack slept on the couch because Vin's bed was on the roof on a big big hammock and only way to get there was to float and zack didn't use magic so if he needed to pee it was more easier to get up and leave on the couch

so zack stayed in vin's place because he wanted to read all the books about creatures and vin let zack stay there. then one day, zack went to do all the grocery shopping to shop baking goods because zack wnated to bake as a thank you for vin, then zack saw his dad's buttlers and then zack started to get dragged away, zack punched and yelled "DON'T DRAG ME!! I'M NOT COMING WITH YOU!! LET ME SHOP APPLES IN PEACE!! I WANT TO BAKE APPLE PIE FOR MY FIANCE!! LET GO!!" zack knocked them down and continued to shop for his apples. he headed back to vin's place and saw Vin was shirtless and all sweaty wielding steal. then vin turned towards zack and said "Welcome back sweetie" and zack got red ont he face and walked up to vin and then said "i think we should get married" and kissed vin on the cheek and walked away and he then heard metal crash and zack turned around and rushed to vin's side all worried and vin was all red on the face and got up and couaghed and then said "I'll make our rings match" and kissed on zack's hand and zack giggled and then said "I'm going to make some applepie but maybe someday you can get to make creampie" and then zack walked away after saying that cringe ass flirt line and vin was puzzeled until he realized and hit the hammer too hard on the sword he was woking on and vin cursed cuz now he had to start over.

they ate the apple pie and zack was all happy happy because vin had eaten the whole thing and looked really happy eating it. Vin didn't tell zack it was vin's first time trying apple pie because Vin didn't buy pastries, he only got out to buy materials and ingridients for he food. vin just kept saying it was the best apple pie he had ever tasted. then zack said he might go out again to explore north and vin then said items he needed for his journey. then he said "Hold on" and vin got up. Zack waited as he had his new empty book to fill. Vin soon returned with an earring, vin placed it carefully on zack's ear and then explained he put a spell on it that lets zack to send voice letters to vin's earring and vin can do the same. Zack got excited and then vin explained the word zack needed to say at the start and at the end and they tested it and it worked and vin explained he had another word so they don't get mixed together and zack was so giddy. vin then gave a winter jacket and zack said it looked thin and not warm, it looked like just a red robe and then vin explained it's warm by using magic and dragons will more likely approach because it has dragon magic on it and zack took his book and wrote that info down. vin smiled as zack had no idea that all the magic items zack had was made by using dragon magic. so when zack was out traveling, vin was reconstructing his home, he made the hammock much larger on the window dome roof he had in the middle of the ceiling. he made the hammock out of ropes

and vin put a mattress on top of it incase zack didn't like the ropes touching his skin and then vin added stairs going down from the bed and vin had to move his shelves cuz of that, all and all, vin made it so they could now sleep and cuddle togehter, vin made a nother queen bed sofa on the floor for funtimes if zack was afraid of doing on the air. as vin was getting excited about decorating their home and getting more stained glass art, vin got visited by someone


"you are so cute. a person today asked why i wasn't wearing my engament ring and i explained them about me making us matching dragon rings and then your message came and you should see the look on his face. you made my day, i hope you see a northern dragon. remember to eat!! also your laugh sounds cute", then vin turned to zack's dad and then said "is there anything you are going to buy or commission or are you here just going to stand there and kinda be in danger?" and then zack's dad left.

time passed and vin got the rings ready, he put them in a box and realized side by side that zack's ring was bit smaller and it made vin giggle. then vin got a voice letter *"i found a blacksmith student that got kicked out of their town because they found she used to a he. would you mind a worker at your place?"* vin then said "I don't mind, also i got our rings ready. I'm now going to make a spell to seperate noise on our home and outside world so we get all the privacy" and vin was excited to wait the stories he was going to hear. it had been a month. then zack doesn't arrive, instead a young lady runs to the shop all breathless. she says "some people took him. his dad? i don't know, some people took him and broke the earring-" Vin got mad as he flew past the girl and flew up in the air, vin could sense the robe and the ring being in different places. Vin flew where the ring was and it was on a stranger's finger. vin used his powers to take it away and the person got mad and vin yelled "I MADE THIS, I CAN TAKR IT BACK AND MOLD IT!!" and vin turned the ring in liquid state witht the red gem in the middle. vin then flew towards where the robe was and flew through the window. a lound crashing noise as vin saw zack aruing with his father while tied up in a chair. vin used his powers to free zack and zack ran to vin and apologized of losing the ring and vin hugged zack. zack hugged back and started to cry. Vin asked what was wrong and zack then said his book got burned and then vin put his hand out, the ashes from downstairs were flying into vin's hand and molding back into the book it once was. Vin had hsi eyes closed as he was focused and then the book was in one peace in his hand. zack didn't take the book. instead he kissed vin on the lips and vin returned the same. then vin got on one knee and showed the box of rings and zack got super excited and took the rings and then put the bigges one first on himself and then he realzed "YOU HAVE BIGGER FINGERS THAN ME?!"

They got married and zack got to live happily with vin and brain died

Imagine the joy zack got when finding out about Vin's eyes and that he is half creature lmao he would be so happy that vin would feel comfortable in his real form around zack,,,

Chapter 55: Zack loses memory after fight with gun

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i kinda wanna write a fic where zack gets such a huge concussion and loses his memory and starts seeing people as like ghosts and everyone is worried for zack until one day vin decided to go visit zack after collecting himself because he hated how he got reminded if the past when zack almost died. vin didn't notice how close they have gotten. while vin visits zack, vasco, jace, daniel and jay are there and vasco wonders why the hell vin would drag his ass there since the allied isn't here to gather and vin tells vasco to f*ck off and vasco doesn't like vin's attidute. and a doctor was there to check on zack and noticed that zack was keeping his eyes on vin, (zack had trouble looking people in the face as his concussion has made him see strangers like ghosts, more pale and eyes all rotten, the skin peeling) the doctor noted down the behaviour and then asked zack "Do you know him?" and zack said "Pretty" and the doctor then wondered if it was the sunglasses blocking the eyes. The doctor then cleared his throath and then tried to get everyone's attention. Vin and vasco stopped bickering and everyone turned towards the doctor and the doctor asked vin "Are you Zack's friend?" and Vin then said "I don't know. I don't think there is a label to describe-" "Oh, that could explain it! Well, it's either that theory or the theory that Zack sees people as dead corpses because we have our eyes out in the open and you are the only one wearing sunglasses indoors. Could you take off your sunglasses? So far Zack has said you look pretty which is a good sigh to us figuring out how Zacks's brain works" the doctor seemed rather excited as Zack kept staring at Vin and the rest was confused. Vin then asked more about Zack's condition and the doctor explained that Zack had lost his memory and woke up startled because he kept seeing the dead but he has now calmed down after few rounds of figuring out and explaining

vin listened as zack kept staring at Vin trying to remember who he was and why he looked so pretty. then a memory fragment came in his mind, the two of them were dressed in orange and people were watching and the words of a woman echoed "It seems like he has commited murder in the past!" and the face of vin looking away. Zack was puzzled why he was seeing the murderer as not a corpse like everyone else. Had this man killed for him? Had vin... Zack's eyes shot open as he remembered vin's full name "Vin Jin?" zack asked and everyone seemed surprised and the doctor asked vin if that his full name and vin nodded and the doctor then said "It seems like there is possibility for Zack to regain his memories back." Vin stared at Zack and got closer to zack's bed. Zack's eyes kept on Vin as he looked norma compared to the rest. A nurse gave Vin a chair and sat down next to zack. Zack was curios, curious if he saw vin normal because of him wearing sunglasses or if it was because he remembered vin. zack then placed his hands on vin's face and vin then said "Like what you see, asshole?" and zack pouted trying to understand what kind of relationship did they have in the past. zack took of the sunglasses and zack saw the vin the same. Zack stared at the eyes and the doctor asked zack what he was seeing and zack didn't say anything, he just smiled and then giggled. vin was confused and asked "What you laughing about? is my face funny?" and zack then said "you look so human! I'm happy!" and vin was confused and the doctor noted that down and then said to everyone that he will now leave them alone and come back to check up with both zack and vin if zack had gained memories back and then make some assumptions when zack could get back home.

vin and zack was left alone just the two of them because the gang had already spend their time together with zack and now they thought the of them used to date because of vin's wording when vin implied that they weren't friends at all. as they were left alone zack asked, "I had a memory, memory of us in orange clothing, inside a cage, then someone said you had commited murder in the past. For some reason I don't feel scared. I feel safe with you. I find it odd, because wouldn't people be sacred when they hear that? but you, I feel safe around you" and vin said "Oh, you remember that. The time we got kindapped and had to fight to make some rich people happy but ended up escaping. Is there anythign else you remember?" and zack said "No, just that and your full name. Can you visit me every day? you are the first person I remember their full name and you don't look like a decaing corpse. It's scary seeing the others ev-" "Do you remember your fav snack? I can bring some tomorrow" and zack got happy as Vin was breaking on the inside but now promised himself he would take care of zack until he gets his memories back.

Chapter 56: Prince Zack x Knight Vin

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Tiktok vid for context

imagine vinzack au. zack was ignored a lot since he was the youngest and one day he decided to bother the sh*t out the guards, now it became Zack's mission to tic off every single guard until his eyes landed on the guard known to never reveal any secrets of his face, body or his voice. tried to bother him for days until one day zack almost fell down the stairs because his older brother had "accidentally" pushed him. but vin stopped him on time. then zack heard vin say "are you alright?" Zack's face went red as he had never heard such a sweet and smooth voice. the knight never talked with his father or the brothers. zack didn't say anything and vin was about to let go of Zack's waist when zack took Vin's hands in his own and didn't say anything but soon threw his hands up in the air and ran off

then Zack's bothering only targeted vin but on the level of leavibg stuff on the knight's armor without vin noticing. zack would leave flowers here and there or stick a feather and vin would save all of them after his duty. dried the flowers.

then the knight tournament happened and zack was rooting for vin really loudly. even his brothers made fun of him but zack didn't give two sh*ts. vin won and zack jumped out of his seat to the riding field and almost fell. zack jogged up to vin to congratulate him. then vin reached his hand out and zack took the hand and suddenly he was lifted up in the air and now sat in front of vin. zack took the charge of the horse as he was excited to ride Vin's horse who won alongside with vin. the people soon noticed the prince's obsession to the knight and loved it. as zack was showing off that he got to ride Vin's ride. zack heard Vin's laugh through the helmet and zack felt so happy

Chapter 57: Sacrifice Vin x Knight Zack

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Le tiktok vid lmao

imagine and au where vin was never let go of his huma sacrifice duties, always tied up as animal blood was thrown at him. rocks thrown at him. hobin knew how to fight etc but he just didn't. if he ran away, the kingdoms around would just bring him back tk this hell but with someone important to vin dying. so he continued the routine as there was one good side, as hobin was the human sacrifice he got to eat the sacred food. but that was once a week, a feast once a week. hobin would try to learn how to cook to survive. one day the kingdom next to cheonliang declared war on them.

vin was in the middle of getting a ritual done of him. it was one of those feasts where vin had been all well dressed and tied behind his back, covered in flowers. it was the begin of harvest season.

the kingdom attacked as vin was left behind to eat. vin didn't care. he just at with his mouth as he was hungry. every knight ran past him as they were focused on catching the king the shaman

zack soon noticed vin as zack wasn't much of type of person to kill. just to knock down people and fight from the back. zack ran up to vin, mistaking him for a princess. he cut vin out of the ropes and saw vin use his hands to eat food from the ground. soon zack noticed vin wasn't no princess, he was a beautiful human in Zack's eyes. zack continued to watch over vin as their kingdom took over the kingdom. the prince would now lead this place. once vin passed out, zack picked up vin and took him with him to home. zack cleaned up vin and put him in comfortable clothes to sleep in. on the meantime zack went downstairs to continue baking for his business, he was a knight but he enjoyed baking more. he did enjoy the knight tournaments and all but the knight dutues for the kingdom, zack much didn't like it.

time passed and vin wokr up, he was confused as he smelt food. vin got up and followed the smell and saw fresly baked bread. vin ate it and zack came out and saw vin desperately trying to eat it. zack then said "hold on, I'll get the jam for you to enjoy!" vin froze as he then looked around. he was inside a house. zack soon returned with the jam and a spreading knife. they ate and zack then asked if vin wanted to see the execution of the shaman and vin got hapoy and said "finally that f*cker dies" and zack didn't press any details

so vin got to live at Zack's place as zack made ut his mission to feed vin delicious pastries and cakes after hearing bit about Vin's life. vin on the other hand hid in Zack's place, starting to like painting as he felt fdar of going out. what if others didn't see his eyes like zack did. the memories of the past still haunting him. zack soon found out about Vin's hobby and loved it. vin asked if zack could sell the piece for vin since vin was scared of seeing people because of his eye. zack the assured he could. zack set the paintings up as he set up his stand in front of his house. sold painting and pastries. then one rich guy saw the painting and zack said "my partner wanted to me to sell one of his paintings. he is scared of people" and the ruch guy loved the painting a lot he paid a lot for it and gave the money to zack. he then asked if it could be possible ofr Zack's partner to paint his wife.

zack then said he would talk with his partner about it.

zack then returned to vin with the money and about the commission vin got. vin felt nervous and said he wasn't ready. zack said he would tell the rich guy about it mext time he asked. time passed and zack sold Vin's paintings and pastries. zack got bit creative and turned his bread into paintings too and little art pieces too. it made zack giggle a bit and so it did vin.

soon vin asked zack what they were and zack blushed as he realized he had been talking about vin like he was his partner and not a roommate and zack was honest and a smile appeared on Vin's face and he pulled zack into a hug and asked if it could be possible for them to go out in oublic one day and maybe vin would be able to finally paint that commission.

then zack agreed and gave a kiss and they went on their public date as people finally found out who Zack's partner was. lol happy the end idk

Chapter 58: Barista Zack x Vin

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Tiktok context

imagine zack working as barista and then he got told to act more friendly by his boss because a lot of customers have said that zack looked intimating when he gave out the orders to the tables. zack tried but then he saw his opportunity on vin. out of pettiness he went overboard and sat on Vin's lap to give a first sip and kiss n the cheek and vin was left there stunned. he did not move for 15 minutes and then zack noticed that vin hasn't moved and zack snapped his fingers in front of vin. zack giggled a bit as vin didn't move. zack picked up the drink and drank from it a bit and then gave the straw for vin to drink from it. then zack had to leave again but zack gave a kiss on the forehead and left the drink in Vin's hand. vin was overheating really badly.

time passed and zack could stop laughing and giggling about vin gettng frozen by Zack's kisses. next zack took a bite of the cake and commented it tasted good. zack then told vin to say aaa and vin did and it made zack laugh so much but he still spoon fed vin. he then lifted up the sunglasses and gave a kiss on the left eye and went back to work collecting plates and mugs off tables and cleaning the surfaces.

time passed as Vin's brain was completely melted. also zack didn't look taht intimidating anymore because he wouldn't stop smiling and giggling at the face vin had each time.

then trouble came, a karen was approaching the desk and another worker was dealing with her with a newbie. zack told the worker to take his break and zack took in place. zack asked what was wrong yada yada. zack tried to reason with the customer but the customer insisted and then vin got up from his frozen state and walked up to the karen and told the karen to stop bitching around and go to another cafe. vin then took off his sungasses to stun the karen to stop screaming. the karen passed out and vin put his sunglasses back. zack felt bad and went around the desk and lifted up the sunglasses to kiss Vin's left eyelid and told him if he wanted to get a free snack or drink for helping him and vin said "kiss?" and zack laughed so loud as he let his head rest on Vin's chest. zack gave a peck on the lips and then said "I'll give you my favorite drink so i can steal from you. oh don't worry about her, i called the security guard of this mall to check up on her." vin was happy and went to sit down on his seat. waited for his drink and where zack would leave his peck on Vin's face.

he totally was going to ask him out at the end of Zack's shift,,,

Chapter 59: Variety show actor Zack x Gangster Vin

Chapter Text

Tiktok context of Sweet mobster lmao

imagine vinzack au, an au where vin used to be a huge gangster way bigger than what zack used to be. through that vin climbed ranks and then suddenly became a landowner in cheonliang, and he then built resort and became rich, but he then let an assistant deal with his money stuff cuz it was a headache on Vin's head. then one day vin bumps into zack, not even recognicing him at first because of the overly cute outfit he was wearing while he was getting filmed. zack wasn't the only one who was really overly dressed. zack was part of the cast in the show called 2 days one night, right now there was a mission going on that the lowest points had to wear a magic girl outfit and have full make over, meanwhile the others would be sum else, like, ultraman, power ranger etc. they now had a mission told to them that the person who collects the most people when the time runs out to their karaoke show in their designed stage wins. vin was watching from a far as these rules were told and he heard everything. vin walked up to zack who had a camera on him as he now went to hunt down people. zack didn't notice until the camera pointed out

zack did not recognize vin as he had never seen vin in a suit before and its been years also vin had a really long hair that was put up in a ponytail with a hairtie. zack was about to go on his knees to ask vin to come watch him as he wants to eat (one of the rules in 2 days 1 night is that the cast cannot eat their own snacks and only the food they win accoring to how they do, aka winners get a luxury meal and losers get cheap food, same sometimes with sleeping, a better place to sleep or outside in a tent or sum else) vin stopped zack from going on his knees and wiped Zack's knees with a handchief. vin was amused that zack did not remember vin. zack did his speech thing and gave out all info and vin noted it down and zack ran off when he heard the time that was left on recuiting more people to watch his "performance". vin decided he was going to call his people who were bored to watch this performance "hey, if anyone is interest about a femboy performing, *info* it's his first time performing on *info*. oh, also can someone come pick me up?"

time passed and zack thought he did the worst as they got they gathered all together for an interview before they all separated to go to their stages. they all were blindfolded. zack was sh*tting his pants as he was pretty sure that he failed the mission because he only got to speak to one person the whole time he tried to get people to talk to him. so zack also had noise canceling headphones on. so he had no idea how many people were watching him as zack walked on the stage. the crew there was amazed by the amount of people were there. it was just Vin's people and vin standing in the front all alone as his people were keeping their distance from their boss.

zack almost screamed at the amount of people he saw when he took off the blindfolds and the heaphones. the crew got to put the earpieces and gave zack a mic to him to talk to and zack thanked everyone for coming and that he is really surprised and then he saw vin and said "oh, i remember you! you were the only one i got to talk to. did you do all this?" and vin nodded. and zack thanked him a lot and bowed. then zack started his lipsyncin and dancing as Vin's people were singing along the songs as they basically were in a free concert. zack then got down from the stage and walked up to vin to dance with him. once the whole thing was over. zack thanked vin again not knowing it was vin. zack then asked Vin's name and vin said his full name. zack froze and then repeated Vin's words and vin smirked "you remember?" and zack screamed "YOU!!! FROM HIGH SCHOOL!??! OH MY GOD THIS IS EMBARRASSING?!?!" zack was all frustrated as his first thought was that vin was going to tease zack about this the end of the world like this all wasn't going to air on tv one day

vin was about to hand his phone to zack to exchange numbers when zack got told he needed to move to a new place to shoot a next thing where they reveal to others who won and how many people showed up. zack didn't think in that moment at all and took Vin's phone and walked with the staff to the van that was suppose to take zack to the next place to shoot.

vin was about to walk off until he realized zack had just taken his personal phone. vin called on his personal phone but it was on silent. vin sighed as he tracked his phone and decided to get there himself.

meanwhile zack was getting grilled by the cast that zack def didn't get much people to watch because it was pretty hard getting people to watch a free lipsync concert. they revealed the results not in number order, just where the players stood. zack was last from right to left. they roasted each other about all the numbers they got. then it was Zack's turn. they all didn't except much until Zack's results were revealed and it was the triple the amount the biggest someone else had gotten. everyone was f*cking shocked until the director of the show said "zack got really lucky that he bumped into the CEO of *vin's company* and appealed on him that he brought all those people" the cast started to grill zack for cheating but the director said there was no cheating since it wasn't planned. then suddenly vin appeared and no one except the staff saw him and vin felt bit awkward until a staff came up to vin explaining to him they were shooting and vin said "i'm here to get my phone back" and the staff was confused and vin explained zack had accidentally taken his phone when he was about to ask his number. the staff told vin to stay hold as the staff went up to the director. the director smirked and told staff to ask vin if he would like to be part of the show for a bit. the staff went back to vin and vin agreed. vin got wires on him and vin walked up and zack was confused and the rest of the cast were shocked.

the director then said "we have a surprise guest because someone stole his phone and his heart" and Zack's face got red and he started to go through his pockets and felt 2 phones and he took them out. zack apologized and then yelled at vin for being here and vin laughed and said "you haven't changed at all" and then the director asked what vin meant by that and vin said "we used to go to same high school. he still looks cute" and zack punched vin but vin took it well. vin took his phone and sighed "your number isn't in here. how am i suppose to send you memes?" and zack took it and put his number and then gave it to vin and vin was about to walk off when zack yanked him by his jacket and zack gave a smooch ans then started to pout. vin smirked and picked up zack and zack yelped. vin giggled and said "you finally happy that i finally asked your number?" and zack pouted ans said "it took you 10 years, yes and no" and zack was pouting lol idk head empty

Chapter 60: Fake marriage au for a tv show

Chapter Text

Another tiktok that inspired another au

imagine an vinzack au where vin sees this reality show that offers a giant price for the winning married couple. vin thought about it for a while as he was bored and broke. he couldn't ask mary cuz mary was dating someone. vin then went to zack and asked if zack could marry him. "you can get a divorce after the show, cuz it says the filming lasts around 6 months and casting for the show lasts 2 more months. even if we don't get casted, we could benefit the marriage taxes before we break it off. of course we should sign prenups cuz im broke ass hell and you rich as hell-" "HAVE YOU FINALLY LOST YOUR MIND!?" vin giggled when hearing zack yell at him. it has been months since they last talked. maybe this was an excuse to talk to zack.

zack stared at vin who was at the doorway and zack then said "I'll think about it" and vin did his lil winning dance and zack looked at him bit disgusted. vin giggled as he walked away.

days passed and zack appeared on Vin's doorstep with mary cuz zack didn't know where vin lived. vin opened the door and zack said "do you own a suit?" and vin said "no, last time i wore a suit it was at a funereal" zack then explained that he had been planning a small wedding with the help of mary. since there needed to be 2 witnesses, mary decided to bring her bf. zack had gotten his suit ordered and was now here getting Vin's measurements. vin was a giggling mess as zack was getting along with this stupid idea of Vin's.

time passed and it was day before the wedding. zack was now delivering Vin's wedding outfit and vin was ready to see what zack had gotten him. vin was surprised to see a blue hanbok, what a king would wear when getting married. Zack took it all out and was a smiling mess about the tomorrow

vin felt bit weird that zack had gotten so all out, his heart felt so weird seeing Zack's giggling face. zack put on the outfit on vin to see if it fit and it fit well. and zack said "i can't wait to see you tomorrow. oh! i also hired a wedding photographer, because i saw that the show needs us to have our wedding photos. don't worry, I'll make sure the photographer also takes pictures of us both having our eyes closed so i can send those pics to the show so you won't feel like you are forced to show your eyes on the show." vin felt so happy weird on the inside. the next day happened and mary was there to help vin dress up. vin on the last minute wanted to put the hairtie on his hair. to have his mother and father with him. mary went to get some more hair decorations last minute for the taxi ride and Vin's hair was covered in blue flowers.

they got to the place for their small wedding. zack and vin saw each other and vin noticed that zack was wearing a red suit and looked really pretty. they did their vows and got legally registered as married and they went to take their wedding photos. zack asked the photographer if he could get one really finished picture of their eyes closed by in 2 days and the photographer assured they could do it. zack and vin decided they should for funsies go to a convenience store dressed all fancy. they got stares but vinzack found it funny.

time passed as they waited for the results if they got chosen to be part of the cast on the show. the two of them hang out together so they would get to know each other and what they should lie on the tv for not getting caught of fraud. in the end vin moved in with zack because vin couldn't pay his rent and no one wanted to hire him. zack assured vin he would be fine. when vin moved to Zack's place, he noticed how messy Zack's place was. vin started to clean up the place and was shocked about the empty fridge. vin moving in Zack's place was a blessing.

time passed and the two of them got to be part of the cast. the two of them were suprised. the of them got invited to discuss about the whole contract. vin and zack went there and they got told the reason why they were chosen. firstly a gay couple and the only couple that had a wedding pictures with the traditional korean royal wedding outfits. they stood out and hod to be chosen. zack and vin were now in the show and the two of them got really competitive in their heads. then they discussed more and they found out the "grooms" are going to wear an animal mask so the "brides" won't know how handsome other "grooms" look like and the show is also about testing the loyalty in the marriage. vin and zack was 100% they were going to survive.

the day came and zack and vin had to go to separate places to meet up. once zack arrived every woman in the cast was surprised to see a man in there as zack had been told to arrive last. then the host explained they have two men couple, both interested in men and women. zack greeted everyone politely as everyone was so shocked. then the "brides" were told that they all would now be traveling together to their house they all would be staying at. (i just realized 6 months of filming seems really long or idk) zack got bit casted out as the women were not sure if they could talk with zack but zack let it slide. they all got their phones taken away and soon the ride in the bus began.

once they arrived all the women where getting along but not zack. he had stayed silent as no one had asked questions from him. the brides were told to go in line as they were going to arrive to their first mission. can you find your husband?

they all arrived into the rooms and they all saw the line of masked people. the grooms wore hanboks and an animal mask. zack could easily tell who was vin as he was the only tallest one out there and the really muscular built. vin wasn't the only muscle man, but zack still recognized him. the brides were told that if you guess correctly based on with no questions you get 5 points but each question the points go down and with wrong answer you don't get any points. zack wanted to go first as he was confidebt vin was the one wearing dark blue and had a dragon mask. (also the hosts would not tell if you chose wrong until at the end when everyone has chosen) but before zack got to choose a woman rushed up to vin and said "I'm pretty confident this is my husband. He loves dragons" btw the husbands aren't wearing men's hanbok they are wearing women's hanbok, to block more about their body type. zack then turned towards the crew and asked "can 2 brides choose the same option?" and the crew said they can. zack walked up to vin and said "I know you are my husband. you wore the shame shade of blue at our wedding" zack said that as an excuse so the crew knew vinzack wasn't acting.

time passed and they all choose their husbands and one was left out. they got revealed one by one as only 2 had gotten correct so far out of 10 couples. people were surprised how hard this had been as they had wanted to get the most points and not asking questions like those 2 had.

then there was the one groom that wasn't chosen and then there was vin with 2 brides. it got revealed that zack had chosen correctly and vinzack couple were in the lead with 5 points. zack was really happy. and that was the mission for the whole day. it was time for them go to their rooms to rest that was off limits of the cameras and so on. vin took off his mask in front of zack and vin was surprised that zack had guessed right. zack then said "it was pretty easy. how could i not?" and vin ruffled Zack's hair.

the next day the mission was now aimed towards the grooms. the brides had been asked to write their answers in the bus before they got there.

a question was shown and the pile of answers. the grooms had to pick what their bride had asnwered. with each answer correct they would get a point.

the first question that was shown was

"favorite colour" there were a lot of answers. but the grooms noticed one that stood out "black and grey" the grooms commented why would anyone's favorite colour be grey, they could understand black but grey? vin picked up that answer as every other answer was chosen. and then it hit vin that it was Zack's answer because of Vin's eyes. the hosts asked why the grooms picked the answers. everyone had their generic answers and then it was Vin's turn to explain. "My eye colours, that idiot" vin giggled. 6 people got it correct and it was up for the next question. favorite dishes. vin looked at all the answers and noticed that 9 of teh answers were really spicy. vin knew zack could not handle spice at all but loved garlic. vin picked up the answer mess of the dishes. vin was yet again correct as he explained zack could not handle spicy food at all. vin was one of the 4 who got their answers right.

then the next question was biggest fear.

all the fears were valid but Zack's answer stood out. ghosts. some people were making fun of it cuz ghosts aren't real but one of the grooms said he had a fear of ghosts and its nothing to laugh about. vin picked that answer and time for the explanation. vin answered "I know he is afraid of ghosts, yet he still chooses me." and the host got curious and asked and vin then said "my childhood, people said I look like I've been possessed by a ghost. I don't understand what he sees in me" and vin got an point. the hosts and the crew were so happy they chose to cast a gay couple cuz they seemed so interesting and would be the best to invest people watching their show.

And then my brain died thinking more about this au

Chapter 61: Fake marriage au for a tv show

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Another tiktok that inspired another au

imagine an vinzack au where vin sees this reality show that offers a giant price for the winning married couple. vin thought about it for a while as he was bored and broke. he couldn't ask mary cuz mary was dating someone. vin then went to zack and asked if zack could marry him. "you can get a divorce after the show, cuz it says the filming lasts around 6 months and casting for the show lasts 2 more months. even if we don't get casted, we could benefit the marriage taxes before we break it off. of course we should sign prenups cuz im broke ass hell and you rich as hell-" "HAVE YOU FINALLY LOST YOUR MIND!?" vin giggled when hearing zack yell at him. it has been months since they last talked. maybe this was an excuse to talk to zack.

zack stared at vin who was at the doorway and zack then said "I'll think about it" and vin did his lil winning dance and zack looked at him bit disgusted. vin giggled as he walked away.

days passed and zack appeared on Vin's doorstep with mary cuz zack didn't know where vin lived. vin opened the door and zack said "do you own a suit?" and vin said "no, last time i wore a suit it was at a funereal" zack then explained that he had been planning a small wedding with the help of mary. since there needed to be 2 witnesses, mary decided to bring her bf. zack had gotten his suit ordered and was now here getting Vin's measurements. vin was a giggling mess as zack was getting along with this stupid idea of Vin's.

time passed and it was day before the wedding. zack was now delivering Vin's wedding outfit and vin was ready to see what zack had gotten him. vin was surprised to see a blue hanbok, what a king would wear when getting married. Zack took it all out and was a smiling mess about the tomorrow

vin felt bit weird that zack had gotten so all out, his heart felt so weird seeing Zack's giggling face. zack put on the outfit on vin to see if it fit and it fit well. and zack said "i can't wait to see you tomorrow. oh! i also hired a wedding photographer, because i saw that the show needs us to have our wedding photos. don't worry, I'll make sure the photographer also takes pictures of us both having our eyes closed so i can send those pics to the show so you won't feel like you are forced to show your eyes on the show." vin felt so happy weird on the inside. the next day happened and mary was there to help vin dress up. vin on the last minute wanted to put the hairtie on his hair. to have his mother and father with him. mary went to get some more hair decorations last minute for the taxi ride and Vin's hair was covered in blue flowers.

they got to the place for their small wedding. zack and vin saw each other and vin noticed that zack was wearing a red suit and looked really pretty. they did their vows and got legally registered as married and they went to take their wedding photos. zack asked the photographer if he could get one really finished picture of their eyes closed by in 2 days and the photographer assured they could do it. zack and vin decided they should for funsies go to a convenience store dressed all fancy. they got stares but vinzack found it funny.

time passed as they waited for the results if they got chosen to be part of the cast on the show. the two of them hang out together so they would get to know each other and what they should lie on the tv for not getting caught of fraud. in the end vin moved in with zack because vin couldn't pay his rent and no one wanted to hire him. zack assured vin he would be fine. when vin moved to Zack's place, he noticed how messy Zack's place was. vin started to clean up the place and was shocked about the empty fridge. vin moving in Zack's place was a blessing.

time passed and the two of them got to be part of the cast. the two of them were suprised. the of them got invited to discuss about the whole contract. vin and zack went there and they got told the reason why they were chosen. firstly a gay couple and the only couple that had a wedding pictures with the traditional korean royal wedding outfits. they stood out and hod to be chosen. zack and vin were now in the show and the two of them got really competitive in their heads. then they discussed more and they found out the "grooms" are going to wear an animal mask so the "brides" won't know how handsome other "grooms" look like and the show is also about testing the loyalty in the marriage. vin and zack was 100% they were going to survive.

the day came and zack and vin had to go to separate places to meet up. once zack arrived every woman in the cast was surprised to see a man in there as zack had been told to arrive last. then the host explained they have two men couple, both interested in men and women. zack greeted everyone politely as everyone was so shocked. then the "brides" were told that they all would now be traveling together to their house they all would be staying at. (i just realized 6 months of filming seems really long or idk) zack got bit casted out as the women were not sure if they could talk with zack but zack let it slide. they all got their phones taken away and soon the ride in the bus began.

once they arrived all the women where getting along but not zack. he had stayed silent as no one had asked questions from him. the brides were told to go in line as they were going to arrive to their first mission. can you find your husband?

they all arrived into the rooms and they all saw the line of masked people. the grooms wore hanboks and an animal mask. zack could easily tell who was vin as he was the only tallest one out there and the really muscular built. vin wasn't the only muscle man, but zack still recognized him. the brides were told that if you guess correctly based on with no questions you get 5 points but each question the points go down and with wrong answer you don't get any points. zack wanted to go first as he was confidebt vin was the one wearing dark blue and had a dragon mask. (also the hosts would not tell if you chose wrong until at the end when everyone has chosen) but before zack got to choose a woman rushed up to vin and said "I'm pretty confident this is my husband. He loves dragons" btw the husbands aren't wearing men's hanbok they are wearing women's hanbok, to block more about their body type. zack then turned towards the crew and asked "can 2 brides choose the same option?" and the crew said they can. zack walked up to vin and said "I know you are my husband. you wore the shame shade of blue at our wedding" zack said that as an excuse so the crew knew vinzack wasn't acting.

time passed and they all choose their husbands and one was left out. they got revealed one by one as only 2 had gotten correct so far out of 10 couples. people were surprised how hard this had been as they had wanted to get the most points and not asking questions like those 2 had.

then there was the one groom that wasn't chosen and then there was vin with 2 brides. it got revealed that zack had chosen correctly and vinzack couple were in the lead with 5 points. zack was really happy. and that was the mission for the whole day. it was time for them go to their rooms to rest that was off limits of the cameras and so on. vin took off his mask in front of zack and vin was surprised that zack had guessed right. zack then said "it was pretty easy. how could i not?" and vin ruffled Zack's hair.

the next day the mission was now aimed towards the grooms. the brides had been asked to write their answers in the bus before they got there.

a question was shown and the pile of answers. the grooms had to pick what their bride had asnwered. with each answer correct they would get a point.

the first question that was shown was

"favorite colour" there were a lot of answers. but the grooms noticed one that stood out "black and grey" the grooms commented why would anyone's favorite colour be grey, they could understand black but grey? vin picked up that answer as every other answer was chosen. and then it hit vin that it was Zack's answer because of Vin's eyes. the hosts asked why the grooms picked the answers. everyone had their generic answers and then it was Vin's turn to explain. "My eye colours, that idiot" vin giggled. 6 people got it correct and it was up for the next question. favorite dishes. vin looked at all the answers and noticed that 9 of teh answers were really spicy. vin knew zack could not handle spice at all but loved garlic. vin picked up the answer mess of the dishes. vin was yet again correct as he explained zack could not handle spicy food at all. vin was one of the 4 who got their answers right.

then the next question was biggest fear.

all the fears were valid but Zack's answer stood out. ghosts. some people were making fun of it cuz ghosts aren't real but one of the grooms said he had a fear of ghosts and its nothing to laugh about. vin picked that answer and time for the explanation. vin answered "I know he is afraid of ghosts, yet he still chooses me." and the host got curious and asked and vin then said "my childhood, people said I look like I've been possessed by a ghost. I don't understand what he sees in me" and vin got an point. the hosts and the crew were so happy they chose to cast a gay couple cuz they seemed so interesting and would be the best to invest people watching their show.

And then my brain died thinking more about this au

Chapter 62: Rich Zack x thug Vin

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imagine an au where zack is a rich guy and has to deal all the rich family stuff but zack keeps refusing to marry into any rich families and his own family is getting little pissed off.

one night someone was planning on kidnapping zack. vin was passing by and accidentally knocked out the kidnapper as vin needed the van to run away from people. once vin drove far away. he decided he was going to loot the van for money only to find out a burner phone. vin decided to call and was met with yelling "WHY DIDN'T YOU KIDNAP ZACK!??! YOU HAD ONE JOB!!" vin laughed and asked "who zack? and what am i getting payed for?" vin questioned acting all ignorant until he stopped laughing and heard the full name of zack as in zack lee. to kidnap him to bring him to the beach house to get threatened. vin ended the call with "you stay away from zack" vin broke the phone and he then started to loot the van even more. vin was already running away for destroying some gangs and giving them away to the police. with the help of jihan so jihan's business would grow. vin soon found out that it

vin then informed jihan that he would be doing his own gigs while doing a job for jihan. jihan got bit curious but vin said it was private matter. vin now found out who the people were that were after zack and vin worked from the shadows to protect zack as vin didn't want to show off his face to zack. fearing zack have look of disappointment with how vin was living his life.

then vin saw tom lee being after zack and vin realized zack was in great danger. vin drove his motorbike close to zack and stole zack by the waist before the van got to zack. zack climbed on the back out of reflex as he kept his head low as the driver was breaking a lot of driving laws. vin draw to the narrow streets to get rid of manager kim tailing them. zack was panicking until he saw they were getting chased. zack wasn't sure if he had gotten kidnapped or not but he knew this was going to end up on the press. then a car started to get close to them on the highway. zack saw the window lowering as they aimed at the motorcycle's wheel with that harpoon. zack had been noticing the stun gun on his kidnapper's thigh and zack took it and shot at the driver. zack then stole the harpoon hand gun and shot at the other car that were chasing them as he did not want to crash and die. they got away until the bike suddenly flew and the two flew out of the bike. vin grabbed onto zack trying to protect him from getting badly hurt from the crash. vin groaned in pain as he got up ready to run away with zack but soon tom stood in front of them.

"I'm impressed! what a shame that you don't work for us! would you like t-" zack threw a rock at tom and started to drag the stranger away with him. then the strings came out of nowhere. vin took his knife out and broke the strings but soon got stopped by manager kim. zack tried to land punches at manager kim but failed. zack got tied up and vin tried to get back to zack but tom grabbed him.

"lets see who this mysterious bodyguard of yours is mr.Lee. he had been such a nuisance for the past month for my client" but before tom got to take off the biker's helmet. vin grabbed in one of mujin's ssireum style and freed himself as he tried to get back to zack

"VIN!! YOU'VE BEEN SECRETLY PROTECTING ME ALL THIS TIME?!?!" Zack yelled and vin turned around and ran away from zack. zack freed himself away from manager kim and went after vin. "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE AND FACE ME!! STOP RUNNING AWAY YOU f*ckING PROTECTER FROM THE SHADOWS YOU BITCH!!" zack continued to scream. tom was bit confused because he thought the bodyguard was hired by zack but it seemed like that wasn't the case. the two got captured again and Vin's helmet got taken off and tom stared at Vin's face for a long while. but before tom could say anything zack was yelling at vin to come clean and tell him everything he had done to risk his life for zack

zack couldn't believe vin had been working from the shadows the whole time and didn't say hi to him at all and then zack blurted "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE WAITED TO FIND YOU AND ASK YOU OUT!??!?!" and vin got red on the face and said "WHAT?!?!" and zack then weng silent and vin asked again "Zack, you have feelings for me???" and zack didn't answer as he didn't look at vin. then vin freed himself and showed off mujin's skill again and tom realized vin was mujin's son and got excited and let mujin's son do his business. vin rizzed up zack telling him he wouldn't mind going out on a date and apologized for not talking to zack as he feared zack would be disappointed in vin for the path vin had chosen. zack said he didn't care and had missed vin all these years and then they kissed and tom decided he was not getting the money from this gig as he wouldn't want to destroy mujin's son's dreams.

vin soon became part of Zack's life as he now protected zack publicly and in the shadows while also letting zack know too. lil cuties happily became a couple ekkekekek,,,,,

Chapter 63: Divorced Dad Zack x time traveled sorcerer Vin

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okay vin was this greatest sorcerer in the joseon era, being able to get on teh good side of the 5 important spirits. tiger, dragon, horse, monkey and dog. vin was known as the most powerful sorcerer of cheonliang as no one dared to disturb him in the mountains. until one day that disruption was destroyed as the king wanted vin to be his soldier, to lead the battles. vin denied as he only wanted to live his peaceful life studying magic. the king got frustrated and told to tied up vin. vin escaped but suddenly another sorcerer was there and the two of them fought as vin got severely injured as he hasn't fought in years. vin then decided he was going to try to travel in time yet again to get out of the situation. in all that panic and bleeding vin went too far in the future and ended up in someone's house and vin had used up all of his energy and just laid on the couch he had fallen to not knowing what was so soft and wondered if he was in heaven.

Vin's body started to heal itself slowly and suddenly there was a child in the room. she saw had returned back from her boxing lessons and she stared at the stranger laying on the couch not noticing the blood as she was more focused on the hanbok. she went to her room and returned back with hair clips. she thought the person on the couch was a baby sitter as that wasn't unusual. she started to braid the long hair and put hair pins and hair clips.

then zack got finally home and the kid happily went to meet his dad as she was about to complain to his dad about the lazy baby sitter and zack was confused as he had not hired a baby sitter because he would be early home and the kid wouldn't have to wait for him so long, about 30 minutes after she was done with the boxing lessons downstairs. zack told his daughter to stay behind him as he got defensive. zack approached the living room and was confused why would a bulgar dress up in a hanbok with so many detail and then Zack's eyes landed on the cuts on the hanbok and the bloody sword on the ground. Zack's guard went up as he was about to dial for police when he dropped the phone and the sword was floating around his throat. zack put his phone between the sword and the throat.

vin was now sitting up as he was breathing heavily and the kid thought she saw those eyes until vin closed his eyes and plopped back down on the couch asking for water and "i think i'm going to die, f*ck these spirits and their need to heal my body, f*ck it hurts" vin mumbled as zack noticed the accent he had heard from kdramas from joseon dynasty. zack didn't move as he was about to call the police again until his child told him not to "he has similar eyes!" the kid said and zack was bit puzzled why his daughter was now overly protective of this bulger in their living room, but then again the sword had just floated so there is something off with the man. zack picked up his daughter and went to the kitchen to get some water in a glass and pain killers. zack took the daughter in her room as she needed to do her homework and zack went to the kitchen to cook them some food. vin drank the water and stared at the pill not sure what it was. the kid soon showed up and she told vin it eases with pain and "sir, you should swallow it hole so it works" the kid said and vin took it as vin closed his eyes again as he was in a lot of pain. zack approached his daughter again and asked her if she was done with homework. she soon went to help his dad in the kitchen and setting up the table for 3. she soon went to poke the mister on the couch to get up and sit on the table with them to eat. vin got up as he had ruined the white couch and the kid laughed. vin was a zombie with his eyes closed as he got to the table he couldn't keep himself up right as his eyes felt all droopy. zack scolded his daughter for bringing an injured person to sit on the table and zack could've fed him on the couch. the kid apologized and then told zack the white couch is a mess and zack took a deep sigh. zack placed the past down and served it on the plates. vin opened his eyes slightly as he loved the smell. he stared at the utensils as he had never seen them before except for the knife. vin stared next to him and saw how people ate with itm vin did not feel like lifting his hands. so he let the dog in him out and transformed his face into a dog one and started to eat as the environment around him was so white that he thought he was in afterlife and these people wouldn't care. zack stared all shocked and the daughter looked all excited as she was so happy. zack now knew that his suspicion that the guy had time traveled was kind of on point because there was some light coming out of the sword when it floated, like the f*cker possessed some magic and he spoke in a weird accent.

zack couldn't believe he had to deal with a man from the past but he was slightly prepared as he had watched many kdramas about this, but he actually wasn't that prepared for a sorcerer

vin slept on the couch as zack went to sleep. the next day zack got ready to think about what to ask from vin as Zack's daughter got ready to go visit her mom in the weekend. zack told her not to tell her mother about the man and zack would buy her a new game on the playstation. she got excited and told her dad she wouldn't tell her mom. the mom came to pick her up as zack was stressing but trusted her sweetpea.

now zack turned to the man sleeping on his couch when zack was done having judging eyes on him. his exwife was mad yet again as zack had denied for eye surgery on the daughter as it was a modifying surgery and wasn't needed and could lead even bigger problems that fixing her eye. her right eye had 3 pupils all formed in a line and zack loved her daughter's unique eyes, but the mother hated it. zack filed for divorce but didn't win full custody but he did win the weekdays and got to have most of teh time time with her

zack sat down on the armchair as he had a day off and he had planned he was going to binge watch a kdrama but now couldn't sit on the couch as there was a time traveler on his couch. zack moved the armchair and started to watch the kdrama as he didn't give a sh*t. zack was done watching it and then he started to watch the movie ballerina but before he turned it on he went to grab more snacks. vin woke up as he his wounds were finally closed. vin had woken up in the night to need to pee and vin had no idea where he should go do his business until he wondered accidentally to the kid's room. the kid looked like she had been seeing a nightmare. vin asked if everything was okay and she said she had a nightmare about her dad dying and that she had to live forever with her mom. vin then asked where he could pee and the kid got up and showed the bathroom. vin was really surprised by the lights as he could sense the electricity and he noted that he was no longer in the past and his time travel to the future had taken him really far, a bit too far. the kid taught vin how to use the toilet and vin used it and then walked out and then the kid got mad that vin didn't flush. vin apologized and then the kid taught that vin should wash his hands. during that light vin noticed the kid's right eye. it was similar to Vin's own. vin then wondered if he had gotten himself in here with a purpose but he didn't linger much on it as he took the kid back to bed and thanked her. vin then made a spell to not give her anymore nightmares for the next 3 moons. vin looked around the living room as he soon learned he could light the room with a switch. he had sensed the electricity in the room and it was so much. he noted the humans had gotten so much better and vin wondered if there were any sorcerers left since the humans have seemed to live without any magic just fine. vin laid back on the couch and fell asleep but before he did that, he closed the lights by using his magic to flick the switch again.

back to zack watching movies. zack noticed vin had woken up but instead of asking questions zack was just going to watch the movie. zack got his snacks ready and turned on the movie

vin soon figured out what the black screen was for as he was fascinated they could invent such a electric box to use lights to show a picture. vin wondered how such paintings were so well captured that it looked so real. he saw the fight scenes and some scenes didn't make sense to him. he then focused on the other elements like how people dressed, phones that could send text to each other really fast to get an answer, lamborgini that went faster than a horse, music for yourself from earplugs, the food cake and burger, the weapons. vin did recognice the shotgun but the small guns he hadn't seen before. overall he enjoyed when the woman got her revenge on her girlfriend and then vin turned to zack and asked "what was able to make this story? i can sense the electricity running in that black square that now shines light but can you like explain how it is possible to like show a story like that?" zack let out a sigh and started to explain the concept of a camera while taking his phone out. vin was very facinated by the invention. then zack explained that what they watched was a movie and then zack had this idea of watching a movie about making a movie, fall guy and vin got facinated. zack put on the subtitles and put on the movie

they wtached the movie and vin noted down so much stuff in his brain. cars, drugs, how these movies are made and the concept of actors and that the world isn't korea anymore and that there are other countries. vin loved the movie as he was so glad he traveled so far in the future. "I'm so thankful i panicked with the time travel spell and got here. this is so much better" vin said when the movie was over. then zack started to ask the questions. what was Vin's name, how old vin was etc and then vin asked the same.

zack then ordered food and vin asked if zack was a king or something and zack then explained the concept or democracy and capitalism and vin then asked if sorcerers were common and zack said he had never seen a sorcerer before and i think vin would be put on a surgery table or used as a war machine if he were ever discovered. vin sighed but then he got happy that no one knew him and then vin got up and groaned in pain and then said "can you help me blend in with you people? All i ever wanted to do was to live in peace and study magic but no the king wanted to turn me into a f*cking weapon for his f*cking army and here we are. Can you help me?" vin asked and zack agreed for his daughter's sake as vin had similar eyes and his daughter seemed to be really fond of vin.

"but first we need to get you washed. you stink", zack said with a bit of a laugh. zack helped vin to the bathroom and zack showed how to use the shower and then he showed the shampoo and the soap. zack then left vin alone as he went to pick clothes and a clean towel for vin. vin took off his clothes and went to take a shower. zack soon returned with the towel and the clothes. zack saw that Vin's hair looked bit rough and zack rolled up his sleeves andtold vin to turn off the shower. zack opened the glass door and got in Vin's space to put conditioner on Vin's hair explaining it will make Vin's hair more smooth. zack massaged Vin's hair and then washed his hands and the closed the door to let vin rinse it off

vin then stepped out and zack took the towel to dry Vin's hair and told vin to dry the rest of his body. zack was busying himself by cleaning the bathroom a bit and then vin was done drying himself up. zack then gave the boxers and told vin people were underwear before they put on any clothes and then Zack's eyes landed on the scars and the wounds on Vin's body. zack showed the sweatpants and then the loose t-shirt. vin felt really comfortable as he didn't have many layers of clothing on himself and the clothes were simple to put on. vin then looked at his own clothes and emptied the pockets and take the charms off around the waist.

"i could try and get it cleaned and fixed" zack said and vin stared at zack and then gave all of his coins to zack and said "take these. i don't think these coins work anymore as a currency with how the movies showed some strange paper money and talking about paying with cards. do what you want with the coins since I'm going to live with your money" vin said as vin then looked at the charms he had. charms that were part of the people he lost. he lost his whole fam. vin started to braid his hair as he tied it close with his blue hair tie and put the charms at the end of the hair and then put the braid ina bun and put the rest of the charms of seongji, sujin, mary, jaewoo, taebong, hyungjae and wooseok. his family he lost as he was the last one standing.

zack stared at the coins as there weren't many but he decided he was going to keep them and not bother selling them as they coins looked really pretty. zack turned to look at vin and noticed the hair set up but didn't say much as some people would style the hair like that with their hanboks but vin was wearing a lazy fit. so it looked bit strange. zack looked at the time and told vin to put on some screen before they left outside to get vin stuff so he could live in Zack's apartment. vin was bit confused until zack explained why sunscreen is good and vin started to uplie it

as they were outside vin looked around his surroundings as every building was so tall and there were so many people. they walked as zack told vin about the lights when the walk across a street and when not. vin stayed close to zack as he was so amazed how differently people dressed and how free people were but also how unfree they were. they got closer to a building and vin was bit confused. zack said he was firt going to make vin a citizen so there wouldn't be any legal troubles. zack got inside the white tiger's place and zack asked where he could find someone to register vin in the system. tom turned around as he knew he didn't smell a rich person walking in but he then saw vin and froze. he looked exactly like mujin and it made tom wonder if mujin had a son. little did tom know that mujin was a sorcerer that had time traveled to get vin and vin was now more closer to the time he us actually supposed to live in. tom got closer and then asked vin if he knew anyone named jin mujin and vin said "yeah, he is my father so what? are you going to help me or not? zack he looks like a mountain go-" "OH I DIDN'T KNOW MUJIN HAD A SON!! THAT SON OF A BITCH!!" tom picked up vin as he hugged him. zack was confused but then he wondered if Vin's dad was a sorceror who time traveled. he then wondered how many people have time traveled and caused stuff like thsi before.

luckily zack and vin didn't need to pay anything as they got vin in the system and registered under the same mandatory schools in to his records like vin had always existed. they took some pictures of vin for the id and told vin and zack they would update on how fast they get everything donw fo vin. vin thanked tom as he bowed letting his blue hair tie show. tom knew that was mujin's and couldn't believe that bastard had dissappeared and gitten himself a son. tom owned mujin sometjing and now he had payed his dept. vin left there confused until zack told his theory to vin and vin then said "that makes sense why he knew my dad. maybe that's why i also came in this time because i am suppose to live in this time right now" vin said and the two of them continued to walk as zack guided them to a store to get some food and hygiene essentials for vin

vin looked around the store as he noticed not a lot of men had a long hair like vin did. it also seemed like peopel would give stares until someone approached vin as he was pushing the shopping cart. vin turned around and it was a woman asking for Vin's number as vin looked hot. vin then said "sorry I can't, I'm with him" vin didn't want to out himself that he didn't know what a phone number was as he wasn't so good with all the new tech stuff. vin pointed at zack who was on the meat aisle picking meat. the woman then stayed and told she can change Vin's mind and has vin ever tried women before. she seemed to be really interested in vin and vin was getting uncomfortable and told her to leave him alone. zack soon returned with the meat he was going to buy and noticed the woman and noticed vin didn't have a pleasant face expression. then zack said "do you think our daughter will like strawberry or chocolate cake more?" the woman's eyes widened and vin then said "she likes citrus cheesecake. she kept saying last night when she wake up to a nightmare that she wanted to taste the cake again as it would remind her of the night when you comforted her when no one showed up to her birthday party" Zack's eyes widened and the woman soon left the two alone. zack asked if vin wanted to tasge what cheesecake would taste like and vin agreed.

they were done shopping and made it back to Zack's place. they emptied the bags as they had also bought vin his own boxers. zack gave the guest room to vin and told vin can decorate the room however he wants.

the evening was getting long as the two of them ate and talked more. zack then explained that he needs to go to work tomorrow and that vin was going to be all alone in the apartment. zack was going to leave the code to the child lock on the tv screen if vin wanted to watch more movies and vin asked if there were ay books and zack said he didn't own many books but there should be a library down the street were vin could read but since he didn't have a library card, he couldn't bring the books home. zack then asked if vin wanted go go to library tomorrow and vin nodded as he wnated to read about history and what had happened in the time he time traveled. also vin wanted to get smarter with the tech. zack gave some cash for vin to spend tomorrow while zack would be at work.

tomorrow came and zack went to work and vin went to the library. vin had the same outfit but his hair wasn't braided in a bun and it was just in a ponytail and the charms were on the desk he left at Zack's place. vin read really fast about all of the stuff as he was really facinated. the concept of borrowing books and then vin saw the pc. he wanted to use it but he didn't have his own email to register in to use it. and also vin wasn't that familar using latin letters so vin was bit overwhelmed and went back to reading books until he got hungry and thristy. vin went to small store as he had noticed people were eating outside the store on the tables. vin looked around as he was bit overwhelmes and lost what to get. then there was suddenly men with knives inside teh store asking for money

the scene reminded vin of the start of the ballerina movie and vin saw how scared the person behind the counter looked. he looked so young too. vin walked past the scary men and went up to the kid and asked "i'm bit overwhelmed by the food options. what would you suggest as a great lunch?" the kid didn't answer but the gangster did answer asking if vin wnated to die. vin turned to look at the gangster and the gangster froze when he saw Vin's eyes and freaked out and lunged at vin with the knife. vin fought as he won with ease not getting injured at all. vin was done dealing with the gangsters ans then asked the kid again the same question until a surprise attecked came from behind and cut some of Vin's hair when vin dodged and slammed the f*cker to the floor. vin felt his hair as he was happy his hairtie wasn't lost and he was now hapky he hadn't taken his charms with him but his long hair was now cut. the hair that showed that vin still belonged to the family. the hair that would only be cut when vin cut himself off from the family. but then again people in this time cut their hair constantly that the others wouldn't think vin wasn't part of the jin family. they would just think vin just had a change of hairstyle. vin cursed for a bit about his hair loss until the police showed up and arrested the gangsters. the worker then helped with Vin's food choises as what the student himself would eat and vin was interested abiut the cup noodles and the iced drink. it was so interesting how people have come so far. vin ate as the kid got back to work. vin was done eating and saw someone else put their trash away ina bin. vin mimicked and did the same.

vin soon returned back to the libarary and read more books as he wnet each book real fast.

vin soon returned back when the library was closing and vin was bit sad as he enjoyed reading the books but hoped his id would come soon so he could get a libary cord and borrow the books but then he became sad after he found out he could only borrow 10 books max and vin would read so fast throught them.

vin returned back as he knocked on the door as he had not been given the code. zack opened it as he apologized for not giving vin a code. zack then said the code and then asked if vin had fun at the library and then vin said he lost his hair and then vin took a double take and saw how uneven and messed up Vin's hair was. zack then asked if vin wanted zack to make it more even and vin asked if zack could keep it long and zack said he would try his best. zack started to cut Vin's hair in the bathroom. once zack was done, he told vin to take a shower and vin was bit puzzled until zack said people jn this time and age shower almost every day and vin should get used to it. vin went to take a shower and zack gave vin clothes again as he took the dirty ones to put in teh washing machine with the rest of the dirty clothes. they soon settled down to watch another movie as vin got to witness zack using the remote how to open the child lock. vin asked why there was a child lock and zack said it was so the daughter would not spend hours on hours on the tv and learn to do anything in her life instead of being addicted to the screen. vin noted that down as he would need to get great with kids and the house rules since he was going to live under Zack's roof as vin didn't feel like showing himself too much to the world.

they watched a movie and zack fell asleep on the couch. vin turned off the movie and carried zack to his own bed. vin went to back into the living room and wondered if he could use his powers to get rid of the dried blood on the white couch.

vin was surprised it worked as he felt happy he wasn't that much of a nuisance for zack. vin the proceeded to spend that whole night studying magic from the spirits he had been connected to. this time the monkey spirit taught him stuff and vin wasn't surprised the spirits were now older and wiser but they were proud of Vin's time travel skill and remembered vin even though he had dissappeared for years for them. vin giggled a bit about it as he was back to learning magic the whole night only in his sweatpants as he had gotten bit sweaty. then vin weng to take a shower and went to sleep

the next day zack had gone to work and vin was sleeping late. vin finally got up and he went to the living room and decided to lay on the couch to do some magic in the air. he felt tired and he took a nap again.

little did vin know that the mother had tried to plan and hold zack accountable for leaving the daughter all alone in the house when the mother was going to drop her back to zack. she had paid teh babysitter to act sick and inform zack late that he couldn't come to babysit the child. and then the mother could note this neglect down of leaving a child alone in the house for long periods of time even though they agreed on the time when to drop the kid. but little did the mother know there was a sleeping sorcerer on the couch. she was a bit confused why her daughter had suddenly gotten so excited and screaming unc. until the mother saw the child jump on the couch and there was a groan. vin woke up as his hair was a mess. the child compliment Vin's haircut and that it suited vin. vin thanked her as vin took out all the charms and the hairtie out of Vin's hair. vin started to put them back in as the mother stared at the stranger all confused. she had left the door open when a suited man had stepped inside the apartment and walked up to vin. vin had been taking a nap until the man in the suit who had beeb carrying a box said "tom wasn't able to deliver this himself but he also left you a gift as he felt happy to found you were mujin's son" the suited man left as the box was on the coffee table. the mother was confused but started to wonder if the man was Zack's friend from the past when zack was a thug and involved in gang wars. she started to wonder if shw could win the full custody if she could be exposing the danger zack was putting the kid through.

vin opened the box as he saw the new passport and documents and then there was a plastic ziplog bag that had a black jacket inside of it. vin opened it and saw it had mujin's name on it. the daughter asked what the jacket was and vin explained "this jacket belonged to my dad. it has his name here. Jin Mujin" vin explained and the mother noted that down as she was watching from the kitchen. she stayed there to gather evidence. vin then turned to ask the kid how the weekend went and vin could sense the nervousness. the kid started to explain about her ballet lessons and how the kids there were being mean and vin was about to ask if she really does enjoy ballet but the mother chimed in to say something and got out of the kitchen but she soon stopped talking when she saw Vin's eyes. vin grinned and then said "maybe they pick on you because you are more talented than they are. how has your boxing lessons been going? do you get picked on in there?" the kid was now full of light as vin noticed the kid loved boxing. she got really excited to talk meanwhile the mother looked out of place. then vin asked if she needed help with homework as vin had learned that was a thing and the kid let out a frustrated sigh and said she wanted to play a ned game and then vin said "i already beat you in how many books i read yesterday at the library" and the kid raised her eyebrow and vin said he had read 60 books yesterday and nows all about history and the kid's eyes lit up as she needed help in that. vin couraged the kid to show her homework as vin would try his best to help.

vin answered the questions and threw in facts related to it as the kid was excited to listen.

then the kid asked about physics and vin said he wasn't great on it and then asked if the kid could teach vin while finding the answers as vin lovedbto learn. vin got more interested in the topic and it got to the kid too. the mother stared at the pair as the kid would not listen to her to do her homework but this stranger who had similar eyes could make her listen. it make her so frustrated and she left before zack would arrive.

zack was slightly panicking as he had gotten the text from the baby sitter. but then zack had gotten a text in the air in his office telling vin was home before it disappeared. zack let out a sigh of relief and could spend time on buying stuff before getting home

zack got home and the first thing that his daughter asked was that if zack was free tomorrow to come to school and zack wasn't. the kid did not want to invite her mother to the bring your parent to school day. vin then said "i could put a tracking spell on her to find her and get to her school as her unc and im her far cousin from the mother's side of family. i do feel like i might be related to the mother since we both share the same clan name" vin said as zack raised his eyebrow at vin but then it kind of could make sense that the polycoria eye might be genetic. zack wasn't that quite sure to throw vin suddenly with a lot of snob parents. zack asked what would be Vin's fake past if the parents started to ask questions. "i work for a company private company and then i wouldn't elaborate more. wouldn't that work well?" vin said and zack wondered if it would. zack looked at the box on the coffee table and went through all the stuff and then told vin to have his passport ready with him anywhere in case he would get stopped and asked for his id suddenly and vin could prove his identity. vin noted that down as tomorrow was on the rise

the day came and vin was out in the streets traveling fast as a dog and looked like he was a giant wolf. vin had made sure he just looked like a giant pet with the hairtie around his neck in a ribbon and had his charms around the neck so it looked like vin was a sacred dog that belonged to a shaman or something. vin got to the school on time as he transformed back into a human in an alleyway. he put the ribbon back on his hair as vin fixed his father's jacket. vin was dressed all black as he looked like he did sports. vin walked in the building with the rest of the parents as the parents did not talk to vin at all. vin sensed the daughter as he put a tracker spell on her. vin got to her classroom and saw the parents standing at the back of the classroom. vin mimiced them and went to the back of the classroom. the parents didn't pay much attention and then the teach asked to say their names out loud and say who they were and who they were here for. vin was luckily the last one to go and he knew what he needed to say "My name is Vin Jin, I work at a private company and I am Yumi Jin's cousin from her mother's side" vin answered and bowed as people stared at Vin's eyes and the charms on his hair. Yumi happily said unc as she was happily clapping her eyes. then began the parents sitting at the front and kids asking questions vin was last one to go yet again as vin was having fun reading Yumi's textbooks and learning new stuff. then became Vin's turn and the first question was "can that freaky eye transfer to other people" vin soon whipped out the medical term for they eye and explained that people can be born with it like people can be born with different eye colours also there is a possibility for genetics to do it also. vin then said his father had the same eye but there could be a possibility that Vin's own kid won't have. like how some parents with brown hair could have a child with blue eyes but possibilities are low.

the next question was about the charms and vin said "oh, i carry them because that is the only thing i have left of them, next question?" yumi then asked "how does seoul feel?" and vin answered honestly that he liked how eeasily you could blend in with the crowd compared to a village where everyone knows one another. it was now over for Vin's question time because he woudl not open about the job he did for living and this whole idea was about that so the kids would know what they would like to do for living. vin took Yumi back home as her boxing classes began. vin looked around in the kitchen and saw a random recipy book vin read through it as he wondered if there was an easy recipe he could try

it turned out vin was great at cooking after figuring out how all the electronics worked. zack got back home smelling the good food and so did Yumi. they ate and had their nice dinner not knowing the mother had found out that she was related to vinjin as she couldn't believe mujin was her uncle that had suddenly disappeared. if the rest of the family found about vin, she would get even in more trouble for wanting to fix Yumi and her eyes. she was already on a thic ice but that ice could also break at any given moment

vin was getting more and more useful in the apartment as the days passed. one evening vin let his dragon tail out as he was learning how to control water and zack got home. he nocited the tail and just flopped down on it as he was exhausted and drunk from a company dinner. vin let zack be part of the teaching and learning and vin decided to use his powers to heal Zack's body. vin was too tired to carry zack to his bed so vin just laid on the couch and zack was on top of him

yumi woke up before his dad and saw the scene. she was happy that her dad was finding someone cuz it now meant she had more loving parents. the visit to her mom and her boyfriend were coming up and yumi wasn't excited as she waited for her mom. while she was at her mom's place vinzack did their movie marathon until zack got a call that the kid had gotten kidnapped on her watch and zack was mad and asked her how could this happen. vin told zack to calm down and told zack that vin could try to trace the of the tracking spell and reactivate it. vin did it and he knew where the daughter was. they left as zack noticed his car was all ruined by some rascals. vin turned into a horse and took zack on his back. zack was panicking as he had never rode a horse before. vin went to the streets

people stared as they've never seen such a huge horse run on the streets of seoul. vin did his best at dodging all the cars as zack held on vin and tried to get comfortable riding on Vin's back. vin rode up the car that he could sense the daughter. vin got faster and faster as the kidnapper soon noticed a horse was chasing them. police were after them as there were reports of a wild horse on the streets. vin used his powers to break the tires of the car and vin caught up to the car and slammed his hooves on the hood of the car. the car stopped and zack got off to open the doors and hostile people tried to swung their knives at zack but vin bit on their hand and zack beat up the other guy. zack got stabbed on the side as he finally got to yumi and pulled her out of the car. vin back kicked the car and turned to zack and healed zack from the broken kidney but didn't pull the knife fully out. zack hugged yumi as he told her she was safe. vin stayed in his horse form as he noticed police cars. if he turned into human now people would stare. vin lowered his head to be close to them as zack was thankful. zack got taken to a hospital and yumi got taken back to the mom and the kidnappers were caught and vin was taken to the nearest farm as zack had passed out before he could tell where he had gotten the horse. vin stayed as a horse until zack came to pick him up and vin looked around for a perfect opportunity to turn back into a human. zack thanked vin and vin said it was no problem. zack then said he ended up on the news for riding a horse to save her daughter and vin laughed a bit about it

once at home soon zack saw the wedding invitation. it was one of his ex's sisters and they wented to invite zack there and zack could bring a plus one. zack was surprised the sister wanted to do something like that and zack soon asked if vin wanted to be a plus one at a wedding. vin agreed as he had nothing else to do and yumi wanted vin to go.

meanwhile the mother was confused why her sister had invited her ex but the sister said "he is my niece's father. can't we be civil about it? it's my wedding wish"

zack asked the bride if it was okay that they wore hanboks to her wedding and she got even more excited and loved the idea. zack hadn't told vin about that he had gotten the hanbok fixed and cleaned.

time passed as vin and zack got more closer. vin showed him about some of his magic tricks and learned more about Vin's past and the people he met and used to love. zack got to talk vin about his traumas and what he hoped for yumi's future.

the morning came to get ready for the ceremony and zack surprised vin and yumi with matching hanboks to the colour light blue. the colour Vin's hanbok was. zack had his own as his didn't look that fancy compared to Vin's. noticed it and decided to give half of his charms to zack and Vin's really detailed gat that had beads decorating it. vin put his hair tie as they looked really cute. yumi was one of the flower girls so they arrived early to the place and the groom's side of family looked so happy to see hanboks on a such a special day.

the ceremony started and yumi hapoily threw flowers out of the basket and once she was done she walked to sit next to zack

then the father walked the daughter down the aisle as the father walked off to sit down he noticed vin and said "brother?" and vin was confused and turned towards zack for help.

zack said "no, lets continue with the wedding" but the farther got closer to vin and saw mujin yet vin looked nothing like mujin. "do you not remember me mujin?" the father said and the mother of the bride told him to sit down and enjoy the wedding and vin accidentally opened his mouth to say "mujin is my dad" the father started to cry as he hugged vin and then went up to his daughter and hugged her and said "my brother's son is here to witness my daughter's wedding!" and there was small chaos until everything got resolved and they could continue the vows with more emotions

the reception was such a emotional mess for everyone ina good light. vin found out his blood family lived in this time and the family had closure on what happened to mujin. meanwhile the mother of yumi was pissed at zack for bringing vin. she was about to accuse of zack stealing the spotlight on the married couple but then the couple announced it was all planned because zack had asked before had if it was okay of him bring vin with him and told he has polycorio and asked if it was okay and the couple knew by looking a picture of vin that vin was related to them and welcome to the family. vin felt so overwhelmed and thanked zack. they had their dance and vin that night when they got home, confessed about his feelings and they started to date

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.